Root Cause Solutions For You

Unmasking Chronic Inflammation: A Profound Dive into Health and Wellness with Dr. David Hogsed

Fabiola Reyes, Root Cause Expert, Cert. AK, CellCore & Nutrition Response Testing® Practitioner Season 1 Episode 16

Are you prepared to view your health in a new light? We promise an enlightening look into the often overlooked health crisis, chronic inflammation, with our esteemed guest, Dr. David Hogsed. A skilled acupuncturist, Dr. Hogsed takes us through his holistic journey, unraveling the complex nature of chronic inflammation, which, though seemingly widespread, often remains hidden until it erupts as a health crisis with manifestations like joint pain, muscle pain, and cardiovascular disease.

Is your blood sugar echoing a silent alarm? An astounding 93 million Americans might be prediabetic without even being aware! Dr. Hogsed highlights the critical link between blood sugar, inflammation, and overall health. Sugar, more addictive than cocaine, is a leading player in the narrative of neuroinflammation and neurodegenerative diseases, and Dr. Hogsed emphasizes the importance of fasting insulin blood tests and the need to be aware of sugar addiction.

Ever wondered what's the fuss about Omega-3 fish oil? Dr. Hogsed guides us to the untapped benefits of this supplement and the dangerous pitfalls of Omega-6 oils. Furthermore, he introduces us to the effectiveness of turmeric, especially its bioavailable form – turmeric forte as an anti-inflammatory supplement. How embracing Omega-3 supplements can be an insurance policy to reduce inflammation, manage it via alternative modalities like pulsed electromagnetic field therapy, and find the best supplement for your needs. So, gear up for a life-changing conversation that could radically reshape your approach to health and wellness.

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Disclaimer: The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. This podcast is not a medical service; the information provided is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. The Root Cause Solutions For You, its practitioners, and employees make no warranties, express or implied, concerning the contents. The information shared in this episode is the opinion of the speaker and should not be considered medical advice. You should never disregard medical advice or delay seeking it because of the contents of this episode.

Fabiola :

All right everyone. Thank you so much for joining us for another episode of Rude Call Solutions for you. My name is Fabiola and I am your host. I am over the moon to have as a very special guest.

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

Over the moon Wow.

Fabiola :

I know over the moon. I'm still looking forward to this interview today. Dr David Huxed, who is a licensed acupuncturist, and I have had the privilege to be at an attendee to a few of his lectures and I had so much fun. I learned so much, so the fact that he's here with us today, it's going to be such a treat. Thank you for joining us, dr David.

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

Thank you and thank you for coming to those seminars. That was so. You guys need to know. Fabiola is one of those front row seminar attendees like meticulous notes, so it was. It was intimidating having you on the front row there like like, oh man, I got to give her something good. She's been to every seminar out there and so that means a lot for you to say that. Thank you so much. Thanks for coming to those.

Fabiola :

Yeah, of course. Well, tell us a little bit about yourself and your path as the holistic professional.

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

Oh, wow. Well, I don't know if anybody else has a similar path, that's in the healing arts but I went into natural medicine and 99% for purely selfish reasons to try to correct my own health. And you know, I just I just seem to have health problems from really my team early teen years on and I just knew like okay, I am falling apart way sooner than I should and digestion problems, energy problems, brain problems, immune system problems, food allergies and just everything you know, hitting at once. And my dad was a chiropractor and was just starting to get into nutritional therapies at the time. And so I realized like this is my ticket, you know, to find tools for myself to re-gain my health. And it's just, it's just amazing how God works in those ways, because I just don't think I ever would have gone into this path if my health hadn't been so horrific. So now, looking back, you know, 30 years later, I can actually be grateful that you know I've had so many of these health challenges to force me to, you know, find tools for myself, and then other people benefited from them too, and that that is much more satisfying than helping yourself with these tools when it's all said and done.

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

So my very first story into anything natural medicine was I was way behind on my gross spurt at age 15 years old, shortest kid in the class, and my dad had just heard about a muscle testing seminar that was going around from Dr Versendahl, which was a famous nutrition practitioner, taught for standard process for many years.

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

So my dad took me to the seminar. And how these seminars worked were anybody who wanted to get muscle tested, get evaluated, put on a nutrition protocol. We went in front of the whole group it was like 100 people is being filmed and he started muscle testing me and my pituitary gland went weak. When he got to my pituitary he stopped and he said this boy has a pituitary problem and if he doesn't take pituitary trophine PMG from standard process he's going to remain a boy for the rest of his life. And that was my very first dramatic, humiliating introduction into clinical nutrition. But I took that supplement and that pituitary gland extract unlocked what was inhibiting my growth hormone and I grew to normal height and I just knew like okay, this is, this is the path I'm supposed to be on. I don't know how all the details are going to work out, but that was, that was the beginning of it all.

Fabiola :

There's so many of us getting to the field of because either our health is not 100% or a family member's health is not 100%, so we want to either help ourselves or help others, and so so awesome to hear that such a such a pain, pointing right to the root cause of what was creating that your body did not be functioning, that it was meant to be, and for someone very simply, fairly invasive system like muscle testing was like take this and it was exactly what you needed, and your body just responded the way that they needed.

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

And I understand, you're a muscle testing maestro yourself, correct?

Fabiola :

I do. I do love muscle testing. Yes, I muscle test. Yeah, my dogs, my family, you know, my clients, it's I've come to love it.

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

Awesome. Yeah, yeah, I see your test kits behind you there. So let's go somewhere, somewhere to my room.

Fabiola :

Yes, all my test kits are different tools from different companies and stuff we use. So, yeah, now I want to talk today about chronic inflammation because one of the things that I've, you know, top. We may have covered this in some of the lectures that I attended where you spoke, where inflammation always seems to sort of you know, be a part of one of those lectures, because I think it's something that people really struggle with and understanding inflammation, understanding chronic inflammation, and so it was wondering if you could, yeah, based on your clinical experience and your knowledge as a practitioner, what can you tell us about inflammation?

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

Nobody really struggles with chronic inflammation, so we shouldn't be doing this.

Fabiola :

I know right, what are we doing today?

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

Nobody has inflammation issues out there, no, every like there's. There's very few problems that everybody struggles with, but I really do believe that chronic inflammation is one of those things that we could say. Everybody has some root cause of chronic inflammation and sometimes it's very obvious, like pain, you know. Joint pain, muscle pain, any kind of pain, digestive tract pain would be the obvious, screaming, glaring inflammation problems. But there's a lot of subtle chronic inflammation problems people have today that Manifest silently, wait, there's no symptoms until it becomes a crisis. And cardiovascular disease would be, you know, definitely one of the major major areas of Chronic inflammation where you may have zero symptoms until you have a crisis heart attack, stroke, you know something like that.

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

Chronic brain inflammation is another one of those. For some people it's very obvious I you know in how their brain symptoms are manifesting, their poor cognitive health. But some people is very subtle. You know how many people are walking around with just that big term brain fog, and many times it's underline. Brain inflammation or neuro inflammation is you know the exact term for it.

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

So when you talk about causes of all these different areas of inflammation, you know it.

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

You could talk for hours just about all the different causes, whether it's diet, toxins, you know that are in the environment, which I know you are a big sticker on identifying and removing. You know those, those root toxins that Drive a lot of these health problems medications, stress, even toxins that we can't escape, like Electromagnetic stress, you know wifi, cell phone. We know now that those irritate ourselves and create this very mild but still substantial chronic inflammation, that that, unless we're doing something proactive about it, you know we're all going to be affected with leaky gut. You know it's huge buzzword, that's a huge driver Of chronic inflammation. Some things that we inject into our arms now that we think are healthy for us, those are major, major drivers of Inflammation. So you know that's. The bad news is that there's a million different causes of it. The good news is that, for most people, the support that you can do, that, the lifestyle steps, the diet, the simple supplements that you can do, no matter what the root cause of inflammation, really seem to address all of them.

Fabiola :

Yeah, and you know, I think of it like the more we are exposed to something, I think the body then Starts to become slower at the response of addressing whatever right, like, let's say, like you were mentioning leaky gut, right, and I think gluten and corn, so you know, some of some of those things that are the biggest culprits of creating some of the leaky gut, and not only those, those foods, but also the adding the glass to say right, adding the chemicals, may some of those foods inflammatory, because you know we've been eating corn for A lot of time, right, and we didn't always react to corn the way that some people, or wheat, and, and so I think is the exposure right. I feel like if the body gets, the more exposed you become to something, the more numb right, like maybe I don't know, like the longer the lag before the body responds to something, because it's an inflammation, like the correct response to something. But the problem is the chronic aspect of it.

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

Yeah, that you know nothing. Inflammation is a normal natural response to life and especially to injury, like you said. If we're injuring our gut every single day with Corn and wheat, you know, genetically modified you mentioned the glyphosate which is a Major major driver of gut damage and inflammation Today. Yeah, we kind of get desensitized and we think that this fatigue and fog and all these inflammation symptoms, they just become Normal. We don't know what it's like not to feel inflamed because we live every single day In a chronic state of inflammation.

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

And what you were talking about really hit home To me because, yeah, one of my big health problems in my teen years, early twenties, was Breadaholic to the max and huge gluten issues. And the more Of a problem you have with it, you know, the more addicted you are To it. So every time I went to a restaurant it was just okay, what's the pasta on here? Once the bread came out and, I feel, made this amazing euphoria after the big you know hit of those carbs and gluten, and then about an hour later just go into my little gluten coma, depressed brain fog, all of these things. And inflammation was a big, big part of that and you know that's still one of the top five things ever, ever, ever change for my health is just removing the junk gluten in the corn. You know that you mentioned All the corn chip, a whole it to.

Fabiola :

I know corn has been the hardest for me. I mean, I grew up in Mexico city and you know I love corn. So when I travel to Mexico I don't react the same way when I eat corn in Mexico that is made there as when I eat it here in the US.

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

So it is, I don't know it's a common story from a lot of people travel.

Fabiola :

Yeah, yeah, yeah for other clients.

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

I go over the conspiracy.

Fabiola :

I know right. Maybe it's like oh, maybe we should be moving to Mexico, or let's move to Italy and have some real pasta.

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

Yeah, for sure. And what so? If just so people don't get depressed listening, we will talk about things that you can take with those less than perfect diet choices to minimize the inflammation hit. Because, let's face it, we all you know, since we're talking about food right now, everybody's got some food that is going to trigger inflammation for them and you know, yeah, the big common ones gluten, corn.

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

I always half joke when I talk about, like dairy sensitivities, like I don't care. I've never done a dairy allergy test and there's so many good food sensitivity allergy Testing things that you can do today, but for me it's kind of like ignorance is bliss, because I don't care what a dairy allergy test came back, as I'm not giving up cheese yeah, I'm not giving up my raw milk, so I'm going to take things that minimize that possible inflammation from eating that dairy. So I can continue, you know, with that, and everybody has that one food like that. So it's really important to know what, what's your top natural inflammation lowering supplements you can take for that less than perfect diet and less than perfect lifestyle.

Fabiola :

Yeah, because it's hard. You know it's it's it's navigating through family gatherings, right or not? Not. Everybody is like I want to be 100% grain free or corn free or gluten free, and so people Right like if you've been diagnosed with celiac or if you have, you know, thyroid antibodies and there's Hashimoto's going on the others, an actual reason why you should be avoiding this. But you're right, I'm not giving up my corn, so definitely supplement it's great to know.

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

It's great to know how to cheat the side effects of being bad a little bit right. Coming up to the holidays is going to be a really important talk here, perfect timing.

Fabiola :

Yeah, I agree, I agree. So we talked a little bit about inflammation in the gut, but you mentioned brain inflammation and I think a lot of clients that I see you know a common symptom lately over the last few years. Honestly, it's been an increased of brain fog and just not being there 100%, like losing words, not remembering things, that they wait there. You know they used to. So can you tell us a little bit about a little bit more about that?

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

Yeah, and you know we talked about some of the big food triggers that can do that too, but the big overarching one, I think the biggest cause of that out there and this is where A lot of people they may just shut this off right now because it's just too hard to hear but the sugar in the carbs in general are the biggest driving factors In the diet of brain inflammation, creating that brain fog, creating those memory gaps, sluggish thinking, just yeah, but besides brain fog, just feeling like your brain is tired, you know in general and you mentioned, like yeah, the difficulty bringing words to mind or words coming out backwards. So Everybody, just like everybody, has some chronic inflammation that they're struggling with. It seems like today and these go hand in hand almost everybody struggles with some problems regulating their blood sugar, their metabolic health. For some people it's obvious, they know it because they eat the carbs in the sugar and they gain weight. Yeah, they know, okay, when I eat too much carbs and sugar, I gain weight. I cut those out on whose weight? But there's a lot of thin people too that have insulin resistance, prediabetes.

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

I think the last current statistic from the CDC is that about 93 million Americans are prediabetic. Wow. So you think our population is like 300 million, but not diabetic, like prediabetic. We don't even know we have the problem. But is there a working in the background? You don't have to be diabetic to have inflammation from these carbohydrate sugar issues. So this is actually where, when we're talking about both sugar and inflammation, blood testing is really important today to get a snapshot of a scale of one to 10, how much inflammation you have and what correlates to that a lot. How much carbohydrate sugar metabolism issues do you have? Driving that?

Fabiola :

Yeah, and I remember from a lecture when you were in town, if you I guess it's July, I guess it was you mentioned a book called the Blood Code, where, oh, yeah, a website.

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

Yeah, it's a free website and all you need is your fasting glucose number, your fasting insulin, which nobody knows what their fasting insulin is, and that's a test that, if you've got an appointment coming up with your doctor soon and they're going to be running some big, comprehensive blood panel on you, you need to demand that they do fasting insulin with you. Nobody runs it and it is the most underused, most important blood test for identifying how your body's reacting to carbs and sugar, and that definitely translates into how much inflammation is being produced from eating carbs and sugar. Yes, thank you for reminding me about that. I forgot about that website, thebloodcodecom, and you can actually get an insulin resistance score for yourself that will tell you how severe your insulin resistance is.

Fabiola :

Yeah, yeah, ever since you mentioned that in that lecture. So I ordered the book as well as been using that tool a lot more. Oh great, yeah, just to highlight, with clients, you know, because, yeah, doctors always did reluctant one, you know, and I'm one of them. I'm not perfect, you know. I have my days or my weeks, I should say, if I'm being honest about you know, my food choices. But it's been such a great tool because, like you said, no one doctors, you know blood test is you're lucky if they test your glucose, if yeah.

Fabiola :

Right. Most sometimes they don't even have your fast. But using that tool has been such an eye opener for a lot of my clients were like, oh, you mean that I'm actually insulin resistant? I'm like, yeah, so then it opens the window into like, why are we not losing weight? Why are we not getting pregnant? Yep, if there is history of Alzheimer's and the family is such an important marker to keep track of, and just because one's glucose is within healthy range or lab range, it doesn't necessarily mean you know you're off the hook. You know, whereas your hemoglobin A1C, at all this different markers that, yes, can potentially help us determine whether you're dealing with what type of inflammation. Where's the inflammation coming from? And I think there is such a yeah, you know the sugar aspect of things. There's a really good documentary. I don't know if you've ever watched it. It's called the sugar movie and I think it's on Amazon.

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

I've heard of it, but I've never seen it. Yeah, so it's pretty good.

Fabiola :

It's really chilling because it's like this guy who it's from Australia, I believe, if I remember correctly, doing an experiment a whole year. I think of sugar, just not not the obvious kind of sugar, like I'm going to go and have ice cream, but like the hitting sugar. And there's this action where he's actually eating sugar cubes that are equivalent to whatever amount of sugar and a salad dressing, and I was like, oh my God, don't do that.

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

Oh, that's something great, great eye opener, very cool.

Fabiola :

It really is so, but it's such an addictive thing, right, sugar is more addictive than cocaine and there's they've done a lot of scans and a lot of studies to to prove to, to measure that, but how it drives that like narrow inflammation that you were talking about.

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

Well, and just just looping back to it, you know you mentioned Alzheimer's. Most people listening have heard. You know that many people describe Alzheimer's as type three diabetes because there's such a strong link between blood sugar problems in that brain degeneration with Alzheimer's or even calling it diabetes of the brain. So it's it's kind of like there's these different scales of severity with it and not everybody that eats sugar is going to get Alzheimer's, but it does seem like everybody who's got this insulin resistance problem which, again, at least 93 million Americans have it hits them somewhere with their brain function, whether it's energy, mood, you know, memory, um, any, any of those things. So massive link between sugar, neuro inflammation and all neurodegenerative diseases, whether it's diabetes, parkinson's or I'm sorry, parkinson's, alzheimer's, dementia all come back to brain inflammation. Yeah, every one of them, every one of those diseases is linked to brain inflammation. So, again, inflammation is not just about your joints or sore, it is literally about maintaining your brain as you age.

Fabiola :

Yeah, and what? What do you think about? Like, you know, like, obviously, like it's joint pain, because it's important to listen to our bodies If my joints heard my body saying, hey, there's something here, you need to look into this. Or if I'm having a lot of headaches or I'm having a little more brain fog, what's your opinion about, like, are those like indicators of, hey, where there's potential inflammation somewhere else you need to start looking into, or would that be like the symptom of already being neuro inflammation or leaky gut? I mean, I don't know.

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

I don't know if that's the right way to say it, but, like, there usually will be those symptoms with inflammation, but again, there's also a lot of silent inflammation.

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

So you need to rely on both symptoms and objective testing like blood work, you know, seeing the the full picture with it. I've done blood tests on people that have none of those symptoms you just mentioned and their insulin is through the roof or they're fasting glucose or the biggest blood test we haven't even mentioned yet that relates to inflammation is C-reactive protein or CRP, and we talked about how nobody checks for fasting insulin. But fortunately C-reactive protein is becoming a more and more common blood test. That you know more and more medical doctors are included in standard reports and it really is kind of like the gold standard blood tests for telling you how severe, out of control, your inflammation is. Now, if you get that blood test back and it's high, it doesn't tell you where the inflammation is. It just tells you that elevated level of that protein means your body is creating way too much inflammation for what should be the normal process.

Fabiola :

Yeah, and is that also related to cardiovascular health?

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

Yeah, in fact, one of the great new developments with the blood test is when you get a blood test back. I know from LabCorp maybe Quest as well but when you get your C-reactive protein test back, if your C-reactive protein is over three, it'll actually say right there on the LabCorp report increased risk of cardiovascular, you know, disease or cardiovascular risk or something like that. Cardiovascular disease risk, I think, is how they phrase it so much more important than cholesterol and all these things that people are obsessed with. Your blood level of C-reactive protein is a much more indicative marker of your cardiovascular risk. And it's just inflammation, it's just saying that this is information, but it's that information that destroys your blood vessels and allows for plaque to come in, which is really the heart disease time bomb.

Fabiola :

Well, that's very interesting Is viewing things from a different scope and from a different perspective versus, like you said, blaming cholesterol for yeah cholesterol is just the bandaid.

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

It's the inflammation that's creating the damage that cholesterol latches onto. And then, when that never gets resolved, yes, eventually you're gonna break off some of that cholesterol as plaque and heart attack or stroke can happen, but inflammation is for most people the root cause to attack. If you wanna minimize cardiovascular brain degeneration, all these things we don't want as we get older.

Fabiola :

Yeah, perfect. Well, we talked about the gloomy stuff, right, but tell us about like. So how would you and clinical like, I mean, and clinical practice what are some of your go-tos or your tools that you use to support someone who's dealing with chronic inflammation?

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

Yeah, and then I mean again the great news today there's so many effective tools for addressing chronic inflammation, getting it under control. Some of them are completely free. So if people are willing to cut the sugar, the grains, out of their diet and add what's super popular today, the intermittent fasting, to the picture, for many people that would be 100% of what they need to get their chronic inflammation under control. So if you wanna do this on the cheap, completely for free, and you have the discipline to do that, great, most people don't. So that's where supplementation really is important, and there's a lot of things. Again, there's a lot of supplement options that you can use. One of the kind of foundational ones everybody can benefit from is a fish oil supplement, an Omega-3 fish oil. Now, there's good quality fish oils out there. There's really bad quality fish oils. If you take a fish oil supplement and you burp that fish taste for hours after the fact, it's probably not the best quality. So you wanna get a good quality company. Why that's becoming more and more important is we haven't even I'm sorry, we gotta go back to gloomy one more time is we talked about sugar, we talked about bread, we talked about corn, but we haven't even talked about Omega-6 vegetable oils in chronic inflammation and you talk about top three drivers of inflammation, right up there with sugar and all these other things. It's just the soybean oil, the corn oil, the canola oil, all these different vegetable oils that we were promised are much healthier than butter in saturated fats and lard and all these things. And then 50 years later, oops, we find out these are like the most inflammatory substances we can put in our body. So the average ratio, going back to like a blood test, if we took all of our blood right now, if we took a blood test, the optimal ratio balance of Omega-6 oils to Omega-3 should look something like 3.5 or four to one. So it's okay to have more Omega-6 than Omega-3, but it shouldn't be more than like 3.5 to four to one. But the average Americans Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio 20 to one of Omega-6 to Omega-3, some people it's 30 to one, some people it's 40 to one. This is all tested objectively with blood tests. So we are in huge, huge trouble with we're drowning in Omega-6 oils.

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

And we talked about some obvious things that people know to avoid, like gluten and not binging on the corn chips, but the Omega-6 oils are in everything. If you go to a restaurant, and even things that aren't junk meals, it's probably gonna be cooked in those Omega-6 oils. So that's one reason we all could benefit from an Omega-3 fish oil supplement of some kind. If you don't wanna do that, there's other anti-inflammatory oils, like black-currency oil. You know it can get a good flaxseed oil, but for most people it's the fish oils that really are gonna help level the playing field of those Omega-6 oils that we're just getting bombarded with. So that's one foundation that I try to give, like almost every one of my patients.

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

But the other one is something we're both fans of and that is bioavailable curcumin or turmeric. So everybody knows about turmeric. Turmeric is the only herb that's actually in the top 10 popular supplements in the US. So fish oils there, vitamin D is there, calcium B vitamins, vitamin C but turmeric is the only herb that makes the top 10 list for what Americans consume. So everybody knows about it. We all know it's really good preventative stuff for a lot of different things.

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

But the problem with most turmeric supplements is it's not absorbed very well and even if it's absorbed which a lot of people are taking turmeric with things like black pepper or other bioavailable enhancers. When it goes through the liver, it tends to become less potent, it becomes conjugated and it neutralizes the potent anti-inflammatory factors or activity of what's called free curcuminoids. So the trick is to get turmeric that's absorbed really well but that also maintains those free curcuminoids when it goes through the liver. So we both use the same tool for that phenomenal product called turmeric forte. That it's a simple formula. It's just turmeric that's infused into fenugreek seed, but that fenugreek has something called galactomanicides that not only increase the absorption of the turmeric but protect the free curcumin ointments as they go through the liver.

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

So it's amazing and what? It's actually? The best-selling many-year product. The company that makes that. It's their best-selling formula. It was right from the get-go when they released it back in 2017, I think it was, and there'll never be a time. It's not their best-seller because people feel the difference with it so quickly, especially with joint inflammation. But to what everything else that we're talking about today. I use it not just for joint inflammation, but brain inflammation, cardiovascular inflammation, you know, nerve inflammation anywhere in the body. It's like fish oil. It's one of the few supplements that I recommend to every single one of my patients because everybody again, it's our main theme of the day. Everybody has some chronic inflammation and that tumor forte tool really seems to be the most simple but powerful tool that everybody can benefit from to keep it under control.

Fabiola :

Yeah, you're right, we do have a lot of Sorry to go on a massive rant about tumor forte. But oh no, it's very well-deserved. I agree. It's such a great support it helps with, like you said. You know, as you were talking I was like, yeah, brain inflammation, heart, and I was thinking maybe it's the Swiss Army of, that's a great way to say it.

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

I gotta steal that from my next seminar. Tumor forte is the Swiss Army knife of herbal. It is it's the most multi-purpose herbal therapy you can take. And yeah, we're focusing on the inflammation benefits. But even besides the brain inflammation it's brain protective just from totally different factors Eye protective, liver detox, just to handle. It's one of the best tools we can have for dealing with all the toxins we're exposed to day in and day out that glyphosate you mentioned pesticides, chemicals, heavy metals. So yeah, it's wonderful.

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

And the maintenance dose which people really like about it is it's just two per day. But I will say if you've got actually joint pain and inflammation, you wanna take a little more than the bottle recommends. You wanna go two twice a day. For most people that really makes such a huge difference in determining how quickly you get out of pain. Once again, with the holidays coming up, if you know you're gonna be bad and you're just gonna be eating lots of sugar, flour, alcohol, all of these things that come with the holidays, I would probably just stay on two tablets twice per day consistently of tumor forte. That's a really good strategy.

Fabiola :

Yeah, no, I'm sure, yeah, I think it sold out a few times. Yeah, I'm like no, don't do us make more. Yeah, and I think I love the careful thought process by Professor Bone who really developing the formula, because I think that not every supplement is created equal and I think it goes through a lot of testing before we launched it and stuff.

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

So that was yeah, it's a great yeah, and there are a few other companies that use that fenugreek combination, but it's very, very few and the vast majority of tumor supplements out there. They may be good quality and they may have a lot of other benefits like liver support, digestion support. But specifically for that, one word inflammation. If you don't have those free curcuminoids you're not gonna get that maximum anti-inflammatory punch that bioavailable curcumin provides. So very important, especially for people trying to get out of pain.

Fabiola :

Yeah, yeah, for sure. Are there any other modalities, besides supplementation, that you use to support inflammation?

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

Yeah, I am a huge, huge fan. Two modalities I absolutely love for inflammation relief and fast inflammation relief, especially for people trying to get out of pain. Pulse to electromagnetic field therapy and probably even more powerful well, especially more powerful for when we're going back to the brain issues brain inflammation, neuro-inflammation, neurodegenerative conditions. I am such a fan of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and talk about the timing of it. So my dad, I actually got into hyperbaric oxygen therapy because my dad has Parkinson's. Well, I can't lie, it was selfish getting into hyperbaric oxygen too for my own brain fog fatigue. I like to make it sound like I'm this good son, like hunting all these therapies. But yes, it partly was for my dad because he has Parkinson's and he doesn't like taking a lot of supplements and I knew we were just losing a lot of ground with him. So I knew that if he could just get in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber that that would do something really profound, and sure enough it did. But he actually also is diabetic, really likes the carbohydrates in the sweets and goes through cycles, like you said, sometimes we're good, sometimes we're not, and sometimes the sugar really got out of control. On the hemoglobin A1C, the insulin, the glucose, well, he actually just had a stroke about a month ago and he had some really scary cognitive side effects with it. So I'll tell you one of them.

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

He practiced in this building that I met right now for 20 years, but he moved about two years ago north of my town, about an hour to Venice, florida, and I told him dad, you gotta get down right away, we gotta get you in the hyperbaric chamber. And the first day he drove came down. He couldn't remember how to get here. Like that's how bad things were with brain inflammation, brain damage at that point, and so that was the last time he drove down. We had a friend of his drive down after that.

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

But we got him in every single day for a month, literally every single day, and every one of his brain problems, the confusion, the balance, is completely gone. Now the only thing we're still working on is he lost some sight, like some peripheral vision, and we're still working on getting that back. But I can just see it when he gets out of the chamber like it's a totally, totally different person. The brain inflammation's down, everything's firing better. So I would say, if inflammation is affecting your brain and you're like so many of us and it's too late for just diet modification or simple supplementation and you've already been diagnosed with something like Parkinson's, dementia, alzheimer's, balance issues, autism. I definitely put that in there. Find somebody in your area doing hyperbaric oxygen, because it is the most. Think of it as just like a massive fire hose for inflammation, and when your whole body, and especially your brain, is on fire, it's just one of the most profound tools to get inflammation and control quickly.

Fabiola :

Yeah, and it's like a native state.

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

I feel like the body you're getting all that oxygen and cells love oxygen, right, I mean it's yeah, and the problem is, the older we get, we get all this vascular damage from inflammation that blocks the blood flow and the oxygenation of our brain and our eyes and our nerves throughout the body. So that's what I really view. You know all that. If you're healthy, start in these nutritional tools we're talking about today so that you don't need hyperbaric oxygen. Yeah, If you've already jumped up your body, if it's too late, hyperbaric oxygen therapy to me is like the ultimate bailout. It's the ultimate get out of jail card when we've gotten in some big, big trouble with bad lifestyle and diet choices throughout life.

Fabiola :

Yeah, and you know, I mean it takes. It's so funny because I feel like it takes depending on where you are at. I feel how much damage there might be. When it shows in your blood testing it's almost already not too late, but it's been there for a while. Yeah, it's not gonna show like, oh, this is just happening. It's been developing and blood testing numbers they change all the time, right To accommodate our, you know, sick society. Yeah, yours are so different. I mean, back in the 70s cholesterol numbers were so different than when they are now and we're not any healthier. If anything, we're actually sicker as a society. So it just makes sense to be preventive.

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

Yeah, and you know what? You brought up something with the blood values that aren't completely accurate and changing. Maybe you're listening and you got your C-reactor protein tested but it came back normal. The lab doesn't flag it as being a problem till it gets over three, but in reality the optimal level of C-reactor protein is that it's not over one. Yeah, so you may have chronic inflammation. That's kind of under the radar. So go back, dig up your old blood tests and if your C-reactor protein was like two or 2.5, 1.5 even you probably got some underlying inflammation that needs to be addressed.

Fabiola :

Yeah, no, you're on your health advocate, and I think each of us have to speak for our own health and make our practitioners and doctors listen better, Because you know, sometimes we need that message repeated. You know that so many times.

Dr. Dave Hogsed:


Fabiola :

Yeah, well, that's so cool. Well, thank you so much. I think we've learned, have such a broader understanding of what inflammation is, chronic inflammation, what are some of the things that are creating some of that inflammation? The tools, and some of them very simple, from dietary changes, supplementation and you can take it up a notch and do the PMF therapy and the hyperbaric chamber oxygen. And, if you're currently in practice, we're accepting new patients.

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

Yes, yep. So yeah, we always like to make sure it's something that you know fits under those tools, that those tools can really help, but when you combine nutrition supplementation and the other fun tools that we're talking about? My next on the list is I want to get the foot detox baths that you guys use. Yes, so are those anti-inflammatory too?

Fabiola :

Oh yeah, it's an inflammation core. Yeah, I mean detoxing some of the heavy metals. And what I find that the detox foot bath does is like it does all of that while you're just literally sitting there reading your book, for you know just, it's your 30 minutes of your therapy, with no kids, no phone, right and all that stuff and it really detoxes your body. And once you do a ion detox foot bath once and you see the water come out, you're like, oh my gosh, I can't believe all that stuff.

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

Yeah, for sure.

Fabiola :

And we live in a very toxic world. I mean, we're always exposed to things and, as organically as you might be eating, you're still, you know, exposed to high levels of glass to say. And I think, yeah, it's. But we find it to be a very important tool of our detoxing program, so definitely recommend it. That's it, I'm getting one. Yay, awesome. Well, how would one go about finding your practice?

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

Oh gosh, I'm the worst internet presence in the world. So you just Google Dave Hoggs and something's gonna come up.

Fabiola :

Great, awesome. So I'll make sure to add something to the show notes so that people can easily find you, but I'm gonna turn that back around.

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

If you were in New York, there is no office like yours and just such amazing stuff you guys are doing, and I can't wait to come take the tour, get my foot detox. It's just amazing work you all are doing there, so hats off to you.

Fabiola :

Thank you. Thank you so much. Yeah, so it's good to you know, as practitioners, be together out there helping people in the best way that we know. Are there any last words of wisdom you will like to leave our listeners with?

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

Take your tumor forte. We are being hit with more stuff than ever before and, yeah, you can do a lot, a lot to minimize inflammation with diet changes and intermittent fasting and all those things, but there's so many things we can't avoid. You're gonna get glyphosate, you're gonna get heavy metal exposure, you're gonna get electromagnetic pollution that creates free radical damage and inflammation. You know the cells and bio available curcumin tumor, which is tumor forte, or you know some really good tumor. It may not have to be that supplement, but I'm very biased and I do believe that is the best one on the planet and it's just the ultimate insurance policy that you can take to keep your inflammation low down, because you can't live in a perfect bubble. And that's a low dose, low cost way to do it by taking two tablets a day.

Fabiola :

That's awesome, and it's cheaper than your insurance payment.

Dr. Dave Hogsed:

So, yes, it's an insurance policy that actually does something for you. What a novel concept, I know right Also.

Fabiola :

Well, thank you so much for being here with us today. Thank you, I appreciate it and it's a privilege. Yes, Well, thank you so much and without nothing else, we'll be signing off. Thank you everyone for today. Thanks everybody Bye.