Root Cause Solutions For You

Decoding Your Health: The Revolutionary Impact of Nutritional Blood Chemistry with Dr. Keith Sheehan

Fabiola Reyes, BCHHP - Root Cause Expert, Cert. AK, CellCore & Nutrition Response Testing® and Quantum Nutrition Testing Practitioner Season 2 Episode 2

Join Dr. Keith Sheehan and me, Fabiola, as we uncover the transformative power of functional blood chemistry and its potential to rewrite the narrative of chronic health conditions. Dr. Sheehan, a passionate advocate for natural health based in Lancaster, shares his health odyssey, from a challenging childhood riddled with ailments to a groundbreaking shift in his diet that beat ulcerative colitis. His story is a testament to the profound influence nutrition has on our well-being.

Our conversation turns into the technical yet utterly fascinating realm of blood work. We dissect the limitations of standard lab references and how a personalized approach to blood chemistry can offer a more precise picture of one's health. Dr. Sheehan walks us through the nuances of evaluating food sensitivities, digestion, blood sugar, and the immune system, highlighting how these factors can silently shape our health destiny. Together, we explore the often-overlooked markers that should be on every doctor's radar and the barriers, like insurance policies, that can prevent patients from receiving comprehensive care.

Wrapping up this enlightening discussion, we tackle the practical side of implementing this knowledge in everyday health management. We look at how practitioners can incorporate functional blood chemistry into their practices despite the challenges posed by conventional medical frameworks. By equipping listeners with the understanding to decode their blood tests and advocate for their health, we aim to inspire a proactive stance on well-being. Whether through detailed blood analyses, muscle testing, or lifestyle modifications, the message is clear: you hold the key to unlocking a healthier future.

You can find more information about Dr. Keith and his practice here

Ready to become a master in Nutritional Blood Chemistry? Check it out here:

Disclaimer: The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. This podcast is not a medical service; the information provided is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. The Root Cause Solutions For You, its practitioners, and employees make no warranties, express or implied, concerning the contents. The information shared in this episode is the opinion of the speaker and should not be considered medical advice. You should never disregard medical advice or delay seeking it because of the contents of this episode.

Fabiola :

Hi everyone. Thank you so much for joining us for another episode of Root Cause Solutions for you. My name is Fabiola and I am your host Today. I'm thrilled to have as a very special guest Dr Keith Sheehan, who is the owner of Sheehan Natural Health in Lancaster, pennsylvania. In this episode, we're going to be talking about nutritional blood chemistry, and I've been wanting to do this for a while. I think we're all fascinated about what does our blood tell us, and I think it can tell a lot, and I was at a conference where Dr Xie was talking about blood chemistry and his lecture impacted me so much that I'm like he's got to be on the podcast as the special guest. So thank you so much for being here with us today.

Dr. Keith:

Thanks for having me.

Fabiola :

Yeah, for sure. Well, tell us a little bit about yourself.

Dr. Keith:

Okay, well, where do we start? Well, I was always a sick child. I didn't realize that I was sick, because that's the way that I was. I first became, let me see, I think, my first. I always had asthma and allergies as a kid, but then at, I think, age 17, I developed ulcerative colitis. You know what that is? Serious autoimmune bowel issue, and so I had serious problems. And then I hurt my back when I was 17 or 18, not realizing they were probably linked, wouldn't see the chiropractor fit to me up and I was like I think that's what I'm gonna do for a living.

Dr. Keith:

Great, so that's where the story ends. No, that's not where the story ends, that's where it begins. What happened after that was I went through college and I used to exercise all the time, I used to work out like the rest of the day I did whatever I want, and what happened was I did a lot of garbage and it didn't seem to really bother me. But in 93, we're done with Shady Cone and I got a C and it was really painful and I couldn't stand up for it.

Dr. Keith:

I didn't know people who got sick and in other words, I started bloating. It developed severe pain. No one could help it. I went to another fire. He adjusted me. At first I was like wow, it really worked.

Dr. Keith:

And then I didn't hold my adjustment and so like a couple days later the pain came back and I was like uh-oh, and so I went um. I said, well, what am I going to do? And he said well, when you get to chiropractic school, you know they're going to run x-rays, they're going to do all that stuff. There's everybody's the part. You don't figure it out. I'll tell you. It was like crazy. I was delivering pizza at the time. No, I was saying gluten. See the lots of pizza. Um, and I thought it was from getting out of the car. I sold my car and bought a new one, like three times.

Dr. Keith:

Um, I went to chiropractic school but by the time I was in chiropractic school, I gained, I think, close to 10 inches on my waist. This was only in like four months. Um, I was in crippling back and they built podiums in the back of the classroom so I could stand. Um, I used to have to carry a special chair everywhere I went in chiropractic school. I couldn't sit in the chairs and I was labeled as crippled for two and a half years. And then someone said to me, who knew me from before I went to chiropractic school and I gained all this weight. They said I think you need to free it. And I met him at the gym because that's what we say to each other hey, some help. So it was like that in the 80s and 90s you could say whatever, it wasn't very PC, um.

Dr. Keith:

And I looked at this diet. It was one of the first diet books you ever hear the zone. It was one time. So I and in chiropractic school it's kind of like you get well, what we got for our nutrition course was almost more like government propaganda Feelings by saying that, but it was kind of like that. It was nutrition. Yeah Well, I read this book and I was like this makes a lot of biochemical sense.

Dr. Keith:

I was very strong in biochemistry, biology, all that kind of stuff. I was like guys need all these comments. And I was like you know, there's something, because my friend had a whole shit blighter, some food poisoning and there's that. And everybody said they are not connected, no way. And so I said you know, I think when I eat this I don't feel good. So you know, I think when I eat this I don't feel good. So I went through my cupboard, my cabinet, and I threw out all the pasta, all the rice, all the beans, which is what I was living on because I was on college budget and basically meat and fruit didn't bother me and I couldn't touch vegetables because I was so destroyed. Within like five days I was like my clone is almost completely gone.

Dr. Keith:

Within three weeks. All of a sudden I started rapidly losing weight. The first week I lost a pound. The second week, two pounds. Third week, seven pounds and I lost like 40 pounds of fat within maybe two months. I had to get all my clothes sized because I didn't have enough money to buy new clothes and I looked like I was wearing a tent on my legs because I had bought size 44 and I was down to 34. It was a rock. It didn't matter, it was crazy. It didn't matter how much I ate and as long as I ate the foods that didn't bother me. It didn't go on and it felt great. I remember I was like, wow, school is so much more interesting. Why is that? And I was realizing I was having sleep most of the time when I was in chiropractic school, um, but I realized it was like towards the end of chiropractic school and I was like, no, now I gotta learn nutrition. And so when I got done with chiropractic school I started my journey. So I graduated in 97 and I started my journey into nutrition.

Dr. Keith:

I had some really good success and so I called back then. You know you had um, you would call me, like we had a leader from Pennsylvania, so I called him up. He would call me. Like we had a leader from pennsylvania for pennsylvania his name was. So I called him up. I mean, he's like I know exactly what to do. And he put me in touch with all these people. I called all these people. They sent me videos. I started training. I used to watch videos like two to four hours a day. I did that for about 10 years. Um, eventually, I used to. I took courses from Slade and Dr Versch. Yes, wow, man, I'll tell you, I was gifted with what I even know. I got tested one time. I got up on stage and he was pushing on my arm and he's like he's very strong. Do you ever see his videos?

Fabiola :

I've seen a few this, I feel yes oh, I've got like 50 monsters, I mean.

Dr. Keith:

So he's like jumping up and down, he goes, this man just pulses at 300. And I'm like, and he's like, are you wearing those magnetic ins? Uh, magnetic insoles I don't know if you remember that was a and I was like, absolutely, and he goes, for god's sake, they're burning you up, they're destroying you, and I was like, how did he know? And I was like I gotta learn this. So that's how I got into muscle testing. I took the mentals out um, yeah but the controversial stuff in 98.

Dr. Keith:

Dr e Ulan took over in 2000.

Dr. Keith:

And since then everything that Freddie taught and took in, learned and I implemented and that was before they had the school, and that was rough without the school. It's much easier now and in 2010, began my journey into functional blood chemistry and I went to functional medicine school starting in 2017. I did a year of that and I came up with my own system analysis called nutritional blood chemistry. I wanted to get away from the term medicine, because it's not really medicine. It's more like well, there's a nutritional cost really for these things. I mean 99 of them. If I keep on calling it medicine, people are still going to say well, what's the drug? No system. That's like no in the sense of how your body is functioning. Let's give you a surgery, let's basically into it wow, well, thank you for sharing.

Fabiola :

That's quite quite the story because how our bodies may respond. I'm super fascinated as to how that shows in the blood. Right, because it? It is a transactional you eat something, your body's going to react to something, so a body, an organ, a system has to deal with that in a way. Um, so that's what is so fascinating about how that is then translated into the, the report of blood. You know, once it has the blood, that tells you okay, this is what we need to do. Um, yeah, so tell us a little bit about, because it's true, you know, I mean the what is, uh, we can always trace back to a nutritional deficiency. What's what is going on with whatever system. So, um, tell us a little bit about that, like the, the nutritional blood chemistry aspect of your practice oh, it's interesting because I first my course.

Dr. Keith:

It was called functional blood chemistry. I took that. I think it was in 2010. And I take it with Dr John Braywall. He used Dr Dick and Weatherby when they beat it. He took 20,000. This is I've read. So I mean, it's like I don't want to speak for anybody else or talk for anybody else. I misquote. I'm sorry, but this is just what I've read from, I've learned from them and what I've read from what they said on their website. So he took 20 of that.

Dr. Keith:

You know, when we look at blood chemistry, we've got your reference ranges, your standard lab reference range, which is an average. Now, the average population isn't very healthy. So you're like, hey, am I healthier than the average unhealthy person? Well, dickon Weatherby, what he did was he said, well, let me take 20,000 people and I'll look at the healthy people. You know they don't have a weight problem, they don't have a blood pressure problem, they don't have any clinical disease. The other, the other, that type of thing. And he said, well, what's their reference range? What's their average? And that came up with an option. And so what happened was Dr Brimhall took that and he made a course called Functional Blood Chemistry, and this is like in 2010 or 11.

Dr. Keith:

I still have his book and I use it as a reference book all the time. Thank you, dr Brimhall. If you're listening, if he's still around. I heard from him since 2011 or something like that. It's been a long time, but what I saw from that was what he did was half the seminar. It was like one day, I think, and the first half was he went over all the markers and he said this is what the marker is, this is what the abnormal one is, this is what it means and this is the supplement you take for it. And I was like this is awesome. And then the second half of the day, he does muscle test there, but he had his own test testing system. I was like, oh, okay, well, I got into practice and I was like, how am I going to get these blood checks? And I was like uh, oh, uh. And my wife was like, well, why don't we have people paint them? I was like, well, people don't want to spend more money. They've already gotten them from the doctor and they're.

Dr. Keith:

That was my thing I was like they were like, and so I was like yo, if you guys muscle test everybody, so I'm going to drop. And so what happens is when you're well, you know, as a practitioner, people bring in your labs and they say what do you mean? Right, yeah, you know. They're like, you're my main practitioner. Now, what does this mean? Well, I had all this information in the back of my head from Dr Brimhall and I was saying this is abnormal. This is abnormal. People were bringing their labs and I'd say, wow, this is really abnormal. And and I'd say, wow, this is really abnormal. And I was like, and I'd look at them and I was like I think I need to go to functional medicine. And I'll tell you a couple things. One was my mom used to always bring. She was pre-diabetic and she was overweight.

Fabiola :

She was sick of lesion.

Dr. Keith:

She had a joint disease, she was pre-diabetic and she had. She was taking a vision. She had a joint disease, she's pre-diabetic and she had. She was losing memory. Well, one day she brought me to the lab. You know, I didn't have to be a genius to know that this was really bad. She was almost diabetic, she had wicked inflammation and she was forgetting things I was like um, and so I said you have to stop eating sugar.

Dr. Keith:

And she was forgetting things. I was like, and so I said you have to stop eating sugar and she said this is one of the reasons why I was like. Of course he's like well. My doctor said well, they treat it and it's just fine. Do you know why they don't do anything about treating diabetes by the?

Fabiola :

way, mm-hmm.

Dr. Keith:

Okay, you know what drug they use to treat diabetes.

Fabiola :

Metformin, isn't it?

Dr. Keith:

They don't use a drug to treat.

Fabiola :

Oh gosh.

Dr. Keith:

Yeah, there you go. They don't treat them, and so what they do is they wait until you're dying. Most people treat diabetes and they won't be funding it. I have different statistics within 10 years.

Dr. Keith:

The percentage is 50 to 90%. But I said you got to stop eating sugar because I knew that. And I said I think he's wrong. At this point I was like maybe I do know a little bit about this. She stopped eating sugar. She dropped 40 or 50 pounds within months. My mom was a smart lady. She was shoving it and I was like I can't forget her. She is Well. She got an infection. She went to sleep. She's in this country in 63. So she went and took a nap In the afternoon. She woke up and she's like I'm in the wrong country, all confused, goes into the hospital, she's got Alzheimer's and looking back there's. I'm in the wrong country. All confused, goes into the hospital, she's got Alzheimer's and looking back there's. I think it's 80% of people with Alzheimer's, dementia, anything like that have non-alcoholic blood sugar.

Dr. Keith:

And I was like no one told her. And I was like I was like crushed and I was like I got to do something, so right now I started looking more into it and I was like I got to do something. So right now I started looking more into it and I was like this is too much Freedom.

Fabiola :


Dr. Keith:

My wife is another case. She had a higher overload and her life was hell until we figured it out. I mean hormonal issues, chronic fatigue, chronic reading system. The one that really pushed me over the edge and said I've got to do something, because this could have been my license, was I had a patient refer to me for Lyme disease and he had pain in his liver region and his right leg and his leg was a little bit swollen, and so he was being treated by an eye labs doctor for 10 years with antibiotics for 10 years, and I looked at his labs and I was like these liver markers are a little high. That's probably from the antibiotics and the doctor knows better than me. Well, he started coming in to see me and, um, he, he got better and worse, better and worse, and one day he came in and his leg was so swollen it was leaking fluid. I said you got to get labs and he said I don't want to get labs, I don't want anything medical done. You know, I was on the box for so long and I said you don't have to do this. Something is is seriously wrong. So he said he remitted and I never saw. His name was Brad. I never saw him again. I don't know whether he had lines or not, but he definitely died of liver cancer. He was dead in five days.

Dr. Keith:

I got a thank you card from the widow and, if she's listening, I got to thank her. I mean, she really, I mean she was like an angel. He was awesome too and I was like, how did this get mixed? And you know, could I have done anything wrong? I don't know about that. I mean, there was a pretty far goal in my time to come in. But it's like you know, if I had not gotten these labs, what would have happened to me Then? If something happens to me, what about all the pensions behind me and what about my family? And I'm like, oh. So I was like I'll check it. And I was more of a policy checker.

Dr. Keith:

Since then I've actually filmed a number of cases with cancer and I've done a number of cases with cancer and I filmed them really quickly. I actually did treatment and there were a lot of people, oh, don't do this. And I'm like I give them a damn, they're all doing phenomenal. That's how I actually got into real teaching nutritional blood chemistry, because I felt kind of obligated that way, like, hey, I better say something, because I've heard people say don't do lab testing. And I'm like what if I had not done blood testing, you know what would have happened, you know? And now it's like usually I catch it so early that I'm like you need to do something now, going to the doctor and they're like okay, well, can do this. And it's like early intervention and they're like I can find that. And I'm like boy, I was fine.

Fabiola :

So that's basically you know. Your question was about food sensitivities. Well, we got talking about how you know food sensitivities and really how blood tells us what's going on with our body and the stories you've just shared. I mean, it just proves that so much because, yeah, you know what numbers are we comparing. You know you have, yeah, the optimal ranges, right and defining the word optimal. You have, yeah, the optimal ranges, right and defining the word optimal.

Dr. Keith:

And you know what?

Fabiola :

the labs, what the doctors you know, or what they're trained to do, right how the system is set up. You know what?

Dr. Keith:

are they?

Fabiola :

learning when they're in medical school or come out of medical school or whatever or whatever, and it is always so astonishing when we confront the optimal level with clients. Right, it was like, yeah, this number is now getting flagged by your doctor, but let's face it, you're not feeling well. What is the optimal level that you need to be at in order to feel well? And then people are like, oh, you mean, so let like you're right. You know, let's compare it to the healthy people versus comparing it to the the sick, uh, people as a population the way I look at it.

Dr. Keith:

I was like, well, how did it get like this? I'm like, well, we kind of like we relabel, I mean, because basically we only intervene when people are sick and so we have sick care and it's not.

Dr. Keith:

People think I'm not, I'm, it's not a knock. I had an injury a number of years ago. I went straight to the hospital. I had a massive injury and people like, did you tell them? Like, no, that's not what I do. I don't do sick care, I do wellness checks, you know, and stuff like that. And it's like I think that's part of the problem is we've kind of renamed it Like what we do is we do functional care. We look for functional illness. They're not ill yet they're starting to be. And well, how do you bring a person back to health? Well, it's actually just about all lifestyle. You can't drug a person back to health. You can help them with their symptoms, but you're really not going to get a person healthy with drugs. Um, that's, that's like a life signal and it's and it's not enough like, oh, you're doing something wrong. I mean, most people do. Yeah, there is Try to do something, it will.

Fabiola :

True, so in your opinion, like when you look at someone's labs, your mind, what does it go to? When you look at it, like, what markers do you look at?

Dr. Keith:

It's real interesting because I was thinking about this. I was like, well, how do you? I have a hierarchy of how I look at labs. What I do is I look at them, and what I do is, um, I look at them and I go. Well, first, what's the most important thing? Well, are we sensitive to the food that we're putting in our mouth? So number one became food allergies, food sensitivities. I should say, well, are we digesting it? So then became digestion, number three. The biggest problem that has been identified in our country right now is blood sugar disorders, number three. And then number four is going to be immune system. I mean, we all know about people with parasites, mold, bacterial virus, like that, and so I was like you know, if we figure out how to assess those top four things? Well, most other things are actually pretty easy to handle.

Fabiola :


Dr. Keith:

You know, if they're B9 deficient, you give them, you know, methylated folate. If they're B12 deficient, methylated B12. If they need vitamin D, you give them a little bit of D3 and K2. Stuff like that. I'm like that's actually not that hard. And so I said if someone's got a thyroid thing, basically you need to. So I was like, well, how do we do that? And what I realized is that in your body you have your organs, but you also have organ systems. You have your cardiovascular system, you have your heart, blood vessels, capillaries, arteries, arterioles, veins, bowels, all that kind of stuff. So you have different parts and then you have the system and it's kind of like that with the markers. Now here's the problem that we're running into in today's culture. I'll say blood sugar and everybody will say, say you got that covered. Well, the least accurate marker for blood sugar stability is fasting blood sugar. That is usually the last thing to go off.

Dr. Keith:

they're like what well, the fasting blood, or blood sugar that is uh is left unchecked. If it goes too high, if you basically kill you. So your body says I'm going to rapidly store that. So what goes off first is fasting insulin, which I have never seen a medical doctor check unless they were asked to. The next thing that goes off is a triglyceride hdl ratio or triglyceride cholesterol ratio, and then they have that what's called the homa ir, which is a measurement of your blood sugar obstetrics, and I've never seen a doctor actually calculate it.

Dr. Keith:

So it's like it's interesting, because we have a lot of things in today's culture, in western medicine, where it's like well, we think we're testing for this, but we're not really testing for it, and that's how things are getting mixed. Or like food sensitivities. They're like well, if you eat this, then you have allergies or you have digestive problems. Well, 84% of people with sensitivities have digestive symptoms. They have autoimmune problems. Maybe we should actually check the antidepressants, and you know how many doctors I've seen check that? Yeah, that's usually they check the right, the what's the other? With the immune dysfunction, people come in with random injections and the doctor tells them that they're fine, oh, and I'm like, oh, my gosh. So in other words, and then inflammation, I go what are they used to check inflammation? Like checking it all, I'm like, oh, so they're missing the key, right? So then that's how I look at it. That's my hierarchy to begin with is food intolerances, then digestion, then blood sugar stability and then immune system inflammation. We have markers underneath all of those.

Dr. Keith:

I like to tell people that it's more in-depth testing. It's actually not that in-depth. It should be run on every patient if they go to the doctor. But what's happened is, over the years because you know who owns your medical system is actually insurance companies they're like we're going to pay less, pay less, pay less over the years. Because you know who owns your medical system is actually insurance companies. They're like we're gonna pay less, pay less, pay less. And so usually when people go into a doctor, they get maybe a CBC that they've been doing to a lot of times. They may get a chemistry Mm-hmm. And, of course, if they wanna give them lipids or, I'm sorry, if they wanna give them, um, staph, nope, they'll check it, but we'll tell you.

Dr. Keith:

I recently sky high and I mean sky high, the highest I had ever seen cholesterol and triglycerides, and I did my consult with them, I said, well, as long as you're not diabetic, we've got Lyme. Because fasting insulin is basically like cholesterol is kind of like a bullet, but if you don't put it in a gun and shoot somebody, it's not going to hurt anybody. Really, it's kind of what we're looking for. And then I checked it was totally diabetic. I'm like, yeah, they didn't check it via diabetes and I'm like they did.

Dr. Keith:

I'm like what was this happening? So that's what I? I mean we can, I mean we could talk, we could talk for a couple hours on the important ones, but, as you can see, I mean basically the important ones are the ones that they're not doing usually, because I mean, you know you do about um high fasting insulin lifestyle. You know what you do about um food sensitivities lifestyle. You know what you do about food sensitivities Lifestyle. You know what you do about markers that show digestive problems Lifestyle. You know what you do about blood sugar Lifestyle, and so it goes on and on. If you ask your doctor, well, do you have time to sit down and go over the person's diet, exercise and stress reduction program, they'll say no, both okay.

Dr. Keith:

So that's, that's actually what that's where you and I come in. You know what I mean yeah, yeah, for sure.

Fabiola :

And you know, like, um, I think of like markers that need to be followed up, or or something as like what's a big picture? Right, because?

Dr. Keith:

we can just just.

Fabiola :

Like we can't get caught up as a client or as a practitioner on chasing symptoms, I think also we can get caught up with like every marker.

Dr. Keith:

Yeah, I know.

Fabiola :

But yeah, right, but what's the big picture? Right, and what does the thyroid try to tell us? But can we truly say that we can get a full picture of the thyroid by just having TSH?

Dr. Keith:

looked at no.

Fabiola :

I'm like well, and this is where, yes, where the frustration may come in, where all the labs that need to be checked are not getting ordered, or you have to fight, right, you have to justify what's to why those need to be checked and you're right, fasting insulin, it's unless you ask for it, that it's often, many times it's not checked. And I'm like well, yeah, I mean, your glucose is within range, but what about everything else? So, yeah, that's very, very interesting, very powerful and, um, what I was gonna say, you have a course right, and can you tell us a little bit about that, because hopefully some practitioners are listening to this as well?

Dr. Keith:

hopefully. So I looked at it and I was like, well, so how did I fail? And so I looked at it and I said, well, I took a course in functional blood chemistry and I couldn't apply it. It was like I had a recipe book and I was like, oh, this looks good, this looks good. Oh, I know this would be and I know how to make this, but I've never actually made the recipe. When I started making recipes, all the problems came up with how new. It's funny.

Dr. Keith:

I have a Facebook group where, you know, we have practitioners that go in there and they ask about all these things. They can post their lab and say what about this here, and you know what one of the biggest questions is how do I order these? And so the first thing I did was what do we do that? And so my front desk they're awesome and we have like a whole manual on how to do. That's part of the course. The other thing I said was I started trying to um train my friends who are chiropractors into doing it, and not many would listen. But you know who listened were people that were not chiropractors and people who were like, well, I want to be a nutritionist, like my wife's a clinical nutritionist. And I was like, oh my gosh, they're like kicking butt and but they can't order lives in my city.

Dr. Keith:

Well, I said, well, how do I get a workaround for that? And so I called up Avexia and I said I tell you what. I'm going to teach thousands of students how to do this. I have a special panel that I check all the different organ systems and everything and I want the absolute best price. And they said I tell you what. We're going to give you the absolute best price and we're going to give you a code and if your practitioners sign up underneath you, they're going to get 10% off. And I was like what? And they're like, yep, and so now the Vaxia is like so that's part of that course too, and how to order them, how to handle with the front desk, how to order them If you're not a quote licensed practitioner, like a chiropractor, a medical doctor, something like that.

Dr. Keith:

But then it was like well, how do I put this together so it's applicable? What's the the most important thing? And I was like and I just went through, went through what the most important thing is like we have to handle this first and this second. And I was like well, how do you assess this? And that's basically how I made the whole course. It's not just when I've taken other courses before, it's like, um, this is what. The materials and people are brilliant. The teachers of blood chemistry are brilliant. They know a lot. Honestly, they were a lot more about these markers than I do, but I couldn't apply it and I'm like well, you?

Fabiola :

know I can't be able to apply this man.

Dr. Keith:

And so I I basically it and I'm like, well, you know, I gotta be able to apply this man, and so I I basically put together the course from how do they do it at the front desk to me and the patient, and how do you do the follow-up and how does the patient come out on the other side so they actually get a successful outcome? And right at the same time, how do you make this um for a practitioner that can't order? And how do you also make it cheap? Because it's like a lot of people you know this isn't the first, I'm not the first, second or third doctor they've been to. You know, I might be the 10th.

Dr. Keith:

I was actually just on a phone call with Cyrex and I was explaining to the guy and he just started laughing. I was like I'm not the first doc, I'm not the second, I'm not the first doc, I'm not the second, I'm not the third. I remember one time I counted I was like the 12th by then. These people are demoralized, they might be a little bit financially strained, and so how do we do it? And so I figured out all these work arrangements. So that's what the whole course is based on. Right now it's a basic course so that it'd be cheap enough that anybody could get.

Dr. Keith:

I'm not sure exactly how much your limits on your nutritional systems charge anything, it's like 900, but it's got everything with it. And then the facebook group is free, um, and they can ask whatever information they want. Usually, if they just post a question about labs, I'll say where the labs say um, yeah, just let anybody know, yeah um, but then, um, that's the first one, that the one that we have in uh process right now is.

Dr. Keith:

We have actually a reference manual. That is unlike another reference manual. It's a manual that I would go to and say I'm over and over about the benefits for my nutritional needs that I teach in school. I think we have two other courses coming up which are going to be how to treat metabolic syndrome because of children and also the accessory markers Everything they know about, know about everything else. Maybe they'll be a third course. So that's the one is just a beginner course. How do you get started now? And you know, basically, help 90 of people that's that.

Fabiola :

That's awesome. I will make sure to include um that information in the show notes for people to reach out and be able to sign up. You talk about nutrition and earlier you talked about you know lifestyle. So how does blood chemistry and nutrition, you know, tie together? Because you have the information and you're going to be able to do something with it.

Dr. Keith:

Well, you know the way that I look at it. You know it's like interesting, because you know you see your first blood test and you're like, ooh, I don't know what to do. And you're like I don't know. And then you go well, I better read some more. So you read your first 10. You're like, all right, what do I call it? You read your first 100. And you're like, okay, well, now I know what's normal and abnormal and what kind of usual and unusual. And then you see a couple thousand of them and you're like what's really going on here? And so what you find is that what I think was blood testing.

Dr. Keith:

It dawned on me one day. I'm like well, blood testing isn't really a diagnostic tool as much as it's a communication tool. Well, that's a weird thing to pop in your mind and it's like how's the body communicating with me? And also, how are you communicating this information to the patient? And because, once they see it like I personally they're like this is what you say, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And his daughter said this isn't what he says, this is what your own blood says. You can look it up in the book. And I'm like no, it's not an opinion anymore. It's fact, you know, um. So basically what I found out was that you run the blood tests and that gives you kind of a map of, theoretically, where you are, like you're, you're up in etica, right, yeah, yeah, so I'm in leicester, pennsylvania, you're not. Now there's a number of different ways I could get there. So I would want a map and each visit when people come in with nutritionist process, I still use that artist, yeah, so that kind of gives me the directions on how to get from Lancaster, pennsylvania, to Ithaca, new York, and so it's like you want a map and then a reassessment tool, black and white. That's not controversial, but you also use. I will tell you that I would not do without nutrition response testing and tell me what to do. Visit, visit response testing and tell me what to do. Visit the visit, um, and basically I have found that if you incorporate what supplements the person needs from the nutrition response testing with some intense lifestyle of diet and exercise, the person rapidly makes those changes. And if they, well, I'm trying to think if they don't, usually, if they don't, it means they're not doing what you, what you told them, but they just make rapid improvements and it's just incredible. I look, I kind of looked at the patient and what we do as nutrition was long.

Dr. Keith:

If I was selling my house, I would want a picture of the outside, which is the symptoms, the inside which is nutrition response testing, and the basement would be the blood test. And so I'm like I want all three pictures I don't want to leave out. I want to see what's in that base. Yeah, I mean, you're the same way. I mean you see the same stuff. You're like there's something else going on here and you're like, oh my gosh, you know, I have no idea this is going on, you know so yeah, that's awesome and I think it really helps you get to the root cause of what might be happening.

Fabiola :

Right, like what's what's triggering that? And I loved your analogy about it's. It's the body's way of communicating um to the doctor or to the practitioner, to the patient, and and you're right, you know it's like your blood is telling us this. It's, it's, yeah, it stops being our opinion, or we're not the ones saying, hey, you need to stop eating sugar. It's your body with. Look at all these inflammation markers. You know that's, and no wonder why you don't feel well. Well, that's, that's fairly fascinating. And um, yeah, so if I, if anyone, you know, like gosh, you're, you're um. So there's so much information that you have and all this.

Fabiola :

You know, like patients, that you've helped and will continue to help and and the things that you spotted through. You know the blood chemistry and and the muscle testing and being able to rectify the body's physiology, to to heal and repair itself Right. And so how could a patient find you? How could be like, oh my gosh, I need to go and get you know like really healthy and I can work with Dr Sheehan.

Dr. Keith:

Well, I mean, the website is sheehannaturalhealthcom and you know we have a Facebook page. If you're a practitioner you can look at MBChem and there's the MBChem study group on Facebook and then there's the mbchemcom. That actually routes you to our website. That's it. You know we put, I tried it. I found that the communicative patients I put as much information out there. So I mean I put educational videos about what nutrition response testing is their educational video, like I've put one together myself and then what functional medicine is, and then you know what the standard lab reference is. I put all that stuff in there. So when people come in, it's interesting, because I used to get all these questions. I was like, well, I guess that's got to be an instructional video, because I've answered that a hundred times and it's making these. It's very long and I tend to talk a lot if I'm interested. So like I'm going to make an hour long video. So that's what I did so they can just look at all that information. We have a YouTube channel that's Shea Natural Health.

Dr. Keith:

There's one in there how to read your own blood tests. It's not a substitute for doctor's care, but what I found this is one of the other things. You know, I was like why make another blood chemistry course? And I was like, because there's so many out there and when I look at them they don't tell me exactly what to do. They teach me about running, what to do. And I was like, well, I guess I got to tell them what to do, and so that's basically it. And I I find that when people look at that, there's um, there's a playlist, how to read your own blood tests and when people look at that, they're like you know what? I'm not crazy, I think this is off and and my doctor, he's not right with this. Usually people come in and they go. I thought it meant that I'm like you're right and they're like my doctor said this, I'm like not right and they're like huh, so that's what it's actually there for.

Fabiola :

So people can get a little bit more clarity. You know, yeah, it's true, because if we know and empower ourselves, we are our own doctors, right, we are our own advocates for our own health yeah. And we know when something's off and when we need help and when things need to be tweaked and get to the next level.

Fabiola :

So, if we know what needs to be done, then we can then pair ourselves with a practitioner that shares the same vision, whether it's a medical doctor or a holistic practitioner, because the end goal of all of us is truly someone who is well.

Dr. Keith:

Yeah, absolutely yeah.

Fabiola :

And what is truly the end goal of being well is what it's not just being healthy, but being able to be there for your kids, right? Or be able to enjoy retirement, or be able to I for your kids, right? Or be able to enjoy retirement, or be able to I don't know. For some of us, it's like be able to walk for 30 minutes without pain, right? So, again, what is the end goal of all of this? And I think sometimes we get I get tunnel vision. Sometimes I just want to be healthy, but why? Why do you want to be healthy? What's?

Dr. Keith:

the end goal right.

Fabiola :

What are you going to do with all your health? So yeah, that's very powerful. Yeah, are there any other? Uh, last words of wisdom that you would like to impair to our listeners before we end up?

Dr. Keith:

well, what I would say is, if you're a practitioner, start running. You know, look up the Facebook group that we have and look up. I mean I put a lot of information right there. You can search through it and it'll be on our website. It's all free for right now. If I get so many questions, I might have to do a subscription. I'm trying to make it for free. But basically, learn which panels you can order and I did do a deal with Vexio where I got a discounted price. It is a good deal. It's 90% off normal. These labs are expensive.

Dr. Keith:

If you're a practitioner, learn that yourself, your family and your friends. Learn how to read. You'll be shocked at how much you can help yourself, your family and your friends. If you are a patient, start learning about blood tests as well and learn that you know you have to be your own advocate. I mean, even though you know you can to be your own advocate. I mean, even though you know you can't really treat yourself. You have to know enough to know when something is wrong and when something not, and where to go to get help. I had a person, a new patient woman, yesterday and she was a bright woman and was frustrated because she has had these problems for 10 or 12 years and she's like life is hard, like, yeah, she knew a lot about it, she didn't know how to fix it and so if you can figure out um, not maybe how to treat yourself, but where, where to look, that's like really, really important.

Dr. Keith:

Whereas practitioners I would encourage all practitioners to start doing this, especially practitioners, because you see a lot of them. You know, most of those people are mixed and it's because of the fact that we're so flawed with depression patients. You know, I also wanted to specialize because I was like these are the most cases, like you know, most of those chronic character cases, traditionally oriented, I know, because I see them just like one of these, you know, and so I get to see, and so I'm like you know, learn it, for not just for yourself but for your family and your friends. Once you do that, you'll have what about 10 labs there and they're not extensive? Yeah, then you can move on to actually treating people.

Dr. Keith:

So I'm trying to get everybody involved. I know it's interesting because a lot of people will say, well, the medical doctors are going to, will say, well, the medical doctors are going to do this. Well, the medical doctors. Right now, most of medicine has been taken over by insurance companies. They're not going for insurance. They might say that they do, but it's not really what they're specializing in because that would cut down the drug price, like a cancel for St Louis.

Dr. Keith:

I'm going to say, you know, I got to be honest and I got to be truthful, but basically we can't say, hey, they're going to do this. A lot of people say how can my doctor not do this? Like they're not trained in this and they can't really do anything about this because there isn't a drug for treatment of this. And so you have to say I'm going to go to my doctor for my medical treatment, but for wellness you've got to go to a practitioner who is a wellness practitioner. All get educated in this, because it doesn't mean wellness.

Fabiola :

Most everybody does, true, yeah yeah, yeah, for sure, and it's obviously not. It's not, yeah, I agree, it's not a bash on. Uh, you know the good doctors out there who are, you know, fighting the fight, and some amazing medical professionals out there who are, you know, truly helping people. It's just more of this, the system, right. I'm sure there's some medical professionals out there who themselves are, you know, truly helping people. It's just more of the system, right? I'm sure there's some medical professionals out there who themselves are frustrated with the system. We're like this is not what I went to school for and it's what we do with that information, the power of that information that we deal with. And I agree with insurance companies. Sometimes you know what is the end goal of the insurance company is to, you know, collect your money for your insurance policy and to not pay.

Fabiola :

Because, that's, yeah, that's what they do. So when I tell people, well, why, why didn't you get this done? You know, like, why didn't the doctor order this? Oh, my insurance won't cover it. I'm like, well, did you ask how much it was? Because sometimes it's not that expensive and I think it's worth. If you're willing to pay six dollars seven dollars now there's probably even more for a cup of coffee at starbucks, you should be willing to pay that same amount for a marker that is going to tell you what's going on with your body.

Dr. Keith:

So yeah priorities right yeah, I'll tell you talk about. I have a uh patient that comes in and sees me. He's a little kid, I think he's four years old. He was three. He's got a hole. He just had a seizure.

Dr. Keith:

I was like he had a seizure and then he went home and then he had another seizure and they brought him to the hospital and the badgers didn't even want to run a lab test. They're like I'm just going to use seizure medicine. And they ran the lab test. I'm like this kind of looks like an infection. And his mom was like that's what I thought. And I was like I don't think you're wrong. And so I was like let's what I thought. And I was like I don't think you're wrong. And so I was like let's run some lab tests. Mm-hmm, we'll run the beginner panel for food sensitivities. I still think Amber is exactly. It was 134. It shouldn't be more than two. It was 134. Did they take, did they run a $5 test to see if she had a severe reaction to gluten? Because it was $5 and they couldn't do it. So he's off gluten and he has had no seizures.

Dr. Keith:

And I'm like would this person be on seizure medication? I'm like holy cow, I'm like I can. Would this person be on, you know, seizure medication? I'm like holy cow. I'm like I can't believe and it's because, and so I'm like that's when I was like, well, everybody's got to get tested for this too. That's how we do our panel, by the way. But anyway, I mean I hear about this. I'm like, just, you know, you're here, just run this test. You know what I mean. There's a marker for there's a gene for what's called APOE 3 and 4. You know about that with the alternates, right? Yes, it gives the predilection and you know, I think it's like $69 or something. I'm going to check that. You know my mom has all that. I'm like, I'm scared. So I checked I was sweating bullets, I was eight ball he threw, I was. I just I got three, eight boy four.

Dr. Keith:

So I'm seeing it doesn't mean I won't get it. It means that genetic tendency Larson.

Fabiola :


Dr. Keith:

It's like if you have anything like that in your family, don't you think you should know your genetic tendencies? I really got to pay attention to this, but that's a whole other conversation for another time.

Fabiola :

Of course we can go on forever, no that's for sure yeah. Well, thank you so much, Dr Shane, for being here with us today. Thanks for having me Definitely give us a basic understanding on the amazingness that blood chemistry can do, and you know what, and that it that the most important thing is.

Fabiola :

yes, you gather information, but now you got to do something about it whether nutrition with, uh, you know, lifestyle and all that stuff, and that's definitely a lot cheaper than being ill. Right being well. It's a lot cheaper than being ill right being well it's a lot cheaper than being right.

Dr. Keith:

I'll say, oh, it's really expensive. I'm like you should try to be a sink.

Fabiola :

Yes, exactly, I think a lot of us can make the necessary changes in order to be healthier and happier.

Dr. Keith:


Fabiola :

Awesome. Well, we'll make sure to add all that information that you share with us in the show notes so that anyone that is listening can access it easily. And, once again, thank you so much for being here with us today.

Dr. Keith:

Thanks for having me.

Fabiola :

All right, bye, now Bye.