Root Cause Solutions For You

Harnessing Quantum Nutrition Testing: Dr. Lisa Palmer's Journey to Holistic Health Triumphs

Fabiola Reyes, BCHHP - Root Cause Expert, Cert. AK, CellCore & Nutrition Response Testing® and Quantum Nutrition Testing Practitioner Season 2 Episode 3

Have you ever wondered if the secret to optimal health lies beyond conventional medicine? Dr. Lisa Palmer, the trailblazing founder of Quantum Nutrition Testing Academy, joins us to unravel the mysteries of holistic health and share her triumph over early health challenges. Armed with a compelling story of transformation, she paints a vivid picture of how Quantum Nutrition Testing (QNT) is changing lives, digging deep into environmental factors like toxins and parasites that conventional approaches often overlook.

In a world where quick fixes are the norm, Dr. Palmer invites us to slow down and listen to the narratives of patients whose lives have been turned around by embracing natural healing methods. From a woman whose diabetes diagnosis was a mask for a parasitic infection to families brought closer by the healing journey of a loved one, this episode is an homage to the powerful ripple effect of true wellness. We also shed light on the hurdles and triumphs of holistic practitioners, underscoring the patience and dedication required to peel back the layers of health issues and the potential of creating a supportive network for these unsung heroes.

As we wrap up our discussion with Dr. Palmer, it's clear that questioning the status quo in healthcare can lead to groundbreaking paths to wellness. We explore how the medical landscape is evolving, with more professionals recognizing the profound benefits of alternative therapies. This episode celebrates progress, a testament to those forging ahead with integrative approaches, and a heartfelt nod to the guest who's shared her knowledge, empowering us to think differently about our health and the myriad ways we might nurture it.

Ready to train as a Quantum Nutrition Testing practitioner? Click here to learn more:

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Disclaimer: The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. This podcast is not a medical service; the information provided is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. The Root Cause Solutions For You, its practitioners, and employees make no warranties, express or implied, concerning the contents. The information shared in this episode is the opinion of the speaker and should not be considered medical advice. You should never disregard medical advice or delay seeking it because of the contents of this episode.

Fabiola :

Hi everyone, thank you for joining us for another episode of Root Cause Solutions for you. My name is Fabiola and I am your host Today. I'm super happy to have Dr Lisa Palmer, who is a founder of Quantum Nutrition Testing Academy. She's also the owner at Palmer Natural Health in Orlando. Thank you so much, dr Lisa, for being here with us today. Thank you for having me. Fabiola, it's an honor to be on your show. Thank you for having me. Fabiola, it's an honor to be on your show. Thank you so much. Awesome. Well, tell us a little bit about yourself and what got you into natural health.

Dr. Lisa Palmer:

Oh yeah, so I'll try to make it a short story because there's many pieces to the story, but I became a doctor of chiropractic after many things that happened in my life and the short answer is that I was an emergency C-section birth. They gave me 5% chance of surviving it. My mom woke up at three in the morning with my umbilical cord out of her, and she woke up my father and said this isn't good and he sped to the hospital. The surgeon said we're not quite sure she's going to make it, and so they called me Miracle Baby for a long time because obviously I'm here.

Dr. Lisa Palmer:

But the reason why my umbilical cord was no longer in my mother's body was because her uterus is a very unique shape it's heart-shaped. And because of the shape of her uterus there was not enough room for me in the umbilical cord. But also my legs were not formed properly, so they were internally rotated. My feet were like kissing each other. The surgeon thought okay, well, your baby survived birth, but she may not survive, she may not be able to walk. And so they had me in those leg braces. I had to wear my shoes on my opposite feet and then they thought well, perhaps she'll need leg surgery.

Dr. Lisa Palmer:

A friend of the family said well, why don't you try chiropractic? I was born in the 70s and people were like well, my parents were like I don't even know what chiropractic is. And honestly, I didn't really understand what chiropractic was. All I knew was I had my chiropractor, who was this nice lady named Dr Vicky who would put these triangular wedges underneath my hips and do chiropractic. I didn't even know it was chiropractic, because I didn't really understand, because I was an infant on. And then I had this other doctor that had this nurse that had this tray that I wanted to kick out of her hands because it usually meant she was going to jab me with something. Right? Because I was vaccinated as a kid and I just went through life having two different doctors. Because of chiropractic, I was able to walk, play high school, college and professional sports and thought this is really cool stuff, I should do this, and that's how I got into chiropractic.

Fabiola :

And one of the things I've always admired it's you've been always determined, even from a baby, you know, yeah, I was, I was coming.

Dr. Lisa Palmer:

I was coming, you know, definitely fighting the odds. So thank you for that acknowledgement. And you know, don't? I don't really think of it like that. I just think of what's the next thing that needs to be done, whether it is being born or, you know, being able to walk, run, do all those things I didn't, I run, do all those things I didn't, I didn't. It's interesting because as a kid I didn't even think of it as a as a challenge or a deficit or disability or anything like that. I just thought of it as like I'm going to, I want to play soccer, so I'm going to play. And I remember I actually made in middle school we didn't have a girls team, we only had a boys team, and so I tried out for the boys team and I made the boys team and my father was like, absolutely not.

Dr. Lisa Palmer:

You're not playing soccer with boys. I'm like, well, why not? I'm good enough to make the team, like you know? And he was afraid I was going to get injured because, you know, guys are, guys are faster, I'll admit they're faster, they have better muscle structure than women typically, and so he was afraid that I was going to get hurt. So I ended up playing. I started playing soccer in high school but, yeah, it wasn't even a consideration that it wasn't going to happen.

Fabiola :

It was just the next thing. I love it and I think that's so important. Right, as a practitioner, you know intention, and that's one of the things I love about your technique quantum nutrition testing because from it's about the intention you know, like when we are in class, one of the things you mentioned is what's your intention when you're working on this person. So that leads me into asking you so what is the quantum nutrition testing and how do you found the need to develop this technique?

Dr. Lisa Palmer:

Question yeah, I really wasn't looking to develop an academy or online training or in-person training. You know our practice Pulmonary Retro Health is a very busy practice we see about 400 patient visits a week, we have five associate practitioners and really wasn't looking to do outside training, although I love teaching. So I taught muscle testing for a really long time. I taught in the sports chiropractic world for a long time. I taught in the sports medicine world for a long time. So I enjoyed the teaching aspect but really wasn't looking to start an academy.

Dr. Lisa Palmer:

And how it happened was during the crazy pandemic. You know, my father one night woke up, he slipped on the tile and he hit his head on a wooden nightstand and my mom called me. You know, she knows that I'm very versed in concussions, working with college athletes, working with professional athletes mainly a lot of soccer players, but I also worked American football and rugby and crazy ice hockey. So after almost 30 years on sidelines, very, very good in the concussion space. So I evaluated my dad for concussion and he didn't see any signs. And this is during the pandemic, when the hospitals were basically closed. I mean, you remember that nightmare and the word on the street was don't go to the hospital unless you're pretty much dying. And that was during that time period, and so we did not want to take my father to the hospital. He didn't have any signs of concussion or anything else, so it felt very comfortable just keeping an eye on him. But two days later we noticed the left side of his face started to sag, his left arm started to lose function and he wasn't able to stand on his left leg. And I said mom, I said look, you know I don't want to take him to the hospital because there was no visitation. But I also don't want to be negligent and not have him checked out because now his body's changing in a way that's detrimental. And so we send him to the hospital.

Dr. Lisa Palmer:

There was no visitation, but we were allowed to be in the emergency room and it was interesting because they ran a CT scan, they did an MRI, they did blood work, they started IV and the neurologist came down. The neurosurgeon actually came down to the ER to go over his films and he didn't know that I was a doctor of chiropractic. I'm a doctor of chiropractic. He just thought I was the daughter of the patient, my sister's a naturopath. She was there. He didn't know she was a naturopath my mom's in our inn and worked at a huge public hospital in Miami, and he didn't know any of our training levels. And he's just kind of talking out loud like, oh yeah, you know, I see where there, you know, I see where there was some inflammation he goes.

Dr. Lisa Palmer:

But if you had brought your father in when this happened, most likely it would have drilled a hole into his skull to drain the blood out. But it's weird, it's kind of like a miracle, you know, 48 hours and his brain is already healing. And so for me, you know, being in natural health care, just like you, fabiola, we believe that the body heals itself. And so to me I was like, well, yeah, of course the body heals itself. And it made me wonder how many people got a hole drilled in their skull that really he could have just gave him a little bit more time to see what would happen. You know, like, can this person heal or do they need some kind of surgical intervention? Some people think, as a holistic doctor, I'm not, I don't like the medical profession, and that's absolutely not true. A medical surgeon saved my life when I was an infant, you know. And then I do appreciate the orthopedist that worked on me and so on. But I do think that's holistic, the holistic component of letting the body heal itself or giving the body the nutrients or the vitamins or the minerals what you do all day long, fabiola, and finding the cause is often neglected just because of their training. I think if they knew that they could, then it was accepted that they could, that they would do so as well. They would be part of the holistic healthcare team.

Dr. Lisa Palmer:

So then, long story short, my father. They ended up keeping him for a month in mid-hospital stay. He was transferred to another room the nurse had forgot to plug in the call button and actually his vitals as well. They were understaffed. It was a horrible time. We couldn't visit him because there was no visitation. Our governor, and basically everywhere nationwide, shut hospitals down for visitation and I'm sure that you would agree that. You know it's very, very important to advocate for your family members to be able to speak on their behalf if they can't speak, to be able to help with challenging decisions or challenging things that come up in care and then definitely advocate for what you want to have done and what you don't want to have done, and so on. And so mid-stay he was having some issues because they forgot when they transferred his bed they pushed him from one room to another in his bed, they forgot to plug everything in. He was in extreme pain and he couldn't get a hold of anyone arm.

Dr. Lisa Palmer:

And I tried to test from a distance, which was a newer concept Some people had talked about like they had played around with things like that. But I never really did that because all my patients would come to my office and see me, and so I put my thumb and my index finger together and I started testing. And I tested my father and I found that he had a kidney stone because he, knowing his paperwork and knowing working on him for 20 years, he made kidney stones. So he was testing. I tested from a distance and I found out he was producing a kidney stone. And I found out even what type of supplementation would handle that. And there's a product from Systemic Formulas called KDAR which breaks up kidney stones. And then I determined what would the dose would be and I thought, well, that was really interesting. And I went back to sleep.

Dr. Lisa Palmer:

My mother called me the next morning and she was like Lisa, you'll never believe what happened last night and as your dad was in extreme pain and he his call button wasn't working because, for whatever reason, they didn't plug in any of his vitals or his call button and he called, he ended up calling 911 and the dispatcher got ahold of the hospital, which got ahold of the nurses on his floor, which found out that he was in pain and none of his stuff was plugged in and that's why you couldn't communicate with them and they analyzed his system because he was in extreme abdominal pain and they found out his bladder was retaining fluid, but they don't know why. And I was like mom, well, I tested dad and she's like you went there and I'm like, no, I tested him from my house and this is what I found. And so that was really the creation of quantum nutrition testing, which was so cool. And then, from that point, we decided to start putting supplementation into his breakfast, because you know, at the hospital they don't feed you real food. They feed you pudding, mcdonald, pancakes, whatever. And so my mother was awesome, she would bring him food every day. We put his supplements in his food and he got better.

Dr. Lisa Palmer:

Then, finally, a month after he got admitted, he was released in outpatient rehab and I was able to see him. We were able to. Our governor opened up visitation and was able to see him in the hospital. I quantum tested him from my house that morning and then, when I arrived at the hospital, I old school tested him by pushing on his arm. And what I found from my house and what I found seeing him house and what I found seeing him live was the same.

Dr. Lisa Palmer:

And, like dad, we didn't tell him. You know, like really, dad, we've been putting vitamins and minerals in your food and we want to get you out of here. And he's like yes, thank you, get me out of here. The food's horrible. You can't rest because nurses are always checking on you. And that's how quantum came to be. My husband has a show called Brave TV and people were looking for answers during the pandemic on how they could boost their immune system. And one day he said, hey, if you need help, call the office. 350 people called in from all over the world and I thought, okay, well, we can do this quantum testing with them and figure out what can we do naturally to boost the immune system. And so quantum-efficient testing wasn't just a thing that I did to help my father. It became something that we did internationally to help people boost their immune system and not have to live in fear over a virus.

Fabiola :

Yeah, that's true, and I think fear over a virus. Yeah, that's true, and I think how many practitioners have you trained since?

Dr. Lisa Palmer:

You know, I was thinking about that the other day so we launched the Quantum Academy in 2022. So it's online qntacademycom. And then we, when part of the country was still locked down, Florida was very open, and so we were one of the only in-person seminars that were existing. And so since 2022, March 2022 is when the academy was burst, if you will I've trained every single month since then.

Dr. Lisa Palmer:

So, I have to go and look at our actual numbers, but hundreds of practitioners, from chiropractors, the health coaches training a lot of nurses lately naturopaths and so on.

Fabiola :

So really I will train anyone who has a passion for wanting to help and wanting to help people naturally that's awesome and that's what the intention you speak a lot of when you're doing training, your intention behind helping this person. Like you start, you get out of your head and then you trust that answer, just like when you're trusting when you're first learning to muscle test by. You know in person, you know because for some people sometimes muscle testing it's a little out there already. And then when you introduce something as unique as quantum testing and then getting into the realm of quantum physics and people really need to get like you need to get out of your head. You know as a client as well as as a practitioner. And you know I was talking to a client the other day and I said you know we're, we, we're resorting to different methods.

Fabiola :

Now we are having to think outside the box because we're just a very ill society. We're not very healthy. You know we spend billions of dollars on health care and there's more diabetes than you know any other time. There's more cardiovascular disease. How many people passed during the pandemic because their immune systems were not, you know, strong enough. How many people still suffering from the effects of that and the medications and chemicals. And I mean we get beat up so much and having to think outside the box, I think, is still important. So we think how are chemicals impacting you? How are parasites and mold toxicity Right? Chemicals impacting you, how are parasites and mold toxicity right? And I love how QNT fits right into that philosophy in regards to helping people, so I love it. Will you be, can you share some case studies?

Dr. Lisa Palmer:

Yeah, absolutely. Thank you for that. So I agree, I'm a little biased. The quantum nutrition testing is it's efficient, it's effective. I thought you know training the docs would be easier, but actually it's the holistic practitioners, the coaches, that are easier to train. I think doctors overcomplicate things and so they're actually more difficult to train than the holistic coaches, than the holistic coaches and the nurses can be a little bit difficult, just because they sometimes think in a nurse I call it their nurse brain and they're like, okay, well, what's the label? And then what's the supplement? They kind of think of supplements like medications. I'm like, no, it's not like that. The supplementation balances out the body and improves the immune system naturally and fixes the nutritional deficiencies.

Dr. Lisa Palmer:

One of the cases, you know, one of the cases during the pandemic, who we still work with, was a listener of Brave TV. She called in and she had gone to Mexico on vacation and she went to an all-inclusive resort. So you know, all you can eat food, all you can drink and that kind of stuff. And you know a lot of people say, oh well, you pick up a parasite, you must've went to Mexico, or you must've went to India, or you must've went to somewhere else. Well, we, as you know, have parasites in the United States as well. And after her trip to Mexico she got really, really sick. She got extremely fatigued. She said she could barely walk in the airport. She ended up getting hospitalized and they ran blood work and they found her blood sugar levels were off the charts. Now, before her trip to Mexico, she was not diagnosed with diabetes of any kind. After her trip to Mexico she was diagnosed with diabetes and given insulin, units of insulin and told that she was diabetic.

Fabiola :

She was shocked.

Dr. Lisa Palmer:

She's like what do you mean? I've never been diagnosed diabetic and she was in her. She's in her late 40s and so I was like, wow, that's really interesting. So she called to see if there's anything that could be done naturally to help her with her diabetes. And in applying quantum nutrition testing, we gather all the patient's data. We ask deep questions you know because you do quantum. We ask questions on their family history, we ask questions on what they eat, we ask questions on if they're female, what are their female cycles like? Have they had kids, have they had mold exposure and so on and then we take that data and we actually quantum test the data to see what is their personalized program.

Dr. Lisa Palmer:

And so, with looking and analyzing her information, I found that she had an immune challenge in her system and the immune challenge looked a lot like a parasite. It put together different herbs. I love the Cellcor product line and handling parasites the most efficient, effective product line for that and not only does that supplementation handle immune challenges like parasites and viruses and bacterias and mold, but it also helps to strengthen the organs and the glands. I think a lot of people look at those herbs and they think, well, these are chillers for parasites, and absolutely that is true. But it also helps to strengthen the immune system, the cardiovascular system and the endocrine system and so on. And so I got on the phone with her and I said hey, you know, there's a cause to why your body can't handle blood sugar issues. Your pancreas is compromised and there's some buggies in there that seem to be throwing a party and affecting your ability to regulate your blood sugar. We mailed her her supplementation, we worked with her food, we helped her with lifestyle she had a bit of stress in her life Helped her with all those things and still, as of this day I talked to her last week she is no longer diabetic, she is no longer on insulin. She is not on any kind of medication because they put her on a whole bunch of stuff. She came out of the hospital with like seven prescriptions. She went from zero prescriptions to seven prescriptions and insulin, and so now I'm super happy to say she's no longer diabetic, she's no longer on insulin, she no longer needs any medications.

Dr. Lisa Palmer:

I didn't take her off the insulin. I didn't take her off the medication longer in need of any medications. I didn't take her off the insulin. I didn't take her off the medication. I'm licensed to do so. But with the quantum nutrition testing properly applied, her body has rebalanced itself. I taught her how to eat healthy foods, what her system does well with, and it doesn't mean you have to eat salads and berries all day right, that's no fun. And she's doing awesome and in fact she's so passionate about it that she wants to help her friends and her family and her community as well, that June 7th 8th is another quantum nutrition testing level one. She's going to fly from Iowa to attend level one so she can help others like I helped her.

Fabiola :

Wow, that's awesome, thank you others like I helped her. Wow, that's awesome, that's, that's huge. I mean to not be diabetic and then after a vacation and then you come back diabetic. That's, like you know, maybe not the vacation she was looking for.

Dr. Lisa Palmer:

Not the vacation she was looking for.

Dr. Lisa Palmer:

Yeah, a rough time.

Dr. Lisa Palmer:

And the cool thing is that she, her husband, she started getting her husband on a program, and then some of her other family members, and then her, her daughter-in-law, her, I think it's her husband she started getting her husband on a program, and then some of her other family members, and then her daughter-in-law I think it's her daughter-in-law had a baby and because of what I taught her as a patient and she understood the negative effects of vaccines, that she educated her daughter and her daughter did not vaccinate the child and she has one child that is vaccinated, appears to be on the spectrum, and one that's not vaccinated, and the mother can see the difference in the two kids.

Dr. Lisa Palmer:

And so it's really cool to see the positive effect of when you, you know, for what we do, fabiola, is that we're not just saying here, take these supplements and see you later. We empower them by giving them the knowledge, by giving them the data that they need to. They can apply not only to their own lives, but then they start applying it to their spouse and applying it to their grandkids and their daughter-in-law, and so on, and it's so cool to see the positive effect. When someone decides to do quantum nutrition with testing, it really changes generational health.

Fabiola :

That's true, because it's about education and, like you said, empowering other people. And you know, we were just at a conference where one of the speakers talked about, and within her program, teaching her clients not be codependent of you as a practitioner. It doesn't mean that we don't have a role as a practitioner, but my job, our job, is to make sure that people are healthier, and I think being healthier is just part of the equation. It's a stepping stone to actually achieving. Why do we people, why do people want to be healthier? What are they missing out in life? What is why? Is their health? You know, what is the health holding them back from travel? Or I want to not break in hives when I get nervous, or you know, gosh, you name it. So many different things that we'll experience.

Dr. Lisa Palmer:

And anything really that's a symptom, right. And so I think in our society and you see this too with your patients is you know patients get used to. They're like that's my normal migraine. I'm like normal doesn't go with migraine, or that's my normal PMS, or that's my normal bloating. I'm like no, no, no, no, that is not healthy function. Anything that's a symptom is a sign of imbalance, a sign of disease, a sign of the body's not working properly.

Dr. Lisa Palmer:

And then we don't try to suppress this and we don't say oh, you're in pain here, take this pain pill, let's manage your pain. I hate that term. We look for what is the cause, you know, and you were saying earlier, is it a chemical toxicity? Is it a metal toxicity? Is it? Is it? Do they have a moldy basement? You know, are they in a moldy environment? Are they? Were they exposed to something earlier in their life that's still negatively affecting them?

Dr. Lisa Palmer:

We look for the cause and while we get great results and you get great results in your practices for identifying the cause, then we're not just saying, hey, you know, this is my favorite supplement, so go ahead and take it. Or here's the supplement I have on stock. We look for the exact right one for that patient or client. And then we don't just say, here, go take this stuff. We hold their hand and we help them with whatever lifestyle changes. You know like maybe they don't know what to eat for breakfast, maybe they're in a high stress job, maybe they're so sick that they're not really sure how to interact with their kids, so they turn into like a mean mom. You know like they yell all the time. I've had patients tell me well, thank you for helping my mom, because now she's not a mean mom anymore. And I'm like, oh, my goodness, but I can understand. You know someone who's not feeling well never comes in the office and says, yeah, I feel horrible, you know, and they're a little irritable, a little cranky, a little hangry.

Fabiola :

They're just not optimum. No one wants to be like that. It's just their system is so imbalanced that their mood gets negatively affected as well. It's a non-diagnostic, you know, safe way of helping others. And I think we're at a point in our society I think is even more evident for me now where we're desperate to get better right. We're desperate for solutions Like I think, if people are willing to take whatever medications have been prescribed by the doctor and if the number keeps increasing every time they go and see their doctor and they're willing to do that, it's because they want to get better.

Fabiola :

You know, I think. I think they're just such a need for people, such a want for people to really to really want to be healthier, and how many people I've seen that come to us and be like I've seen so many other people or so many other doctors and no one can help me and they think I'm crazy and I be like I've seen so many other people or so many other doctors and no one can help me and they think I'm crazy and I'm like well, let's, let's put that aside for a second and let's really dive into as to what's, what's behind all of this, and that's one of the things I love about what we do, because it really allows us to be able to do that. And you know I mean obviously, yes, as we're healing the body, there's going to be reactions, right, and the supplements are not medication, so there's no side effects. But that doesn't mean the body is not responding to what we're doing and sometimes it takes tweaking and it takes commitment and patience, you know, because healing takes time.

Fabiola :

And one thing I tell people is like you, you know, like we live in a very fast society right now you don't get your amazon prime order in two days and you're immediately up like important, demanding free shipping or refunding drive throughs, right, like if you're going through a drive-thru and it's more than five minutes. You're like what's going on? Who ordered, ordered, what? Is this not moving On demand? You know, yeah, and healing is not linear. You know we think we're going to go from point A to point B and then C, and then I'm like no, we're going to go probably from point A to point Y and then we're going to go back to A and then C. So I just You're absolutely right yeah.

Fabiola :

And what we do is so important. So I really appreciate your, your commitment and training others, and no matter their background, because just like your client to then be able to practice quantum nutrition testing to really be able to help others.

Dr. Lisa Palmer:

Yeah, and to me my viewpoint is, if they want to learn and they want to help, then definitely I'll train them. And then you know, some of these guys would be awesome practitioners for someone like you with an established practice. Some of these guys would want to start on their own and then a project that's been kind of on the back burner because it is a bit of a project, is putting together a practitioner network where you know, my company would do the marketing and the shipping and the scheduling and kind of run all the pieces and the practitioners would have the ability to show up and help people. So that is one of the plans. It's a bit of a big goal. I've been looking at shipping out pieces of to help. But how do we?

Dr. Lisa Palmer:

You know, I think one of the biggest obstacles is when you're looking at holistic health care. It's not like you go to the hospital and they employ you. You know you don't get into that system. You have to be a holistic practitioner and you have to be an entrepreneur, and not everybody wants to do that or not everybody has that in their wheelhouse, and so to be able to create a network where the marketing is done for them, the business side is done for them and really the practitioner just has to be a very, very good practitioner and apply quantum nutrition testing to their patients, to their clients, to help find the cause, rebalance the body and then health happens after that.

Fabiola :

Yeah, that's awesome because we need to be more. There needs to be more of us, that's for sure. So, obviously, if a client is listening to this, you know we're always practices, are always looking for practitioners, you know, to join the ranks and there's definitely no limit, right, Because we were in desperate need of help and stuff like that. So, and I, you know, like, don't think of it as like alternative health. You know, like back in the 1800s, you know, if you wanted to be a doctor you had to know homeopathy, you had to go through a certain curriculum of natural health. But we've, you know, because of different, how society has been shaped and agendas and whatnot, you know we've become like the alternative, you know, kind of like the other thing you kind of do on the side, but we create, you know, so many positive things with our clients every day by doing what we do.

Dr. Lisa Palmer:

So, yeah, I mean one of my staff was calling me today and they're like well, you know, I did, you know. So we do just like you do. We do the consultation and we speak with patients, for, you know, a good chunk of time and get all their information, and a lot of times it's the first time that's ever happened for them. And then we do the quantum nutrition testing and then we present a report, and so one of my associate practitioners presented this journal in the report and he goes well, I don't know. Like you said, it's alternative and I don't quite understand. I'm like you know what, at the end of the day, if they go to their medical doctor and the medical doctor is like well, you know, mr Jones, you're getting older, so what we're going to do is we're going to make you drink this horrible stuff for a whole day and you're going to have to stay in the bathroom the whole day because you're going to have diarrhea the whole day. We're going to clean out your colon and then we're going to give you anesthesia, we're going to knock you out with your butt in the air and take some clamps and open up your butt, cheeks and we're going to take a big tube and stick a camera in your butt and take pictures of your colon. And you know, sometimes we scrape the colon, sometimes we perforate or puncture the colon and we'll take some pictures. We might like take some samples and cut some stuff in your intestines while we're there and we'll take that out and then eventually you'll wake up and we'll tell you if you're going to have colon cancer, like if you think about some of the medical procedures or exploratory surgery, and so you know, every moment in the society is geared towards medicine. You look at the pharma ads, you look at what they teach at Sesame Street. You look at like, oh, you have to go see the doctor and the doctor has a stethoscope and all these things. Everything is geared in our society towards that medical model and so anything that is not that medical model gets labeled the alternative. But when you start to think of some of the crazy stuff with what the medical model does, like you're going to basically make someone poop all day, knock them out, take pictures of their colon, shove a tube and it's not a gentle thing. One of my patients does that procedure. You know they have like the tubing and they're like jamming this thing because the colon isn't the straight line. It has curves, and sometimes they really have to jam that tubing in to get around the corners of the colon. And so sometimes when patients say you know what you do is different, I'm like yeah, it is absolutely different, because they don't want to be part of that model.

Dr. Lisa Palmer:

That model has always been broken and it will always result in either you take a medication that always has side effects or we cut something out of you that belongs in the body. You're supposed to have a gallbladder, you're supposed to have an appendix, you're supposed to have tonsils, you're supposed to have all of your intestines, you're supposed to have both kidneys and so on. And to me, no other profession, if you remove something, doesn't make it better. If you go to your mechanic and they say, yeah, you know what that right break, it's just not really good. So we're just going to take it out and we're not going to replace it, you would think it's the worst mechanic in the world. But that's what surgeons tend to do. Is they're like, okay, well, let's just cut that gallbladder out, you don't need it, or that appendix or that whatever. It's pretty insane when you give people those kinds of examples.

Fabiola :

Yeah, and you don't give a second thought, right? Sometimes people are like, oh yeah, I had my gallbladder removed and I'm like, okay, understood, well, plan B now, right, because we're working on plan A, now we're jumping to plan B. But, yeah, we don't give a second thought. And sometimes I think, just because we don't give a second thought and sometimes I think, just because we don't understand something, it doesn't mean it's not, it's not good, right? I mean, obviously, understanding it's important, what you are getting involved into, um, your commitment financially, you know time and everything. Innovation, you know, we've known, I mean, throughout history, we've come up with techniques and different things and discoveries, and all begun from something that people didn't truly understand and developed. And now, how many you know? Years, decades, hundreds of years later, we don't even think of it as just part of who we are Like. Back in the 50s, I think, t3 and T4, the thyroid hormones were not even acknowledged of their existence and it wasn't until the 70s. Oh yeah, these hormones do exist and I was like, what that's like? That's not long ago, you know. And now we, we know, we don't review the existence of these hormones because now you know someone there to think outside the box, discover more of the human body.

Fabiola :

So I think the same with holistic care, alternative care, muscle testing, quantum nutrition testing. If you're not feeling well, you have nothing to lose but so much to gain from trying something different, because doing the same thing over and over the same thing may not give you the same result. And yeah, people want to get healthier. I think I see a lot of people who come to the practice now. They're like I just want to feel better, and sometimes people are in tears because no one is listening to them and I feel like our you know group does that you know the holistic care practitioner.

Fabiola :

So that's why I love it. And I've seen more doctors actually more like on social media. You know in training and conferences who are, you know, going back to that oath that they why do they want to become doctors to begin with. And it's so refreshing as holistic practitioners to have those people in our corner because you know they're speaking our language too. So I think you're training like you know they're. They're speaking our language too. So I think you're training like you said. You're training so many people from so many different professions.

Dr. Lisa Palmer:

Yeah, absolutely yeah, people are looking for answers, they're looking for the cause of their problem. And then you had mentioned, you know, about T3 and T4, the thyroid hormones, and how that was missed in the 50s. You know, when you look at the human body, the physiology, it's theories. You know. It's a theory on muscle contraction. It's a theory on how the heart beats. It's a theory on how respiration occurs. It's a theory on a lot of these physiological processes, to the point where there's only a couple of laws. You know. So laws are absolute, theories are. We think it's like this.

Dr. Lisa Palmer:

And so people are like, well, how does that work, and what does that work? And I'm like, okay, well, you know one of the speakers we had at ECO last year on the heart. He's like, well, people think that the heart is a pump, but it's not really a pump, because if you were to look at this from an engineering standpoint, there's no way that that pump would pump through all the different vasculature, all the blood vessels, all the arteries, all the circulatory processes in the body. There's no way it could do. And so he's even questioning no way it could do, and so he's even questioning. So here's a very famous cardiologist that's questioning how the heart pumps itself, how the circulatory system functions itself, and to me that's like a very basic thing that we learned in elementary school and yet they're questioning it. They're questioning brain function. When I was at the University of Florida, we had just got in the late 90s, we got a brain institute and they were very, very proud of this brain research center and they're like well, you know, we know where. We know with the brain research institute that we know 10% of its function. And we're like you guys are bragging about 10%. What about the other 90%? So you're saying we don't know what 90% of the brain is doing. And that's what I took from. That is like, yeah, they don't know.

Dr. Lisa Palmer:

And so in the line of work that we do in holistic healthcare with quantum nutrition testing as a technology, people will ask me well, how do I know that it works? And like, because we get results. And the results are not tied to a medication with side effects. The results are not tied to cutting pieces of the body out. Results are not tied to a medication with side effects. The results are not tied to cutting pieces of the body out. Results are not tied to future side effects or future potential class action lawsuits, which I think we're going to see with a Zempik and these type of semi-glutide drugs.

Dr. Lisa Palmer:

You know people are on the weight loss bandwagon but they don't understand that that chemical comes with a price and unfortunately that price is linked to thyroid cancer and it's linked to food rotting in the stomach and things shutting down, whereas quantum nutrition testing we're not doing anything to suppress the symptoms, but rather we're giving vitamins, we're giving minerals, we're giving electrolytes, we're giving specific herbs to rebalance the body so the body can auto-correct itself and then regain its health and improve health, and to me I'm very biased, but to me that's the best way not to suppress things with chemicals that always have side effects, whether it's, you know, a Tylenol, ibuprofen or something more intense like the Zempic drug.

Dr. Lisa Palmer:

I mean, I turn the radio on, all I hear is this Zempic stuff being pushed and it's not safe and it's not natural and in my opinion it's not the way that you rebalance weight or anything. If someone has weight gain, we look for in quantum nutrition testing we look for the cause. Is it a thyroid that's underperforming? Is it a high stress levels? Our society is so stressed out. Is it someone living in mold. If you're living in mold, you could eat perfectly everything organic, but that mold is going to throw off female hormones and the person's going to be puffy and inflamed and gain weight. Yeah, and so I totally agree with you. Quantum nutrition testing has an amazing place in natural health care.

Fabiola :

Yeah, there's one more story I want to share with clients and with our audience. There was a client who was experiencing asthma and very sensitive to the environment, couldn't actually leave her house and had just freshly come from one of the trainings. And I had just freshly come from one of the trainings. We started doing Q&T, which is like every week, just like on her program, and we will mail her supplements or her husband will come and pick them up. And little by little she started getting better to the point where she could now come to the office to do her appointments in person, because it's so much better and I was like, oh my gosh, this is so great and what a great tool.

Fabiola :

Could she bend the night hair before then, before Q&T, not really knowing how to apply this technique because of her specific situation. Well, let's wait until you get better, until you can get out of the house or you know whatever. How much other conventional treatment after? How much more cleanup we will have to do after conventional treatment? And now she comes to her appointments in person because she can leave her house, because her asthma is no longer an issue for her.

Dr. Lisa Palmer:

So I just wanted to share that.

Fabiola :

I was like, oh, I got to share that story because that is like you know how you transform that person's, you know someone's health, so that's awesome. So we're going to put in the show notes the links on how to access you know how to reach the Q&T website and then I think all the information it's in there, then I think all the information that's in there will put all the necessary information so that if anyone of any background, whether client or practitioner, retired or who's looking for a new game, or someone who's still in practice wants to become a practitioner how to become a QNT practitioner. And was there anything else you wanted to go over before we end off?

Dr. Lisa Palmer:

That's awesome. Yes, if you have on your heart, if you have a mission, a purpose to serve and you want to help people, naturally you know that holistic health care is the way to go and you're looking for a system that's efficient, effective Quantum nutrition testing. I would love to train you. I recommend Fabiola put the link in the show notes. I recommend to start in the online academy the monthly membership and it has data on how to handle mold, how to handle chemicals, metals, parasites and so on, but also how to do the quantum nutrition testing, and so my most successful students will start online in the academy. They start learning. It includes Tuesday night clinical coaching where we go over various different patient cases and I teach on the subject. We share clinical wins.

Dr. Lisa Palmer:

A lot of times, practitioners feel like they're stuck on an island. Their cup gets very empty. They get burned out because it's rough working on people that don't feel good. Sometimes they're a little cranky. Sometimes you take a loss on somebody you really want to help and then they won't let you help them, so that could be frustrating, and so the clinical coaching on Tuesday nights is very, very positive. It's awesome. The Quantum Healer community is an awesome community and I would love to help you so you can start in the academy and do some online training.

Dr. Lisa Palmer:

Show up in Florida for level one. The next step after that would be level two and three and so on. And then, of course, I'd love to invite everybody to our end of the year event, which is in Orlando, florida, december 13th through 15th. And we have amazing speakers like Dr Sherry Tenpenny on vaccines and what's happening with that. We have Dr Jason Dean speaking on your health freedoms. We have Dr Darren Schmidt speaking on quantum physics and some awesome things in business extension, in marketing, and so a great speaker of lineup in a business extension in marketing, and so a great speaker of lineup. And the purpose of the conference is to get everybody together and share successful clinical outcomes marketing business, and it is meant for the mom that wants to get into natural health care all the way to the successful business owner with multiple associate practitioners. Would love to have you guys in just there.

Fabiola :

That's awesome. Thank you so much, dr Lisa, for being here with us today. Your knowledge and expertise is very appreciated. Thank you so much for sharing everything that you've shared so far, and we cannot wait until see what's next, because you know, we're always looking for more.

Dr. Lisa Palmer:

Awesome Thanks, Fabiola. It's been a pleasure being on your show. Awesome All.