Root Cause Solutions For You

Revitalizing Thyroid Health: Innovative Iodine Solutions with Sylvia Nagy

Fabiola Reyes, BCHHP - Root Cause Expert, Cert. AK, CellCore & Nutrition Response Testing® and Quantum Nutrition Testing Practitioner Season 2 Episode 6

What if there was a simple solution to regain your energy and shed those extra pounds? Today, we bring you an enlightening conversation with Sylvia Nagy, a Hungarian health enthusiast passionate about thyroid health and innovative iodine solutions. Sylvia shares her personal journey to optimal health, revealing how her background and collaboration with a naturopath brought cutting-edge European health solutions to America. We explore the significance of the thyroid gland, the crucial role of iodine, and unveil a groundbreaking form of iodine developed by Dr. Kontos that has shown remarkable clinical results.

Understanding the intricate balance of your thyroid function is like keeping your car tuned for the perfect race. It affects everything from digestion to mood, weight, and fertility. Sylvia and I unpack these complexities, highlighting symptoms such as unexplained weight gain and constant fatigue. We shed light on the interplay between the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and thyroid gland, stressing the importance of comprehensive thyroid panels over standard medical testing for effective thyroid health management.

Protecting your thyroid involves more than just diet; it's about environmental awareness and avoiding harmful substances. We discuss practical tips for maintaining thyroid health, emphasizing the importance of nutrients like iodine and selenium. Sylvia introduces innovative products like iodine supplements that support thyroid function, making a strong case for natural health solutions and proactive self-care. Join us for this episode full of valuable insights and practical advice to improve your thyroid health and overall well-being.

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Speaker 1:

Hi everyone, welcome back to the Root Cause Solutions for you podcast. My name is Fabiola and I am your host. Today, we have a very special guest with us. Her name is Silvia Nagy and she is a Hungarian friend who actually works with a Hungarian naturopath to bring actual solutions from Europe to America. Today we're going to be covering a super cool subject, which is the thyroid. We're going to be talking about the benefits of iodine, how the thyroid works, what does the thyroid need to function, how to protect it, how to support it, and she's going to be introducing a new product that she's been working with and having amazing clinical outcomes helping people restore thyroid function which is a new form of iodine. So I am super excited to be diving into this conversation today. Silvia, thank you so much for being here with us today.

Speaker 2:

You're welcome and thank you for the invitation and forgive my accent. Yes, I'm Hungarian. I speak a little bit of German, so my accent is a mix of Hungarian and German and I try to articulate a lot so people actually understand what I'm saying. If, for some reason, you don't understand, please stop me. I'm happy to repeat.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm a Hungarian and I grew up in Hungary and I grew up with the traditional food in Hungary which tends to be a little too fatty and unhealthy. Very delicious, but it's really bad for your health. So, unfortunately, my parents my father passed very early on with a stroke or heart attack, something heart and cardiovascular related. My mother had diabetes for 30 or 40 years. So when I hit 25 and myself was pretty overweight and I could only function like on three or four coffees a day and I was at age 25 or 26 and that's when I just took a look at my life and where I'm heading and I decided that I'm going to educate myself because I don't want to go down that road. So I literally just on my own reading at the time I was like, not even internet yet. Yeah, I'm 51. Anyhow, I was just reading everything I called health related and I actually figured out what works for me and I'm 51 and I have zero health complaints. So you could say that I'm a health freak. Health complaints so you could say that I'm a health freak. So although not formally educated, I do feel very educated in the subject of health and I'm actually practicing what I preach. My family even nicknamed me Dr Nagy because I kept passing out advice to everybody, and so the pandemic came, and during that time he connected up with a scientist in Hungary His name is Dr Koenters who happened to invent this new form of iodine, and then this iodine was also used to create a nasal spray to help people guard themselves against the virus, and that iodine nasal spray actually won the best cordially spray award. Dr Kuntis was looking on how he could get it distributed globally and that's how Robert and him connected through the iodine nasal spray. And that's how Robert and him connected through the iodine nasal spray. But then we learned that the iodine nasal spray actually is based on the iodine that he invented this new form of iodine. So then Robert started using it on his patients. He was very successful with it of getting people off thyroid medications with this product. So then we started going to holistic expos with it.

Speaker 2:

When we started interacting with people trying to get the word out and this is when we realized, by going to holistic expos, the amount of people that have thyroid issues I was in a complete shock. Of course, because I was looking at it from my own perspective. I'm 51 and I'm completely healthy, so I'm just looking at the world from a different way. And then I go to this holistic exports and then I see this woman Literally I can be. I'm going to get into the thyroid in a minute, but I just want to give a little bit of background information. So by then I got educated on thyroid from Robert and from other sources. Reading my books and stuff.

Speaker 2:

I could actually see like a person would walk on the expo and I could literally see the symptoms on them. Walk on the expo and I could literally see the symptoms on them, because some of them are really visible. They're going to get into that. And then I was like pulling them. Hey, I think I have something for you. Do you have thyroid issues? And some of them you didn't have, some of them did not. So some of them don't even know they have a thyroid issue and then, if they know they try to fix it, but unfortunately many of them go to the traditional doctors who don't even really measure the hormones properly, like not the right hormones and they're not always getting the ranges right. There's this large group of women that I would say up to 50, 60% that either have it like it's a combined group 60% of they have it, but some of them don't even know it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So let me stop you there for a second, because we're definitely unpacking a lot of information here. Yeah, and you, I love it that you're a 51 and healthy, right, because that is such a health is the real wealth, right? Health is it's the and I think me, working with clients, my own personal journey people seek out help because they want to be healthy, and I always tell people, yeah, obviously you want to be healthy. That's like a stepping stone onto what you're being healthy for to go to work, to go to school, to enjoy family time, to whatever you are doing. That's being healthy as almost a stepping stone onto those goals. So when I talk to people about that, they're like, oh, okay, because we could. I think we could get so focused on getting healthy that we could forget what it's the purpose of being healthy. And I always like to remind people of that and I tell people everything you put in your body, whether it's food, a supplement, whether it's an exercise routine, it's either helping you or harming you, and the more information you have about it, then you can make an educated decision, because obviously that's important, and I think there's a lot more information that has been uncovered in regards to this specific and the thyroid. You're right, gosh.

Speaker 1:

Unfortunately, as a practitioner, one of the things that I am most frustrated about is fighting with the insurance companies and fighting with clients, doctors, who only measure one marker out of the eight different markers that should be checked when we're looking at a thyroid and sometimes I'm lucky if they check a little more other than just a TSH, which is a thyroid stimulating hormone, and I agree, and I think there needs to be a clarification in regards to thyroid medication. It's not really thyroid medication, it's a hormone, it is a hormone therapy and I think I agree. It is a hormone therapy and I think I agree. Unfortunately, a lot of people, especially women, suffer from a lot of thyroid conditions. Even though they're already on the thyroid therapies through their doctors, they still have symptoms. So I'm so curious what you're going to tell us about how to spot someone who is has an underactive or potentially even an overactive thyroid and it's not just yeah, so anyway.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, keep telling us what else you got there yeah, okay, before I I get into the science of it, I do want to acknowledge what you say, that health is just a stepping stone. Some people ask me like why are you such a health freak and why you watch it so much and all that stuff? And basically my answer is I want to enjoy my life and I want to live long and enjoy a long, healthy, happy life, and I know that if I do things to my body that are harmful, then I'm going to get sick and I'm going to have a shorter life. And I have way too many people, unfortunately and it breaks my heart I had way too many people around me that cannot enjoy life to the fullest because of their body problems. So for me it's just literally just like ground zero. This is where you start. Keep it in good shape like a car. If you want to race with that car and enjoy your race on the highway, you better have a good car.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, totally yeah, I agree. So tell us a little bit about before we get into iodine, and how. So how does the thyroid work? Obviously, the thyroid is part of your endocrine system. I think sometimes we tend to isolate organs and systems like just the thyroid or just the adrenals or just the liver. But I think we need to understand that it is a system and a thyroid is not an island. It's not a single thing and doesn't work by itself. It doesn't just. It's not just by itself. It impacts digestion, it impacts weight. It impacts weight, mood, pregnancy or fertility. So give us a little bit of a one on what the thyroid is and how it works.

Speaker 2:

I'm sure there's a lot of women out there who heard about thyroid. They might be curious Do I have it? I just want to list that really quickly, the main symptoms that are very observable. If you have those, you should go and have it checked out. Number one is unexplained weight gain. You cannot lose weight, and by unexplained I mean you do your exercise, you eat your healthy food, you do everything that you should and yet you're still overweight, and that is a big indication of a thyroid issue, because thyroid controls metabolism.

Speaker 2:

If your thyroid does not work, your metab slows down and your spine is going to be back on. The other one is tiredness, constant tiredness and fatigue, especially during the day. You're really tired during the day, but then when it's time to go to sleep you can't sleep. So then you get obviously, because then you go and get sleep, then the next day you're even more wired and even more fatigued. Then it's just this vicious circle. The other one is hair loss. A lot of people have thyroid patients losing their hair and a lot of people are just trying to fix it with products all these shampoos and treatments and vitamins and minerals and yeah, those are all important, but if your thyroid is not working. You're going to keep losing your hair Also, especially above 40,. If you're losing the outside of your eyebrows, that's a very good indication that you have thyroid issues. Cold hands and feet is another one, but those top three overweight, losing hair and fatigue if you got those, go and have it checked out. Okay, obviously, as I mentioned, sometimes the doctors don't know what to really measure. And now I'm actually going to get into how the thyroid works, because I believe if people know how it works and they do preventative steps and support that thyroid and they know that knowledge is power, if, when you go to a medical doctor, you're less likely to be fooled, right?

Speaker 2:

Yes, as you mentioned, a lot of people looking at things just isolated instead of part of a system, and when people have thyroid issues, they tend to focus just on the thyroid gland and they forget or they don't know that it's actually. That is actually a system of three different glands. You got the hypothalamus, which is giving the orders to the pituitary gland, and then the pituitary gland that gives the order to the thyroid gland, and there are a lot of different thyroid hormones. You have TSH1, 2, 3, 4, and most of the doctors don't measure them all and they tend to get stuck on TSH, which is the thyroid stimulating hormone. But what they forget is if the thyroid gland cannot produce enough T4 or T3. And of course, that is like a reporting back system. So if it's not producing enough, then the pituitary gland is going to push down an even larger dose of thyroid-stimulating hormones. So let's talk about the actual gland stimulating hormones. So let's talk about the actual gland.

Speaker 2:

So a lot of people focus on the thyroid gland alone. Oh, I have a thyroid problem, and they think that it's only the thyroid, and that's, unfortunately, just partially true. It is true that the problem is with the thyroid. However, it's also connected with the hypothalamus, which is another gland, and the pituitary gland, and these three together are controlling the whole system. And the way it works is that the pituitary gland sends an order down to the thyroid gland. You need to produce T3 and T4, which is the most commonly known thyroid hormones, right? And if there is not enough production, then the pituitary gland starts to scream even louder and it's going to send down even more TSH, which is the thyroid stimulating hormone, and it just goes in circles. And this is the problem that a lot of the doctors. They said, oh, your TSH is fine, and yeah, that could be, but it does not mean that your t3 and t4 is fine, too correct. This is why the thyroid needs to be supported so it can actually produce those hormones it will find.

Speaker 1:

Yeah yeah, yes, I mean, if the thyroid and I love, love the feedback loop right of how the glands are communicating with one another, and it's almost like the thyroid thinking of a mom yelling at their kids for not cleaning out the room and you can only scream louder and louder but if we're not looking at the whole picture, we don't actually pinpoint where the breakage in communication is from one gland to the other, then mom can continue yelling at their kids forever to clean the room, just like the pituitary can yell at the thyroid until, yeah, I think the I think I've had a client with a oh my gosh, I cannot even remember how high her TSH was, but it wasn't like double digits and I was just like, oh my God, like you have to do something about it. But here's the deal we want solutions. So people want to feel better. So you have thyroid symptoms, you go to your doctor and unfortunately, because we're not testing for a complete thyroid symptoms, you go to your doctor and unfortunately, because we're not testing for a complete thyroid panel, we're not really understanding how, what all the markers we need to look at, and unfortunately, the problem is that's how they're trained, right, and I think most people who want to go to medical school do go in with the intention of I want to help people, but I think it's a very broken system. And it's not a bashing on doctors, because I have friends who are doctors and they're amazing, family members who are doctors and they're amazing. So we're not here bashing doctors, but we are saying is that the system in which, so unfortunately, our doctors need to operate in it's a broken system.

Speaker 1:

And I'm sure there's a lot of frustration from the medical community as to how they're being asked to treat patients. And because we want to feel better, then we go on thyroid hormones, but then we still are not feeling good because, again, we're not looking at the whole picture. And if you're listening to this, it's important that you don't go off thyroid medication without checking with your doctor Because, remember, we're not here to treat or diagnose, we're simply trying to inform, to open people's eyes, increase their understanding as to what could be going on. And then, but if you're listening to this, you're like, oh my gosh, that's me. Don't go off your thyroid medication, just please talk to your doctor and educate your doctor as to what is it that you want.

Speaker 1:

And and I always tell people I understand that your doctor may not, and I prep them. When you go and ask for a thyroid panel, you'll make a pushback. Let them know that this is what you want. You are the patient, you are the one. Ultimately, you're the one who's paying for this service and, unfortunately, if you don't have a good relationship with your doctor who's working with you, maybe it might be time to find another doctor. Anyway, don't want to digress too much from it, I agree.

Speaker 2:

So basically, yeah, it's not that doctors are bad intention, that they were trained on the wrong materials. Basically, they are being trained on how to treat symptoms versus how to find the cause and address it naturally, so that you never get there, that you have symptoms and you will, and I believe that the medical profession has their role too.

Speaker 2:

There are emergencies when you have to do something medically. You just when it comes to life or death, or you are in such a bad condition that you need that pill. Yeah, okay, take it, but then please take another step and see how you could prevent that from happening in the future again. And that's the natural method. Okay, so I'm here to educate people on how to prevent that from happening. So I'm talking about the thyroid needs certain things to produce those hormones. I'm going to get into that too, but first I want to give a few tips of how to protect the thyroid.

Speaker 2:

Yes, because you should know that there are things in your environment that are harmful for your thyroid, and if you know what they are and you can somehow get them off from your lifestyle or do something with your lifestyle, you can support your thyroid to function better again. So the first thing to watch out for is toxic halogens Bromide, fluoride and chloride. We got those in our water, drinking water, bath water, water so make sure you filter your drinking water and filter your bath water so that these halogens are not getting into your body. Right, and yes, even to bath water, because your skin soaks everything up. Fluoride toothpaste avoid them because they're harmful for your thyroid.

Speaker 2:

Then all the BPA, plastics, mercury and of course, you've got stress inflammation. It actually reduces the conversion of T4, stress and inflammation. So, anything that you can do to reduce your stress either lifestyle or supplements, whatever do it, because, yes, stress has a big effect on your thyroid. Gluten, soy, sugar, saturated fats and here is an interesting one Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, kale. However, if you cook them, they're not so bad, but definitely don't eat them raw. Bye-bye coleslaw, I love coleslaw.

Speaker 1:

But I, I know and that's when I talk to people about that, especially when they already come with a thyroid concern I'm like what? Because we food journal. Right. One of the ways that I coach people is we also take a look at what they're eating. And it's so funny. We're just talking to a client and I'm like now those shouldn't the messenger, but unfortunately we're going to have to lay off your raw broccoli and she's like why the shake?

Speaker 2:

Like you know, the keto guys are very much into kale and broccoli and cabbage yeah. And then they don't even know that. Oh my God, that's hurting my thyroid.

Speaker 1:

Yes, especially for a long time, right, even healthy food, we could still develop a sensitivity to anything Because the body it's not clearing it out fast enough to be able to break down and assimilate and stuff like that. So I'm glad you mentioned that, because people, some of my clients, don't like me when I'm like I'm sorry you're not gonna be able to have your raw broccoli. And I love it that you mentioned the halogens, right, because, yeah, the chlorine. I used to clean with chlorine. If it was water and the bleach here, the better. And I grew up in Mexico City and we're bleach lovers. I have no idea why, but we use a lot of bleach.

Speaker 1:

It's because it's really hot and humid and there's a bacteria stem, so I have it's like yeah I'm sure there's a reason, right, but the chlorine gosh and and I remember cleaning the bathroom and putting bleach and clothes and chlorine seals. There's a competition in the system for iodine when there's different other elements are present in the system. And it's so funny because back in what was it? Maybe the 50s, maybe into the 60s iodine which I know you're going to get into soon wasn't everything? Bread had iodine. What else? Shampoo had iodine? Pretty much Bread had iodine. What else Shampoo had iodine? Pretty much everything had iodine. And I don't know exactly when we got off doing that, but the importance of iodine for thyroid function. But you're right, fluoride right, because you could be eating the perfect diet You're off the cruciferous vegetables, the, the soy, all the seed oils and then. But you could be using a toothpaste that unfortunately has fluoride and you're like why is my thyroid still not still under functioning?

Speaker 2:

and voila, that could be the why probably a lot of people wonder like why exactly fluoride and bromide and chloride? And I actually have a periodic table On the periodic table. If you look at it, halogen elements are the second from the right and a little chemistry. Here is and that's going to be also important to understand the iodine when I later get back into iodine. Understand the iodine when I later get back into iodine is each atom strives to have eight electrons around it. That's the magic number. Every atom wants to have eight electrons. The halogen elements have seven electrons so they only need one more and they are very active. They're very busy trying to get that one last missing piece before they get into this magic eight. So these are all very reactive and because the thyroid needs iodine like it needs it really bad, it needs it to function Really hungry for it, hung, hungry for the iodine, can very easily mistake this other halogens for iodine.

Speaker 2:

It's actually this has two sides. If you have and there's only a certain space available in your thyroid for iodine because it's also like a storage unit, there's a space limitation Okay, if you have enough iodine in your diet or from your supplements or whatever, then the fluoride and the other stuff cannot get in, but then also reverse If you don't have enough and the fluoride and the bromide and the chloride comes along, the thyroid sucks it up and then, once it sucked it up, it's really hard to get it out. They stick. Yeah, there is two ways to go about it. One is keeping this out, the bad guys out, and then supplement with the good guy yeah, definitely yeah, because you have.

Speaker 1:

So you have tsh, you have t3 and t4? Yeah and then. But the body needs to convert, right, we convert those two hormones into the free form, right? That then the body then utilizes for to be able to perform all the functions and the thyroid is responsible for and correct me if I'm wrong I think that happens in the liver right. Most of the conversion of t3 and t4 into free t3 and free t4 happen in the liver right is that correct you're very correct.

Speaker 2:

Correct, and that's actually the next thing on my list as part of prevention or fixing. Yeah, prevention, fixing up the issue is if you have accumulated toxins in your body, you need to fix that first before your thyroid can work. The same if you have intestinal dysbiosis, that's basically gut imbalance. If the good and bad bacteria in your gut is not balanced out and you have more of the bad bacteria than the good one, you need to balance that out. All these things have an effect on the thyroid function.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, that makes sense. Yeah, and yeah, because then there's also the markers you have. So now we've covered more markers than just other TSH other than TSH. And then we have so the thyroid antibodies. Because you mentioned gluten, right, and I typically also associate that with when there's thyroid antibodies, right. And then so tell us a little bit how that the antibodies and gluten, what's that relationship? Little bit how that the antibodies and gluten, what's that relationship? Thyroid antibodies this is.

Speaker 1:

It's also something that is often not checked when we're doing a, when a blood panel it's, it's wrong, uh, and the importance of checking for those thyroid antibodies. We want to make sure there's not an autoimmune disease going on, like graves, uh, or Hashimoto. And that's why I always check a full thyroid panel because we can look and see, hey, what's going on with the thyroid antibodies. Because sometimes when we see our labs remember, labs are a reflection of us, it's a reflection of how our health is and sometimes people don't wanna get off gluten, right, they don't wanna get off the wheat, they don't wanna get off the soy, they don't want to get off the soy. So it's easier for us, as clients, to understand why we need to stay away from a specific stressor, in this case food, because how then the immune system might be impacting or signaling certain functions. I didn't want to leave the antibodies out, because we don't talk about those enough. So tell us a little bit about iodine, because iodine is antifungal, antibacterial.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it does a lot of things, but you know what I want to get into the iodine as well, but quickly I want to go through some other stuff that people should take to support the thyroid. People should take to support the thyroid, of course, my main topic is iodine sometimes. So we got TPO, which is an enzyme. Then we got iodine, magnesium, selenium, manganese, iron, l-thyrosine, amino acid, vitamin D A, b12, b1, B2, glutathione, which is an antioxidant. Glutathione yeah, great, yeah, thank you for fixing my accent, that's all right, cool. And then we got the iodinase enzyme, zinc, selenium, folate, antioxidants, especially ashwagandha magnesium again optimal state of instance the flora and liver support, which can be done with milk, thistle and I'm sure you know a few other methods to support the liver and TBG, which is a thyroid-binding globulin introduced by the liver. So, again, liver needs to be in good condition.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yeah, selenium. We don't talk about selenium enough. It's such an important mineral and I know we're going to get into iodine shortly and I always work people to get selenium levels at an adequate level so we can then introduce iodine. And the reason why I do that as a practitioner is making sure that we're building up selenium, because when you introduce iodine without proper levels of selenium, you can't absorb it, right.

Speaker 1:

The iodine is not bioavailable to the thyroid. So you could be supplementing with iodine. You could be eating seaweed, right. You could be eating kelp. You could be eating a ton of eggs. Eggs have iodine and I think we I know we're talking about the thyroid, but every single cell of the body needs iodine.

Speaker 1:

It is not specific to the thyroid. Does the thyroid need it more than any other cell or system in the body? Yeah, but every single cell of the body needs iodine. And I think when we think of iodine sometimes, especially when there's a thyroid condition, there's a lot of hesitation Don't add iodine if you have high antibodies or if you already have this.

Speaker 1:

But I have a client who we were she's. She has high antibodies and she was doing iodine and her antibodies came down tremendously and then she, we went off the iodine and then her antibodies went back up. So we're like, okay, I think it's time to add back that iodine and I muscle test. But I also like to check. When we ask for a full workup of the thyroid, I always ask iodine to be checked because I always like to see, okay, where are the iodine levels. Again, I think it should be part of a thyroid panel checking iodine and obviously checking nutrients and minerals like selenium, to make sure that we can properly introduce iodine to the system so that we can so can actually be bioavailable for not only the thyroid but every single cell. And you can get your allowance of selenium by eating three brazil nuts a day. You don't even have to go crazy. These are trace minerals. You need small amounts of them and I and that's what typically I recommend to my clients Start eating three Brazil nuts a day and then we'll start introducing iodine.

Speaker 2:

Cool, I agree. Now it keeps popping in my mind just this idea that you can get your thyroid working without iodine. And I actually have a picture of the thyroid hormones here. And if you look at the actual chemical structure of those thyroid hormones, you're going to see the letter I in each one. I meaning iodine and, surprisingly enough, t2 has two iodine atoms, t3 has three iodine atoms and T4 has four iodine atoms. So literally the thyroid is building those hormones using iodine. Wow, that's powerful.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yeah and yes, I had also people at this holistic expo. St Robert had some clients too that they have Hashimoto's and the doctors say don't take iodine. And I said, yes, you might need to take it on a lower dosage first so that your body gets used to it. And again, we're going to repeat that consult your doctor. If you want to get off medication. Definitely work with a doctor or a naturopathic doctor or a functional medicine doctor naturopathic doctor or a functional medicine doctor that it can be done. That chemistry is chemistry and there's no way to go around it. You just you have to look at the chemical structure of those hormones and you will see that the iodine is the building block of those and this is how those hormones were named 2T, 3 and 4, because they include the appropriate amount of iodine.

Speaker 1:

It's awesome. I love it. The body is so intelligent. We keep trying to reinvent the wheel and we keep trying to come up with different solutions. But you know, it's important to talk to whomever we're working with to say, hey, let's really get to the root cause of this, let's really get to the bottom of it so that I can feel better and I get it. My labs look great on paper but I don't feel well and it's important to voice that to whomever we're working with.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because also, if you introduce hormones from an external source, your body might not be able to recognize it, dilute it, work it yeah. However, if you give it the minerals and the vitamins and the ingredients the body needs to produce those things, then the body produced it and if it's own, it's recognizable and usable.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, totally. And the glands are just like muscle the muscle. If you don't, there is the saying, if you don't use it, you lose it. Yeah, same thing If you don't make your gland work, it's going to go into retirement. Yeah, and the longer you do it, the harder it will be to wake it up and say hey, buddy, you got to work here.

Speaker 1:

I know, right, yeah, so it may not want to come out of early retirement. So tell us a little bit about iodine. We started talking about it.

Speaker 2:

Yes, as we covered it, I think, pretty extensively by now the thyroid can't live without it. Basically, if there is not enough iodine in your food and your supplements ideally food, but unfortunately the food industry pretty much screws us over, so the food does not have a lot of nutrients left in it. So very often we have to turn to supplementation and if your body is not getting the ingredient it needs to build the things it needs to build, so thyroid needs this iodine. Right, and a lot of other organs need the iodine, but thyroid is somehow the most important. So if it's not enough in your diet or in your supplements, when you do get a little bit, the majority will go to your thyroid and, as you mentioned, each cell in the body has an iodine receptor. But there are certain organs that need iodine more than the others, and I'm going to list them out. Pay attention, it's your brain, your pineal gland, the thyroid, breast ovaries and, for the guy, prostate. Yeah, and this is why if you don't have enough iodine and then your thyroid sucks it up, this is why, actually, I forgot to mention one symptoms for thyroid patients it's the brain fog, because the brain does not get enough iodine and it have a hard time working. So, the brain. There are studies I'm not going to get into them, you can just Google it and you're going to have pages and pages of studies coming up on this. And you're going to have pages and pages of studies coming up on this.

Speaker 2:

If the pregnant woman has iodine deficiency, the likelihood of the child becoming autistic doubles or triples, depending on what study you read. But it definitely has an effect on it because iodine is vital for brain development and function. Wow, yeah, and one of the very first things that develops in the fetus is the brain. So if you have iodine deficiency when you get pregnant, like right at the beginning or during the pregnancy your kid might have intellectual challenges or even autism. Gotcha, iodine also fights cancer cells. Gotcha, iodine also fights cancer cells. It actually has the ability to tell the cancer cell to go into a self-destruction mode.

Speaker 2:

And this goes back again to the glands that really need iodine, one of them being the breast and the ovaries. So if you don't have enough iodine and the little one goes to the thyroid and there's not enough getting to the breast, then the breast has a higher tendency to become cancerous. Also, the ovaries a lot of women has PCOS, iodine helps with that too. And also prostate. If somebody has prostate cancer or just want to try to protect their prostate, iodine is really good for that as well. It's antibacterial. Iodine is antibacterial, antiviral, antipungi Anything pathogenic it's just going to destroy it. So also it's really good to support your immune system. If you drink the iodine it's going to help kill the bad guys down there and your immune system has less work to do.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's super powerful. Like I was thinking like how are we so iodine depleted? Like the rates of autism, infertility, cardiovascular health, brain fog, all that stuff is through the roof. And I'm thinking how are we so depleted in iodine? And I think it goes back to all those chemicals, that are those halogens that you were talking about, like hotels, like every time I go to flor, florida to do training, it's awful. I'm like the bedsheets, everything has chlorine, the water and every or go to Dallas and the amount of radium in the water and all that stuff. And I was like no wonder we're so iodine depleted and no wonder we have such a thyroid epidemic.

Speaker 2:

Plus, the soil Food industry is strictly money motivated so they don't really take care of the soil, the old traditional way of natural fertilization the soil. I'm from Hungary so I know this stuff. I grew up in a little village in Hungary. So the soil needs to get natural fertilization, manure and stuff like that. It needs to rest. It needs a resting period when it can refill itself with all the nutrients. But the food industry in America is just using the soil. It needs a resting period when it can refill itself with all the nutrients. But the food industry in America is just using the soil and putting it full with artificial stuff, chemicals, and it just literally depletes it.

Speaker 1:

Makes the soil toxic and depleted.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, totally it's not in the food. Yeah, unfortunately it's not in the food anymore, and that's how we ended up here. Sure, yeah, unfortunately it's not in the food anymore, and that's how we ended up here.

Speaker 1:

Sure, yeah, no, that makes sense, and it's a supplementation.

Speaker 2:

It's so important because it's not in our food.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there's so many forms of iodine right, there's Rolands, right there's obviously tablets. There is you were talking about a spray. So what form of iodine have you and Dr Nagy seen that has been the most efficient and the better clinical outcomes?

Speaker 2:

Definitely the molecular iodine. Just to clarify, because I know not everybody was good in chemistry at school Molecule is basically two atoms connected together and people should know that's a very just a fact. Most people don't know that from any nutrients the cell can only utilize the actual atomic form. Like, if I need iodine, I don't need it connected with anything, I just need the pure iodine. And this is where this new invention comes in, which was not invented by the naturopath I work with Robert, but it was invented by a person called Dr Zoltán Köntös.

Speaker 2:

We're going to have to write his name out somewhere. He's a professor of chemistry in Hungary and he invented this form of iodine V V for victory which is a molecular iodine. He was able to connect two iodine atoms into a molecule and then encage it in a fulvic acid cage like a clathrate complex. It's a cage Fulvic acid. It's another interesting subject. I'm just going to cover it in two sentences, although probably your listeners are pretty well educated. But just to cover all bases. Fulvic acid is a natural element that is, or should be, in our soil, is a natural element that is, or should be, in our soil and the job of it is to break down minerals into small enough particles so that the plants can absorb it on a cellular level and actually build it into the structure. Yeah, so Dr Kuntes, with this new formula of iodine V is able to get pure iodine without connecting to any other elements such as potassium pure iodine into the body, absorbed on a cellular level using fulvic acid level. Using fulvic acid.

Speaker 1:

That's awesome. We love humic and fulvic acids. Yeah, they're amazing. We use them a lot here. I use them a lot with clients and, yeah, they definitely have changed the game. As to the absorbability, the bioavailability, I work with another supplement company and they're just groundbreaking on their stuff that they use because protecting the eyes in this case, right, protecting the herbs, that that so that they can survive your stomach acid, so that your body, your cells can actually absorb them. So that's that is so awesome.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, very much. And you see the problem with iodine because it's so reactive for the last 200 years I say 200 because iodine was actually discovered 200 years ago so we only know about iodine for 200. And literally since it was discovered, the problem was how are we going to make iodine water-soluble so that the body can absorb it? Because it's super reactive, it binds to everything. So the only formula that existed so far was an iodide form, most commonly the potassium iodide.

Speaker 2:

Now, what people don't know is potassium iodide has a very small iodine content. It's about 5%. The rest of it is potassium and I think alcohol or water or whatever. But the iodine content is very small. So the body needs to do a lot of work to break it down. Then figure out what to do with all that potassium which, by the way, on a long term can cause heart and kidney issues as well if you overdose on potassium. But just process that whole thing and then take that tiny little bit of iodine that's in the potassium iodide and bring it to the cells, right, yeah, plus, these forms of iodides were intended to be used externally disinfection and stuff like that and they're not meant to be ingested.

Speaker 2:

This one is made to be ingested it's safe to ingest. Is made to be ingested, it's safe to ingest. So it's just a complete scientific breakthrough of how you're going to bring pure iodine into your system so your body can actually use it and it absorbs very fast because you just drop it in water or juice. I personally don't do juices, but if you can't stand the taste of it, it's a mild metallic taste. Basically I drink it in water. I don't do juices, but if you can't stand the taste of it, it's a mild metallic taste. Basically I drink it in water. I don't really care, so I just put it in water. You drink it up and between 20 to 30 minutes especially if you take it on empty stomach it actually makes it to your cells.

Speaker 1:

That's awesome, yeah, I love it, and that's what we want, right? That's awesome, yeah, I love it, and that's what we want right? The body's already so overwhelmed by having to work through chemicals and bad food and stress and gosh, you name it, a lot of things. So the simpler path to simplicity, so to really help the body be able to just take this, because iodine is a mineral take this mineral, be able to absorb it so that the brain can utilize it, so that the thyroid can utilize it, so that the reproductive system can utilize it, and it's awesome.

Speaker 2:

So how does one go about availing themselves of this specific type of iodine To us, yeah, but made an agreement with Dr Koenter that we're going to be carrying that in the US. We can share our website and my contact data at the end. But I did want to say something that escaped me. I'm trying to educate people. So Dr Curtis invented this iodine B, and then he used the same concept to also create another mineral complex which has eight different hard-to-get minerals in it zinc and selenium. So we've been using this magic duo, this thyroid support duo, to help thyroid patients support their thyroid, as I mentioned, in some cases even get off medication. Because these two products the iodine drop and the balance drops they together they provide all the minerals the thyroid needs to function and produce those hormones. And that's also fulvic acid-based and the two can be mixed. So you can just mix it together, drink it up and yeah, yeah that's awesome, very simple, yeah, that's so great.

Speaker 1:

So I typically tell people not to take their iodine supplement past like maybe four o'clock, because for some people can be, it's not a stimulant. It's not gonna be like like coffee, whereas a stimulant and keep people up, but it does break, wake up the brain.

Speaker 2:

So we suggest to do it in the morning. Great, because then it even helps you in that makeup process. Try to keep it away from coffee for about half an hour. Great, because coffee definitely inhibits absorption of a lot of other things. Just generally, people should know that Don't take your supplements with coffee. Give it at least a half an hour before or after, because it's going to stop or slow down the absorption or limit the absorption. Gotcha? Okay, that's a good tip.

Speaker 2:

And to answer the big final question, the name of our company is Logical Health 21. So our website is LogicalHealth21. So our website is Our email is info at I answer the emails. I don't mind if people text me or WhatsApp me, but please text first. If somebody calls me without their number being in my phone, I just ignore it. So if you want to talk to me, text me. My number is 786-307-0902. If you happen to catch this podcast outside of the US, then make sure you put the plus one in front of it. We are on Facebook front of it. We are on Facebook, instagram, youtube, linkedin, alignable everywhere. So you just need to search for Logical Health 21 on any of these channels and you will find us. And then, if you're watching it on YouTube, then at the end you're also going to see our contact data at the very end on the screen.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but we'll make sure to add all your contact information in the show notes. Awesome, yeah. So, as people are listening, they have it right there. That was going to be my next question how do people get a hold of you? We cover so much how the thyroid works, basic information about it, right, we could go on forever the different thyroid markers, being an advocate of your own health, the importance of eating the right foods, avoiding foods, and we covered the things that are the elements that are impacting thyroid function and, obviously, most importantly, how to support and and this, this bioavailable molecular iodine that that the professionals that you're working with have figured out.

Speaker 2:

So they're helping so many clients, so we'll make sure to add that information which reminds me that you are a professional too that obviously, if somebody just wanted to buy a bottle as a customer, they can do it on the website, or even I ship it out to them. I definitely do that. But what we're actually trying to do is get these supplements into the hands of professionals, because natural fats, homeopaths, functional medicine, doctors, people that try to help people in a natural way, right, yeah, so perfect. Of course, for those we have wholesale prices, so if any naturopath or functional or anybody of the holistic healers are interested in those products, I can offer them wholesale prices that's awesome.

Speaker 1:

yeah, no, thank you so much. That was going to be my list. Sometimes we have practitioners who are listening, so that's awesome to be able to yeah something that they can help their avail themselves, a product that they can avail themselves, and I use muscle testing. It's a sure way of determining. You know how to introduce something to the body and be a communication line to the different parts of the body that utilize iodine and then be able to guide a client's journey better through that. Are there any last words of wisdom that you'd like to leave our listeners with?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, if anybody's interested, I'm open to collaborations and showing it on visual channels as well. I want to help people, that's all I do. I just really want to give people a long, healthy life so they can actually a healthy body. I want to have them achieve a healthy body or have a healthy body so that they can enjoy life.

Speaker 1:

I love it.

Speaker 2:

And I truly believe in a natural forms and not the chemical ones. So whatever I can do to help people achieve that, I'm here.

Speaker 1:

That's awesome. Oh my gosh. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Yeah, no, no problem. Thank you so much for being here with us today and sharing your amazing information. We'll make sure to enter the contact information so that listeners who are clients or practitioners be able to reach out to you All right.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for the opportunity.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, of course. Thank you so much, everybody, for tuning in. I hope that you have enjoyed this episode and we'll see you at the next one.