Root Cause Solutions For You

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Children with Dr. Adrienne Castrovinci

Fabiola Reyes, BCHHP - Root Cause Expert, Cert. AK, CellCore & Nutrition Response Testing® and Quantum Nutrition Testing Practitioner Season 2 Episode 7

Unlock the secrets to supporting your child’s health with insights from Dr. Dr. Adrienne Castrovinci, a chiropractic expert with over 20 years of experience. Dr. Castrovinci takes us on an enlightening journey from her early work with athletes to becoming a certified pediatric chiropractor. Discover how the Webster Technique can ensure smoother deliveries by optimizing baby positioning during pregnancy and learn effective solutions for common infant issues like tongue ties and palate challenges affecting breastfeeding. Our conversation also highlights the holistic benefits of gentle Craniosacral Therapy for mothers and babies, providing a comprehensive understanding of how chiropractic care can support the entire family.

Gain invaluable knowledge on how chiropractic care can make a significant difference for children with neurological challenges such as ADD, ADHD, and autism. Through compelling stories, including one of a boy overcoming learning difficulties, Dr. Castrovinci illustrates the positive impact of regular chiropractic sessions on attention and behavior. We also explore the potential benefits of Quantum Nutrition Testing and the importance of developmental milestones like crawling for neurological health. With practical lifestyle recommendations and inspiring success stories, this episode is an essential guide for parents and caregivers dedicated to enhancing their children’s overall well-being.

Ready to connect with Dr. Castrovinci and her team?

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Speaker 1:

Hi everyone, thank you so much for joining us to another episode of Root Cause Solutions for you. My name is Fabiola and I am your host, and today I have a very special guest here with us. It's Dr Adrienne Castrovici, who is a doctor of chiropractic and she also is a pediatric chiropractor and is also certified on Webster Technique. Today we're going to be talking about why children should see a chiropractor, and I think this is awesome, because I was fortunate enough to be introduced to homeopathy and chiropractic and I know for a fact that has definitely made a huge impact with my health. Dr Adrian, thank you so much for being with us.

Speaker 2:

Awesome. Thank you so much. I really appreciate this opportunity and just the opportunity to chat with the people that you are connected with, so thank you for having me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, for sure Tell us a little bit about yourself, sure, so I have been a chiropractor now for over 20 years. It's crazy. I graduated over 20 years ago and started my own private practice about one year after graduating. I have a practice just outside of Minneapolis, minnesota, so up in the north, and then I've transitioned. I'll walk through my transition as we go through this, but I started out my practice as more of a sports-related chiropractor. I was an athletic trainer in college, so I worked with a lot of athletes and I expanded on that. Once I went to chiropractic school About 13 years ago, I had my first daughter and I realized I have no idea what to do with these little people, and they're so different.

Speaker 2:

They're not just little people. The way we work on infants and children is completely different. So I took additional certifications through the ICPA, which is a group a nonprofit group that helps to train chiropractors and pediatrics, and I went with it. So I think my daughter was four months old when I started the program and I absolutely loved it. I learned all the things about children and babies and it just blew my mind the amount of things that we could do for young children. So I brought that aspect into the practice and now we have a very healthy family, wellness-based practice I have. Today. I saw my. I had this girl I used to work on when she was 12. She's now pregnant with her second kid, so that has just been. One of the most fulfilling pieces of my journey is being able to see young kids in the practice and then now they're having their own kids.

Speaker 1:

So wow, that's awesome and I think you are correct the younger we catch them, the better. I don't have children of my own, but I see enough clients who do have children or are trying to conceive, and one of the things that has become very evident is that the whole family, truly including dad and siblings. They need a support team, because having children it's no small potatoes, right, yeah, and there's so much that goes into it. It's like a ripple effect when you work with them, I'm assuming.

Speaker 2:

You are 100% correct. You're 100% correct. I work with them. I'm assuming you are 100% correct. You're 100% correct. I work with a number of pregnant moms and so, while they're in throughout their pregnancy and you mentioned the Webster technique so that is something that we do with women who are pregnant to help make sure the baby is in a good position throughout the pregnancy so that birth goes much easier than it can sometimes, and it was designed as a technique to help turn a breech baby, but I use it more on a preventative way to really help mom's pelvis to be in a good position, help baby to be in the right position as well too. So the care for the child honestly starts in the womb and caring for mom during her pregnancy and, just like you alluded to, as after the baby's born, there's so many different things that we can see and help with them, and the kids that are under care are the healthiest kids that I know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I agree. Yeah, it's very impactful because sometimes we don't know when something is off or it's nice to have the professionals to be able to guide us. So, breastfeeding I wanted to talk about that because I have a client who unfortunately couldn't breastfeed and she and I know that chiropractor can help with that right.

Speaker 2:

There's a number of reasons why a mom may have a hard time breastfeeding. There can be issues with the supply, there could be issues with kind of what's going on with her own body. That's one piece. What I can help with is more what's going on with the baby. So if the baby has a tongue tie, for example, that is something that's going to inhibit the movement of the mouth, the ability of the suck, and it can be painful for mom, it can be uncomfortable, it cannot be very effective at times.

Speaker 2:

So that's one thing that we do is we evaluate in our office for babies with tongue ties, and you won't believe how many people will come in and I'll be looking at the two-month-old and I'm like, oh, we've got a lip tie here and a tongue tie. Have you had that addressed? And they're like no, they said it was fine. Or they said there isn't one. I'm like there is, it's right here, you can see it. And there are other practitioners who are certified in tongue tie evaluation and treatment. I wouldn't say that I'm that, but I've seen enough to know that when there's one, to know when there's the problems.

Speaker 2:

So that's the number one thing is looking and evaluating the baby's physical. That is one physical constraint the baby can have. Another would be challenges with their palate. So the palate is the area in the upper part of the mouth, in the back of the mouth, and we do a lot of cranial work in our office. So gentle craniosacral type therapy where you can gently it's all very gently manipulate and move the cranial bones. So doing some cranial work inside the mouth of the baby can help the suck and can help the baby's ability to breastfeed.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, definitely Funny. Today I had a chiropractic appointment and we're doing some cranial work and I have to say it's like the best part of the appointment. It's so relaxing. So pregnancy, so with women do you help women with fertility or they typically already come to you when they're already pregnant and need chiropractic care?

Speaker 2:

A little bit of both. I would say more the latter. I wouldn't say I specialize in helping with fertility. There have been patients that I've worked on that have had problems conceiving or concerns with conceiving. And once we start working on mom, helping her with some of her nutrition and then working on her low back, where the nerves are, that all go to the uterine area, the reproductive organs excuse me, I have had some women that have conceived but that's not a focus in my practice. I would say a majority of the patients that come in that are under chiropractic care, their pregnancy. They have either been patients of mine prior to or they come in as a pregnant and we do a lot of work as a woman.

Speaker 2:

When a woman is pregnant, there's a lot of stress and tension on the abdominal area. Obviously that's where the weight is, so the weight distribution changes. The big thing we see with pregnant moms is pain in their SI joints or their hips, pain in their upper back because their center of gravity has moved forward so they're pulling their body backwards. We see a lot of headaches. We see a lot of neck tension, sciatica, which is like the pain down the leg in the back. So all of those things can be addressed, and are addressed with chiropractic care, for sure during pregnancy.

Speaker 1:

Wow, that's a great way to support, and what a natural way, right? Oh, absolutely yeah, because then natural births, like giving birth naturally is such a gift for women to be able to help them set up, get their bodies ready for such a process. We've been doing it for thousands of years and obviously when there's the need of a C-section, due to whatever might be going on, where a natural birth is not feasible, obviously we have to go that way. Of course, but again, the gift of being able to give birth naturally because you were born right, getting all that bacteria as we're coming into this world to be able to have a better immune system and all that stuff that you find it that with the work that you do natural birth, it's a little easier to take on 100%.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, the Webster technique that you mentioned before is a technique to make sure that the baby is in a good position. If the pelvis is a little bit twisted or torqued, I like to use my hands. I'm Italian, so I use my hands whenever I talk. Forgive me, but the pelvis is like a bowl. Okay, if you think about a woman's pelvis, and if the hip is pulled back or if it is twisted or torqued at all, that bowl and that area where the baby sits can become twisted or can become smaller actually, so the area of the baby. It's hard for a pelvis to expand when it's tilted or if it's twisted or if it's tight on one side. So what we focus on is making sure that the pelvis is flexible, it's able to move, there isn't that restriction, and then we work on the ligaments in the front of the pelvis, like in the front of the mom, and that helps to balance it out as well too. So the whole focus is to make sure that that baby can nestle in, head down in a proper position because the pelvis is wide enough enough, if you will and then, once the baby is ready to be born, when birth happens, then the pelvis is able to expand properly because it's not under restriction anymore. So that's really what we do and there was a period of time that we stopped doing this in our practice, which I think I need to get back to.

Speaker 2:

We had taken a number of statistics after our moms had given birth and I want to say we had 50 or so moms that we surveyed and looked at all of them. I think we had two C-sections, which is well below the 30% or 33% C-section rate that we have here in Minnesota. We had two that had C-sections and a majority of the moms had labor from start to finish in 12 hours was the average with our moms. I have one that has a baby. Basically, she sneezes and her baby's born. That's just how she rolls.

Speaker 2:

But her last baby was born at home because her contraction started and they weren't able to get to the hospital and her husband's a fireman. So it worked out OK. But but yeah, so labor times are shorter with chiropractic care. The C-section rate is less with chiropractic care. Mom's ability to recover is faster with chiropractic care. Mom's level of comfort throughout the pregnancy is better with chiropractic care. So all of these things all add up to whenever someone is pregnant, they should have a pediatric certified chiropractor or a Webster certified chiropractor in their arsenal.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's for sure. So, children, do you see adults as well? Of course yeah.

Speaker 2:

Nope, of course yeah no, but I see all of the above. I think what drove me to start working with children is having my own child. My birth with her was not ideal. I didn't have as much of the Webster technique done during my own birth, and so after she was born I could tell that her body had been through some trauma after her birth. So I have a good friend of mine who I went to chiropractic school with, who I would refer my little babies to because I didn't really know what to do and I'm like you know what.

Speaker 2:

I really need to learn how to do this because I was seeing more and more in my practice and I wanted to be able to best serve my current clients and be able to expand into this other realm of working with children, where we're not really taught much of it. In school we had a class in pediatrics, so it wasn't really much. So it really. After having my own child I realized, wow, I need to learn so much more. And it's really like my patient not my patients. My team that I work with here in my office always know just how excited I get when I've got a new baby on the schedule. It just fills my soul and makes me extremely happy, because it just is exactly what I'm supposed to be doing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's awesome. Could you share some case studies or any patients with sex injuries from with children? I think unfortunately, right now we're dealing with a lot of learning disabilities, right, or attention deficit disorder. As adults some people may suffer from it, but as kids, like kids, it's rough being in school, homework and friends and home and stuff like that. So could you have those chiropractic fit into supporting a kid's life when they're going through this type of situations? Sure.

Speaker 2:

You mentioned the attention, so let's focus on that piece for a second. I do work with a number of kids who do have neurological challenges, such as ADD, adhd, autism and other neurological concerns, and chiropractic care helps these children a lot because we help to calm that nervous system. So the nervous system, as you may know, is made up of two parts. So there's the sympathetic nervous system, which is your fight or flight. There is your parasympathetic, which is more your rest and digest and calming, and a lot of times children are put into this higher stress state more of that sympathetic response, higher, a higher stress state to that more of that sympathetic response. So doing chiropractic adjustments and doing kind of gentle cranial work that you and I just discussed before really helps to stimulate that parasympathetic part of the nervous system so that the child can be more calm.

Speaker 2:

I have a little boy who I've worked on. He's not a little boy, he's six feet tall now but when he was four he would come in and he'd had some neurological concerns because when he was born his head was fused so he had to have surgery as an infant to basically open up his skull and he has some learning challenges as a result of that and when he was little his mom started bringing me in for his attention and we started adjusting him and working on him and he called them his wiggles. So he was really w attention and we started adjusting him and working on him and he called them his wiggles and so he was really wiggly. And then when he'd get adjusted, his body would be a lot more calm. He'd be able to sit in school, he'd be able to go through his day and then after a few more days or at that time was, I think it was a week Okay, it was time to get the wiggles out, and so then he'd come in for his adjustment. We saw him every two weeks for years. Until now I see them, I see the whole family, once a month. I just saw them on Monday of this past week and he's 15 and he's thriving and it's amazing. But that's just one example of when we work on children who have attention challenges. It helps to calm them because it helps give their nervous system a bit of a reset.

Speaker 2:

Children and people, but mostly children, are. If they're uncomfortable, if their body is, there's something wrong with how their spine is functioning, how their nervous system is functioning. They don't know how to react, other than to cry, other than to be fidgety, other than to most children don't say mom, I have a headache. So they act out, they have behaviors. The same with the autistic community, especially if they're nonverbal when their body is uncomfortable, they don't know how else to respond. But to give you those pain cues, acting out, having behaviors, that kind of thing. So chiropractic care does help to reduce those behaviors because the child's feeling more comfortable. It takes that piece out of the equation.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and it's that communication system from them to us. We don't know, and sometimes I'm first. The reaction might be stop moving or stop fidgeting, or like nudging, or. And again, I believe our education system is unfortunately not set up for success. I think our teachers are way under pay and overworked. They don't have the support system that, at least I remember when I was in school. It's very different to what kids are experiencing right now when they're going to school, and so to empower kids with some tools as well, when they're getting upset or something happens because, like you said, they're, they're stressed too, you know, they also go through their own emotional bandwidth and their buckets sometimes are, you know, a little more sensitive, right? They're a little more than probably some of us adults. So absolutely.

Speaker 2:

They don't know how to, they don't know how to handle it at times. Paying that into, you mentioned with kind of kind of the ADHD and that if you look at more of a younger child, so more of a newborn or infant, the big thing I'll see is colic, so a baby that's unable to soothe or unable to sleep or is really gassy or is just extremely uncomfortable. I see that that's extremely common for me and that's one of the number one things that we can do is help kids like that for the same exact reasons. Their bodies are uncomfortable and they have nothing else to do other than to cry. They're unable, they're uncomfortable laying there, they're uncomfortable so at sometimes even being held. So chiropractic care and the dental work that we do and you mentioned this in the beginning really helps the whole family, because if the baby's able to sleep, then mom is able to sleep.

Speaker 2:

I have a seven-week-old that just came in last week. I think I started seeing her as a new patient, Very fussy, very gassy, only sleeping two to three hours at a time and then waking up screaming, and it was interesting. Her parents thought that she was so strong because she kept holding her head up right born. But she's holding up her head, like it's so weird she wants to stand up and she's holding her head up. We just think she's really strong and I'm like she's not strong. Her body's tense, so her full spine and the area the covering around her brain and spinal cord was tight.

Speaker 2:

Because her birth was a very challenging birth. Mom ended up having a C-section because she was not coming down and progressing properly. So the baby had a very traumatic birth experience. But even before that she was probably stuck on her pelvis in an abnormal position. So after baby comes out she's still stuck in that abnormal position and she's unable to calm, unable to relax, unable to soothe. So I've been working on them for about for almost two weeks now and the baby is sleeping. She slept, I think, eight hours last night and then she woke up, she fed, she went back to bed for three more hours. So mom is this is the best. She's not gassy anymore. She's still got some tension in her head and that's what we're working on with her because she still doesn't bend and she isn't quite as bendy as she should be yet, but it's been a week and a half and she's doing awesome already. So it's huge.

Speaker 1:

Wow, yeah, and I'm sure that that impacts the whole family. Mom can't sleep, dad can't sleep, sleeveless can't sleep. People are not snappy with one another because of the lack of sleep, and I'm sure that also impacts how a woman may prevent postpartum depression.

Speaker 2:

Completely yes, you are absolutely right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, All the minerals we need, all the vitamins we need. Growing a baby it's truly an art and gosh mothers, they're everything. Whatever we can do to support them, because it takes a village to be able to raise a family. Yeah, I was going to ask you about sleep and bedwetting. Is chiropractic something that can assist a kid who's going through something like that? Absolutely.

Speaker 2:

I look at those two things a little separately. So sleep, most definitely, and that ties into what we spoke upon earlier. If the child is uncomfortable, they're not going to necessarily sleep as well. If your neck is bothering you, sometimes you wake up in the middle of the night. Same thing with a child or a baby. So of course chiropractic care helps with that, helps calm that nervous system so they're a little easier to relax.

Speaker 2:

As far as bedwetting, there's a number of different causes with bedwetting, and so the big thing is assessing and finding out what that actual cause is. I had one girl that I worked on a few years back who was at night for the longest time, was actually on a trampoline, fell, hit her tailbone and then started wetting the bed. So that was a very clear reason why that mechanical insult to her nervous system in that lower back area. All those nerves go to the bladder. It was affecting the communication between the two.

Speaker 2:

So there can be mechanical reasons or those kinds of restrictions, and that's usually the first thing that we look at. If a kid is wetting the bed, I look at the tailbone, I look at the lumbar spine, the spots in the lower part of the back, because those nerves go to the bladder, those nerves go to those areas. There can also be other as well too. Muscle testing that once we've cleared the parasites and helped with healing that aspect of the body, then they're no longer having the bedwetting issues. Then also looking at stress or looking at other there's other neurological things that can be a piece of the puzzle. So figuring out the cause and then addressing it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's awesome. Tell us what is quantum nutrition testing and how does that incorporate with? Because you do chiropractic and I'm sure nutrition has a lot to do with keeping those adjustments in as long as possible. Absolutely.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, quantum nutrition testing that is the newest piece of my chiropractic journey. I started doing that about two years ago and basically it's a technique of muscle testing, essentially to look at what the cause of what's going on with the body. And what I'm finding is that a lot of my chiropractic patients, once we start getting them on a nutrition program where we're eliminating the toxins, helping to clear the parasites, those kinds of things, then their adjustments hold so much better because their level of inflammation in their body has gone down. It's amazing. I didn't know. I didn't really know what to expect when I started incorporating that into the practice. And yes, so patients are starting to feel better, they're having better digestion, they're having less stress, the less issues, you name it but then their adjustments are feeling so much better, their body is feeling so much better because they no longer have that constant level of stress inside their body and the nervous system and immune system. Really cool game changer.

Speaker 1:

That's awesome. Have you found that quantum nutrition testing has helped with specifically like babies or people or kids who are like in the spectrum, something they don't want to be touched? Has that made it easier for you?

Speaker 2:

I don't have a number of children yet in my practice that are on my nutrition programs that have those exact types of things. I primarily have been working with adults and with my current patient base I have had a couple of children like teenagers that I've worked with, but not necessarily the younger ones yet, so I can't quite speak to that. But I do have a number of colleagues that have had their children or patients with autism, have gone through nutrition protocols and they've helped with clearing metals and clearing parasites and those kinds of things and they've seen amazing results. I just haven't personally yet seen it in practice.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I find that also using quantum nutrition testing, especially with babies, I'm like, oh, I cannot push in this baby's arm. They're not holding it up yet, so what can I do? So that's why it's one of the things that got me into also getting trained with quantum nutrition testing, because I was like I can test the baby. Now you know what I mean. You could use an extension cord or someone else. But if I'm flying solo and I have a baby on the schedule, then I'm like what am I going to do? So it used to be like a schedule orchestrating. Oh, we have to schedule mom and baby when I'm not flying solo. But now with quantum nutrition testing, I'm like I can do it without messing up the flow too much.

Speaker 2:

That's really cool. Have you worked with a number of babies with?

Speaker 1:

it as well. I only have a couple babies, and not too many. I mainly work with women but, yeah, when moms get pregnant and clients get pregnant, I'm like great, bring your baby now. It's starting young, like we were talking about Absolutely Awesome. Are there any other case stories that you'd like to share with us? As far as, like other mom or even dad Like sometimes we forget about dads- it's very true.

Speaker 2:

I do have a number of dads that bring their children in as well too, and it yeah, I have one in particular. One thing that I wanted to chat about with children is that people, they have these milestones right. They have their rolling and their sitting and their crawling and their standing milestones. And a number of patients and I don't know if you've experienced this too, but a lot of people will be like my kid didn't even crawl, they just started walking. And I'm like, as a neurological chiropractor, I'm like no, you need to have the cross crawl, because that helps with their brain development and helps with all kinds of different things. So that cross pattern is so important for motor development. And so I have a little girl that I've been working on since she was probably two or three months old. She's now 11 months old and her dad brings her in.

Speaker 2:

So, speaking of dads, that's what made me think of her and her dad brings her in. I'm like, is she crawling? Because this is about a month ago. She should be crawling by 10 months old. And he's no, she just gets up and she does an army crawl.

Speaker 2:

And so I got her on the ground and she lifts up her hands and does almost like an up dog, like a yoga pose, but she doesn't get up on all fours and so I try to put her knees underneath her and because her head's looking down and she hadn't been in probably two months since her head was stuck looking down she couldn't get in that all fours position to start to crawl.

Speaker 2:

So all she's doing is pulling her body up and she was unable to get into that position. So we started working with her. So I started obviously adjusting her neck and working on her hip, because her right hip was really tight. She was hiking her hip with her right hip, right foot. If you've seen babies like not crawling but like scooting with one foot, it may look cute but neurologically it's a disaster. You don't want to do it. We started working with her, gave mom and dad some exercises to do at home with her and I'm happy to say they came in on this Wednesday and she's on all fours, she's crawling, she is doing fantastic and that is one thing that if a person or a child is not crawling or skips that crawling process, we need to go back.

Speaker 1:

We need to work on them and we need to fix it, because that can be a huge problem if they get older. Wow, that's so interesting. Yeah, I would have never thought about. Yeah, you're like, my kid is advanced. Yeah, there might be advanced. Yes, of course.

Speaker 2:

But that is not a way that they're advanced right. They're advanced in other ways, but yeah, it's. It's a lot of these things that we people don't really realize, and I think that's the take home with all of this is a lot of times people think that's just normal or that's just OK, or a baby's just cry. There could really be something going on. So I just encourage your listeners to, if they have a baby that has been uncomfortable or has skipped crawling or has a hard time with attention or has problems wetting the bed, like we've discussed, having a pediatric chiropractor evaluate them and find out what's going on. I think is really important just to make sure that there's not's going on. I think is really important just to make sure that there's more going on and that there's more they can do to help them.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, that's for sure. What are some of like lifestyle couple things you can share with the audience in regards to specifically kids, right, yeah, so I guess, if that makes sense.

Speaker 2:

Stay away from sugar. Yay, number one oh, my goodness, the just kids food is insane. Feed your kids whole food. Try to stay off screens if you can. I get it. It's hard for some big things, but no, I just doing the best you can to feed your family whole food versus processed things. These little people are extremely resilient, they are, but our world is an extremely toxic world. Doing the best we can to try to limit some of these things, I think is lifestyle-wise is very important. And then just yeah, yeah and making sure they're getting good sleep and if they're not, assess why Establishing routines, especially with children, is really important. So coming up with a nighttime routine or habits that they can look forward to, or that they know this is time for sleep or this is time for resting is also really key. That's awesome.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's that. I agree on the sugar, the processed food and, like you said, do your best.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I think it?

Speaker 1:

yeah, it is. But, and if you're overwhelmed, ask for help, right? Because if you're, because, again, it requires it's team effort and I think, as practitioners, we're here to be able to be part of that support system. So anyone is struggling, don't, don't withhold it. Just say, hey, this is how I'm feeling, because then that's the only way we know how to help you.

Speaker 2:

I've had many moms in my practice where the baby's been challenging or kid's been challenging and we just we sit and she cries and I give her a big hug and it's just like that's our visit and that's you know. I was saying working on her kid and she's sharing. It's a safe space where, sure, I'm working on the baby or I'm adjusting the mom, but I'm also giving the mom a shoulder or giving them a support, because it is a team, I am part of the team and I'm very invested with my families and very invested with my patients because they're part of my family, if you will. Yeah, there's a lot, there's a lot of that. There's a lot of tears.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, they're like an extinction of us.

Speaker 1:

A hundred percent to a degree, yeah, yeah, and I think we're self-focused on suck it up, just do it go, just like you're deciding to go down this road or whatever. Go back to work and yeah, as a society, we're just not designed to be able to give moms the time. That's the time they need at home with the newborns and the development of kids, right, because, let's think about it, those are the kids right now, are going to be our adults at some point and they're going to be doing something to society, contributing to society. How do we want them to contribute? If they're healthier, they're going to be able to contribute differently. If they're not healthy, they're going to be contributing differently as well.

Speaker 2:

Very big picture, fabiola, but you are 100% correct, that's right.

Speaker 1:

Are there any last words of wisdom you'd like to share with the audience before we end off?

Speaker 2:

I think we covered a lot. I just think it's always great for babies to get checked after they're first born. All of my pregnant moms that I work on, I give them a free baby check card because that's just so important to me to make sure that I complimentary, like I make sure that I want to check the kid and make sure that everything's good with them. That's just something as my gift for all my pregnant patients, because I want to give them the best start, the best start moving forward and the best opportunities. Yeah, it's been such a blessing. I appreciate you allowing me to be on here today to speak to you about this, and if you ever have questions or ever want to run things by me, I'm always available.

Speaker 1:

Oh, thank you so much. Yeah, so how does one go about finding your practice and your team?

Speaker 2:

Of course. So my practice is Healthy Living Chiropractic, so we have a website it's HealthyLivingChiropracticcom, so that's usually a great way to get a hold of us. We have a contact us page, so if you want to send out some information, ask questions, we're right there. Also, facebook, hlc Chiro is our Facebook handle, and then on Instagram it's HealthyLiving, underscore Chiro. So it's usually the best way to get a hold of us, and if you're in the Minnesota area or in the Twin Cities area, you can always stop by.

Speaker 1:

We're going to make sure to add all that information, your contact information, in the show notes so that if anyone is interested, has any questions or anything about their journey, they know how to reach you.

Speaker 2:

Sounds great yeah.

Speaker 1:

Always welcome that. Absolutely Awesome. Thank you so much, dr Adrienne, and thank you everybody for tuning in and we'll see you on the next episode. Thank you so much.