Root Cause Solutions For You

Transforming Dental Health with Natural Remedies: Insights from Trina Felber

Fabiola Reyes, Root Cause Expert, Cert. AK, CellCore & Nutrition Response Testing® Practitioner Season 1 Episode 15

Imagine discovering that your daily skincare and dental routine is filled with hidden toxins slowly affecting your overall health. That's precisely what happened to our guest, Trina Felber, founder and CEO of Primal Life Organics. Join us as she reveals her enlightening journey towards a toxin-free skincare and dental health routine, a journey triggered by personal tragedy. Trina's story is one of transformation and discovery - a testament to the body's incredible ability to adapt and heal with the right tools and information.

Ready to delve deeper? In the first part of our chat, we unveil the surprising connections between dental health and our overall well-being. From the role of mouth bacteria on nitric oxide production to the devastating impact of conventional dental products on our gut health, we cover it all. With her wealth of knowledge, Trina advocates for a switch to holistic dental products that are kinder to our bodies. We also delve into the critical importance of minerals in our dental products and how they contribute to our health. Get ready to learn about the benefits of clay, baking soda, and hydroxyapatite.

In the final part of our enlightening conversation, Trina shares her experiences with dental impressions and whitening treatments. She reveals how standard whitening practices using peroxide can weaken our teeth. But there's a solution! Trina introduces her teeth whitening system that rebuilds and strengthens the enamel using all-natural ingredients. Plus, she offers tips on dental detox, reinforcing the importance of toxin-free oral care. Tune in and discover how to revolutionize your dental health regime and achieve that glowing skin you've always wanted!

Start your dental detox today!

Dental Detox Box, 60-day supply

LED Teeth Whiting

Disclaimer: The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. This podcast is not a medical service; the information provided is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. The Root Cause Solutions For You, its practitioners, and employees make no warranties, express or implied, concerning the contents. The information shared in this episode is the opinion of the speaker and should not be considered medical advice. You should never disregard medical advice or delay seeking it because of the contents of this episode.

Speaker 1:

Hi everyone, thank you so much for joining us for another episode of ROOTPAW Solutions. For you, my name is Fabiola and I am your host, and today I am super thrilled to have Trina Felber, who is the founder and CEO of Primal Life Organics, our very special guest. Oh, thank you Again. Thanks for having me. Yeah, tell us a little bit about yourself.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I started out. I'm a registered nurse. I graduated with my nursing degree way back in 1990. I think it was 1992 is when I graduated from my nursing school. Then I went back to school. I have a master's degree in anesthesia and I graduated in 2007.

Speaker 2:

And then after I graduated, I discovered the toxins that are in personal care products. I suffered a miscarriage at the age of 40. I was turning 40. And it was through that miscarriage that I started to look at, take a closer look at, everything in my environment. Never really dawned on me to look at my skincare products. That was like the last thing that I converted because it never dawned on me that there were so many poisons and toxins in there. But I got pregnant really quickly again with my daughter, who's now 15. And it was during that pregnancy that I started to look at my personal care products and could not believe the number of hormone disruptors, the amount of inflammatory products or inflammatory ingredients, the amount of cancer causing and neurotoxic type of ingredients. And so I completely unplugged from what I call Big Cosmo. I started making all my own products and for the first time in my life I was turning 40, my skin conditions started to clear up. I had suffered with acne for years and years, from high school all the way up. I had done acutane twice and, of course, like everybody else, all the topicals and the antibiotics and all those things. I'd done them all and nothing ever resolved it. So when I started making my own products, it was the first time that I started to notice a difference and I was blown away.

Speaker 2:

And then fast forward a little bit of time. You know, I was making my own products, loving it, and then my daughter, when she was two, had a molar come in and that molar had some sort of defect in it. We weren't sure what it was. We took her to the dentist and he said that's a natural cavity Happened when the tooth was being developed in utero. I didn't even know that was a thing, but the tooth had a pretty significant defect and he said we'll put a temporary filling in it. The tooth is probably going to need to be pulled within a year. The temporary filling will last two to three months. Every time it falls out we'll decide do we put another temporary filling in it or do we, you know, pull the tooth?

Speaker 2:

And I was getting ready to leave the dentist office and he knew I was upset as a nurse and as a you know, I know in the natural world about the, about the meridians. You know you've got your meridians with acupuncture and acupressure, but you also have meridians from every tooth. Every tooth, during development, is connected to an organ via a meridian. So it's a pathway, a communication pathway. And when he told me, you know I was walking out, he said don't worry, mom, we put a temporary filling in it. Now we just hope for the best. And I thought there is no way I'm going to hope for the best.

Speaker 2:

So I went home, I started, I started researching dental health and he was right If I kept using what I was using, we would have to pull that tooth within a year. And that's really how my dental journey becoming, you know, a natural dental expert, where I've learned how to remineralize the teeth, heal cavities, reverse gum disease that's where that all was born. I discovered Dr Weston A Price and I literally took all of his findings and incorporated it into my dental program and my daughter's tooth. I just have to finish the story. I always forget to finish the story. My daughter's tooth lasted the full lifespan of the tooth that fell out naturally at the age of 12. And that original temporary filling that was supposed to only last about two to three months lasted 10 years and was still in place when we put, when the tooth fell out and the tooth had actually remineralized over that filling to prevent bacteria from getting inside underneath and causing problems. So I did my job, I kept that tooth in place.

Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh, that is impressive. That is so awesome Because you know you're right, the body is very, very intelligent, right, when you give it the right tools and provide the right information that it knows, it perceives as okay. This is what I need to do. And it did exactly that with what it was what you were doing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's really phenomenal and you know, a lot of people ask me, like you know, how long does it take to either reverse the cavity or get rid of sensitive teeth? A lot of people have sensitive teeth, and sensitive teeth is just a signal. It's really your body signaling to you that you're having more mineral loss from your teeth than you're able to replace, because our teeth are just like bone. The difference between teeth and bone is the environment that it's in, and your teeth are actually harder than your bone because the environment inside your mouth is acidic Most of the time. It's acidic. The foods that we're eating are acidic. The drinks that we're drinking are acidic.

Speaker 2:

Most of the dental products on the market are acidic and they're causing our gums to wear down and our enamel to be worn away. So by reversing that, if you make a quick change in the products that you're using and make your mouth more alkaline, you can reverse that very quickly. I've had people that have had sensitive teeth for years I'm talking like 20 years Women that are in their 40s telling me I've had sensitive teeth for 20 years since I was in my 20s. Three days into your program, my teeth are no longer sensitive. They're blown away. But it happens fast, like you said, because if you give the body the right tools, the body knows very quickly how to go back to normal.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and then also thinking about diet, right, I mean all the things that we eat, all that, the processed sugar, the processed carbohydrates, all that affects the pH level in the mouth. Tell us a little bit more about that, because I think that's a little bit it's been. It's popular as a particular subject, getting a lot of people understand, or may understand, what the pH level has to do in the mouth with even the rest of the body. So tell us a little bit about that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so your mouth is a little bit different. So your mouth is the start of your digestive system, so there's a lot of talk out there about gut health and probiotics for your gut and making sure that you have, like good acidity in your gut, because that's what your body means. The good environment for your gut is acid, but in your mouth, which is where your digestive system actually starts, it's a little bit different. Your mouth really needs to be alkaline, and the good bacteria lives in an alkaline environment. So if you're eating heavily processed foods, a lot of sugar and drinking the sodas and sugary drinks and wine, tea, it's okay to some degree, but it's the overwhelming amount, and then, on top of that, if you're brushing with things that are increasing acid, you're never in a situation or a state of alkalinity inside the mouth. So the difference is that when you're in a state of acid inside the mouth, minerals leave the enamel and in order for minerals to get back in, so there's a couple ways it has to happen inside your mouth, though, because you can't take a supplement to increase the mineral content of your teeth. There is no supplement. You can increase the calcium and make sure you have good calcium and phosphorus levels in your body, because if your body is depleted, your saliva will be depleted, and your saliva is this secretion that is actually protecting you and your teeth.

Speaker 2:

Your saliva has minerals in it. It's supposed to have minerals in it, but if your body is depleted, sometimes that your body might naturally be depleted is during pregnancy. During pregnancy, when you're creating another human being, you're gifting them a bunch of your minerals. So you might be moms, become mineral depleted. I once had I was on a mom's podcast and they were like, can you answer the question? Why is it that we get a cavity after every baby's born? And I'm like, wow, I've never heard that, but that makes sense. And it's because during, even when you're taking supplements, when you're depleted internally, mom is then your saliva. Of course, the body's gonna, it's gonna designate where that calcium and phosphorus really needs to go.

Speaker 2:

And your saliva, of course, is not priority. It's not going to keep you, it's not technically going to keep you alive, not like your heart. So it pulls it from your you know your blood into where it's needed in your heart and you know muscles and stuff like that, and then your saliva becomes mineral depleted and then, when you are salivating, you're not neutralizing the acids because your saliva's less defective and you're not remineralizing your teeth, and the only way other than that would be to eat like what you're eating. So the processed foods that we're eating have very little mineral content and, unfortunately, even if you're eating organic or whole food options, our, our soil content is so mineral depleted that even that is not really going to be enough to replace the minerals that you're losing, unless, of course, you're eating very clean. Typically, if you're eating very clean, then you're not producing, you're not increasing the acid level in your mouth quite as much and you're able to keep up with it better.

Speaker 2:

But brushing twice a day, two times, you know, two minutes, four minutes twice a day, two minutes twice a day, brushing with something that has minerals in it and is alkaline, is going to do so much good for your mouth. Because what happens when you're brushing with something that's alkaline is all of that bacteria. Let me see, I have one of my little props. I love this one. All of the bacteria that technically survives in an acid. So it's like this guy right here. This guy is one of those. It's just gross and these guys create the bad breath, they create gum disease and cavities. There's hundreds of different bacteria that can live inside your mouth, but they're all acidic. So what happens when this guy is inside your mouth and you brush with something that's alkaline or you swish with something that's alkaline, it kills these guys almost instantly. They can't tolerate it and they can't handle it. And in an alkaline situation all of the good guys can survive. So you get an imbalance.

Speaker 2:

Bad breath is the first sign that there's an imbalance. First of all, let me tell you bad breath is not normal. You should not have bad breath. You shouldn't even wake up with bad breath. If you have bad breath, it's an imbalance. It's a signal that you have too many of the wrong bacteria inside the mouth and not enough of the healthy bacteria. That imbalance then leads to all of the other things. It leads to T sensitivity, cavities, gum disease.

Speaker 2:

And remember you swallow everything that's inside your mouth. That's kind of gross when you think about it, but everything inside your mouth you swallow. Unless you spit it, you swallow it and that seeds and feeds your gut. And remember this bacteria that lives inside your mouth that's nasty and causing all these inflammatory processes and problems. These guys love acid. So the minute you swallow these guys. Where's it going? It's gonna go through a party in your stomach. It's gonna multiply and these guys are not the right guys to be living in your gut. So if you have gut issues and you haven't converted to a healthy mouth microbiome, then you most likely won't completely heal your gut until you change what's going on inside your mouth, if that makes sense.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, totally. And then if I mean most Americans, most people, I mean I think it's an international situation. We have very disrupted gut health and how many people are on taking anti-acids right? And those old, those pathogens in the mouth that are potentially the food that we're eating are just making it through, they're surviving, are very harsh environments in the stomach and then they just go rogue in the body and then create situations like IBS crumbs and you name it. So what you're saying makes total sense.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I've even. Leaky gut syndrome is what you're talking about. Your tissue Lining of your gut becomes very leaky. It becomes inflamed, like if you're looking at the screen, this would be like leaky gums. It's very inflamed, very red. This would be leaky gut. This would be healthy gum tissue. But this is exactly what happens in your gut. The exact same thing. Leaky gums or leaky gut syndrome is where you get that inflammatory area in the lining and then what happens is those junctures between the cells start to widen and then that's where things can leak in and leak between. And the same thing happens in your mouth, but in your mouth.

Speaker 2:

Your mouth is exposed to a lot of stuff that technically should not make it past your mouth. If your saliva is healthy and your mouth is healthy, there's like a lot of things that shouldn't, including virus and bacteria and fungus. Those are just some of the pathogens that really should be killed inside your mouth because of pH and some of the stuff that's in your saliva. And as soon as those leak through into your gum tissue, your gums are very vascular and then that vascular blood it gets into your bloodstream. That travels everywhere, like in your gut, if it gets into your gut and into your vascular system through your digestive system. We have a protective organ called the liver that will help to get rid of it and cleanse the blood and cleanse things out of your body before it travels to your brain and your heart. But when things get in through your gum tissue there it doesn't go to your liver first, it travels to your brain, travels to your heart, all the organs.

Speaker 2:

So that's why your mouth, that dental health, is connected to every organ. So it's connected to brain health and, like Alzheimer's, and it's connected to heart health with sclerotic arteries and the plaque buildup and arteries. The plaque in the arteries is the same plaque that forms on the gum tissue and the teeth. Preterm labor, pregnancy, infertility, for both men and women has been directly linked to oral health. Nitric oxide production is something that without the right bacteria inside your mouth, your mouth and your gut have to have healthy bacteria for nitric oxide to actually be produced by your body. So if your mouth bacteria is not healthy, you're not producing enough nitric oxide and nitric oxide is what is causing that vasodilation, that increase in the diameter to increase blood flow. So that's why, even in heart health, it's extremely important that your mouth is healthy, because if you're not creating enough nitric oxide, you're constricting your vessels and you're decreasing blood flow Automatically. Your body just does that because it doesn't have the nitric oxide being produced.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that makes sense. And you know, like I grew up in Mexico City and we had conventional dentists, that was not exposed to the world of holistic dentistry or more less harsh dental products until I actually work for a holistic dentist when I lived in Florida, I was believed. You know well, someday I'll have dentures. I mean, you know, like my teeth are just naturally gonna fall off. It's in that part of the natural process. And then it wasn't. Until then I was like, oh my gosh, that is so untrue. You know, I mean it has a lot to do with my lifestyle. What I put in my body and we used to do a lot of listerine when I was a kid and that was our, you know, choice of mouthwash and the stronger the better, because then you felt really clean, right. But then you were talking about just an oh how that it's destroyed right by this alcoholic and really harsh chemicals in your mouth. Is that correct?

Speaker 2:

Absolutely so. List, you mentioned listerine, but any of the mouthwash is, especially if they contain alcohol, if they contain peroxide. Triglysan is another one. You've also got the artificial colors, artificial flavors, artificial sweeteners and all of that Like. None of that is good for your body and none of that is going to be good for your mouth.

Speaker 2:

The alcohols themselves, and they even promote it, kills 99% of bacteria, or some of them say 99.9,. I think the problem with that is it's not selective, only to the bad bacteria. Because you've got that, so you've got the acid in the alkaline bacteria living in your mouth. Alcohol will wipe out all of that because it's just destroying, it's killing it. Whereas if you change the alkalinity and increase the amount of like the alkaline in your, it will kill these guys. But these guys will live and that's what you want. The problem is is most people are living in an acidic environment, so it's killing all of the good guys. They can't live and then these guys flourish way too much.

Speaker 2:

But alcohol and triglysan destroy the good bacteria inside your mouth. But you have to also remember that you're you're absorbing that through your gum tissue because your gums, even if they're healthy, your gums, will absorb some things into and through, but you're also going to potentially swallow some of that stuff. Even when you think you don't, you typically still do have a little bit that you're swallowing. There was a study once done on triglysan and they didn't do the study for the mouth and what's triglysan do into the mouth? The funny thing is is they did.

Speaker 2:

What does brushing or gargling with something that has triglysan? What does it do to your gut? And, interestingly enough, the tiny amount that gets swallowed destroys the good gut bacteria and sets you up for dysbiosis or, you know, an overgrowth of the wrong bacteria. But I usually tell people is, if you're brushing with something that's not alkaline, it's very similar or just like brushing with an antibiotic or taking an antibiotic every day, twice a day for life. And if you've ever taken an antibiotic for even just seven days and ended up with a stomach ache, you either end up with constipation or you end up with diarrhea and then you have to fix your fix, the microbiome in your gut. You'll understand that if you're brushing your teeth with that type of product twice a day for life and you're hoping that your mouth will be healthy, think again it never will be. It'll be like having diarrhea and inflammation inside your mouth, and you're never going to be able to get rid of it until you stop using those products.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's true, I used to, like I used to get a stomach ache every time I would brush my teeth and I would actually use my toothpaste whether it gave me a stomach ache or not, and now it makes total sense as to use some of those chemicals making it back, you know, into our gut. And I think that chemical exposure also just makes that probably get by bacteria in our mouth rogue, right? Whether, like, okay, I'm going to give you more ammunition, we're going to make you even more powerful, and then you're doing probably all this like potentially trying to eat organic as much as possible or switching from to very alternative products, but then if that bacteria in your mouth is already rogue, is it like biofilm, right? Isn't that like bacteria protected by biofilm?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's exactly what it is. So bacteria, just like anywhere else, the bacteria needs a house. It's going to create a little house that it can live in. That's going to make it very difficult for you to be able to kill it, or you know it's survival. It means a survival for it. So bacteria creates a biofilm called plaque, and the harder the plaque and the thicker the plaque, the harder it is to get to the bacteria. But it's all really pH related. If you, if you switch to alkalizing your mouth, you can actually get break through that plaque barrier and kill the bacteria very, very quickly and very easily.

Speaker 2:

So I usually tell people a lot of people want to know oh, what are the bad ingredients into? And my dental products? What should I not use? I sort of like to go over what to use instead, because if you're using products that are going to incorporate the ingredients that I'm telling you, you're probably not going to find the bad ingredients in those anyway. It's one of those things that like when you go to someone who's a naturopath very unlikely the first thing they're going to put you on is a medication, like they're going to help you find a natural solution. So same type of thing. But the problem is that most dental products, even natural dental products, are not formulated correctly. They'll have one or two of the things I'm talking about, but they'll miss the third and all three components.

Speaker 2:

When I studied Dr Weston A Price, there were three components to keeping your mouth healthy, and the first one is it has to be alkaline. And what does that look like in a dental product? Your dental products should contain something that makes it alkaline. The easiest thing to spot is baking soda. It's what I use in my products. You know it's. We eat baking soda. It's. It will make the product alkaline. If you look at your ingredient list and there's no baking soda in there, you can pretty much guarantee that it's probably not alkaline. So the product might clean your teeth, but it's not going to kill the bad bacteria and it's not going to make it healthy for the good bacteria either. So you're just basically cleaning your teeth, that's it. You're over cleaning, you know, and destroying everything inside there. That's actually beneficial.

Speaker 2:

The second thing is that there has to be minerals present. If there's no minerals in your dental products and it's not alkaline when there's minerals present, those minerals will never go back into your enamel. So if you're in a constant state of losing minerals from your enamel, you will end up with pits, holes in your teeth and then ultimately, when it's concentrated in one area, you'll get it diving deeper into the dentin area and you end up cavities and you know then you have that whole cavity, then root canal type of situation happening. So what minerals to look for?

Speaker 2:

My favorite thing to use and what I use in my products is clay. I love using clay. We use bentonite, I use a blend. I like bentonite, french, green and white kaolin clay, because clay is not all-inclusive. They don't have One type of clay, doesn't have all the minerals. So your teeth have calcium and fos is the primary minerals, but they also have manganese and there's also a little bit of magnesium and there's some other different minerals in your teeth.

Speaker 2:

When you lose a manganese mineral during demineralization, say it's, you're eating something that's acidic and a manganese mineral leaves your tooth. It's a lock and key. Calcium won't plug that hole, fos won't plug that hole, manganese has to plug that hole and if you're brushing with something that only has calcium and fos in it, you're never going to plug that hole unless you eat something and it's alkaline and the conditions are right and your tooth is clean, for that manganese to get back in your teeth. That's why we have such a bad epidemic of dental health. They've incorporated fluoride I don't know how many years ago, and dental health has never improved. So what does that tell you? Fluoride doesn't work. It's not working. It's actually making the matter worse, because you weren't really born with fluoride in you. The only way you were born with fluoride is if your mom had fluoride in her body and during your in utero development you were passed fluoride into your body. That is the only way babies are born with fluoride and unfortunately, almost all babies are born with fluoride because moms are using fluoride dental products and there's fluoride and a lot of things that we don't know about.

Speaker 2:

But you know. So I love using clay. The clay is also alkaline. It's not super alkaline, so using clay alone isn't the best method. So that's why I blend my clay with baking soda.

Speaker 2:

But there's another ingredient that's newer on the market and it's called hydroxyapatite. I don't know if you've heard it. Hydroxyapatite is the exact same thing that your enamel is called. So this is actually the hydroxyapatite layer, which is calcium and phosphorus. Again, there's other minerals in there as well, but primarily calcium and phosphorus. So hydroxyapatite is new and a lot of companies dental companies are putting it in. We added it to our dental product.

Speaker 2:

But there's a key. There's two key components that you you know. As a consumer, you don't know this, so I'm here to spill the beans. I'll tell you the inside scoop on these. Calcium, the hydroxyapatite.

Speaker 2:

There's two forms that companies can buy. You can buy the nano form or you can buy micro. Micro is not small enough. So nano is tiny to nano is a tiny, tiny little powder. Micro is going to be too large to actually plug the holes.

Speaker 2:

So if you're brushing with something that has micro hydroxyapatite in it, you'll be brushing and spitting all the hydroxyapatite. It's going to do you no good. So you want to make sure that you're brushing with nano hydroxyapatite. That's what we use. I use a nano hydroxyapatite.

Speaker 2:

There's a couple other caveats. It has to be the right form of nano hydroxyapatite. There's only one supplier, that's lea, that really has research and shows that it's effective, and that's the supplier that I use, and it's as a consumer. It's so frustrating. You don't. The consumers don't know this information. You think you hear hydroxyapatite, you think you're good, you're buying it. You're not getting results. You don't know why. The other piece of it is hydroxyapatite.

Speaker 2:

Calcium and phosphorus is really important, but what? There's a study that came out recently that said that without the presence of magnesium, hydroxyapatite doesn't harden completely. So you can be brushing with something that has hydroxyapatite, but if there's no magnesium in that toothpaste or tooth powder, it's not going to harden completely. It's never going to fill in, but it's still going to be soft, which means it's going to be weak. It's going to keep. You know, you're still going to be at risk for bacteria leaching into your dentin and things like that.

Speaker 2:

So the nice thing about the blend that I do with the clay is that there's magnesium in the clay.

Speaker 2:

There's plenty of magnesium, so you get that very hardening effect, which is why when people say I've had sensitive teeth for 20 years and I only brushed for three days with yours and my teeth feel so much better, that's why because it's formulated the correct way so that once that had you know that calcium, phosphorus and any other mineral gets into your teeth, it you know it can harden and actually create that barrier that you need. And then the third thing is that your, your mouth is filthy. It's exposed to so much pollution and heavy metals. That's a gateway for heavy metals to enter your body, and so detoxing your mouth tissues is extremely important. And then again, that's why I add clay to my dental products is because clay binds very easily and once it binds it pulls it out. So when you're brushing twice a day with a clay dental product, it's going to actually pull and detox not just your gums, but you know your tongue and your your palate and you know the sides of your mouth and everything.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, very accurate, and that's why I think you know, like eating organically as much as possible, it's important that you get some of those minerals you were just mentioning from our food. But, just like you said to, our food is so depleted, right, with some of those important minerals. Our soil is just so there's no, almost I don't know if there's really any minerals and soil anymore, and when you're doing your best to eat better. But then you could contract, you could undo the work that you're doing by using products that are just making your changing the pH level, of setting that pH level in your mouth, and you're like well, I do, I still have cavities, I eat organic and I'm still suffering from this, and you know you name it, so I know it's really hard.

Speaker 2:

I put together. You know, when I first started doing this, people were always like I don't know what to start, I don't know what to get. So I actually put together a kit. I think we might have sent you one. Did you get the dental detox kit? We did, yeah. So I put together a kit. It's called the dental detox kit and it's a 60 day supply of everything that you need and for your listeners we're going to do a special price so if they follow your link that you put out, they'll actually get a really good price on and getting the kit. They can get one, three or six, depending on.

Speaker 2:

You know if you've got family members or anybody that you want to gift one to. It's really important and you have to remember this is I wrote a blog about this once. Cavities are contagious. That bacteria you know. If you're, if your mouth is healthy but your partner's mouth is not healthy, you will still cross contaminate. You'll get. You know you can get sick or get cavities or gum disease from whoever you're in close contact with or kissing. So you want to make sure that whoever you are involved with and your family that you're living with has good, healthy mouth microbiome, because it is it's contagious and we don't even think about it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that is true. So let's talk a little bit about dry mouth. You know, I think a lot of people suffer from that. You know, medications, I think, have a lot to do with that as well. You know, I'm just changing the pH level of the mouth again, but tell us about dry mouth.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, dry mouth is bad. It's probably one of the worst things that you can have because your saliva does so much Like. As mammals. We're the only mammal that has digestive enzymes in our saliva, so the process of digestion actually starts inside your mouth with the saliva breaking down. You know the food it also contains like I was talking about minerals and things like that. That will help remineralize your teeth. It's also going to help neutralize the acid.

Speaker 2:

Your saliva is not really super alkaline, it's more of a neutral. So it's meant to. I mean, back in the day, when you know, of course, evolution, our ancestors weren't eating sugar and processed food, so their saliva didn't need to be alkaline. So, of course, we developed our saliva based on our history and ancestors. So our saliva is kind of neutral. It will neutralize minimal, like a little bit of acid and it's meant to wash and rinse your mouth.

Speaker 2:

So if you suffer from dry mouth, then you know, and I know, some of it can be related to medication, but it's really important to make take measures and rinse your mouth frequently and make sure you stay hydrated. Keeping yourself hydrated will definitely help keep your saliva flowing. But, yeah, definitely making sure that you have good saliva production, because that is, and again, with viruses and fungus and bacteria entering through your mouth. You know you think about especially cold and flu season and you know all the other seasons that we've now created. You know things get in through your nose, things get in through your mouth. Your hands are touching, you know your eyes, all of that airspace I always say the airspace in your, in your, in your face and your head is all connected. So your sinuses, your nose and your mouth are all an airspace that's connected and the sinuses that give you suffer frequent sinus infections.

Speaker 2:

I would definitely, you know, I would definitely suggest making a switch to, you know, a dental program like, like what I carry and created, because so many people have noticed that when they switch and their mouth becomes healthy, they no longer even have sinus infections, like the root cause, like you talk about, the root cause came from their mouth. You have to know that not only are you breathing, you're breathing everything in and it's going into your lungs. So you'll probably get sick less if your saliva is healthy and your microbiome is healthy inside your mouth. Breathing that air in is going to help prevent bad air from getting into your lungs and creating inflammation in your lungs. And then the other avenue is when you swallow down into your gut. Same thing If you've got healthy microbiome inside your mouth, you have less of a chance of having disturbances that follow the path of your saliva.

Speaker 1:

True, I just did a lecture about neck up or color up in infections and read a journal from Dr Westerner Price from like 1916. I think it was where he was talking to a group of dentists, I think in Toronto, and where he had just had a conversation with Dr Mayo from the Mayo Clinic. And I'm like, oh my gosh, this is like so long ago. But it was so cool to read that journal because he talked about like cases where dental infection had been at rest and people were getting better and according to Dr Mayo he's like people are not going to die of like. Yeah, obviously there's illnesses and diseases out there, but what happens in the mouth will determine how their health, the health of the mouth is, will determine how they do with the overall health and how they respond if they ever get sick. So it's so impinging. I was very impinging to me. I was like, oh my gosh, yeah, you're right, I have to go brush my teeth.

Speaker 2:

Well I know. The thing is is when was the last time you went to your cardiologist and he said you have high blood pressure. Let me see your mouth. Have you talked to your dentist about making sure your bacteria inside your mouth is healthy? It never happens, never. When's the last time you know for infertility all those women out there trying to get pregnant, you know? When did your infertility doctor ever ask you open your mouth? Let me see what's going on inside your mouth. Infertility is directly related to what's going inside mom's mouth. In fact, it's so related that if mom has a bad microbiome inside her mouth, her baby is like three times as likely to have cavities growing up. That's how connected it is.

Speaker 2:

I once had a friend tell me she's a chiropractor and the friend of hers went to the hospital. She was around. She was really early, like in the early 20s. She was probably 22 or 23 weeks too early for a viable baby. She went into preterm labor and they ended up, you know, putting her on magnesium drip and then putting her head down so that gravity holds the baby in, hoping to just keep the baby inside her long enough that they can deliver a viable baby. And a couple weeks passed and nothing was improving. Things weren't getting better and finally someone said she must have had a toothache or something. They said let's bring a dentist in to look inside her mouth and see if something if he can help her with that. He opened her mouth. They looked inside her mouth and he said you have an abscess. He put her on an antibiotic Yep, an antibiotic. Within a week she went home, walked home the woman who's standing on her head so that her baby can gravity with gravity's help, keep her, the baby inside, went home and stayed home through the rest of the pregnancy and delivered a full term baby, no restrictions, just went home, continued on her mouth. What was going on inside her mouth was causing her to go into preterm labor. So you know, like you were saying, no one is really taking a look from the inside and going all the way up to what's going on inside your mouth. No one's doing that. So you have to be your own best advocate and understand that. That's where you need to start.

Speaker 2:

No matter what's going on inside your body, it's not going to take a lot and it's just a switch of what you're using. Swap out your toothpaste for a healthy toothpaste or powder in my kit. I start everybody on powder because the powder is super concentrated. You get really great results very quickly After the 60 days. If you want to swap out to my toothpaste, my toothpaste is formulated exactly the same way. We just use colloidal silver, which is really great at killing bacteria because it's vibrational, so it doesn't even have to come in contact with the bacteria to kill it and you can make the switch then if you want to the paste. But I always tell people like it's a swap for what you're using.

Speaker 2:

You don't really have to do anything. Maybe you're not scraping your tongue. In the kit you got a tongue scraper but it takes about three to four seconds to scrape your tongue in the morning and night. So it's not like I'm asking you to spend an hour doing something. It's really easy and it's worth it because you're going to.

Speaker 2:

First of all, your dental checkups are going to be so much better, so much easier. You're going to have very little plaque, if any. Most of my customers report back went to the dentist zero plaque again and it's going to help speed gum healing. If you're someone who does have some gum inflammation going on or recession I also have did we send you our mouth, our teeth whitening system. Yeah, I also have for anyone that's interested in whitening your teeth or if you have any issues going on inside your mouth. I always say, if you want to take it to the next level, the detox kit. Yes, definitely, this is the other thing that you can do.

Speaker 2:

I created a mouth whitening, a teeth whitening system that uses red and blue LED lights. Because red light, red light's amazing. It's for gum tissue health. So red light is going to increase blood flow and reduce inflammation in the gum tissue, allowing for better nutrient delivery to heal the gums and detoxification of the gum tissue. So it helps to heal gums, inflame gums. I've got a couple of biological dentists have their customers or patients on these and they say they can always tell the people that do the red light therapy, their gums heal so fast. The blue light is really cool. I love, and light therapy penetrates a little bit into the tissues, which is really nice. The blue light Harvard did a study and they discovered that when these guys, those nasty bacteria that are living inside your mouth, when these guys are exposed to blue light, there's this little thing inside these guys that literally explodes and these guys die.

Speaker 2:

So it's super cool that when you put this in your mouth, I always envision those things like just pop, pop, pop, like brothers popcorn.

Speaker 2:

You know, inside your mouth these, the bacteria, are all just popping and it's a quick 15, 16 minute treatment a couple times a week and the gel is peroxide free peroxides on the no, no list. It's going to destroy your good bacteria, it's going to wear away at your teeth and your gums. So mine is a peroxide free, formulated basically the exact same way that I formulated my tooth powder and paste, with the same type of ingredients, the same type of formula, so that it's alkaline, it's got all the minerals that you need and it's going to pull toxins from the tissues. So adding this to your routine is also really beneficial and for your, as if they click through your link, they'll get 60% off. That's the deal that I love to do, because for it's my thank you for having me on and helping me spread the knowledge that you know you're not stuck with the teeth you have and, yes, you can take them to your grave, you can.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, thank you so much. Yeah, I was super excited about it because I did a whitening treatment and I've only done once in my life because I had such a horrible experience my lower teeth were so sensitive afterwards and that gel, you know, the first time I'm a terrible beggar. I like I hate getting dental impressions. I'm like you better bring your best person because I will only do this once. I had to offer different impressions for the trace and then the. You know you put that gel inside and I was so sensitive, like, and after getting my teeth I had to get a teeth cleaning maybe a week or so later and they had genus, couldn't even touch my teeth and I was like, oh my God, what is this happening? And I think it was because of that.

Speaker 2:

Well, it was because of the peroxide the bleach is. So what, how? How peroxide works? This is hard because this is white on white here, right here how peroxide works. There's a layer beneath your enamel. It's hard to tell on this one. The layer beneath your enamel is kind of it might be a little easier is like a yellowish or a grayish. It's called your dentin. That layer is is like a yellowish, grayish or a bluish tinge. So when your enamel gets thin and you get that sensitivity and start to get that sensitivity, you start to be able to see that dentin layer between beneath your in your teeth and what that looks like. It almost looks like your teeth are translucent, but they look grayish, bluish or yellowish. So what? How peroxide works?

Speaker 2:

So peroxide, the dentin layer, has some fluid in it and the fluids really important because if you think about what your teeth do, they like hit each other all day long and they're like biting on foods and some of the food's hard. So it's like a shock absorber. First of all, and secondly, it protects this layer which is your pulp, which has your blood vessels in your nerves. First off, when peroxide leaches into there, your nerve, it's caustic, painful to the nerves. So that's why you also feel the pain. But what happens is it pulls the fluid. Peroxide pulls the fluid.

Speaker 2:

The stronger the peroxide, the faster and worse this is. Pulls the fluid out from the dentin layer, because if it pulls the fluid out, it makes your teeth look wider, so it looks more opaque. But what you've literally just done is you've weakened the infrastructure of your tooth and you haven't done anything. So this is the whitest part of your tooth tooth the enamel. The best way to whiten your tooth is the way that I have developed, which is to thicken the enamel. If you rebuild the enamel and you make it thicker and whiter, you also are going to, first of all, be protecting all of this inside and secondly, you're going to make your teeth cavity resistant. That is the real way to prevent cavities. So my teeth whitener works the opposite of peroxide. Peroxide weakens your teeth from the inside, dehydrates that dentin, whereas my teeth whitening system is actually building back your enamel and making your teeth stronger and whiter in the process.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love it, I love it. So we've talked a bunch about teeth, but can you tell us a little bit about your skincare products, because I think I'm in love with those two?

Speaker 2:

Oh, thank you. Yeah, my skincare products are amazing. So I suffered, like I was saying, I suffered from acne all of my life until I turned 40 and I started making my own products. I make my products without water. Mine are water free the problem there's a couple problems with water and this is a whole nother topic. So if you want to do another talk, I'm more than happy to come back and dive deeper into this.

Speaker 2:

But I often get asked what's the worst ingredient in skincare? And everyone expects me to say phthalates or parabens or fragrance, and I always say, yes, those are horrible, those are awful, but no that. To me, my opinion, the worst ingredient in skincare is water. It does some damage to your skin and they're using tap water which contains all of the bad things. It contains heavy metals, contains birth control pills. So if you think you're not getting birth control pills or hormone disruptors or antibiotics or cardiovascular meds or antidepressants, those are the big ones People are either tossing or peeing out that end up in the water systems. You are definitely still exposed to all of those through the tap water in skincare and for me, what I discovered is when you omit water and you don't put water in the skincare. You don't need all of those other horrible ingredients that everybody thinks are so bad, which are bad. The fragrance, you don't need the emulsifiers. You don't need the thickeners, you don't need the heavy preservatives. You can leave almost all of that out.

Speaker 2:

What's interesting is the active ingredients, or the ingredients that actually work in skincare are the oils. I mean, your skin has a barrier. Water is not meant to get through, but oils and oil becomes a carrier, pulls things through into your skin. So it is actually the oil that makes the difference. But because most of the products are watered down so much, you never get the results.

Speaker 2:

I just turned 55 this year, so I've been using my products for 15 years. My daughter just turned 15, so almost 16 years. I started using them in 2007. And my skin has never looked better. I never have breakouts anymore. I don't have scars anymore. I used to have the worst scars from acne and everything else. My skin doesn't get blotchy and red. My skin isn't oily. I used to have the worst oily skin but because I was drying it out with watered down products, I no longer dry it out. I give it what it wants and, like we were talking earlier, as soon as you give your body what it needs, it normalizes. My skin is never oily anymore, so it's like it's my little secret. I love the skincare. I geek out on skincare and it's really all about water-free.

Speaker 1:

That's awesome. So that'll be a little preview of our next talk, so stay tuned.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we'll dive deep into it. It's a good topic. It's a good talk.

Speaker 1:

That's awesome, all right. Well, gosh, you know, we I think we cover some often, I think it's. I hope that the listeners have taken away with, or leave with, some information that it is useful for them, and we'll make sure to add all of the links that we've mentioned so that they get their 60-day little kit for the dental detox. And then, I mean it's just, holidays are just around the corner, so this is the best time to get your whitening. You know that is actually going to reinforce your enamel, make it healthier, versus take away the health that you've been working so hard to build with healthy eating habits and lifestyle.

Speaker 2:

So I was fab. No, I was just going to say thank you, fabs, for having me on. I appreciate it and if anybody has any questions, my team's really great. You can reach out to support at primallifeorganicswithanestcom and we're on Instagram at primallifeorg and Facebook primalifeorganics. I do a lot of content you know educational content as well, but we're here for you. I'm here to support you in any way that I can.

Speaker 1:

That's awesome. Yes, please follow her. She's amazing. I was like, oh my gosh, I can every day. You know it's only five minutes on Instagram. Really, I probably live in five minutes. But I'm like, okay, real, real, real, real, and it's so amazing to thank you so much for educating us in such simple terms, you know, without medical jargon. Thank you so much for keeping things simple for us.

Speaker 2:

It's my pleasure.

Speaker 1:

Awesome, all right, well, thank you so much for being here with us today, and with nothing else, we'll be signing off.