Root Cause Solutions For You

Navigating Through Toxicities: Tools to support your detox journey

Fabiola Reyes, Root Cause Expert, Cert. AK, CellCore & Nutrition Response Testing® Practitioner Season 1 Episode 9

Ever been blindsided by health issues that seemed to come out of nowhere? Adam Avery, Ulan Nutritional Systems Store Manager, certainly was. Join us as he shares his wake-up call, the journey from an unhealthy 30-year-old to a wellness advocate, and insights into the myriad forms of toxicity we encounter daily. Discover practitioners' crucial role in helping individuals navigate these challenges, from chemical stressors to environmental toxins.

Have you ever stopped to think about the harmful impact of toxins on our bodies, especially those hidden in our food?

We delve into the pervasive issue of pesticides, their presence in certified organic food, and their detrimental effects on our immune systems. Adam takes us through his encounter with heavy metals exposure, demonstrating the potent combination of detoxification and dietary changes.

We explore the importance of a holistic approach to healthcare, highlighting the roles of nutrition, chiropractic, massage, and detoxifying methods such as the IonCleanse foot baths by AMD.

Do you know the science behind foot baths and how they aid detoxification?

We journey through the benefits of the IonCleanse foot bath by AMD, discussing its ability to enhance energy levels, promote better sleep, provide stress and anxiety relief, and improve nutrient absorption.

As we conclude this enlightening conversation, we look forward to future discussions with Adam, especially as we continue to unfold practical solutions for combatting toxicities in today's world.

Don't miss out on these valuable insights. Tune in now!

You can find more information about the IonCleanse footbath by clicking here.

You can reach out to Adam at:
Direct Number: (727) 683 5893

Disclaimer: The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. This podcast is not a medical service; the information provided is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. The Root Cause Solutions For You, its practitioners, and employees make no warranties, express or implied, concerning the contents. The information shared in this episode is the opinion of the speaker and should not be considered medical advice. You should never disregard medical advice or delay seeking it because of the contents of this episode.


Hi everyone, welcome back to the root cause solutions for you podcast. My name is Fabiola and I am your host Today. I'm very happy to have a very special guest with us, adam Avery, who is the Eulene Nutritional Systems Store Manager, and I think that title doesn't do him justice. I think he is more than dead. As a practitioner who is done some of the Eulene training, I know that I relied on his knowledge about products and wellness products in the past, so I'm very happy to have him here with us, and today we're going to be talking about the impact of toxicities in today's world and solutions, you know, things that you could potentially start implementing right away. Well, adam, thank you so much for joining us today.


You're welcome. I'm super excited to be here. Normally, I'm on the other side of this. I'm doing the hosting duties for UNS when we're doing our own webinars and podcasts and things like that, so I appreciate the opportunity to be here. So thank you for the invitation.


Yeah for sure. Tell us a little bit about yourself how you ended up on this side of things as far as helping people and educating practitioners to be better and more equipped to be able to help their clients.


So my story starts about 11 and a half years ago. At this point Actually, but closer to 11. 10. Yeah, it's been a long time. So I started as a patient of nutrition response testing before I joined staff with Dr Eulind's office. At the time that I got started as a patient, I was a very unhealthy 30 year old. I weighed about 315 pounds, rear back issues problems. My wife had to help me get up out of bed almost every morning because I was in so much pain I couldn't stand up on my own, and at the time my daughter, who is now 11, was one. There we go 10 years. I should do it. I was doing something.


I went to go pick up my daughter off the floor because my daughter is my role and I love playing with her. So I went to go pick her up to play with her. I almost passed out and fell in love just from bending over. That was really the straw that broke the camel's back. My wife had already been a patient of nutrition response testing and she was trying to get me involved with the whole thing for probably about six months prior to that. You know I'm pigheaded, stubborn male and I just wasn't listening. But that day when I went to go pick up my daughter off the floor I almost fell. She's one, she's time, a little bit of nothing. I could seriously hurt her, kill her. So that was my wake-up call. So I go, and I finally go to see a practitioner, I get involved with everything, and six months then I hadn't really noticed much because I had a lot going on.


But there was a day I was out in the backyard it was early summer down here in Florida so getting the lawnmower ready because you got to mow your lawn every two and a half days down here when it rains and so I get the lawnmower out I stripped down the engine and clean it up. Real good, put it all back together. I'm running around chasing my daughter around the backyard, we're having fun, and that's when it hit me. Normally I would be completely wiped up for two to three days after doing something like that and my back didn't hurt.


I still had energy, still had long ways to go on the way and I was actually in between jobs at that point. But seeing that difference, I came into the UNS headquarters here in Clearwater and my exact words, I don't understand the voodoo you do, but sign me up because I haven't felt this good in a very long time. So that's my story, and knowing the results that I got, knowing that this company trains practitioners to do that with everybody, every patient that might sign me up, I just I'm here, and that was eight years ago. At the beginning of July, I celebrated eight years with UNS.


Wow, well, congratulations. I mean, that's such a wake up call, right? Like many of us know that there's something going on or someone's eluded at something, and we're quite. You know, we're good at sometimes not wanting to look at something, and it's sometimes it takes that rock bottom situation where it does. Yeah, so that's very powerful. So well, today the topic right, the main topic is toxicities.


Yeah, something I'm very familiar with from my own story, as you can tell.


Yeah, yeah. And toxicities are everywhere. Right, I mean, with the line of work that we do, we definitely are able to pick up on the energy of whatever chemical stressor, right? Whatever environmental, where it might be coming from. As practitioners, we have that tool, but it's not something that we can't escape. We live in a very toxic world. I was listening to another lecture this morning where they were mentioning that, unfortunately, since the Industrial Revolution, right, I mean, our world is just more toxic than ever.


And we have yeah, we have, like you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you have a glass facade right, which is a very harmful chemical that really messes up with your joints and brain health and heart health, right, because it's a fat-soluble chemical.


And then we also have pathogens right that we are often fighting off, like parasites, mold, viruses, bacteria and, I think, because of this, different chemicals.


It just as some people unfortunately have a very hard time keeping their drainage pathways open, their bodies have a really hard time detoxing and as a practitioner, you know often see it where we're supplementing, we're doing this, but I do feel like I don't believe that one technique is one size fits all you know kind of mentality and I do feel like applying other modalities, other tools to be able to enhance your body's detox ability, because your body is very intelligent, it knows it's been designed, you know exactly what to do, but these chemicals are definitely slowing us down.


So something we do here at the practice is we use an amazing tool which is the ion cleanse foot bath, and I was hoping you could erase our awareness on what that amazing tool is, how it works and how many people can benefit from their local practitioner. I think they have a directory where you can find a practitioner near you, or even going as far as owning your own, because the whole family right could benefit and potentially you can put in your garage and, you know, have a party and charge your neighbors and you know it will be a bad idea.


Tell us a little bit about your point of view or your knowledge about toxicities and what your, what our solutions could be.


So great point. One thing I've had the benefit of learning over the last eight years of working with UNS is how toxic the environment really is. You mentioned a few things like chemicals, metals, things like that. But there's other factors, like you can take city water anywhere in the United States and the level of pharmaceutical grade drugs that can be tested in that water along with pesticides, metal contents I mean, look at Flint, michigan, just as an example like the lead contamination. And then you've got other practices, like you know and this might be a little controversial for me to say, but I'm going to say it. You know fracking. You know the hydraulic fracturing that forces chemicals into the ground and when the bedrock breaks, that puts that into the groundwater.


You've got all of these factors coming in from everywhere and it really is having very negative impact on everybody's life. You know pesticides on our food. If you look at food, you know even stuff that's certified organic is using really nasty pesticides. The problem with pesticides is they spray it over the crops but when it rains or when they water the crops, it washes off and goes into the ground and now that's absorbed into the root structure of the plants and that gets into the crops. So you're ingesting these pesticides. What problems does that create? You name it. I mean it affects the immune system. It actually can stop the immune system from functioning correctly because the body can't use, like, the lymphatic drainage system to get stuff out of the bottle. 98% of your immune system sorry, not 98, 70% of your immune system is located in your gut. If that's being impacted by chemicals and metals preventing the gut flora from doing what it's supposed to do and get some of these toxins out of the body into the liver, you're not going to respond to any type of modality and you kind of nailed something that I want to address.


As alternative health care practitioners that I work with daily that you are. You guys look at things from a holistic point of view. Holistic needs whole body, not just supplementation or exercise. It's every aspect. So you could be getting a massage. A massage is great. It'll help open up the drainage channels, get things out of the body. But if you're not using nutrition and chiropractic and all of these other things together to really move that out, what's got to happen is those toxins that you release are going to re-deposit in the fatty tissues of the body, because when there's toxins in metals. The body stores those in the fatty tissues. So one reason from what I've learned from Dr Eulen, that people have trouble losing weight because their body is not draining out these toxins. So you've got to have a way for the body to naturally get these toxins out. That's kind of where aside from good nutrition, chiropractic massage that's where the foot bath from AMD comes in. Amd is a major difference, by the way, they just abbreviate the company name.


So real, quick story for you. My priority for many, many years was handling my heart with heavy nuts when I started doing the research on which foot bath we were going to carry, because you guys were requesting it a lot. So I get the fun job I get to figure out which toys we're going to carry to the store for you guys. You tell me hey, we're looking at this. By the way, I'm going to apologize ahead of time. It might get a little bit loud because it just started raining and I've got a skylight directly over my head.


So I started doing this research and several of our practitioners actually use this brand and when I talked to them they provided me with heaps of research which we have available to everybody, including clinical studies showing the reduction of glyphosates in the body, the reduction of metals, improvement with even autistic kids Because there's links to autism and metals and things like that. So I get to be the guinea pig when we carry something. So I was on a fairly substantial metal detox protocol and I started using the foot bath and probably within I want to say about eight to nine months, my protocol reduced by like two thirds of what I was taking. But I know people are like eight to nine months. But you got to think you're working out a cellular level. It's not an overnight fix, it's not a one pill fix. So, yeah, the foot bath was actually originally I'm just pulling up some information here real quick started out that.


So Ion Cleanse was founded actually back in 2002 by Dr Bob Marine, and his research, like many holistic healthcare practitioners, stemmed from a near death experience session and he started looking at the link between chemical toxins and individual's health and that led him down the path of developing the Ion Cleanse foot bath. You know. So the company's been going since 2002. They're one of the leaders in the market and They've got the clinical research to back it up, showing that the feet can actually be a really good drainage path. Get chemicals and toxin toxins out of the bottle.


That's so awesome? Yeah, so it's. You know, you bring heavy metals right into the the Conversation and I I'm one of my first things to that showed up, unfortunately, was heavy metals. And you know, don't blame my parents for this. And I tell this, you know, my story to two clients that I work with. So, but when I was a kid, I used to break Thermometers back then the day when they had, you know, mercury Play with that and be like, oh my god, it's so cool, right, not really understanding what, what the repercussions that, that that definitely does run mercury. We know it's a very unstable Element, right, and it's very fine. Was when?


we were kids.


It really was. It was like so cool, and then I guess that Robocop was a Robocop or terminator, right. Yeah, a really cool, you know bad guy who was made at a mercury, if I remember correctly, so anyway, so yeah, and one of the first things that I used to suffer from really bad Migraines and headaches and it was bounced from one specialist to another and Doctors and no one could figure it out.


And you know, obviously my diet wasn't the best right, so that did not help at all and it wasn't until I Was introduced to muscle testing that it was, you know, able. They were able to pick up on the energy of, of mercury and I was like, oh okay, and then as I worked changing my diet and really detoxing and Allowing my body to not necessarily have to hold on to this different heavy metals that I was showing up for, then my weight got better. You know, my migraines Got a lot better. So mental clarity, right, and my ability to think better and faster Was better. So I definitely can relate to having been exposed to Can, because then I grew up in Mexico City. You know Mexico City is not necessarily the cleanest air.


Why they walk and breathe.


I would imagine places like LA might be a little bit worse, but I know right, we're in a valley so there's no airflow and you know, the days that we have a blue sky, it's like oh my gosh, and everybody's snapping pictures because you can see the sky. So it's. I grew up in a very toxic, environmental, toxic. You know environment, pollution and stuff like, and all that stuff, like you said, it just stores in your body and your body. Just, you know, the liver does such a great job, right, and trying to uh store, help us with hormones and cholesterol and Uh, detoxing and all that, but it has its limits as well.


You know, you clog up that liver or your kidneys and they can't filter anything out anymore. Yeah, what is your, what is your body gonna do? It's gonna put it, put those chemicals somewhere away from your organs right, yeah, it is.


Yeah, you're right, it slows us down, right? So then the liver is like gosh. You know, give me a break. So, um, doing the ayurvedic path. You know, like I said, it's such a crucial tool for us as practitioners. And, yes, when a client shows up for having mental toxicities, you know, and even a Lyme protocol, you know, like, if you have Lyme disease, um, how it just, it just truly helps support the immune system. Um, I really appreciate you.


You know, um finding that little gadget for us because, yeah, I, uh, I, uh, like I said, the uh research on uh, new, new products to carry for you guys to so that you can Do more for your patients. That's the fun part of my job because I get to, I, I get to nerd out and like Weave my way through and you know, like some of the research that I got from a major difference. Okay, they did a um, they did a 30 day evaluation on glyphosate and there were 19 participants, nine in the control group and 10 participants in the therapy group. So the control group is just checking their levels, so on and so forth. And then, uh, so the Therapy group did three 30 minute sessions a day for four weeks, so 12 sessions total per uh, per patient, and they use the ion cleanse solo Unit, which is the unit that's designed for home use.


Okay, there's two units, says ion cleanse premiere, which is designed for practitioner use in the office. There's more programs, more functionality associated with that one. And then you've got the solar unit which has one program which they find most people to do really well with, so they can use it at home and continue to get the benefits. So the laboratory that actually conducted this study was a great planes laboratory and after a 30 day evaluation there was a 34% net reduction in glyphosate in the therapy group versus the control group.


Oh, my gosh, it's awesome. 34% is huge.


You know and they and they, uh, they did this by uh, your analysis test, uh, so they could test the levels, you know, and it might take a little bit longer, for, uh, you know patients who are doing it once or twice a week. These guys are doing it three times a day, so they got significant results fairly. I mean, four weeks is pretty quick, um, but that is. I mean that was an independent laboratory study on the effectiveness of the ion cleanse units and that just Speaks from burls for what it does yeah.


Yeah, go ahead. I mean because we're all doused in, you know, this awful chemical and it's like you said, even Even organic farmers. You know they do their best, you know, to keep their, their, their soil Clean and like everything they need to do, but then they don't always have control over farms around them, for, you know, or the direction of the wind Right once, and just thinking, like the half life of glass for safe, right, I mean, if you are continuously Putting this on your soil, then it's gonna take forever. I think it's never going to be, uh, leaving your systems, unfortunately, here and the us, for some reason, we just having demanded enough that are, um, that policy changes and hopefully worse.


The purpose of, you know, doing this podcast is to raise awareness. Right, let's wake up together, um, because when we start demanding Shift and changes, people you know I kind of people who are in charge of those Policies hopefully will have to to listen and I do believe that you vote with your dollars, right. So if you start buying organic versus conventional, uh, you know it's, you will start making a difference, but our animals, right, are exposed to them and I often might, when my dogs get Sick or some, for some reason other stools get funky. I'm like, hmm, what could you have been exposed to? And I muscle test my dogs and many times they show up for Industrial, environmental chemicals glass was a step.


The dog park was probably just sprayed and they're exposed to this. Yeah, so we're all kits right. I mean, gosh, when you're, the blood brim barrier is not fully form until the age of seven and then, so you're more, even more susceptible as a kid to this different environmental chemicals. So so how does the ion cleanse foot bath Work, like? I mean, there's obviously a method to to this there's a lot of science behind it.


I'm not going to get into, because something I'll be honest with way over my head, because, but the way that it works is they have a proprietary, patented technology that when you put your feet in water and Just to Address one factor that comes up a lot about Foot baths, of any breath, is the changing of the color of the water, with or without somebody's feet, right, okay, okay, the major difference, that a beautiful job of explaining this to me, why that happens, so you can put the plates in the water Without somebody's feet and the cup and water will change colors. Yeah, that is simply because of the output of the positive and the negative ions into the water, attracting the minerals that are already in that water right.


Right. But what you'll see is it's generally like a lighter, still clear color, like a light yellow, light orange type color. Once you put the feet in the water Now you're gonna start seeing all this other stuff coming out here the dark greens, the blacks, the red spots in the water that I mean. You see, it's pretty gross. I'm gonna be honest with you. Um, but the way that the unit works is they you take these metal plates and you put them into the tub, and the way the unit is set up is and this is what makes uh A and D different from the other brands, by the way so for part of the session, uh, the array panels, that's what they're called We'll be putting negative ions into the water. With the negative ions into the water it will attract the positively charged toxins and particles in the bottom and it works kind of like magnets. So when you put a north pole and a south pole together, it pulls them together.


Right Now, a lot of the foot bath units, from what I've been able to find, will only use either negative or positive or the entirety of the session. So it only handles half of the problem. The AMD unit will switch between negative and positive. So say, you're running on the program that does 50-50. So half of the time it's going to be putting negative ions into the water, drawing out the positively charged toxins, and then it's going to switch to the positively charged ions and pull out the negatively charged toxins. So it's a more complete detox than a lot of the other units out there.


And that is the proprietary technology of AMD. No other company has that, which kind of blew me away, you know, and the fact that they were willing to share clinical research. I had plenty of companies when I talked to them. Oh no, I don't worry about it. Sorry, that doesn't work for me. I work with practitioners. They need evidence, you know, and I got another interesting case setting here for you in a couple of minutes. But that's how the unit works and the unit has five different programs and each of those programs will do different lengths of time positive, different lengths of time, negative, things like that whatever is best for your patients.


Right, we use it. Like I said, it's one of our main tools of enhancing someone's detox program. We're able to muscle test which, like mode one or two or three or whatever energy of stress we're picking up on through muscle testing. Oh, mold showed off for you. Okay, good, we're going to do this mode for let's see how many weeks or how many sessions, right, and be able to get very customized for the client who's going through a detox program.


Just on that point we're going one for one. All of our practitioners that are using the foot bath in their office are seeing about two to three times faster results on a detox program than they were just using supplementation alone.


Yeah, no, it definitely. Yeah, it does enhance and it's totally worth it. And you write the water, you know, once you get in there and then the machine starts doing its thing and then you look at the water and you're like, oh my God, that is like so gross.


And if many times people like well, how is this? I'm like trust me, do a session. Once you finish your session, you're not going to want to stop. You're going to be like, oh my God, get this out of me because it's so eye-opening, right, but I keep meaning to save water from one of our sessions and put it at the front desk and be like, yeah, you know that's what's going to come out Okay pictures, Because that may not smell real good after a while. It'll be in a glass jar, so there you go.


Now here's another aspect for you. You're talking about how, as human beings, we're a very visual group, right? This is also another really good way to get new patients into an office. You know, because we've seen a fundamental shift in healthcare since 2020. People are more interested in holistic healthcare than they have ever been. There's plenty of studies to show Natural healthcare is a $1.4 billion industry. People are looking for natural ways to improve their health after everything that's occurred over the last few years, Right, so you can use the fact that we're a visual society to your advantage to get people in offer some special deal on the footbed. Using muscle testing, using nutrition yeah, you're going to get results, but it's not something they can see in the same day.




Right, you sit somebody down and you put their feet in that water for 30 minutes and now they see what's going on. And you get that card that comes with the foot bath and you can show what meridian channels, what drainage channels are, the colors in the water, and you'll see the separation of the blacks and the greens and the dark, rusty oranges and the white foam. That's lymphatic drainage. Now you've got somebody's interest. Now you're like, oh yeah, maybe they can do something now. So it's not only a tool to enhance somebody's program, it's a tool to get somebody onto a program.


Yeah, yeah. And also, if you're already on a program and having a hard time maybe bringing a family member who really needs to be on a program, or a husband or a wife we're not quite ready, right I'm like bringing them for a foot bath. That is a great service to start with, and once you're done with it, then maybe their mind may have, you know, be at a different stage where they're like okay.


I'll tell you what. Had I had access to the foot bath when I started as a patient, I probably would not have fought with my wife so bad about getting onto a nutrition response to somebody.


Yeah, there you go. Happy wife, happy life right.


Absolutely, you know. And with that, you know, we talked a little bit. We'll go about autism. So I just want to give you one of the case studies. Also, autism, because this is a big thing, especially with kids. I mean, when you and I were in grade school, autism was what? One in 500 kids, yeah, like one in 10. Now, you know, and it's there's a little. It can be traced back to toxicity of the environment.


So this was a case study that was done and this was done with 24 participants over four months doing a cleanse every other day. Okay, so the symptomology tracker it's called the ATEC scores a track speech and language, sociability, sensory and cognitive awareness, health, physical and behavior. Those are the four categories. The higher the score, the more severe the autism is. Okay, asd is Autism Spectrum Disorder. Okay, so no other protocols were introduced to this group. So in the over the four month period, there was a 35% reduction of the ATEC scores. Wow, meaning that these kids, these 24 kids that were part of this study, showed an increase in all four of those categories by 35%. They did so much better. I mean, how amazing is that? No other protocols, no nutrition, no medical, no chiropractic, just the foot bath.


Wow, that's amazing.


Yeah, it shows you the power of the human body to do what it's supposed to do when you can remove the barriers out of the body. Yeah, chemicals, toxicities I mean how many cars are on the road? Walk down the street, I know right. How much stuff is you breathing in? Yeah, you know five. Gene EMF radiation is everywhere. That's a toxicity in and of itself. Pesticides you can become toxic to foods if you're eating too much of the same thing over and over and over again. So the impact that this has on society in general I mean I've got other case studies and I think we're going to run out of time to really get into those but just the impact that this can have in your community. You get one or two foot baths set up in your office or you get your patients to buy their own and they start doing this. Like you said, hey, let's have a neighborhood party, neighborhood detox party, but it starts with one patient at a time. You've got to get it out there into your communities to start making a difference.


Yeah, no, that is true. It's very powerful because, yeah, kids right. I mean, I think us as practitioners, we're definitely working on mom, dad and their friends and whomever they may refer, but often we definitely see their kids and kids are our future and we want them to be as able and capable as they need to be in order to deal with life as they grow, and they definitely are being slowed down by the chemical taxes. That's our future, yeah.


That's our entire future. Yeah, if they're so disabled by what's being done now, what's gonna happen to the next generation or the next generation? Is there going to be a generation after that?


Yeah, you're right, it just kind of domino effects right From that point on and many times right when we were dealing with a kid. I just did another. I did an interview with another practitioner who is dedicated her life to help families and kids especially, but and moms. But we were just talking about how different behavioral issues right May arise door in you know someone's growing up, right, and what's the root cause of that, right? So we definitely talked about some of the things that might be impacting, but definitely chemicals, right, heavy metals, gastrocytes you know all that different stuff and the environmental chemicals and even how Lyme disease plays a huge role on some of these behavioral issues that some of our youngsters are dealing with. And correct me if I'm wrong, but does the iron cleanse foot bath? Do support can support anyone's detoxing journey if they are dealing with Lyme disease?


As far as I know yes, because I do know it helps improve, you know, immune function. It helps improve drainage, things like that, by getting that stuff out of the body, and pretty much anybody can do this. I mean, there's a couple of people, couple of classifications, that it's not suggested for, like pregnant women right. Just because you don't wanna introduce anything to the fetus that could potentially harm the fetus or potentially harm mom.


And then people with electronic influence, like pacemaker, insulin pumps things like that just because they're life-saving devices, you don't wanna introduce some sort of electrical current that could disrupt those that it does use electricity perfectly safe. Like I said, I do it all the time. That's also part of their patent technology and but yeah, I mean people see vast improvements across the board.


Yeah, you know, and I know that just sounds kind of cheesy, but I've given you guys a couple of case studies where it's not me just saying there's improvements across the board, it's not just you saying there's improvements across the board, it's here's a clinical case study performed by an independent clinical laboratory. Right, and it's not the same lab every time that does the tests. It's different labs that have been doing all of these tests. You know there's another autism study that was done. I'm just gonna cover this one real quick because these numbers are even better than the first one. So this one had 27 participants, 10 of them were teenagers. It was a four month study, a new protocol three days on, one day off. So it would do the foot bath for three days, take a day off. Do the foot bath for three days, take a day off. No other protocols were introduced on this study. In the four months there was a 55% average reduction of the ATEC scores. Wow, 55%. Over half of the group showed vast group in all categories. Wow that's awesome.


In fact, Fabiola, I'm gonna make sure you have these case studies so that you can link it up with the podcast, because this is incredible stuff. I think if people could actually see the slides that I'm looking at over here from a major difference, they'll be like purple smoke everywhere. That's awesome.


Yeah, they're super safe for kids, right? And thank you for mentioning some of the country indications so that people are aware who is safest to be doing it or not. And so what would be a typical schedule one could follow as far as, like, I'm ready to get my foot bath or I'm ready to look for a practitioner who delivers this service, what would be a typical schedule to be doing this foot bath A?


typical schedule and this will vary from office to office. If you're going into a practitioner, it's usually once a week. So, like with nutrition response testing patients at the beginning part of their care, they come in once a week and a lot of practitioners will try to schedule those appointments together so that they come in and they do it once a week. They do what they need to, whether it's chiropractic nutrition, acupuncture, massage, and then do the foot bath. Now I will say do the foot bath at the end of everything else, especially if you're doing acupuncture, chiropractic massage. Nutrition yes, because there are things that practitioners have to check for.


But, stuff that's going to open up the drainage channels. Do that before you do the foot bath, because it's going to make the foot bath more effective At home. If you have a patient who wants to get their own unit, two or three times a week would be ideal Do it like Monday, Wednesday, Friday or every other day because, honestly, I'm 41. That's 41 years that I've been living in a toxic environment. How long is that going to take to detox?


It's not an overnight thing and then, once you get the body cleaned up real well, you've got to want to maintain that. So after a certain amount of time, you might go down to once every other week, right, but you're just going to maintain that. Andy actually said. In order to really get to a maintenance part of that, they suggest, you know, doing one foot bath a week. For every year you've been a month, so for me it would be 41 weeks. Once a week, gotcha, and that's a reasonable protocol. Even if you're doing it at home, then you can do it. Grab a book, turn off the TV, put your feet in the water, start it, read, relax, just have some you time.


Yeah, some pampering time while you're detoxing, and so what are some of the benefits from from doing I am for batsmen? We talked about definitely a lot of immune support and drainage and autism, but what are some of the other benefits? It?


actually will help you relax, which can help you get rid of anything. Like me, you don't sleep. That's only because I work a lot. It actually helps by clearing out the drainage channels and clearing the toxins out. It helps your body absorb nutrients better. So, even if you're not on a nutrition protocol but you're trying to eat healthier, you're going to get more out of the food that we're eating. You're going to you're actually out of your gut, yeah, and then yeah, just just the detox part of it. I mean I can't even tell you how much better I feel after I do the foot bath, because the body continues to detox even after you're done. You know it gets everything moving and then you're like, oh, wow, I feel great, I have. For me, it's an energy thing. I have a lot more energy and I know how many of your patients notice that when they're dealing with a detox, they're great, they just they have nothing in the tank and, yeah, this helps with their energy level as well.


That's awesome. Yeah, you're right, when you're detoxing, right, your body is recruiting or needing as much energy as needed to be able to push through some of those processes. And I have definitely expressed that the after a foot bath or you know, like once you've been doing it for a while because it's a cumulative effect of it. Right, like you mentioned, we've been on this earth for, you know, I'm also 41, so for 41 years and one foot bath it's unfortunately not going to be enough and some of us, depending on our program, we're going to be able to really be able to get to that cellular level that you were mentioning. But some clients have definitely reported yet, like you said, better sleep, more energy, stress and anxiety.


That was a very interesting one like feeling more, more relaxed. I definitely feel that when I do a foot bath, I feel just a little more, you know, not as heavy. I feel more relaxed and, like my adrenals definitely feel like, oh, thank you. You know, you literally just relax here for 30 minutes. You did nothing, but just sit here and and just give me, you know, 30 minutes. My vagus nerve definitely appreciates that and so, yeah, not, that's definitely. And we have, yeah, all people of all different ages. It's you know, and I think it's even if you can.


If you can get an animal to sit still long enough to do it right.


The problem is getting them to sit still long enough there. I haven't tried on my dogs, but I think there was a practitioner, I can't remember, I think a horse or something, and I was like, oh, that is like so intense send me a picture.


Yeah, if you can, more power to you. Most dogs, though they like 30 minutes at a time, don't. We don't run around and then you've got to get this way. That's a lot of really gross water if they're running around your home or your office yeah, we talked about feet, but what about hands you?


can I mean it might be a little bit awkward just because of the way that the tub is set up and everything like that and you're like you're just sitting on the floor and then you're up here. It's actually much more comfortable just to have, because you can be sitting in a comfortable chair with your feet and water, and it's actually much better to do it that way. And one thing I get asked a lot is is it okay if I play on my phone? Or I mean yes, but here's the thing I'm playing on your phone has got to expose you to more the MF radiation. Or on your tablet it also. You know you're gonna be like so take the time to disconnect.


We are so plugged into technology yeah that we have to find ways to disconnect disconnecting for a little bit from the technology. Yeah, big advantage of hat, like you said, having that time to pamper yourself. Close your eyes for 30 minutes, just let it be, just, yeah, nothing. Turn your phone off. It is my suggestion, yeah, no.


I love it. I have a client which he spent I don't know how many foot baths he's done so far, but this is yeah, she comes in every you know appointment. You know, like some of us have standing here appointments. She's got her standing foot baths appointment every Wednesday and she loves it. And that's the moment that she's like, oh, no one's bothering me, no one is needing me, and if they do, they know that this is what I'm doing, so it's a very relaxed, in fact, half an hour for her mom's love it.


Get away from the kids for a while.


And then she's like oh my gosh, I'm ready to purchase my own foot bath or find a practitioner near me to that so I can start my a detox program with the ion foot bath. How would you suggest someone go about that?


all right, so there's three answers to this question. If, as a patient, you're looking for a majordifferencecom and they have a link in the description below so you can find somebody close to you who has the AMD foot bath and go and visit their office as a practitioner, you can contact me here in the UNS health store. I'm going to plug my phone number if you don't mind, and my direct number is 727-683-5893. And I can help you order foot bath for the office.




At which point you can also contact a major difference and they will put you on their practitioner referral site so they can refer people to you. And then, in terms of people having one in their home, there's two options. A patient can go directly to AMD. They can buy either the Premier, which is like the practitioner level unit, or the solo unit, which is what I suggest for home, directly, or they can purchase the foot baths through a practitioner who would get it from me. So lots of different options to be able to take advantage of being able to get this technology.


So if you guys aren't sure, talk to your practitioner, bug them Like hey, I heard about this thing, do you do this? If they don't have them, call me, I'll explain it to them. I'll send them all of the research and information that they would need to show the benefits of having this in their office. Contact Fabiola. She'll be able to give you some information as well, and especially if you're local. By the way, if you guys are local to Fabiola, get into her office. She and Sophie, who she works with, are phenomenal, phenomenal practitioners and you guys cannot go long with doing anything with their office. So take advantage of that.


Thank you yeah Well, I believe or not, I've actually known you for the full eight years that I've been here. I know you guys practice really well. You're one of the top practitioners for nutritional responses in the country.


Yeah, yeah, this practice has been here, for I think it's 17 years going on 18.


Yeah, so Sophie has been around with UNS for a long time.


Yeah, she definitely has. Yeah, that's so awesome. We've covered so much today and I think everything that we covered it's always going to be applicable to the times we live in, because we are always going to be wanting to have better health have for people who are looking for holistic, alternative tools. It's always going to be available to them. I do the foot bath, my family does it. It's part of our program and it's definitely a great you know gadget to have as part of your arsenal to protect yourself, your family, your neighbors, you know whatever to be able to have that better quality of life and because, yeah, you know, just like we're, as callista practitioners, and the companies we work with are very devoted on finding and giving us the tools that we need in order to do our jobs better. There's also companies out there that, unfortunately, are creating chemicals, new chemicals every day, in order to put in their products, to put in the guys at the help.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's an ever, always working relationship and it's never you're never going to be too wrong or wrong at all on wanting to have an extra layer of protection. So really appreciate you taking the time educating us about the importance of proper detoxification and this the iron cleanse foot bath. And, yeah, I'm being there for practitioners who already established, new practitioners who are, you know, just getting you know, established, or people who are looking for a career shift into, you know, something like what we do. So really appreciate your time today.


It's. It has been my absolute call here and I really appreciate the opportunity to sit down and go over this with you today. I mean, it's such an important topic and something that people do need to be aware of and, like I said, it's been a lot of fun being on this side of the, of the of the hosting duties, rather than on Fabiola side today. So thank you again so much for having me be a part of this.


Yeah, for sure, and I will make sure to add all the applicable links to the studies or contact information in the show notes so that anyone can access that information at any time.


Awesome, awesome. All right, have a great weekend. Actually, it's Friday.


It's Friday, yes, yes. Well, thank you so much, and we'll be hopefully talking about another subject another time.


Absolutely. I look forward to it Awesome.