Root Cause Solutions For You

Unlocking the Power of Glutathione: Revolutionary Health Insights with Keith Chaisson

Fabiola Reyes, BCHHP - Root Cause Expert, Cert. AK, CellCore & Nutrition Response Testing® and Quantum Nutrition Testing Practitioner Season 2 Episode 5

Explore the profound impact of glutathione on your health with quantum practitioner Keith Chaisson, who shares his journey inspired by his mother's battle with esophageal cancer. Discover why glutathione, a powerful tripeptide, is vital for over 400 bodily functions, including oxygen transfer, and why it’s often dubbed the "mother of all antioxidants." Keith provides a deep dive into the science behind glutathione, its role in cellular defense, and the necessity of supplementation as we age.

Uncover the groundbreaking work of Dr. Gordon Crozier and the essential role of glutathione in protecting mitochondrial DNA, combating environmental stressors, and removing harmful toxins from our cells. Keith sheds light on the challenges of traditional glutathione delivery methods and introduces hydrostat nanotechnology, a revolutionary approach that dramatically enhances nutrient absorption, making supplementation more efficient and cost-effective. Learn how this innovative technology bypasses the gut's limitations, ensuring rapid and direct cellular uptake.

Get inspired by real-life success stories and understand the transformative potential of maintaining proper glutathione levels through the latest scientific advancements. Keith shares personal testimonials, including remarkable recoveries from chronic pain and serious health conditions, underscoring the powerful synergy of good lifestyle habits and supplementation. Plus, delve into holistic health practices featuring tools like the quantum energy wellness bed and the AO scanner, offering a comprehensive approach to achieving optimal cellular health and well-being. Tune in and empower yourself with the knowledge to significantly improve your health.

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Disclaimer: The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. This podcast is not a medical service; the information provided is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. The Root Cause Solutions For You, its practitioners, and employees make no warranties, express or implied, concerning the contents. The information shared in this episode is the opinion of the speaker and should not be considered medical advice. You should never disregard medical advice or delay seeking it because of the contents of this episode.

Fabiola :

Hi everyone. Thank you so much for tuning in for another episode of Root Cause Solutions for you. My name is Fabiola and I am your host, and today we have a very special guest. He is a quantum practitioner and I am super excited about the information that he is here to share with us. His name is Keith and he and his family own a quantum energy wellness in Houma, louisiana, a leader with a global distribution company marketing breakthroughs in nutritional supplementation, specifically glutathione, and many of the things that Keith is going to share with us today is what glutathione is. Over the last few years, there's a lot more practitioners, more people talking about the need for the supplementation of it and, most importantly, delivery method. Right, you take it as a capsule, you do a patch, you do IV. So I'm super excited that Keith is here to share with us some of that information. So, keith, thank you so much for being here with us today. I'm going to have you introduce yourself and then we'll get started.


Absolutely, fabiola, thanks for having me. My name is Keith Chasson. I've been back in 2005. I can't tell you what led me to this industry, but before I do that, I've been married to my high school sweetheart since 1982. And we have a couple of children. They're adults now and they've multiplied or expanded. We have five grandchildren and over the years I've had a passion for health and wellness, not specifically the allopathic world of medical practice, but more of a natural, holistic, organic type thing, and that passion really grew in 2004 and 2005.


My mom was really sick and diagnosed with esophageal cancer and it was the day that I walked into her hospital room after they put her through a horrific surgery. They cut her from ear to ear this way and it was the worst thing to that point in my life that I'd ever seen. It was just horrible to see what they had done to her and it was all for naught. She didn't. She never recovered really, and she wound up succumbing and passing in 2007.


But it led me on a journey to discover things about the innate immune system of humans and through that research I learned a lot about this amazing miracle molecule. In fact, dr Oz says that it's a molecule that you've probably never even heard of, called glutathione. It's the one molecule that protects us all from the diseases that we fear the most. When you think about the things that we go on to experience throughout life, things that they call the diseases of aging you know what they are, you've been around for a while. These are the things that Dr Oz says that glutathione protects us from the diseases that we fear the most, so it's a pretty, pretty important molecule.

Fabiola :

Wow, that sounds very powerful. And you're right, we hear the scientific words. That sounds very powerful, and you're right. We hear the scientific words, right, glutathione and electrotransport chain and mitochondria and all those different things. But if you were to explain it to someone who never heard of glutathione, or has heard it before but has no idea what it is, how would you put that into simple words?


People say they say gluta. What? Thion is a tripeptide, meaning it's made up of three amino acids glycine, cysteine and glutamic acid, with cysteine being what's called the rate-limiting protein in that spectrum, and it's very important in over 400 different functions in the body. Glutathione is responsible for almost 15 critical functions in the body, in fact, the most critical that most people don't even think about because we do it on every basis, that's breathing right.


When hemoglobin is first manufactured in the body, it's not the chemical polarity that it needs to be in order to bind oxygen molecules. For proper oxygen transfer, it's got to be reduced to what's called positive 2. The sole reduction is the only thing that can reduce hemoglobin to that positive 2 is glutathione. So what? I see a lot of people. When they begin to use the right delivery method of supplementation, they begin to experience the right delivery method of supplementation. They begin to experience better breathing. They're breathing better, which gives them a little bit a lot more stamina and endurance. So it's one of the critical things is oxygen transfer. If you don't have glutathione levels proper, you might not be breathing good and that's not good for sustaining life right.

Fabiola :

That's very interesting. And, yeah, how many cells and functions depend on the proper carrying of that oxygen, right? Like you were saying, what would be some of the symptoms? You could say this person, if they are experiencing these different things, it could indicate or could suggest a glutathione deficiency.


Glutathione itself is very important in free radical mitigation. It's known as the mother of the matter, antioxidant. I call it the mother of all antioxidants.


And just a quick for folks who aren't sure what an antioxidant is, it's a molecule that has what's called a donor electron. It's got an extra electron that it donates to these free radicals. When I first heard the term free radical Fabiola, I thought of immediately someone from the 1960s right, they were pretty free and pretty radical. But this is actually referring to a molecule that's been damaged due to oxidative stress. It's missing an electron and so it becomes a scavenger. It's looking for balance, it's trying to stabilize itself, and by doing so it attacks healthy cells and molecules, scavenging the electrons and creating more free radicals, and so, glutathione being the mother of all antioxidants, it donates an electron to stabilize that free radical, so it doesn't continue damaging otherwise healthy cells. Now there's all kinds of antioxidants out there. There's vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin C, something called superoxide, dismutase, catalase. These are all antioxidants, but they're all what's called monofocused antioxidants. Called monofocused antioxidants, each one can take out one specific free radical, where glutathione can take out any free radical. I say take it out, I mean neutralize it. So it's very important in mitigating free radical damage, and by doing so it reduces inflammation throughout the body, and inflammation is pretty bad. If it's left unchecked it can lead to a lot of things cardiovascular disease, neurological issues, you name it. It can lead to it. Now, the antioxidants, these free radicals if you don't neutralize those, these are things that are left unchecked over time. Five years down the road, ten years down the road, you're taking a shower and you're feeling something that's not normal, right, and you go to get it checked out. You get the phone call that you don't necessarily want. That's because you got a huge problem now. So it's very important to neutralize and stabilize those free radicals throughout our body, and glutathione is the mother of all antioxidants. It's even deeper than that.


Remember I said 400 functions. We're just going to cover a few of them because we're only going to be here for a little while. It took us a long time to cover all 400. But heavy metal, environmental detoxification you name me one person that's not eating, breathing and drinking that right there. The mere fact of life and existence causes free radical damage from all these heavy metal, environmental chemicals and toxins that we experience on a daily basis. You can't get away from it and in order to help neutralize those effects, we got to make sure our glutathione levels are up. I'm not just talking about blood serum levels of glutathione. That's not what makes the difference. It's what actually gets into the cell. That's why the delivery method is going to be important, that we're going to talk about in a few minutes.

Fabiola :

Yeah, wow, that's so neat because the people who are focusing on improving mitochondria function, right, how important glutathione is to make sure that the hard work that they're doing to improve the mitochondria function actually takes place, because without mitochondria, right, a lot of things wouldn't happen. They're there to guide our immune system, pretty much to guide our whole system, creating energy, and really think of them as like soldiers within our system and the independence of mitochondria and so, how important glutathione is and thank you for shedding light on that because, yeah, free radicals, you're right, we are exposed to how many chemicals a day. I was just talking to another client the other day and they were, like, is eating organic really that important? Does it really make a huge difference? And I'm like, of course it does. But even when you are exposed to a really good diet, you're still exposed to other chemicals, right, like you're still, you walk outside and then you're exposed to something.

Fabiola :

I work with clients with all kinds of unwanted health conditions, but one of the things that I personally have a lot of affinity for is helping clients who are sensitive to mold and mycotoxins, and one of the things that has become really evident is how much free radicals, how much oxidative stress is created due to the toxicity of mold and, I'm sure, glirathione. If I have it this correct, glirathione is key for people who are experiencing mold toxicity. Is that correct?


We actually have that correct. Back to the mitochondria one of the functions of glutathione is the sole protector of our mitochondrial DNA. What gives us trouble in the DNA level is the chemical load in the cell and, as a result of the heavy chemical loads, which is air we breathe, water, we drink food, we eat right, the detergents that most people are accustomed to using in their home, all these things that we need to reduce that chemical load. That's why glutathione is so important. So it is the health protector, the mitochondria DNA. Dr Gordon Crozier I don't know if you heard of him he's actually had this practice in Lake Mary Florida. Right, that's the Dr Lisa Palmer's office. He wrote this book, healing One Cell at a Time, and in here he specifically talks about how glutathione is the only thing that can remove mycotoxin poison from the cell. You're right, highly important. Mycotoxin poison from the cell. You're right, highly important.

Fabiola :

Yeah, now, keith, do we produce glurathione ourselves, like I wanted to ask you that.


We do in abundance until we reach our early 20s. Once we get our early 20s, it begins to decline. I have a theory about that, but the history has proven that what we produce at a cellular level declines about 10 to 15 percent every decade. Fabiola, I'm 61 this year, so my body's producing about half of what it used to produce when I was in my early 20s. So, as a result, there is a super need to supplement, not to mention the fact they were constantly exposed daily. There's something, there's a bigger reason now, today in this society, why we have such a more powerful need to supplement than our parents and our parents, because they were never exposed to something called electromagnetic frequencies. There's a hole, there's a little hole in our cells. It's called a voltage-gated calcium ion channel, and this channel is designed to allow calcium into the cell, to maintain a balance of calcium in the cell. Now, if that was to stay open for an extended period of time, that could become damaging. It would let more calcium in, which would create free radicals. But the biggest thing that it could let in and does let in when it gets flipped is something called nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is good for us. In fact, it won a Nobel Prize back in 1998 for all the good things that it does, right. But it needs to stay in the bloodstream, in the blood serum, not in the cell. But if this channel gets flipped open for an extended period of time, it allows nitric oxide to get in and that creates the most damaging free radical known to man. It's a reactive nitrogen species called peroxynitrite that dude is. It lives a billion times longer than any oxygen-based free radical. The RLS is right, and because it lives so long it can actually move from cell to cell. So it makes it even more dangerous. There's two things that will cause it to flip open this channel. One is a punch to the head or a hit to the head Boxers or people in sports that get these concussions that can cause this channel to flip open for an extended period of time. And the other thing is our exposure to electromagnetic frequencies, like coming from the 5G towers, the Wi-Fi networks, all the things that are emitting these EMS that can cause it to flip open for an extended period of time. And there's only remember I mentioned all the antioxidants, the different types, vitamin A, e, sod. There's only one antioxidant that can neutralize that damaging free radical.


Guess which one? That is Gl. Neutralize that damaging free radical. Guess which one? That is Glutathione. Good guess, glutathione is the only one. So there's even more of a big reason why we need to supplement with some form of intracellular glutathione in order to protect us from those damaging free radicals caused by EMF exposure. And I don't care if you're hardwired, that makes no difference. These 5G, the frequencies emitted by these 5G towers. Unless you've got a Faraday shield on top of your house, then you won't get the information. But unless you've got that the 5G is getting into your home, you can't stop it. So you're being exposed.

Fabiola :

Yeah gosh, we had to switch our internet last week and I was looking for the new network and I was shocked as to how many networks were reaching my device and I was like, oh my gosh, you could be two blocks away and you could be getting getting my signal and I'm getting someone else's signal.

Fabiola :

So, from what I'm hearing, there's a lot of stressors that are impacting our cellular function and when the cells are damaged, how can we expect them to build healthy tissues, to then build healthy organs, to then build healthy systems and, obviously, a healthy body? And you're right now that, more than ever, we are far more exposed to so many different stressors that are creating that cellular damage. No wonder why people are trying to eat healthy and they're not getting the nutrients and still testing deficient for B12 through a blood test or vitamin D right, or some of the metabolic markers are still not to where we need them to be because of that continual cellular stress. And I think there's only so much our cells can take. And, like you said, if we don't take care of this right now, proactively, we're not being preventive then 15 years from now we could be facing a situation where, out of the blue now we are in a hot mess type of situation with a diagnosis that we're like now what Now?

Fabiola :

so we produce glutathione, but obviously not enough to be able to offset all the free radical damage on the oxidative stress that is that is being created because of all this toxicities. And so tell us about supplementation because, like I said, pill comes from iv patches. So tell us a little bit about that.


Yeah, there's a plethora of supplements out there. You can go to Walgreens, walmart or whatever and you can go look on the shelf and it's just loaded with different capsules, pills, powders. Dr Jimmy Gutmann if you haven't heard of him yet, he's one of the world's foremost experts on glutathione itself. This is his comprehensive guide. I've read it several times and he talks about the differences between the different ways of upregulating or upping our intracellular glutathione. You can do it through food. Whey proteins are really good for helping our body create more glutathione. That becomes an issue for folks that might have some type of dairy issues that they need to address, which is all good. In our gut we have an enzyme called GGT stands for gamma glutamyl transferase and that enzyme destroys glutathione that's taken orally. Even the precursors like L-cysteine right Even that. If you take that orally, it gets broken in the gut and there's not much of a benefit. If you get eight to 10 percent benefit from anything you take an orally, you're very fortunate, because not only does it get destroyed by that enzyme, but now it's got to continue on through the rest of it. It's got to go through the small intestines into the bloodstream and if it's not intact, the cell can't use it Right intestines into the bloodstream, and if it's not intact, the cell can't use it right. And so pills and powders and capsules this is something I learned back in 2005 when I did all my research that very inefficient, very ineffective and to me it was just a waste of my money. And so I started to look at iv intravenous glutathione effective. People were getting better results. The biggest problem I saw with the IV was my parents couldn't afford it.


Glutathione has a 90-minute half-life. If you're not sure, I'm sure you're sure, but maybe your listeners might not be but half-life is how long after initial supplementation? Is the nutrients, how long are they good for? Is the nutrients, how long are they good for? And they begin to reduce their, their potency effectiveness 50 every interval of their half-life. For instance, glutathione is 90 minutes. You first take the supplement, it's 100 effective. 90 minutes later it's 50. It's half effective, as it was when you first took it. 90 minutes later, it it's half of that. 90 minutes later it's half of that, and then that cycle continues. So with the IV you get like a six-hour bang for the buck, but then it begins to tail off to about 24 hours later. You no longer get any benefit from an IV session and glutathione. Now that's a problem cost-wise, because back then it was about $150 to do an IV session. Today it's anywhere between a couple hundred bucks to the west coast of the United States, where it's about $800 for an IV session.

Fabiola :

So they're not cheap.


Yeah, and another problem with IV is particle size is too large. See, most of our cells are anywhere between 75 to 100 nanometers in size, and glutathione intravenously injected into the bloodstream is about 75 to 100 nanometers in size. So the cell cannot upregulate. It's got to be broken down. The blood breaks it down into its three component parts the cysteine, glycine, glutamic acid. It'll break it down and then it gets into the cell, where the cell re-agglomerates it. Then it can be used intracellularly, so that all plays into that half-life. So the longer it takes to get into the cell, the less effective. It is More effective than out of the capsules, but it's still not as efficient as it could be capsules, but it's still not as efficient as it could be. And, fabiola, I can remember back then praying that if somebody would just figure out a way to get supplemental glutathione into the cell by bypassing the gut, I really felt then that they could change the wellness of humanity on a global scale. That's what I ran into when I found this technology called hydrostat nanotechnology. Now, when I say nano, I'm not talking about nanobots, I'm not talking about all the small robots that are nanometer size. I'm talking about strictly particle size, and here's why this is different than another delivery method called liposomal. You're familiar with liposomes, right? Yep, most liposomes are fast. Right, they're liposomal. You're familiar with liposomes, right? Yep, most liposomes are. They're fats, right, they're lipids, fats, and most of them are made from seed oils, and we know how inflammatory seed oils can be, and they have the. You run the risk of them going rancid. And that method plus, when you wrap the particles of glutathione in a fat, in a liquid, it increases the size of the particle, so it makes it even more difficult for the cell to upregulate it, and our cells don't want fat. What is it going to do with extra fat? It's going to store it, and so that's what makes this new technology of hydrostat so important, of hydrostat so important.


They figured out a way, with a reactor to bend the hydrogen molecule, the hydrogen part of the water molecule, to bend it so it creates an envelope where the glutathione cysteine is, in this particular supplementation, curcumin, vitamin C, all nanosized to way less than 10 nanometers in size. They encapsulate it in this water molecule by bending the hydrogen bond and then, once they do that, it creates that envelope, and so when you put it in your mouth, you swish it like a mouthwash. Within 30 seconds it's through the mucosal lining of your cheeks and gums. You know that little venous cavity under your tongue. It gets right into your bloodstream and into the cell within 70 seconds in its whole form, without having to be broken apart and re-agglomerated into the cell, and so it's been proven pretty effective.


As a matter of fact, I know a surgeon in Florida who used to be on three IV glutathione sessions a week. For a surgeon especially if he's your surgeon you'd want him to stay dialed in, focused and alert right, and he wants to be also so. He would be on three IV glutathione sessions a week and he was introduced to this new technology. He was introduced to this new technology and he went from $800 a week in glutathione sessions to about $50 a week because of the amount that he's using. Most people would only spend about $50 a month to elevate their intracellular glutathione levels on a daily basis.


Remember that half-life thing. You want to continually do it. Unless you're living in a bubble, fabiola. You want to continue to do it unless you're living in a bubble, fabiola, and you're no longer exposed to the environmental, chemicals and toxins, the Wi-Fi networks, the water no more exposure, you would not need to bring your glutathione levels up on a daily basis. But as long as you're living on this planet, the third rock from the sun, I highly recommend some type of daily supplementation.

Fabiola :

Yeah, Wow, that is so powerful. I am often asked by clients how long would I need to be on this supplement or would I ever stop taking supplements? I say that only depends on one thing Are we going to be less toxic? Is the environment going to change fast enough for you to never have to be on some sort of supplementation in addition to your lifestyle changes and your diet and all that stuff? So that's amazing and I'm glad that someone figured out how to be able to do that, because we were talking about chronic inflammation and I think chronic inflammation is through the roof.

Fabiola :

And I think chronic inflammation is through the roof. It's almost everyone I talk to. They have some sort of ache or pain that has been there for a long time and they see chiropractors, acupuncturists, cranial secret therapies and they do the works right To try to be in a less state of inflammation. But this sounds like you hit it to the root, Like you go right to where you need to go at a cellular level, in a form that it can be absorbed by the body, utilized by the cells, so that they can, so that the body, the physiology of the body because the body is very intelligent gets the correct message and then be able to get systems functioning even better. So I love it. Could you share a few case studies, success stories from clients you've worked with or any of your practitioners from having using glutathione?


Oh, absolutely, how long do you got All day? There's as much as I could tell you. So me personally, I got a really cool story. I'll just tell mine real quick, because I always tell people as excited as I am about what happened for me, I get super, super excited about how other people's lives are transforming.


So I had an injury in my shoulder. I was carrying you see, these bed-in-a-box things right, I threw one up on my shoulder. I was carrying up a couple of flights of stairs. I went one way, the weight shifts, it goes the other. I felt everything rip in my neck and my shoulder and all that, just the worst discomfort. I ever felt, pain, right, and I went to see a chiropractor. I went to see a. This all happened in Cocoa Beach, florida. I went to see a sports therapist, a friend of mine who was out there. They recommended these lotions, these pills, these powders, these potions. I even had some friends send me these little energy discs, little stickers. They said put them, just line them up and that'll help mitigate the pain that you're going through.


I tried everything you could imagine and nothing would work. You imagine a scale of one to ten, one being. I don't have no pain at all, ten being it's so bad I'd want to cut my arm off to get rid of it. It was about a 12. Most times, in fact, it would wake me up in the middle of the night out of a dead sleep because I'd turn and it would just be excruciating. And so I would do what anybody would do to get rid of that. Fortunately, I would take some over-the-counter stuff. That's happened in 2021. In 2021, 2022 hits.


I get introduced to this new technology, this new ethion breakthrough, and literally within 48 hours of starting it, I get up the second morning sat on the side of my bed and wept because I slept all night long for the first time in almost a year and I had almost zero pain. And over the time, I've been able to re-engage in my bodyweight exercises that I used to do before the injury. I've been able to throw my grandkids back up on my shoulder again, play a harsh play with them. I was doing a lot before the injury. I really didn't think I'd be able to ever do that again To me. This technology gave me hope back for the future.


Right, I've got friends who were labeled a type 2 diabetic deal. They had issues with their blood sugar. They were seeing a medical professional and monitoring it and, over time, of using this particular and I definitely don't want to say that this supplement will treat, prevent, cure, mitigate any type of disease. I just it's glutathione. When you provide glutathione, which, incidentally, there's over 180-something thousand published studies on PubMed alone I'm not sure, don't remember if I mentioned that or not On that one molecule, it's the single most studied molecule in all of human history.


The only one that comes in second to it is vitamin C, which has a little bit over 70,000 published studies. So it's pretty important. So it's glutathione that's supporting the body in a way that the body can utilize it so that the cells can do just like you said, function the way they're supposed to function properly, right, and so because we're able to get it intracellularly into the bloodstream within 30 minutes, sublingually into the bloodstream within 30 minutes, into the cell within 70, it's able to, the body is able to, is better supported and able to begin functioning normally. Long story short, my friend Ed he's no longer labeled a type 2 diabetic.

Fabiola :



He's going to be on the product. I've got folks a couple of them that were in stage four kidney failure, that are no longer labeled in kidney failure. I've seen some really amazing testimonials Now, people telling me they've got full of heads of hair. They're telling me they're hearing better. They're telling me they can see better. There's all kinds of dysfunctions that go on with the body. When there's, like you called it, chronic or systemic inflammation going on, and if you can begin to mitigate that by supporting the body and reducing the oxidative stress, there's some amazing things that can happen and I've seen it.

Fabiola :

Wow, that's so awesome. And you're right, it's a supplement, we're supplementing, right. But one thing I do want to point out is that you can supplement a bad lifestyle. You can supplement a bad diet, right. You can supplement bad habits. Because time after time, I've seen people I'm going to take this supplement and my pain is not gone. Well, they're still eating processed food, right. Or I'm taking the supplement, but I'm still blah, blah, blah. What change have we not done? Do you find it that when people are changing their lifestyle, changing their diet and then supplementing with glutathione, their results tend to last longer?


100%. In fact, I encourage everyone that utilizes this particular supplementation. I always ask what are you eating? I find out a little bit about their history. Are you smoking cigarettes? Are you drinking a couple of cans of Coca-Cola a day? These types of things? Because are you eating processed foods? Are you cooking meals out of a box versus some type of whole food? And traditionally that's just the Western way, right? That's what a lot of people grew up on. It's an education thing, teaching them how to eat better. Definitely, make sure you stay hydrated, because that's a key factor. You've got to make sure you stay hydrated daily, and so drink at least half of your body weight in ounces of water is what I try to teach people, and it's so important. Fabiola is so important yeah, and clean water?

Fabiola :

right, because our cells from my understanding they are the purest form of water that there is and all the stressors that we've been talking about just the cells have to work harder to go to filter all those things. That slows them down. So, clean water, and I'm glad you mentioned that because you have water. I'm a horrible water drinker. I have to be reminded by my phone or my husband do you drink your water? Do you drink your water? Because I'm literally one of the worst people when it comes to drinking water, but I do feel it. After seeing clients all day long, I'm like, oh gosh, yeah, I feel tired, I feel depleted and well, oh yeah, I wasn't drinking water, yeah, it's important.


One way that I help people to remember to drink water I just have them go to the Environmental Working Group's website, ewgorg. You put your zip code in there and it'll tell you all the contaminants that are in your municipality's water supply.


So when you start, reading all this stuff, you're like bleh. We teach people to use what's called the UCA app. There might be a couple more out there, but the UCA app. You can scan all the stuff that you're getting in the store and it'll list. It'll score it from zero to 100. And if it doesn't score like really close 90 out of 100 or better, we stay away from it. So we encourage everyone to do the same thing. It can still score 60, and the app will say it's good, but there's some borderline chemicals and toxins that's in that food or whatever it is you're scanning.

Fabiola :

So you just want to be mindful of those types of things.


That's a big source. Like we said, the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat. Right.

Fabiola :

Yeah, totally yeah, that's awesome. So we've talked about glorifying the importance of that, and something you mentioned is when people get on the right path right of care, then shift on diagnoses or medications. If I always tell people check, obviously, be mindful of what you're taking, know what you're taking, do your research. And that's why we do this type of interview, so that people have an idea where to go. Because, like you said, even I was just at a store and there was like all kinds of supplements just at the checkout and I'm like, oh, here, liver support, and I look at it, I'm like the first five ingredients were, uh, you know, um, synthetic vitamins. And then I was like, yeah, there's some herbs in there, but we don't know the quality of their herbs, and herbs are very important and you know all this stuff.

Fabiola :

So I really appreciate you breaking it down and sometimes it's impossible not to be a science geek, right? When it comes to some of this, some of the research that's going on. But I think as holistic practitioners, we really dive into it to bring to our clients the best, because many times people come to us as their last resort or they've seen, they've been through the ringer. They bring just so many professionals, the professional and they're not getting anywhere. So I think, getting to the root cause of it all, and I love it that you're really helping people be cellular healthy so that they can have a healthy body, and the domino effect that produces. So I love it and I love that it's a family business what you guys are doing for others is just so amazing. Yeah, could you tell us a little bit about your other services? I know we spent already a bunch of time talking about glutathione, but tell us a little bit about your other services. What does your practice offer?


So through my association with the hydrostatic dental technology and glutathione supplementation, I met a couple of people that introduced me to their terminology was a med bed, and so I dug into that a little bit and learned that it's actually called a quantum energy wellness bed. Med bed utilizes a biophotonic light, biophotonic energy, far infrared heat, along with frequency stimulation, both audibly and through a titanium plate that covers the top of the bed that you lay on, and so while you're sitting there, this whole combination of modalities that comes together is designed to raise your cellular voltage, and when you get your cellular voltage to a certain level, it's optimum and there's no disease state that can exist when your cellular voltage is at optimum level. And so the bed actually comes with its own set of frequencies that are designed to target specific organs or health conditions or what have you. But also we learned from a company called Solex about an app that's called an AO scanner, and so we utilize this in our practice along with the best frequencies.


A client will come in, we create client profile. They'll record 10 seconds of their voice. I've since learned that our vocal cords store everything that we've experienced emotionally since birth and even ancestrally, when our parents came together to create us. All that stuff passes through and it's all stored in our vocal cords. So when we speak for that 10 seconds in the AL scanner, it's analyzing over 10,000 different frequencies and it identifies the top three that are overstimulated and the main one that's been suppressed up to this point in your life. And so what it does is it creates balancing tones and frequencies to bring those into homeostasis, to bring them into balance, and so, in addition to a particular bed frequency that a client might need for support area of their body, we also play these AO scanner frequencies Bluetooth into the bed at the same time, so they're getting a personalized session of quantum energy healing.

Fabiola :

Oh my God, and it sounds like we all need a bed like that.


I think so, I believe so. And in addition, jonathan Glass, dr Jonathan Glass, he's practiced Ayurvedic medicine. I met him also through our association with the hydrostatic technology. He's a chiropractor, practices Ayurvedic medicine, chinese medicine, and he was on a podcast call one Saturday morning and I was listening to him and he says that over 98% of all his clients tested for the need of this product. And I'm like tested, what does he mean tested? And so I started digging and researching. I found out he's muscle testing them to see if their body can use this product for their case, their individual cases.


And this was my first real-life experience in muscle testing. I dove deep into it. I learned how muscle testing is performed and through that we had a relationship with Dr Jason Dean and Lisa Palmer out of Lake Mary, florida, the Orlando area, and I learned that she had developed a modality that was called quantum nutrition testing. It's where muscle testing meets the quantum field, where they come together, and so we went and got certified through her course level one and level two certification, and so now we use that along with the quantum energy wellness bed. When I got a client on the bed, we get permission prior to them going to bed. We will do a quantum nutrition scan while they're on the bed and identify the weak areas in their body and the pressors and then identify the particular supplementation that will help with those areas. And then we'll go over that when they get out of bed.


So it's a pretty in-depth protocol that we do here, and we also use what's called an Avacyn. A-v-a-c-e-n stands for Advanced Vascular Circulation Enhancement. I'm not big on the FDA. Usually something says FDA approved. I run the other way. This device is cleared for pain management and wound healing, and so when I got a client that comes in prior to the bed session, I'll get their hand on the Avacyn. What it does is it puts their hand in a vacuum environment, and the vacuum expands the venules and capillaries in the palm, and the pad that they're resting their hands on is really heated, and so it warms the blood to about one degree higher than normal. So when their heart's pumping, they're pumping higher oxygenated blood throughout all the far reaches of their circulatory system. Their fingers, the tips of their toes is getting everywhere, and so we're just having great results from all of our clients that are coming in to experience quantum energy wellness.

Fabiola :

Wow, that's so awesome. So how does one go about finding your practice? How can people listening to this um or watching the video version, uh, find you?


absolutely. Uh, our website is the cube q e, w. B stands for quantum energy wellness bed, d cubecom. You can click on, go to website. Just put in your favorite browser window, hit enter and check out the website. We'll talk about the Quantum Energy Wellness Bed, what it's designed to do, what it does do. We also talk about the Avacyn there. We talk about the NutriSwish, the hydrostatic nanotechnology delivery glutathione we talk about. We're actually going to be expanding the website here in the future and we won't go into that today. But we're just, we're a family, my wife and I, along with our daughter and our daughter's husband, our son and his wife. Together we brought this technology to, but because of the quantum element involved, we're actually helping people all over the world.

Fabiola :

Wow, that's so awesome, that's so great. And for the supplement, the glutathione supplement, can someone just order it from your shop? Or, if someone is like, live far away and even though you are able to do quantum nutrition testing with them, if they're like I'm not near you to do the bed and everything, how would they avail themselves from the supplement?


yeah, on the same website. Click on a little hamburger thing, open up all the tabs. There's one specific, for it's called nutra swish. You click on that tab and there's a button you click on that'll bring you to the portal to order the product. I highly recommend it because of how effective it is and how affordable it is for most people.

Fabiola :

Yeah, yeah, that's awesome. Wow, we've covered so much and, keith, are there any last words of wisdom that you would like to leave our audience with?


You had mentioned during the call that the diet, lifestyle these all play a huge role. I always encourage people to you, can't you? Probably, if you're listening to this in a different state, you're probably not going to come here to lay on my bed, but get outside in the morning First thing. When you wake up, take your shoes off, go ground on Mother Earth for at least 15 minutes and while you're out there, do some breath work, real deep oxygen intake. Get that into your lungs. Do at least 30 respirations Real deep. And while you're walking on Mother Earth out there, get you some good water. Find a good, whether it's reverse osmosis If you're going to use a reverse osmosis system, make sure you remineralize it. Find a good mineral sub, which we will have on our website here coming shortly. So get you a good mineral that you can mineralize your water with, or get you I'm trying to think of the name of it, it's escaping me. It's a different way of creating good, clean water the distiller.


I also would highly recommend salt intake. I'm not talking about table salt, nacl, sodium chloride, the stuff that's bleached and processed. I'm talking about true salt. There's several of them out there. I like the Baja Gold the best. Then there's Celtic Sea Salt and even Redmond's Real Salt. Those are all three really good versions of salt that we should be using on a daily basis. So those are some things that I would highly recommend people do and make sure you're scanning the foods that you're eating, that you're not, even though you're, on this end, cleaning yourself out and getting better at supplementing and doing all the things, but if, on the other end, you're putting more toxins into your body, it's just a vicious cycle. Stop the toxic load, get yourself detoxed and raise your level, raise your cellular voltage and begin to thrive.

Fabiola :

That's awesome. I love it. We are going to make sure to put all your contact information, your website, everything in the show notes your social media, so that when people are listening to this podcast, watching the video form, they know how to reach you. Keith, I really want to thank you for being here with us today, everything you shared. I had so many live ups go off and I'm going to have to bring you back so we can talk about your other stuff, because I know we quickly went through it. But I'm like, oh my God, that sounds like we could talk for a whole 45 minutes on that thing. That sounds like we could talk for a whole 45 minutes on that thing. So I really appreciate you being here today.


Thank you, fabiola, I enjoyed it. Thank you for having me.

Fabiola :

Yeah, for sure, all right. Thank you everyone for listening and we'll see you at the next episode.