Root Cause Solutions For You

Understanding the Hidden Obstacles in Your Weight Loss Journey with Dr. Jack Kunkel

Fabiola Reyes, Root Cause Expert, Cert. AK, CellCore & Nutrition Response Testing® Practitioner Season 1 Episode 12

Did you know that factors beyond your diet could impact your weight loss resistance?

Dr. Jack Kunkel, an alternative medicine guru, joins us to discuss this comprehensive
and complex issue that can leave you feeling disempowered despite your best efforts. Together, we unravel the multifaceted roots of weight loss resistance, which, surprisingly, might be traced back to low energy, Candida dysbiosis, parasites, or even mold.

Step by step, we discover the importance of nurturing healthy habits and making the right food choices. With Dr. Jack, we tackle the impact of emotional trauma on weight loss and touch on the wisdom of our ancestors. The conversation then steers towards the thyroid, cortisol, and glucose and their roles in endocrine disruption, providing a fresh perspective on the interconnectedness of our body systems.

Lastly, we dive into the captivating world of mitochondria and energy testing. Dr. Jack sheds light on how toxins and pathogens can disrupt our cells and the importance of self-empowerment to counter these effects. Interestingly, we also explore mold's influence on our bodies at the cellular, organ, and metabolic levels. Whether on a weight loss journey or simply aiming for optimal health, this conversation with Dr. Jack is a treasure trove of insights.

Don't miss out.

You can reach Dr. Jack's office here:


You can purchase his book here.

"It's Fat Loss, Not Weight Loss. Second Edition: Your No Gimmick Guide To Permanent Results"

Disclaimer: The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. This podcast is not a medical service; the information provided is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. The Root Cause Solutions For You, its practitioners, and employees make no warranties, express or implied, concerning the contents. The information shared in this episode is the opinion of the speaker and should not be considered medical advice. You should never disregard medical advice or delay seeking it because of the contents of this episode.


Hi everyone. Thank you so much for joining us back to the root cause solutions for you podcast. My name is Fabiola and I have a very special guest with us today Dr Jack Conkel. Dr Jack is a doctor of alternative medicine with a PhD in natural medicine. He has a master's in clinical nutrition and is the author of his fat loss not weight loss. He's also a former professional, drug free bodybuilder. Dr Jack has been recognized in national magazines, popular podcasts and some of the biggest fitness websites. He's also a teacher of muscle testing and foundational medicine. His peers and patients seek him out due to his deep weight loss knowledge and impressive track record. Dr Jack is known as the guy who leads by example, constantly challenges conventional wisdom and loves pushing boundaries in weight loss and health. Dr Jack has mastered the science and art of Western medicine and Eastern medicine by using a plethora of muscle testing, energy work and foundational medicine. Well, thank you so much for joining us today, dr Jack.

Dr. Jack Kunkel:

Thank you so much. What a pleasure to be here Awesome.


Sorry, were you going to say something? It's an honor, yeah, cool. Well, I think hopefully this interview captivates a lot of people, because I think weight loss is something that kind of overtakes your life in a way, right. Some of us have probably tried so many different things to get down to that healthy weight loss right, or our ideal weight loss. Some of us have probably tried so many different things, so many different diets, and probably have given up or blamed it on genetics at some point. So I wanted to start by really defining what weight loss resistance is, because I think it's a term that has become more popular. It's definitely something that I've definitely have heard more of from not only practitioners but patients and clients alike, so I was wondering if you could help us first understand what that is and what some of the symptoms that one could be on the low count that may indicate we're dealing with some weight loss resistance.

Dr. Jack Kunkel:

Yeah, what a great question. Because weight loss resistance is when people have tried so many different diets and so many different aspects of lifestyle. They were on this diet, they had that diet, they tried this workout program, they had this personal trainer. They've done so many different things and a lot of times what happens is the definition to get exactly to your question is like they've tried all these different things and nothing's helping, and it's very, very, very disempowering for people. I mean, it's like you're doing something every day to get to from point A to point B and you're not getting there. And it's how do we unpack that to the individual? Because weight loss resistance in a package is like, hey, you've tried everything but nothing's working. But then what is actually causing it?

Dr. Jack Kunkel:

Now, weight loss resistance, there's a lot of different signs and symptoms. A lot of things is like low energy, brain fad, fatigue. They exercise and they're super tired. They can't recover. No matter what they do, they gain weight. Then their sleep gets to some issues.

Dr. Jack Kunkel:

Obviously, there's so many other things, but we're talking about weight loss resistance and weight loss resistance is one of these things that is very hard to unpack. You got GI discomfort. We're looking for Candida dysbiosis parasites. We have these specific things we could hone in on, get rid of, replace it with some good stuff and tie it up in a bow and they're kind of done.

Dr. Jack Kunkel:

But weight loss resistance is so multifaceted it could have been from the experience at two years old dramatically to Lyme disease that have no idea they have. To the mold behind their walls Again, no clue. They have it to just overtraining or under-training or stressing too much. There's all these different aspects and parts of their life that we have to look at, because weight loss resistance for patient AB or 1 through 100 that I've worked with in the last year, while there's some kind of points where they all need help with whether it's mitochondrial function or tweaking their exercise or their sleep or their stress level, but it's not one thing. But there's commonalities among people. But there are some people that are doing 40% right and 60% of the stuff we just got to incorporate into their lifestyle Right.


That's awesome. Yeah, thank you so much for defining that, because it's and you're right not one size fits all. What might not be working for me might be working for someone else, or vice versa. So I appreciate you helping us understand that better. Now, just from personal experience, I've definitely felt victim of different fat diets and to a degree, they kind of work to a certain point because you're removing the stuff that is super bad for you, you're getting out of that standard American diet and we make progress during those first few months. But then we plateau what in your opinion? What are some of the things that could be and maybe you have already mentioned it, but if we can expand on that, that might be like, okay, this is what could be behind your plateau All right.

Dr. Jack Kunkel:

So I want to unpack the nutritional part. So I studied nutrition for most of my life and this is 1993. It was in high school. I love nutrition and a lot of times it is nutrition Okay. So it's funny because you'll be in this world and I had friends that they love carnivore and then I had friends that are paleo and I had friends that are vegan. I did my masters with somebody who was working for Campbell T, callum Campbell, the China study, and the people are scratching their heads how did this work for this person? This work not work for this person.

Dr. Jack Kunkel:

So basically, you just touched on it is we're eliminating the bad. So when I tell people nutrition, the first thing you do is out with the bad. It's making better choices. It's getting rid of those foods that are toxic to your body. What are those? Those are the processed foods.

Dr. Jack Kunkel:

People could have a. Oh my God, plants have anti-nutrients, phylates and all these different things like, oh, they're horrible for you, but we've been eating plants forever. Are they horrible for you? If you eat pounds of caleidae, yeah, you could probably have some issues. I've had hypothyroidism since 28. It's almost 20 years at this point. Never eat broccoli, I was told. Well, I eat broccoli all the time and it actually helps me. The dose is in the poison. So when we're looking at a diet as a whole, it's like we got to focus on what are the things that are triggering you. That could be a food sensitivity. It could just be a full-blown food allergy.

Dr. Jack Kunkel:

But when we start determining some of the bad things and then you start just changing the way you think of diets, there's no good or bad foods, but how do you find foods that you like to eat, that are convenient and that taste good? And that's when we start changing the dynamics of a diet. Okay, so I have people that just do phenomenal with carbs and I have people that do horrible with carbs. I have to cycle carbs. I can't. I do not do great with carbs, so I have to cycle meant different times. Actually do better with higher carbs at night, right? So everybody's a teeny bit different. I have athletes and I have them and like a keto type of diet. You know breakfast, lunch and then their dinner that they get them out of keto and they do great on it. I have other people that that won't work for them. You know we're all butterflies, right. We're all just completely. You know different, different beings. We're all different and and that's the key but the number one rule of that is is unpacking that, just getting rid of those processed foods.

Dr. Jack Kunkel:

Because whether you're a vegan, a vegetarian, you go on. You know, whatever diet you go on carnivore, you go on. You become a vegan, like it works for a couple months because we've gotten rid of that food. You're super motivated like I got this diet. I I'm gonna like there's something that triggered you to go on that diet. You got to a pain point, a threshold. You hit that threshold. You're like I'm doing this diet. My friend Mary told me about it. It's I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna succeed. So you have that motivation. You have that change where you can rid of those bad foods. And now the sudden, of course you're gonna make progress. But what if you just got rid of them, those bad foods, permanently and just started eating better for your body type? Because it's what you do every single day, that's what counts, not what we do every once in a while. To that answer, and a long answer to that question. But that's, that's what we have to unpack.


Yeah, and it's simple, right, because I think most of us, or at least myself, just I'm kind of like Do it all or don't do it at all, you know, and if I'm not doing it perfectly From day one, you know it's like, oh, it's just it's. And then I'd said myself, or have said myself for a loss, and I think, well, I just start on Monday. You know it's the weekend, or so long weekend and diet's always, you know, start on Monday. But that makes sense. As far as like why most of us do better At the beginning because of that motivation that you were, that you were talking about Something that you said earlier.


As far as like emotional trauma, sure, and I think a lot that's like well, one almost unavoidable, right. I mean, I think we we live in a very stressful world right now. There's so many different factors that could just be triggering that endocrine response and and just how it builds up, and we don't all have the tools To be able to deal with that. We're not all practitioners, right. I'm not specifically trained on how to deal with that, but I think that's a little shaming. Right with food and eating and things we put in our bot commercials. Right, like the body image of Supermodels or you name it. So in your experience, how I mean? I kind of know the answer now, but in your experience, like, how do you, how do you think that truly affects, and what percentage would you sit, based on your work with your patients, that it's weight loss resistance related?

Dr. Jack Kunkel:

Yeah, so body image related. Is that where you're saying?


yeah, yeah, mama.

Dr. Jack Kunkel:

Emotional trauma can start at any age. As far as percentage, everybody has a percentage of it. Almost almost every person I work with has it. To how much is it determining the end cause of weight loss resistance? It depends.

Dr. Jack Kunkel:

You know that every single person is going to be different, but in this country, unfortunately, we you know we we look at them, the young kids, and there are idols right Other cultures all over the world that are happier and a little bit longer. You know they're looking at their elders. You know one of my, one of my, when I started off, one of the biggest things you do in this business to learn, to have mentors all over the place and I tell people this you forget what you ever learned, you pretend like you know nothing and you listen to them Because they have wisdom. It's all about wisdom and I'm gonna get to your that question exactly. But this culture we're reversing, that we're not looking up to the elder, the people with the wisdom that have been doing this forever.

Dr. Jack Kunkel:

You know I started being obsessed with nutrition in 1993 and I've been doing weight loss specifically since 1998 and it's just been a learning experience daily and when we then we unpack, that is, there is a. There is emotional trauma that people suffer, and almost everybody. And and then what? What that's determining is is we have this negative energy in the body that sometimes you don't even know you have and All that's doing is it's, it's telling, you know it's increasing, you know fat storage hormones, cortisol and a lot of times you'll see it on, even on blood work.

Dr. Jack Kunkel:

You'll see, like reverse T3 or like these on these things that are allowing your thyroid metabolism to go slower Because of this, increase stress. You know we're working too much, we're watching TV too late. You know we're not in nature. It's like all these things and I'm guilty of it. You know I worked an 11 hour shift yesterday. I'm guilty, right, I'm completely guilty of it, but I'm working on getting those times to like man I need to like. I can't tell you how much better I feel when I go for a walk or I climb a mountain or you know, in nature. In nature alone is just absolutely amazing. So the the percentage is high. Everybody has some type of trauma running in that background that you need to get rid of.


Yeah, and I think it's a fine line. You know, like, when I work with clients and we're talking about diet, you know it's it's also not about ruining that relationship with with food and then potentially triggering or causing some some more of the trauma. And something you said that stick out was the you know what's you like and If you are doing things that you don't want, then I'm sure that's gonna affect how your body responds to the different modalities that you're using in order to accomplish that weight loss goal. And my husband, you know he's he's always been into like fitness and work, you know working out and stuff like that, and I'm really never have until recently, so it's just been a different experience With, like getting up in the morning, going to, you know go into the gym and and also feeling like, okay, the little bit that I'm doing, I'm doing something for my body and you Brought something, some very like those baby steps, right, that those things that we do every day that amount to that big end.

Dr. Jack Kunkel:

Yeah, and I, I saw people it's you're stacking as many things as you can. So, yeah, you know I'm waking up, hydrating, I'm, you know, meditating. I have light therapy downstairs where I'm standing on a vibrational platform. If I have time, I'm going outside grinding, rounding out and taking quick walk to get natural light and it's stacking these little habits. But it depends on how much time you have, right? And then it also depends on, like I, I don't watch TV at night.

Dr. Jack Kunkel:

Normally I'm preparing my food for the next day and it's nothing crazy, but it's I chose many years ago because I was super sick. Nobody could figure it out. Like we all have that story To like I'm gonna spend my time, my free time, instead of I mean, I've got three times in my life I would love to go right, but I spend that time taking care of my health and it's hard as, like practitioners, because you, you examine someone's lifestyle like, oh no, but you know I watch TV, it's my only time for myself, like two hours before bed. But you know, if you spent that time preparing food and you walked outside and you were in nature, like you, you would be even more happy because then the next day you're feeling great all day and then, when you have energy, you make better choices, you eat better, you exercise right, and it's this, it's this domino effect. We're stacking habits.

Dr. Jack Kunkel:

I'm teaching people how to stack these patterns in their lifestyle. They bleed over to the next day. They give them more energy that you know Make them have, make them do things that they help themselves. And then they realize, wow, I didn't know. I mean, do I feel a hundred percent every day? No, but do I feel 98%? You know, at I'll be 47 in a few weeks, I Feel better now than I did in my 20s. I mean, I have way more wrinkles to prove that this is my age, but you know, feeling better. But it's about stacking these habits, stacking these patterns, and it's the things that you like to do right, and that that includes exercise, right. So, coming back to the food, food is actually a metabolic enhancer. I was Mark David, the Institute of the psychology for eating. I believe that's his Company. I remember reading a book of his and it was talking about food is a metabolic enhancer. Like when you're eating foods that tastes good to you, your metabolism elevates.


That's awesome. Now that's not card lunch to just go in it. Cane sugar right, or processed foods.

Dr. Jack Kunkel:

No, that means like making healthy choices that taste good to you. You know, at the end of my breakfast every day, I eat dark chocolate. People like, oh, you eat dark chocolate. I'm like, yeah, like my, I have. It sounds crazy. I have some eggs on a arugula salad. It's got a bunch of herbs on it. Sometimes I put a little like it's all specific and I have like a collagen protein shake and then you know, I eat it and it's good, I like the taste and then I get to have my dark chocolate. I'm just it's so, I'm so happy. I love dark chocolate, you know. And so you, you start finding these things that you like to eat that cause happiness, and then you feel great after because you're eating healthy.


That's awesome and there's no you're, you're, you're giving your body the food that is going to be that it needs to and to be able to get through your day right, like if you're gonna be working a long day or you have a busy schedule, then you're prepping yourself for success. And at the end of that, that meal, then you, you have that that pleasure moment where it's like, okay, this was the end goal of you know, being able to get to that end goal. I'm gonna tell my husband now and we'll see what he says.

Dr. Jack Kunkel:

Husband approved.


That's it. Thank you for sharing that. So now I'm sure you've been asked this question before or you know you've, you've talked about it before. But what about, like, endocrine disruption? Because you talked about the thyroid and I think I was talking to a client this last week and we were just sort of talking about thyroid health and she was like I felt like it's like the era of the thyroid, you know, where there's all these things coming up in social media and videos and whatever, and it's all about the thyroid. And I was like, huh, I think you, I think you're onto something and, um, thyroid's get upset right, they're very, um, important for metabolism and I think they get disrupted by so many things chemicals, mold and um, in your opinion, like, how can one better support thyroid? With your own history of having been dealing with hypothyroidism since your 20s? What would be a good strategy to support someone's thyroid? That could potentially be, you know, a sluggish thyroid hindering someone's weight loss journey.

Dr. Jack Kunkel:

Yeah, and everybody looks at the thyroid and it's like the master, you know, but it starts.

Dr. Jack Kunkel:

It starts uphill, it starts, you know, you're hypo theromus, you're pituitary, like these things are like telling your thyroid what to do. Remember, the thyroid is kind of a backup for a lot of the different organs the heart gets stressed, the liver gets stressed. We're not an organ, we're a system, and that's where people, I think, go wrong. I have a plethora of supplements, a whole bunch of different ways to detox the thyroid. It's never just the thyroid, it's always has something to do with other things, In my opinion. I mean hypo-thalamus and pituitary, like those are all things as well. The adrenal glands, like you know, these organs are all playing this intricate dance. But people are just measuring their thyroid, right? You know my DHS is way high. You know like they're looking at all these markers specifically for thyroid, other organs and what can be causing it. You know I've seen radiation and like there's no blood work for radiation, specific types of muscle testing to do that. You know there's other things that if you're not going to go to your doctor and they're just going to tell your numbers and I've seen this in practice like I'll test, you know, using different types of energy testing and some of the stuff that, like I'll teach for cell core muscle testing or other type of muscle testing, and people that I'm working with and their blood work comes back. All my blood work's perfect. Well, first of all, you're missing half the panels that you would need, and then a lot of these panels aren't going to tell you the whole story. You know it's an instant snapshot in time, but there's a lot of different ways to detox, quote-unquote the thyroid, you know. But one of the biggest things is it's not when you're detoxing the thyroid are you supporting the way you're getting the toxins into the toilet.

Dr. Jack Kunkel:

Yeah, yeah. So when we're looking at thyroid health, we're also looking at liver health and GI health and in the rest of the and even as females and I work with a lot of females metapause, pre-metapausal that's probably my biggest market for weight loss and it's, you know, it's over the start, getting week, the drain will start getting stressed, the thyroid gets stressed, and then we're working at this multifaceted. You know things you know. Do I have to use a specific type of iodine or iodine? Do I need specific types of binders? Right, do I need, you know, increased glutathione. Do I need to, you know, use HMET binder from cell core. But what do I need? Do I need certain minerals? And there's a lot of different things that can unpack how we treat the thyroid, but it's never just like a supplement for your thyroid and your good that's not how it works, right, it just.


It's just like thinking a specific medication for a specific organ is just gonna magically turn everything on and make everything work the way it is meant to. Now, thank you for thank you for mentioning that, cause you're right, the liver, it's such a crucial organ and I I, every time I think of the liver, I think thank you so much for regenerating every so often and thank you so much for doing everything the liver does, cause you know, metabolizing the hormones and cholesterol and detoxing, and we're bombarded with all these chemicals, right, and they're coming from water, they're coming from our food and the environment. Just sometimes, even walking out and breathing the exhaust of cars, you're getting all those different chemicals. And guess who gets to deal with that? It's your liver.


So I think eating help, you know a liver, you know, like you were mentioning, you have your greens and you're in the morning with your breakfast, your protein. I think that's important too, to be able to give that liver a little love. I was wondering. So you mentioned cortisol, right? A part of the endocrine system, adrenals and will you speak to the relationship between cortisol and glucose?

Dr. Jack Kunkel:

Yeah Well, cortisol will increase that resting blood glucose level. Unfortunately, a lot of times, with that stress, that's the thing that's waking you up, right, and you're getting this cortisol dump. Blood sugar goes up. You wake up, you're like whoa, what is happening to me? I travel all the time and when I'm like behind, I have to wake up way early, like, oh, I wake up at four, I got to do this for the kids and you try. And then like next thing, you know, it's like 1 am, then it's 2 am and then it's 3 am and you just keep waking. It's that cortisol dump which is driving up glucose because we're wired right. We're wired for stress. Do we have this old biological gene system from a quarter of a million years ago, right, and we're still functioning with that. So, yeah, increased blood glucose level, those spikes, those pups, and down when they trash your sleep, you're gonna get a lot of what we call insulin resistance, where your body's secreting hormones to get the energy in the cells and then those cells don't hear it anymore and then we have this extra energy floating in the bloodstream. And then what are we using it for? We put it in our fat cells. But because now we're not sleeping. Let's just say I'm giving you that example. Now our insulin resistance is up all day. One night of an antics sleep. They've shown in studies to cause as much insulin resistance as a type 2 diabetic. So now we're.

Dr. Jack Kunkel:

It's a downhill cascade and you see this with medications. Unfortunately, people go on a medication for XYZ and medications are meant to block pathways where there's pain and then all of a sudden, because they're blocking this cascade of a pathway, all these side effects are all the way over here. So now we've blocked this. It got them, it lowered their, let's say, cholesterol right, which we want to get into that topic but they're lower their cholesterol. Now they're coming to me with this problem this organ dysfunction, this, this, this, this. It's not like just take Coen's MQ10, it's usually a plethora of different things. So we're also getting into these issues with insulin resistance and increased blood glucose level From all these different people. We're in an era where people are like I'm fed up, I'm gonna come to you, I feel way better. They go to their medical doctor and all great faith, and I have a ton of friends that are medical doctors, super smart, super thinking outside of the box.


But they go and they get placed on four medications and it's so hard to get them to where they need to be because of all this interference from blocking pathways in their body. That makes sense. And then, unfortunately, when we're experiencing a symptom from the medication, then we're giving another medication to address that symptom. So then we just gathering a long list of things that are blocking those pathways you were mentioning when I was at the conference last year when you spoke about this topic. We're talking about weight loss, you talked about cellular health and we've been talking about organs, we've been talking about systems, but I think before that we have to think of cellular health, healthy cells, healthy tissue, healthy organs, healthy systems. Can you elaborate on that, on how important is to really clean ourselves at a cellular level?

Dr. Jack Kunkel:

Yeah, so I was talking a little bit about weight loss, resistance and some of the causes of it and a lot of the end game factor. I use a specific type of testing that uses energy. I'm gonna get exactly to what you asked, but it uses energy in vials and one of the vials is called MGAT magnesium adenosine triphosphate and we're testing the total energetic signature that's coming out of the mitochondria per se, and this is not like a diagnosis. You can't go to the doctor and say, hey, my mitochondria is dysfunctioning. Dr Jack used this technique on me, right, but what I've used it and practiced for is like, hey, you're in what we call the cell danger response, right, because there's oxen and pathogens that are causing your cells to protect themselves. So within your cells you're gonna make energy and you're gonna burn fat. You're gonna produce energy for the cells that are making up certain organs and they're called the mitochondria. And these mitochondria you have around 10,000 per cell and your brain 5,000 per cell and your heart 2,000 per cell and your muscle tissues, and a lot of times what happens is we want those, the energy factor, and I'm gonna give you this little. You set an intention with muscle testing zero to 1,000, and in this case 1,000's the best. People typically do not come up at 1,000. So one of the things that you'll end up seeing, as these patients' numbers are just super, super, super low, we're looking at like 50 or 100 and it's like whoa, do you have brain fog? Do you have fatigue, do you have? And they're like yes, yes, yes, yes, and they're in that cell danger response.

Dr. Jack Kunkel:

So the cell danger response is very multifaceted. It does a whole bunch of things. It causes inflammation on the tissues, it doesn't allow things to come in and out and the mitochondria actually come outside of the shell of the cell and tell the cells next to them like hey, I'm in danger, I need help. Hey, I'm in danger, I need help. So you gotta get rid of the underlying toxicity, toxins and pathogens. You know, when we're increasing toxins in the body, it lowers the immune system and that allows pathogens to come in. So people are like why does everybody have parasite infections? Like why do people have all these crazy viruses? Right, and it's from toxicity and it's causing the cell danger response.

Dr. Jack Kunkel:

And if you have the cell danger response, exercising is gonna be a problem. You gotta lower exercise, you gotta work on sleep, you gotta work on specific diets. You know it unpacks a lot that you can do to self-empower yourself. But you gotta understand if you're in it or not, because it'll make a huge difference. It'll be from, like the difference where, like, hey, you need to. You know, work out five days a week, do some cardio, do some weight training. Let's put it in here and here, let's plug and play where you need it to, like you need to walk, maybe you know, and stand at a standing desk and that's what you need to do for now.


Yeah, that's very powerful, because I feel like that's like almost a missing link. You know that cellular, you know energy that you're talking about and the things that were not prepared cellularly to handle, like you've mentioned, five days at the gym with a very strict regimen, then I'm assuming that's just putting a lot more stress on that cellular system, which will probably cause the cells to be like whoa. This is a lot more stressful, this is dangerous and we're holding on to whatever we need to hold on, and so thank you for explaining that to us. So we've talked about, you know, different things that are disrupting the. You know the systems. We know we talked about chemicals. We talked about those pathogens. You know, like you mentioned, parasites, food we talked about food. But what's your opinion about how mold might be impacting someone's system, cellular lean, organ level, metabolism, all that stuff? Yeah, so when you think of mold, we have this kind of think of a teeter totter.

Dr. Jack Kunkel:

Like you have a TH1 and TH2 and you know this is like your body's way of your immune system fighting toxins. The problem. So when you have like a parasite infection, you're gonna tip the scale. Th1's gonna go down, th2 is gonna come up and like so you'll notice rashes and like this type of thing. So we have one part of the immune system is like way overactive. The other part, that's way on, like taking out vacation. But with mold, boom, it drops a bolt down like we're. So we're driving down your immune system. Now if you look at the immune system, it's not just like the fight disease, but it's where everything, it's where your whole system. If you don't have immune system, you die immediately. You know your immune system is so critical to your health and you know a lot of people say without a proper immune system, that's where a lot of the cancers come from and these types of things you know. And so when we're looking at mold, it's dropping both sides down and what that's immediately doing it's driving down the energy in every mitochondria of your body and everybody's detoxification pathways are different. So sometimes people will come in. They're like they'll need glutathione. Other times people will come in because they're genetically wired, they need NAC or they need, like, different types of supplements to support getting rid of mold.

Dr. Jack Kunkel:

I like to test in different areas. So you know 40% of my patients are online. So when I say muscle testing, instead of their arm as an indicator arm, I use my finger. Other people use their. You know different ways of testing. Yeah, even in my office, 60% of the time I'm using my finger because people's arms get tired.

Dr. Jack Kunkel:

You know it becomes inaccurate, but with mold you're driving down the mitochondria in every cell so you're smothering those mitochondria. And the mitochondria are running everything. They're giving energy to every cell in your body, which makes up every tissue in every organ. You know, with the exception of red blood cells. But what's making the red blood cells need mitochondria, so you can't get around. You know mitochondria health and that's where we started seeing, like, the importance of red light therapy. And you know cold thermogenesis. And you know different products like NAD and you know cell cores. You know BCATP, like these things that are increasing mitochondrial strength, but you got to detox them then increase the strength.

Dr. Jack Kunkel:

So there's an order of operation. When you know exactly what's happening in the body, then your supplement list goes from 15 supplements Cause I'm just going to go on Dr Google and try everything in the world to you know, here's these four products that you're going to need for about this month. Let me check again in a month and here's probably what you'll need, right? So we're really pushing down this funnel for people because you know if you're full of mold, you can take. You know all your fish oils, your multivitamins, your Ds, your B complexes you could spend, you know, hundreds.

Dr. Jack Kunkel:

I had a gentleman. He brought in two boxes of supplements and he's like we spent an hour and I went through every one. I'm like you know, with the intention of like, are these working together? This isn't working with us. Is this a good product? No, like you could ask these, yes, no things. And like he saved thousands, literally a month, because he was just like I read this, I'm going to take this. I read this, I'm going to take this. It's like no, that's not how your body works. You get rid of toxins. Now your body all of a sudden works better, but if you're not clearing those toxins, yeah, you'll need the 50,000 units of vitamin D every week from your doctor, plus some extra vitamin D with K2 in it, you know, for the rest of your life, until you get rid of the toxicity that's making your body need so much more of these nutrients.


Yeah, and it's about like also, once you get to that stage, you know that optimizing that level, because we're exposed to so many chemicals every day and I'm sure companies come up with new ways of making new chemicals every day, just like we're trying to find a whole food solutions for our clients and patients that way. Now. So with the muscle testing and I love muscle testing too, I practice it as well with my clients and I find it to be just and you nailed it because you're like, yeah, these people come in with, like you know, a huge list in boxes and bags and they're all taking all this stuff and half the time some of this stuff is just not working for them. I had a client who brought in a fish oil and it had like red, five or blue something and I was like, oh my gosh, you're just, you're getting all that, all those chemicals, inside your body and correct me if I'm wrong but fat it's kind of like protective mechanism, right?


Like if the body sort of uses also fat as a protective mechanism and if we're full of chemicals and toxins, we're not gonna get rid of it, is that? What do you think about that? Yeah, your body will store excess toxins in the fat cells, right, so, and a lot of times if you're not detoxifying properly. So when I work with people it's gonna be a lot different, right. But the first phase is like, hey, what is in your body and how do we get rid of it Before we start having you exercise?

Dr. Jack Kunkel:

30 hours a week like all this kind of stuff, and before you start taking 30 things, because you gotta optimize your what we call the drainage pathways, you gotta optimize your liver and kidney and your bowel movements. You gotta get your mitochondria strength high enough and you gotta use the right type of binders, depending on what you're using and what you're doing, because if not all of a sudden, like you're gonna, you're gonna A, b and 50 supplements, then they're gonna discuss it, yeah. So yeah, you really got to optimize these pathways before you just go. Hey, I just want to lose weight, all right, well, I can give you my top five products and they might be testing for you, maybe give you a little bit of a confidence booster, but then you might be back to square one if we're not addressing the total amount of toxins that are coming out of your fat cells.

Dr. Jack Kunkel:

As you're burning them, you breathe out fat. We're getting rid of energy that might have conjured up, regulating them. Our body gets rid of it via breathing. You breathe out the fat like. Our metabolism is elevated. If too much fat comes in, it breaks down in your system. That's full of toxins. Your body's going to shut it down, right, your thyroid's going to slow down your active thyroid, your T3, isn't going to become active anymore. There's a whole cascade of hormonal issues that go along with that. So and that's where people get to see it's stuck because they didn't ask, they've done this. It works good for a week. It works it for two weeks. It's like well, that's why it's stuck. One of those underlying causes.


Yeah, and it's true, I've been there. I'm like I want to be fit and everything. I'm like, oh well, one day at the gym is not going to do that right. So it's about consistency and those habits that you were talking about and the baby steps that amount to do that end goal. So, gosh, you share so much information with us and it's been so eye-opening as to why it is so important to really individualize someone's care and the understanding of not one size fits all, from diet, from what might be your root cause as far as what you're not losing weight, and to work with someone that is going to be there for you as your support system with whatever may come up right as to what your root cause might be. So if someone wanted to start working with you I mean, you mentioned you work with clients virtually as well, so that's awesome, because then you can work literally with anyone in the world. And if someone wanted to be like, hey, I'm ready to work with Dr Jack and his team, how would one go about finding you?

Dr. Jack Kunkel:

Yeah, the best way is my primary website, which is jackconkelcom K-U-N-K-E-L. That's like the primary. I'm on Instagram, dr Jack Conkel I'm usually hanging between those two. Actually, I'm horrible social media. I have a like page, dr Jack Conkel's wellness, and so there's a lot of throwaways. But jackconkelcom Hopefully from my staff, will get immediately back to you explain the program and all the details.

Dr. Jack Kunkel:

But yeah, I love I'm building an online community that should be jumping off maybe by the time this podcast launches and kind of my biggest thing is when I got sick, I was like 10 grand and literally I tried. I mean I drove all over the place. We didn't have remote testing then and it's been a long time and it was very frustrating because you know, from muscle testing, I love muscle testing, I love blood work, but like I could bring it on a path of blood work where you're spending eight, nine grand To get a few answers. But I could also go down the pathway as like, why is this blood work off? Let me optimize this organ, this detoxification pathway, like you, and save you thousands of dollars because we know exactly what's happening. And that's the biggest advantage we have as muscle testers we're asking those specific questions and finding out specifically what people need. So jackconkelcom K-O-N-K-E-L. Jackconkelcom is probably the best way to get ahold of me and we'll send to your I or somebody will get right back to you from my staff.


That's awesome, and then your book. Is that also? Someone wants to read your book on your website as well, like there's a link to?

Dr. Jack Kunkel:

get it. Yeah, the company that I published the original one was bought off of Amazon, so it's on Amazon now in Kindle, and there's two. The second edition is just an updated version. It doesn't talk about specific toxins, but it talks about all lifestyle hacks that you really need to incorporate. So it's called fat loss, not weight loss. The second edition, it's an orange book. That's how you know the difference.


Awesome, perfect. I will make sure to add all of that information on the show notes in the show notes so that people know how to reach you and your office, your staff, and then get a copy of your book and start getting some of those practical tools and start using them right away so that they can achieve their health goals. Because we think of weight loss, but that's like the end result of being healthy. That's like, yes, that is my goal and I want to go back to fit on those genes I've been in my closet for so long and that's like my goal. But really it's the hard work and the symptom of having applied everything, having conquered the root causes and building healthy habits, and that's the end goal. So at least that's how, the way I think most of us should look at it, and then it will be probably a more enjoyable journey.

Dr. Jack Kunkel:

Yeah, and just one of the biggest things is like I just guide people, I educate them and I just say you're good, like you don't need me, we're good. And that's really the biggest thing is we have to get out of that mindset that we have to like what do a doctor and they tell you what medication we have. If you know what's happening and you know the specific lifestyle when I'm working with somebody with weight loss, for example, I have a list of like a literally like 400 questions I'm just like asking, asking, and I'm asking there other than conscious mind, which is just 95,000 times faster than our conscious mind, and then we're getting. We're now nailing down those details. So, but at the end of the day, it's just to empower the patient. It's not like you've come to me forever, it's like you know now you're good to go and that's what makes me super happy. You know we got rid of those interferences. We got rid of the toxins, the pathogens, the emotional stresses. You know we got them a diet that they like to eat.


That's convenient, you know, and we start putting in the right type of exercise program, depending on their mitochondria strain. So I'm going to say my mitochondria and come out the door. Thank you so much. It was been awesome. That's awesome. Yeah, because it's. Yeah, you're right, it's getting people to to be on their own and happier and healthier. Well, dr Jack, I really want to thank you for spending your, your you know your time with us here educating us. We'll get this interview soon, you know, out there so that people can start learning about this, and with nothing else. If you wanted to add anything else or not, we can end off now.

Dr. Jack Kunkel:

Yeah, no, I appreciate it. Thank you so much. It was a great meeting on the internet.


Awesome. Thank you so much, dr Jack. We'll see you later, okay.

Dr. Jack Kunkel:



How are you?