Root Cause Solutions For You

The Silent Threat: How Mold and Mycotoxins Impact Your Health

Fabiola Reyes, Root Cause Expert, Cert. AK, CellCore & Nutrition Response Testing® Practitioner Season 2 Episode 1

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Unlock the secrets to a healthier life as we sit down with Dr. Donald Dennis, a renowned ear, nose, and throat specialist with four decades of experience. Through our conversation, you'll be astonished to discover how clean air is more vital to our health than genetics or medical treatments and how common environmental elements, like chlorine and fiberglass, can stealthily compromise our well-being. Dr. Dennis shares gripping patient stories, showcasing their journeys from severe health crises to remarkable recoveries, all thanks to addressing the hidden dangers lurking in the air we breathe.

As we peel back the layers of household threats, Dr. Dennis exposes the deceptive nature of chlorine-based mold killers and the insidious impact of fiberglass in indoor air systems. He guides us through air quality science, detailing its critical role in managing chronic sinusitis and neurological conditions. Imagine living with a hidden enemy that affects your brain function and overall health; our discussion reveals how to combat these invisible foes with proper mold remediation, innovative treatments, and targeted detox strategies that have transformed lives.

Rounding out our eye-opening session, we tackle the often underappreciated connection between environmental quality and sleep disorders. Dr. Dennis illustrates how mycotoxins can disrupt the delicate hormonal balance necessary for restful sleep, leading to a cascade of mental health challenges. By following his practical advice on creating a mold-free sanctuary, you'll be equipped to take control of your environment, safeguard your health, and restore peace to your nights. Don't miss the opportunity to learn from one of the leading voices in environmental health; your path to a revitalized life awaits.

Dr. Dennis is the owner and founder of Micro Balance Health Products:

Micro Balance Health Products Social Media and Website:

Micro Balance Health Products' educational website of articles and resources for mold-triggered illness and fungal sinusitis:

Dr. Dennis's Medical Practice Website to become a patient:

Recommended air filters:

Disclaimer: The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. This podcast is not a medical service; the information provided is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. The Root Cause Solutions For You, its practitioners, and employees make no warranties, express or implied, concerning the contents. The information shared in this episode is the opinion of the speaker and should not be considered medical advice. You should never disregard medical advice or delay seeking it because of the contents of this episode.

Fabiola :

All right everyone. Thank you so much for joining us for another episode of Rood Call Solutions for you. My name is Fabiola and I am your host Today. I am thrilled and delighted to have Dr Donald Dennis, who is a medical doctor with more than 38 years of experience in the medical surgical care for disorders of ear, nose and throat, and he's got an amazing presentation for us. Thank you so much, dr Dennis, for being here with us today.

Dr. Dennis:

You're welcome.

Fabiola :

Well, could you please tell us a little bit about yourself?

Dr. Dennis:

Well, I've been ear, ear, nose and throat doctors for 40 years, so we had a lot of patients that came in with chronic sinusitis and no matter what we did, nothing would work. So one day one came back that had never been well in 10 years and, indiscopably, their sinus was totally clear. So I asked them well, what have you been doing because you've never been clear before? They said, well, we went to the beach for two weeks. So then I knew it was environmental and then we figured out it was mold and that's how it started and it's evolved a lot over the years. Of what you have to do surgically and medically, and then the most important thing is the environmental piece. If you don't get the environmental piece right, none of these patients ever get well long term, because you're bringing approximately 3,000 gallons of aeronauty, so no medication or surgery can overcome that volume. So unless you invest yourself in getting the air clean, you can't ever get well long term, either with sinus or polyps or the mycotoxin illnesses that occur with this disease.

Fabiola :

Yeah, that makes sense. I'm super excited about your presentation and yeah, whenever you're ready, please go ahead and we can get started.

Speaker 3:

The air you breathe is five times more important to your health than all treatment rendered by hospitals, doctors and medication. The air you breathe is two times more important to your health than your genetic code. That's extremely important because if you fix your air, it's twice as effective as fixing your genetic code with no side effects. Nearly 60% of all preventable deaths are due to the condition of that air. At room and work. You breathe approximately 3,000 gallons of air every day, so no treatment can overcome that volume. The air must be clean in order for you to get well.

Fabiola :

That's very powerful.

Dr. Dennis:

That's the main thing People need to watch out about 10 times. The next one is a. This thing you see had more awareness month in August of 19. And the way we test the patients to see what their environment is really like, we have more play. Sda are replaced and we tap the clothing all over their clothing and then we send it off and this tells us what their environment is really like, what they're fighting. So we want this counts to be zero to four with a tap test, and then we have a simple questionnaire that we have to let everyone complete and then we pay attention to the way they smell.

Dr. Dennis:

Sometimes you can smell a bowl of the odor on clothing and then we do urine mycotoxins and if the urine's positive, they're getting mold exposure generally. And if they are, we got to find the source and fix it or nothing happens in terms of treatments. All the treatment protocols will fail. So one of the sources that's here at the bottom you get sinus or sinusitis wellness, or two of the web pages we use to help our patients get the right treatment. All right, so the three key factors are the area you bring this file, ties more important to your health, and all treatment ready by hospitals, doctors or medication is two times more important than your genetic code, and nearly 60% of all preventable deaths are due to conditions at work and at home. So the environment is really about more important thing. This is an important slide because mold makes mycotoxins and mycotoxins are chemicals that are neurotoxic. And this is a list of fungi and the kind of toxins they make is important and we'll go to the next slide. Now. This is more important because if you take you're in a pathology lab in a hospital and you test all the cancers that have come into the hospital, 87% of them have mycotoxins in the cancer that's known to cause cancer. So it's one of the major causes of malignancy. So that's another reason you want to fix your air.

Dr. Dennis:

So here's our environmental requirements you need hemp or air filtration and you need a central dehumidification. Central dehumidification is sort of the moment will not ruin your coil, so the humidity needs to be between 40 and 50%. And then there's a new thing that's called a bipolar plasma auto clean 1500. Well, air is the company that makes that in the United States. It was actually invented in Israel. So this thing is hooked to your central aspect fan. It makes a trillion eyes per second. No ozone and no hydroxyls are no chemicals. So it removes mold, mycotoxins, mvfcs, viruses and bacteria from the air, not the content. So this is a big breakthrough that everyone needs one of those in the central system and then an air filter. We use the April air 5000. And then a metafi can be a plug-in unit in the room. And there's another unit we'll show you later. You can't have no fiberglass in your airstream, in your duct system or in your attic. That's exposed to fiberglass and that's to be sealed, and it can't be anywhere in the corner box.

Fabiola :


Dr. Dennis:

So those are really important environmental pieces. So the airborne mold is the suit of mold spores, mycotoxins, mvfcs that enter through the nodes and the sizes and go into brain, lungs in the entire system. And later on in this presentation you'll see why we know that if you have mycotoxins in your urine you're going to have them in your brain and we prove that by artificial intelligence of MRI scans of the brain so we can see the mycotoxins in the tissues. Now that's not published yet, but we're using it clinically. It's very impressive and we'll show you at the end.

Dr. Dennis:

So you have to have clean air, clean water and a clean diet. The diet for fungus is basically a yeast diet, no refined carbohydrates or alcohol, and your foods are going to be all you need to see foods, all your veggies and your fruits are going to be veggies. I'll be correct you. Your fruits are going to be berries only. That's the basic diet. So you've got to get your air clean and your diet clean, and then no chlorine in the water. So when you go out to restaurants, a lot of times they don't change the filters and if you get chlorine it'll overgrow fungus in your gut because it kills everything else but fungus. Chlorine doesn't kill fungus and will not kill mold. And if you try to clean it with chlorox, for example, mold will clean well with chlorox but it doesn't kill it Right. It wipes it off the wall and looks like it kills it, but it's not dead. So it allows all the competition from mold in your microbiome not to survive. So the mold survives, so it takes over with chlorine.

Fabiola :

Yeah, and that's a common mistake. I think most of us. When we see mold growing in our bathroom or something, that's our first thing we use. We use chlorine to clean it up, but we're perhaps creating more damage by doing that.

Dr. Dennis:

Yeah, that's right, you can't. It actually makes a mold more invasive because you wipe down its competitors, all the bacteria, the smell system. So if the smell goes from your endos to your brain, michael talks. They do the same thing and you see the pituitary gland up here and most of these patients get pituitary damage of some of their hormones, especially growth hormone, ethylroine and cortisol. We'll show you that later.

Dr. Dennis:

So, this is the definition we have of clean air so far, but let's go get more exacted. This so you got to control mold, to control chronic sinusitis and neurological symptoms. So the air quality is key. The particle count needs to be less than 50,000 at 1.3 microns. Now in an air measuring device, 200,000 is considered very good air quality. That will not work for the population that gets chronic sinusitis. It's got to be much better than that. And then the mold count on. A mold plays a one hour gravity plate exposure has to be zero to four. If they have neurological symptoms it has to be zero to two.

Dr. Dennis:

Then generally, if you've got really severe neurological symptoms, you should really move and not take anything with you and be careful to get into a place that you know you're feeling better in. This is for severe patients. A lot of patients can fix their housing but, for example, if they can't wall it, they need to get out of there and we'll see some patients like that. These are two units. What is this? Metaphyl makes ions. It's okay, but it's not as good as this thing. This is called an ultimatum 1100. And that makes, you know, fill up a room 20 by 40 in two minutes with positive and negative ions, with no ozone, no hydroxyl. So you can sterilize your air in a room with this thing, and this is helped a lot of patients for, temporarily, until they can either fix their place or get out of it.

Dr. Dennis:

Now this is a slide that shows the end reaction that fungus causes at least 20% of the population. So this red thing is an angioprocessing shell and the blue thing is a T cell. So the the cell wall structure is what the superannuogen sets on. But in these patients they have an immune dysregulation so that instead of the adjuvant in the hippocampus, where this is AG here they look from the side wall and because it does that, it activates 30 percent more T cells and the normal percentage of T cells to react is 0.01 percent. So there's 3,000 times more reactivity. And then you've got three types of cells that release interleukin 5, 13 and interpureun gamma, the inner leucons. So now you got three times 3,000, you got 9,000 times the systemic inflammation perfungal spore. So nobody can withstand that unless they fix their air. So that's a biology and a pathology of the illness.

Dr. Dennis:

Now this is important because, in particular, a patient the size actually here on the left shows all the sizes of trulopulgus and polyps. So all of this should be black over here, because air is black on the next right. So when we clean this out, we have a piece of this that we put on a bowl plate and then in four days it has a brown halo around the tissue. And that brown halo when assay shows its old mycotoxins leaching out of the tissue into the substrate. And so that's what happens in the brain they leach out of the tissue and get into the brain. You see these legs here.

Dr. Dennis:

All of this is severe dermatitis. She had four dermatologists that couldn't fix this. And this is six days after surgery. Oh my God. So no dermatologists would ever believe this picture.

Dr. Dennis:

They were thinking relying because in their world they really don't treat the underlying immune antigen that's causing the reaction, so they don't remove the mouth and the body. They treat this with topical oil and sometimes IV steroids, and you will not get this kind of result in it. It would take at least eight weeks to get anywhere near this. This is her hand. You see the difference here Six weeks later. It's impressive. This is her face. She had a heart transplant in three months and she's 25 now. So the reason she was sick was she was having an immune reaction to the fungus. That's why the fungus stayed in her science. Normally it wouldn't stay in there, wow. So this is another example. This is two hours after this photograph. See how red the skin is and how broken out it is. Okay, this is two hours after surgery. Wow, because you remove the antigen that's causing the immune reaction in the skin. So whenever you get to the cause of anything and you remove the cause, you get the outstanding results Better results than with any medication.

Dr. Dennis:

Okay, so now this is the picture to show the picture on the right. Obviously they have a mole problem. It's all over the ceiling. Anybody can tell that. But this room next to it on the left has got the same mole count as a little to the right, but you don't see anything, right, so you think it's fine until you put a mole plate out and do the testing. So a lot of the tests that are given the companies give there's nothing wrong with the test. But what is wrong with the test? It's a conclusion of what is normal. So all these tests have higher numbers than should be the normal level, Because normal should be with everyone as well, not with 80% or well. So that's just to show. You can't tell while looking at a room if it's contaminated or not, true?

Dr. Dennis:

So this is about the immune system. What happens is this little line here is the mucosa and this is outside the mucosa. So the mole with the little blue thing up here will come in and attach to the lining and the explosion is super sensitive and then it elicits the eosinophils to come in. And the eosinophils come in and they release major basic protein and that makes a pit in the lining while it kills the fungus. But the pit is this little pit over here collects the mucous and then it can't get out. So the bacteria start overgrowing and you can't kill them because you can't get rid of the pit unless you get rid of the fungus. So then this reaction causes a release of interleukin-5, interleukin-13, interferon gamma, which interleukin causes all kinds of inflammation. So if you get rid of the fungus you get rid of the inflammation.

Dr. Dennis:

So there are about three things that are diagnosis terms, like more kinds is one and mass activations another one, and then there's one more. But all of those are septum descriptions and all of them are caused by the results of a mole infestation. So none of those didn't get rid of until you get rid of the fungus long term. And there are a lot of sprays and things to use. There's nothing wrong with using them, except they won't work long term. As soon as you stop, when the patient's sick again, you have it removed. The root cause is the fungus in all these issues, especially mass cell activation. So that's just a fancy reward for allergy. So in all allergy, mass cells are activated and caused with an antigen. What is the antigen causing? That's what you have to figure out to fix it permanently. And so try to mask all the histamase releasing. Now there's nothing wrong antihistamase, but you need to find out why they were being released. What is the antigen causing? Then get long term relief.

Fabiola :

Yeah, and I think an antihestamine perhaps is a support that we would use to minimize symptomology. As you're truly working on the, that's right.

Dr. Dennis:

Oh see, yeah, you need those sites. There's nothing wrong with those sites, but you can't use it as a cure, right? You want to use it while you're looking for the cure, and the most common was Spuggersons, really called a master antigen causing causes inflammation. That causes a number of other allergies. You name it. It causes it Failures, dust, mold, building grass and trees all that stuff is worse if you're in moldy environment. We've had numbers of patients should have gotten rid of all their allergies after they got out of mold. That doesn't happen to everybody, but it happens to a number of people.

Fabiola :


Dr. Dennis:

Now the reason I'm showing this one. See all these little red spots, or fiberglass that's causing eosinophil to rupture in this patient's size. That's what this picture I showed you before. That's what it looks like in real life. So all these patients have they have fiberglass in their system, never get weld because of bullrides on the fiberglass and the fiberglass causes the relics to be in the synophils and the lining. See how destructive that is. Yep, now, 80% of the population doesn't react like this, but all of the sonospatial states. This is a bad one. Seen this black thing down here? Yep, so the black thing is that the ulcerate has all the mucosa overlying the bone and all you can see now is the scab. But now that the bone is present, you can't get any more eosinophils in there, so the reaction stops. So this is all fiberglass.

Fabiola :


Dr. Dennis:

And the fiberglass is very commonly inside all heating and air ducts. It's very common in this blood and insulation and he had it. Now the bone causes another problem the chemicals, because chemical sensitivity, so that takes a long time to off-gas. So basically, if you have fiberglass in your air system you have to get rid of it. It's not elected. This is a picture. This is a fungus ball in the steed. What's on it? It's over here to the left. If this is after an injection, the next week, be injected and it boggles into the sinus and then came back into re-emphasis and it's all gone. Just to keep by getting rid of the chuckus.

Speaker 3:


Dr. Dennis:

Now this is good. This is good because you can see fiberglass in the air here. Yep, that's just the ones you can see. It's millions more you can't even see. So this is really common all the fiberglass in the ducts and some in the attic. So all this has to see all the mold growing on this thing. This is a gemetifier. This is why you don't want to expose fiberglass in your attic or in your system.

Speaker 3:


Dr. Dennis:

The left side over here the white stuff is candida and the red over here is after we used amputtericin candida. So if you use amputtericin and you fix the air, you start getting the pits and the lining and you start getting candida in the nodes. This is just a picture showing the treatment and this is candida here and after. The mold counts down here show lower mold counts. Then the candida is gone. For the mucosa up here Wow.

Dr. Dennis:

This is the fungus ball inside the sphenoid sinus here. This is the air quality that they had over here to the right. So you can see why they had all this fungus in the sinuses because the air was awful. That has to go, some penicillin growing.

Fabiola :

That's so shocking to see because what you see in the Pritidish is pretty much within your sinuses.

Dr. Dennis:

That's right. So if it's in your air, it's in your nose, and if it's in your nose, it's in your brain Not the fungus, but the mycotoxins. Sometimes it makes it way into the brain too. Well, this is an example. Right here is a huge amount of aspengillus inside the ethvoid sinus. This patient was allergic to all the antifungals except for amputtericin, and so she kept having severe lung infections and she couldn't get better and her lungs were degenerating and she was going to die of pneumonia. So we found that the sinuses got rid of it and she fixed her air and then her lungs totally cleared. So you always want to think about get fungus off the table first, yeah, and after you do that, most of the other things will get better. These are pictures. The red is disorganized thought processes and high voltage. So this person had brain fog. So we get rid of the brain fog by treating her with amputtericin necrolization through the nose, like this other. You see how all the brain clears up. This is 30 minutes later, which is pretty impressive. So all we're doing is killing fungus, and of course, you got to get it out of the air first, because you're breathing in 3,000 gallons of air, so you're trying to get rid of it with a nebulizer of amputtericin. It's not going to work because you're nebulizing twice a day but you're breathing 24 seven and you breathe in 3,000 gallons of air a day. That's why it doesn't work. Now, this was interesting because I knew it caused a brain fog. So this is an audiology test showing the time it takes for the sound to get from the eardrum to the brain. So this is a Q-E-G brainstem test. So the red and the green line have to cross for the brain to hear the sound. So the top one the brain never hears the sound and the bottom is delayed. So what we did is we did this test on all the patients before we gave them amputtericin on the nose, then we gave them amputtericin on the nose and then their speech recognition to sound was with a normal range after we treated them with amputtericin.

Dr. Dennis:

So now this is a piece of tissue. This is this piece of tissue over here. This is where we first started all of this. So the tissue has got a brown halo around it. So if you take the brown halo and take the tissue and then ask them for mycotoxins, they're positive for the same mycotoxins. Same ones were also in the brain and we can show you that later. So when you see the brown halo, you know that's mycotoxins in an STA outer plate and you see this little this is fungus up here and you see what it's looking like surgically where you take it from. So this is the one that does not have fungus in it. It has no brown halo. So we say that tissue doesn't have any tracheophilis in it. But then you ask like this and it's got tracheophilis in it. So if we ask like both the auger that's brown and the tissue, you get the same thing.

Fabiola :

Yeah, wow, and it's almost like the sinuses are the perfect environment for moles grow and bacteria and all that stuff, because it's moist, right, it's warm, that's right.

Dr. Dennis:

And you see, this is the actual mucosa taken out of the sinus. So you're seeing that the mucosa is seeing the brain more mycotoxins, 24 sevens. So it has its own manufacturing facility. So that's why you have to fix the air. If you don't fix the air, nothing ever happens.

Fabiola :

Makes sense.

Dr. Dennis:

This is before and after picture of the face of a patient. After surgery you can see how much better she looks. This is like the next day after surgery.

Fabiola :

Wow, yeah, I mean, you can see, like her skin color it's a totally different patient right. Yeah, and her eyes. That's amazing.

Dr. Dennis:

Now, surgery is not the answer. If what? You don't fix your air, you got to fix your air. All right, this is a guy. This guy had hearing loss for 10 years and then when he woke up from surgery, his hearing was restored. Now I would bet she a large amount of money. That's impossible until it happened. So the chances of getting hearing back after 10 years are pretty remote.

Dr. Dennis:

But he did get his hearing back and so you see what we pulled out of the sinuses, that's the piece of intensive ear, the brown halo. So as soon as we removed the mycotoxin, he was able to excrete the toxin rapidly after we got out of his nose. So he didn't have the gene that is the slow MTIG or BOR, so they can't methylate B12. He didn't have that. As soon as we got it out of his sinuses, his hearing came back. Wow, most of the time that wouldn't have happened. Yeah, you just got to know this. Given your mycotoxin, if it's seen in your urine and it came in through the nose, where is it? It's everywhere, including their brain, and so when you start with something that you can deal with, they need to start doing a mole placement, discover where is the contamination coming from and fix it. There's no way around it. You either got to leave or fix it, yeah, and about half the people will do that, the other half won't, and virtually no treatment works because there's so much volume.

Dr. Dennis:

This patient that did want her picture shown. She was exposed to mole and high mole toxicity and then we operated on her and got these polygons out of her sinus and put them on the place and then they grew out. They were positive afrotoxin and ocotoxin A, all right. So after we did this, six days later she comes back. She was hospitalized in Canada for severe suicidal depression. She had three little kids, and so they did.

Dr. Dennis:

They shocked her brain 18 times. They gave her every drug that she could think of for depression. Every drug was tried over her and nothing worked. And so she was basically released and I don't remember how she found me, but she came down here and she said she was going to kill herself. So I said, well, before you do that, let's try something. And so we operated on her and about six days later she came back and all of the first at depression and anxiety was gone. Wow, it's by getting it out of her nose to stop the contamination from her brain, so then she was able to excrete it, and then she hadn't been depressed. Since how many people with severe depression or mold infections?

Fabiola :

Yeah, oh gosh, yeah, it's such a common symptom and yeah, and then we take a medication and it just makes things worse. It doesn't fix it and it's just the nature of mold it wants to compost you. What is this job? It's to kill things. Right To take over.

Dr. Dennis:

That's right, and so the good thing about her she's able to excrete it. So she didn't have a slow gene about excreting it. Otherwise it would have taken months to get rid of that. But this is a few days later, so she's back and having a normal life now. So this is the same kind of situation. Mm-hmm, this is the show we see. Now we don't have to test the argon anymore. We know if we see a brown halo it's like a toxin. So that's how we do it surgically now. Well, free up, we've got the urine, we know it's positive. But this actually helps the patient know that that was what's causing your problem, because they can see it now.

Fabiola :


Dr. Dennis:

And now this is an important slide. Almost all these patients have tuotary damage. Why? Because it's right below the street or the sinus. The fungus in myctotoxin is getting in the street or the sinus and they go directly to the brain. So think of it like this People used to sniff glue and get high.

Dr. Dennis:

Okay, you take the glue away, the high goes away. So that's an example of a chemical that goes directly from the nose into the brain. The high it means it's in the brain. So these chemicals act like that and they cause brain dysfunction and they go into the pituitary and I'll show you later a picture of this and we actually can see the mycotoxins in the pituitary with artificial intelligence. Now, isn't that amazing? Yeah, it is. And so this patient had mycotoxins in the pituitary. And so the common ones are growth hormone 51%, thyroid 81%, acta 75% and was at a combination of 44%. So everybody gets all their hormones drawn. And we sent to a really good epidemiologist. We used David Robertson and he equalizes all the hormones that are missing.

Dr. Dennis:

Now, just so you know all the practitioners that might be watching this, when you do an IGF1, that represents growth hormone, all of these patients underlined all five times in normal levels, resting levels of IGF1. So no one would have ever worked them out. So if you challenge them to make them make growth hormone, they could not make it. So then they have to have injectable because you can't stimulate pituitary to make it, because they can't make it. So if you don't do that, they can't make new cells. So instead of going growth hormone they should be called cell replacement hormone. Cell would be a proper name for it. So these patients can't make new cells, so they can never really get well long term with it if you don't fix that. So all of them need to, that are requalified, need to be tested to stimulate it, to say can you make growth hormone under yourself, yes or no? And so a lot of times part of the pituitary is damaged so they can't make it. So you just have to take the hormone, either orally or injectable.

Dr. Dennis:

You simply take the ones you're missing and you're back to normal. So that's how you have to treat them. If you don't give them what they can't make, they can't ever get better.

Fabiola :

Yeah, and I think of the thyroid. You know what I mean. I mean, yes, it's thyroid medication, but it's really a hormone. That's right. And how many people are taking a thyroid hormone medication and they feel the same or worse?

Dr. Dennis:

A lot of them. Yeah, but you haven't got out of the mold. Yeah, makes sense. So when you have patients come in your office, just get the SDA Argo Place, tap their clothes. You get it back in the week or two and then you'll know if they have a problem or not. This yes or no, it's binary. You know yes or no and then you have to address it. Good, moe is really one of the easier things in college chronic illness to address, because most of the time you can fix the environment and if you can't, you got to move, but you can't take all your stuff with you.

Dr. Dennis:

So this is a published study. I did what. The average was 123. Now, that's normal range, you know, and the number of patients is 79. So the range was 43 to 285, the normal 88 to 249. So who would have worked out most of these patients? Nobody, because look, ms Jones, your idea of what's normal, you're good and they weren't good. So you got to do some other testing and then 51% were growth hormone deficient and would have virtually died early and had a accelerated aging. Yeah, just because of no growth hormone. So surgery is helpful in terms of removing it from the sinus so it doesn't get in the brain anymore, but more importantly is removing it from your hair. If you don't do that, certainly is totally ineffective, because you've replaced it all in 24 hours that everything was taken out. Put it right back. Yep, now this is interesting. This guy has tremors, his left arm is shaking and then we treat him after surgery and he left his house and he doesn't shake anymore over here.

Fabiola :

Well, and even if his face is different, like you know, all that puffiness, inflammation is gone.

Dr. Dennis:

Yeah, you can see it's different.

Fabiola :


Dr. Dennis:

This guy is in a wheelchair for two years. He can't stand up by himself. He goes to Bill Ray and gets a lot of treatment and he needed surgery and he cleaned up but he did everything to his house you can think of no good. So he leaves his house, goes to the beach and in this video he's walking normally and telling you about his life.

Fabiola :

Wow, that's amazing. So fibromyalgia I mean here this slide is talking about fibromyalgia. How many people are diagnosed with fibromyalgia? Then it's truly a mole toxicity. I felt like fibromyalgia is like we don't know what's wrong with you. You're in pain. This is your diagnosis.

Dr. Dennis:

That's right. So… this patient can't stand up. She's in a wheelchair. She's got a tumor on her spine. She's got a urinary incontinence. She can't urinate. She has to have a catheter. She has blindness on her right eye. She can't move her right eye toward her nose. This second picture is the eyes, meaning. Normally she's standing up, walking around. The catheter is gone. She moved. She was in a moldy trailer. She moved down and didn't take anything with her and then we did anteplodals and detox and she comes back. She's about four to six weeks later and she's totally normal.

Fabiola :

Wow, wow.

Dr. Dennis:

Yeah, the vision's getting better.

Fabiola :

That's awesome.

Dr. Dennis:

So that's what that should. Now this guy, this guy's dragging his feet, he can't walk, he's dragging both legs. This is totally normal here. And this is sick again because when he got to the airport he had a moldy car and he killed in my office in a 30-minute car. You see, he always get walking again. This is to show you how fast you can get from well to sick. What you get back in it.

Fabiola :


Dr. Dennis:

So this one has paralyzed vocal cords from the air to dental office in her apartment and she got out of there and then her vocal cords are not paralyzed anymore. She's got an oval voice.

Fabiola :

Oh my gosh.

Dr. Dennis:

All right. So now this is all artificially telling. So what we did is took the boughs of urine. So these patients have a positive urine in market options, Whatever one's in their urine. We image that urine from the lab of a known mycotoxin and we MRI scan it and CT scan it. Then we run our algorithms until we can see something in that known vial of gliotoxin and it turns out it's a black substance. And then we run the same algorithm on the CT scan and we can see there's black spots here you can see the black spots in the sinuses and this is the mycotoxin is coming out of the tissue.

Speaker 3:


Dr. Dennis:

That's the first time in history you can see mycotoxin and sinuses. So I'll go to one more. Now this is the most important one. See, this is the vial down below with the black stuff in it. That's gliotoxin. This toxin was in the urine of this patient. That black thing is a normal in our scan but it shows she's got a big tumor in the pituitary. She had 100-pal weight gain and diabetes from this tumor security cortisol. So she entered an interferologist and then neurosurgeon operates on her and takes the tumor out because otherwise she's going to die, because it's going to make her have like 500 to her. She finally dies, you know. So he takes the tumor out to her nose. We get a piece of the tumor. We have to lay it for mycotoxins. So guess how many mycotoxins are in the tumor in her pituitary gland in the brain? 11.

Fabiola :

Oh my gosh 11.

Dr. Dennis:

So when you sing one, you're singing 11 of war in the brain. Wow, you're breathing the super stuff in the environment. It's not sterilized and breathing one at a time, you're breathing a large suit. So all this black stuff in her brain is a lot of mycotoxins.

Fabiola :

Wow, mycotoxins are competitive for space.

Dr. Dennis:

Yeah, and so it destroyed the, the tumor destroyed. Whether it's destroyed or not, yeah, you never brain normal. She moved out and got everything fixed. So this guy had a co-exist in the left principle of his brain causing severe deadly migraines. So we took the. It was gliotoxin in the azurean, so we did. Gliotoxin was blue with red spots and it was in shows. It's blue with red spots, so that's gliotoxin. So what happened is his body put a a a cyst around that and protect his brain with gliotoxin. Is that amazing?

Fabiola :

It is. It's like the body's self. I mean. The body's so intelligent it knows what to do?

Dr. Dennis:

Yeah, I mean, this is another one. See, see those little white spots over here? Yeah, it's a common in MRIs and mobile patients, because they're the smallest vessels at the junction of the brain and white matter and that's where the capillary gets clogged and they get a problem. So this is what she really has. See all this stuff here? Yeah, that's what she really has, and so we got all that out of her brain and that that she's much better. She's a nurse. But that's how good the MRI is. Mri, if you run this algorithm on that data, you can see all the mycotoxins. That's all we're doing.

Fabiola :


Dr. Dennis:

And so this is. You know, see all these black stuff.

Fabiola :


Dr. Dennis:

All this white stuff is polyps from mycotoxin exposure, and the color of these image black gliotoxin and trichothacines. So see how much stuff is in those. Yeah, now this is another one. All right, so he's got a huge amount of gliotoxin in his brain, so the diagnosis is a super 11 or more. And this is then. He didn't want surgery, but he needed it. So this is a year later.

Dr. Dennis:

See, we're going to down there with oxygen, glutathione, nac and liver cleanse and intramax, which is a liquid volume, and oxygen is a key. You can't get it out of the brain without oxygen. So now this is a little bit fringy here. I'm guessing what this is. We can never been able to man image VOCs. I think this is the first time we ever image VOCs, right? See these little black spots? Yeah, that is air. So these organisms are making air, just like humans do when they metabolize things, Right? So look over here on the right side. This is the same algorithm as it took to see something. This liquid is where the gliotoxin is. See, there's something in the air above that. You see that. Yeah, all right. So look, the air is not black in here. It's got white spots.

Fabiola :


Dr. Dennis:

There are those white spots here. So this, I think, is VOCs, in that it's making VOCs and not methane gas. You see what I mean.

Fabiola :

Yes, that's wow. Yeah, it's like a whole world inside our bodies creating waste products and everything else.

Dr. Dennis:

So we've only done a hundred of these so far. I'm going to write an article and then we'll get it at mainstream, but this is going to take a while, you know, when you see it in your brain, you can't keep tap dancing and ignoring it. True, all right. So this is the. The patients need to copy this and read it a hundred times. This is your work list, rob. Why am I getting better? So everybody's just write this down Nine percent of the time you're still in it.

Dr. Dennis:

Even when you're sure you're not, you're still in it. Okay, so you got to do blood counts and tap testing. Testing wash your drawer, your cars and your pets and all that stuff Can't sleep with pets and then, when you find it, do something about it. Even if it's your dog, it doesn't mean you can't have a dog, but you can't be in the bed with you, you know. So then number two is diet. So you got to get your diet right. Or, if the sugar makes you have hyphal formation in the fungus, in invasive hyphal form, and then invasive hyphal form is resistant to anti-funcles. So people think they're getting resurgence of the drugs and all they're doing is eating sugar.

Fabiola :


Dr. Dennis:

The organism is resistant because of the sugar, not because of the drug.

Fabiola :


Dr. Dennis:

All right. So in the pituitary. You got to check the pituitary and then treat for all these other things. Lives have seen more than heavy metals and NTHR do. All that treatment and occasionally this cancer is best rare. That's a single percent, but this is the work best If I had a warning, not better. So here's the summary Clean the air, chlorine free water, get bold off the table first by tap testing. Yeah, eyes, concentration is in the sinuses and the brain in the urine. So evaluate the pituitary, make sure it's okay, it replaced whatever is missing. And then, and know what, you get it out of the air with five EC, three plugins and other things we have, and then such a drop so you can put them in your nose. Roster, you can drink them and you can nebulize. Yeah, fix your friction gut, the liver and immune system. This is all you know, the to do list for the treatment.

Fabiola :

Yeah, no, that's. As I've been using the EC three laundry for about six months now, I can definitely tell there's a huge difference.

Dr. Dennis:

All right. So this is the micro talk. This is just what you're doing. This is the treatment protocol we use. You got what you know and you got irrigated them. The best one is in the box. If you get that, do that. And then you put the sister drops in there or put amphoteric in a boricazole in there. You got to use oxygen, you know, two hours a day or touch rate, whatever you can tolerate. And then we use lunafal and NAC liver cleanse and intermaxial optic cleanse. Either one of these works.

Dr. Dennis:

And then this is what we do, and I like intermax because it's a 413 item, so you can't miss anything, and it's about the carbon. You get the one that's sugar free and most people can tolerate that, and that's why it's got everything. So, having 50 bottles, you know you don't have to have much stuff and that's. This is the fan that we just talked about. This is the environmental trip of stuff. Ec3 is the stuff that we use, and candles to get it out of there. This is all environmental stuff, but she's going to give you a link to the page. You've got the link for them.

Fabiola :

Yeah, we got it all.

Dr. Dennis:

You walk through what to do and you get to the web page. It's easy to do.

Fabiola :


Dr. Dennis:

At this site. It's got transfer factor in it to all this stuff. It took 20 years to do this, but this is transfer factor. All of these antibodies are in there. You can imagine that.

Fabiola :

Yeah, I use that every day before I go to bed and as soon as I wake up.

Dr. Dennis:

You amp it up with the Betamax, this Betaglucan, it makes it 300% more active because it's actually made by white cells. So you just take one of those twice and they're for that.

Speaker 3:


Dr. Dennis:

And then this is the conclusion. Okay, this is all your watch out stuff, all right, and this is all your other stuff. You'll get a link to the web page and show you how to do all this.

Fabiola :

Yeah, yeah, we'll make sure to include everything We'll have to waste time on this, but that's the end. This was super impressive. I mean, I think most of us have walked around unknowingly being mold toxic. We don't know why we're sick, we don't know why we're not getting better. We've tried so many things and I think once we go that then rabbit hole and really get to understand how mold is affecting every system of the body and are willing to put in the work right Diet, environment, everything that we start getting better.

Dr. Dennis:


Fabiola :

Yeah. So I want to ask you something about ozone. I mean, there's obviously some practitioners are pro ozone when addressing mold, some others are not. What's your opinion about it?

Dr. Dennis:

You mean in the body.

Fabiola :

Yeah, using it as an air purifier, or I mean.

Dr. Dennis:

I'll be honest, you don't want to use ozone for the air because it knocks off the silly and the nose. Now, if you want to use something and be out of there, wait till the ozone's gone, that's okay. But it works for at least five minutes. Yeah, it's kind of useless long term. You're lucky if it works the whole day if you got a mold in place. So that's not the way to really get water. While you got it, Find out what's the cause of the humidity. Where did it get wet? Remove it all. Remove the cause, and then you got to treat everything and some of the stuff you got to throw away. Yeah, but we got remediators that know how to do it properly and most don't. Unfortunately, they're not human health trained, they're mold trained, but that's not to help you much. They got to be human health trained to do all right. They're correct, Josh, you don't put stuff in your house. It makes you sick.

Fabiola :

True, yeah, yeah, all this room.

Dr. Dennis:

So the whole remediation thing and the environmental pieces, a whole other talk. But basically you've got to get rid of the cause and you got to remove everything that got contaminated. You got to be very aggressive about it and if you really say the best thing to do is get out of it, don't take all your stuff with you. Get in a place where you know you're getting better and address it from afar.

Speaker 3:


Dr. Dennis:

And if you can't fix it, then you got to move and sell it. But that would disclosure, of course, that this is contaminated.

Fabiola :

Yeah, no, that's for sure. I mean, sometimes I look in different housing apps like houses for sale and they show you all this. Sometimes you can see some of the mold damage and I'm like don't bite that house, it's contaminated with mold. So you have to know your stuff, for sure.

Dr. Dennis:

Yeah, now some patients can't tell for three or four days that they're in a bad place and they're in a disadvantage. So they got to use mold plates right away and then sort of leave until they get the growth back. Because you got to know for sure before you move. Moving is not magic. Unless you get it right, it can be very expensive to keep getting it wrong. Yeah, for sure you have to be thoughtful how you do it.

Fabiola :

Yeah, yeah. And you know I mean as a practitioner. I'm always asked a question that is so hard to have an answer for how long before I get better? So I'm sure you get that same question and, in your opinion, how long can someone who's really ill and battling with mold for a long time? It could take months, right, I mean, if not years.

Dr. Dennis:

It could take months or years, but usually, once they're out of it and they're on the right diet, within a few days they feel better. They know they feel better and then, once you get to that point, the rest is easy. You get faster and faster, as you do the oxygen-glued valve, but some of them need surgery because they have so much fungus balls in their sinuses that they're making more internally than externally.

Fabiola :


Dr. Dennis:

Yeah, and sometimes I think about the people who have it in their sinuses. Probably half of them need surgery, half of them don't. But the way you know is you start treating them and their energy score is a nine or 10 out of 10. And the cognition's the same. They don't need surgery because you can't make them better than that. But some of them have negative CT scans that still need surgery. Because you can't see Michael Toxin on a CT scan. Yeah, yeah.

Dr. Dennis:

And it's like severe sleep, you know, disrupted, Like See that's using Michael Toxin and it usually is not done in two-terrain and growth hormone strain and that Just growth hormone may not be able to sleep. So there's when you're in a bowl, you have anxiety, depression and you can't sleep Because your body's wanting to run. It's not one you let you go to sleep in. That environment is what it's trying to do.

Fabiola :

Yeah, it's true. Yeah, oh my gosh. So, if I mean Dr Dennis, you are a miracle worker. You're helping so many people with your years of clinical experience and the support that you use with your patients through supplementation and everything else. And if someone were to be like I totally want to be working with Dr Dennis. Where is your practice?

Dr. Dennis:

Oh, it's here in Atlanta, which is just the easiest way is just to say Perfect, It'll take you there.

Fabiola :

Yeah, I will make sure to add your contact information because I'm sure there's going to be so many libos going off, as people are listening to this and watching this presentation, and we want to make sure that they can reach out to your practice.

Dr. Dennis:

And you know, if you just look up Dr Donald Dennis, atlanta, georgia, you'll find me.

Fabiola :

Perfect, perfect, awesome. Well, I really want to thank you for spending your time with us today and educating us on a very important topic. Was there anything else you wanted to go over before we end off?

Dr. Dennis:

No, that's it, that's it. Thank you very much. It's a pleasure being there.

Fabiola :

Awesome, well, awesome. Thanks so much.