Root Cause Solutions For You

Revolutionizing Your Health: An Insightful Conversations with Marina and Nick Howarth

Fabiola Reyes, Root Cause Expert, Cert. AK, CellCore & Nutrition Response Testing® Practitioner dedicated to finding the root cause of unwanted health conditions! Season 1 Episode 6

Ready to revolutionize your approach to health and nutrition? Embark on a fascinating journey with Marina and Nick Howarth of Best Body Health Coaching, who will transform your understanding of proper health. Inspired by Professor Tim Nokes, this dynamic duo opens up about their mission to address the root cause of health issues, illuminating insights into handling chronic health problems such as diabetes and inflammation.

Have you ever questioned the quality of your supplements? Marina and Nick urge us to emphasize organic, quality supplements, explaining how synthetic vitamins can potentially cause more harm than good. They elucidate the dangers of endocrine disruptors and the value of reading labels to understand your consumption. You'll also discover the importance of liver health, often overlooked but a potential root cause of many health issues.

This episode is not just about identifying health issues; it's about success stories in overcoming them. Among many heartening testimonials, hear about a client who reduced her period symptoms and lost 15 pounds! With their international reach, Marina and Nick have been assisting people globally and are eager to help you too. They believe that health is a journey and are here to guide you every step of the way. Tune in, learn, and empower your health journey today!

Marina and Nick are ready to help you achieve your health goals regardless of your time zone!

They can be reached at:

Disclaimer: The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. This podcast is not a medical service; the information provided is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. The Root Cause Solutions For You, its practitioners, and employees make no warranties, express or implied, concerning the contents. The information shared in this episode is the opinion of the speaker and should not be considered medical advice. You should never disregard medical advice or delay seeking it because of the contents of this episode.

Fabiola :

I'm Fabiola. I'm your host. I'm very delighted today to have pioneers on the subject of nutrition and really helping people get to the root cause of whatever might be going on. So we have Nick and Marina and, to make sure I don't miss anything, I'm going to let them introduce themselves, or? Hi guys, thank you so much for being here today, hi hello. Thanks for having us.


So I'm Marina Howeth, this is my husband, nick Howeth, and we are the owners of Best Body Health Coaching company, and we started it because we have a passion for helping people and true help. You know, really, that's why we like your podcast, because we like to get to the root cause instead of just handling symptoms, and Nick can tell you a little bit more about the business itself.


Yeah, so we started it 10 years ago when we ventured into this. We've always been interested in health, but we found that we knew nothing about it when we were putting on weight and we weren't healthy and we were like, okay, we're doing something wrong, you know. So we bumped into a book called the Real Mule Revolution. It was written by Professor Tim Nokes and he's a South African professor and a pioneer in diets and sports nutrition and everything, and I'm a lifelong athlete, so it was. I'd followed him my entire life.


So anyway, we did a course through him, through the Professor Tim Nokes Foundation, and from there it just evolved into a business that really like which is the name of your podcast you know the root cause. We really got into what the root cause was for why people are sick, why people can't lose weight. You know all of these things, why people have aches and pains, why people have diabetes and how to handle it. You know, and over the years we've researched and experienced for ourselves the way our program has kind of rolled out, you know. So we've done it ourselves and we still do it Ten years later. We're very strict, you know, and we try to be good examples to our clients, which is, I think, part of the successful action. You know.

Fabiola :

Right, well, that's so awesome. Yeah, I mean, you're so right on, you know, getting to, not just being reasonable as to why people are not getting to, you know, to the maximum health, because we definitely know that the body knows how to heal and repair itself and is, when it encounters this, different barriers like chemical toxicities, mold parasites, you name it that are never truly addressed, right, and people just like, unfortunately, sometimes they just, oh, give me a pill and I just want to feel better, right? Yeah, which I've never heard of, by the way, like none of my clients, but I really love your mission and your concept and, yeah, and I think having been, you know, helping clients and helping people for as many years as you have is just for you probably have some amazing success stories I definitely want to hear about as we continue this interview. That's so awesome. So what are some of?

Fabiola :

Like you know, you mentioned something dear to my heart, which is diabetes. My brother has type one diabetes and my mother has type two diabetes and, interestingly enough, this is something that was diagnosed for them later in their life. Right, and when you're born with something like that, well, genetically I guess it makes sense. Okay, that's how you came out of the oven. You know like now we deal with it, right? It shouldn't be that way either way. But when someone has some of these elements later on in life, it just speaks to the amount of toxicity, right, that we have in. That amount of toxicity is we're exposed to.

Fabiola :

So, what kind of and not just talking about diabetes, right, but heart disease the amount of chronic inflammation that people, unfortunately, are always subjected to. And based on your knowledge and based on your experience, clinical experience what would you say that you found is the like, if you can pinpoint it or name a few kind of like barriers to healing, and why people may not be getting better when they should be.


Are we referring specifically diabetes here, or just in general?

Fabiola :

Yeah, just anything that you've, I mean diabetes, just resonates. You know, resonated with me when you said that but I'm sure it applies to everything you work with.


So I mean, what I found is that you know you have, you can even you know that the health industry, the natural health industry, so you can go and you can take your vitamins and you can take your minerals, and you can have all of these things, but if the body's not assimilating the goodness out of them, you're basically wasting your money.


So the way that you have to be able to get you have to be able to get your body into a position where it's digesting food properly, it's breaking down fat properly, so that it gets the fat soluble vitamins, like vitamin E, vitamin D, you know, and if they, if it's not doing that, you become deficient, which then is like a spiral of a dwindling spiral of deficiencies, you know. So vitamin E deficiency causes this and a omega-3 deficiency causes that and so, and the other thing as well is with the natural health industry. There's a lot of people who do a lot of good in that industry, but there's also it is also kind of turning into an industry where there's a lot of yield and a lot of profit, looked after, you know. So like, for instance, you'll get most, most vitamins that we see on the shelf in an average health store is a synthetic vitamin, and a synthetic vitamin is for acute use, it's not for chronic use, you know. So that's the one thing. And then what I was saying originally is the body just doesn't assimilate these things that go straight through. And the white people saying, but I'm taking like 5,000 milligrams of vitamins a day, why am I still getting the flu, you know like, well, maybe 5 milligrams are making it through to the cells, you know. So that's what we do is our program gets the body to a point where the cells are accepting nutrition again, because diabetes is an interesting subject and a lot of the population of earth actually have it and they don't know it, you know, or a mild version of it, like an insulin resistance or something like that, and what that actually means is that insulin is not entering the cell. That's diabetes type 2 I'm talking about. I mean, diabetes type 1 is a whole other subject, right? Diabetes type 2 is where you've had a lifestyle that has basically caused this, you know, and now the cells have shut down and they're going. We're not accepting insulin anymore, because insulin there's too much of it and it's causing inflammation and the cell, being a little organism that has a survival potential of its own, then says hang on a sec, you're harming me, we're going to block you out. So if you can imagine a cell with these little landing pads like, and the insulin being a little spaceship that lands on this landing pad and is accepted into the cell, those landing pads shut down to the insulin, so you become insulin resistant. That's where the word comes from.


Insulin has a few functions in the body. One is to remove glucose from the blood, which is why it goes high on a high carbohydrates and high sugar diet, and the other is to take nutrients and put it inside the cell. So it takes glycogen, which is what the liver turns carbohydrates into, and it puts it inside the cell. But if it's not allowed inside the cell, those nutrients are not going in there anymore, and what it does is it creates a terrible snowball effect where the person's now hungry all the time because he's malnourished, he's not getting the nutrients, so he continues to eat, which makes his insulin go higher, which makes his cells more resistant, and it just gets worse and worse and worse and worse. And that's what it is, you see. So you have to reverse that so that the body can then, or the cells in the body can then start accepting nutrients like they should do, and it's actually not as hard as it sounds and it's I mean, it's obviously a technical thing to it, but it's actually very easy and practical to be able to do that If you know how.


And that's kind of what we do with our program is we not only get people through the program where they get healthy and they lose weight as a consequence of getting healthy. They now can. They're now educated, and they know they've had a full like experience. Like the proof is in the pudding for them now. Oh well, I saw when I did this, I was healthy, and I saw when I did that I wasn't, you know. So they know what foods make them fat and make them unhealthy, and they know what foods make them thin and make them healthy. So that's kind of why we've been so successful. Is we aim for that? We have to find out exactly what it is that's wrong with a person, first, though, to be able to hone in on what is actually going on there. So, yeah, that's in a nutshell.

Fabiola :

That's awesome. No, I love that. I mean I love your analogy of the spaceship because it's so like people can think with that right. But I like to say there's like imagine a hotel and there's no vacancy, right All that high insulin in your body and all that glucose.

Fabiola :

Right, it's just, it's not good for you. So your cells are trying to send your message. How do you go about, like you know, the terminating? Well, when someone comes to you, definitely you, based on their assessment and whatever testing you do, you probably are able to determine okay, this is where this are the type of nutrients that this person is not assimilating, and so would you mind sharing, like what your process is in regards to how do you support people's health, finding that out and then how you move them to your program? Yeah, yes.


So we have two steps that we do. We do a full health assessment, we just do it telephonically. First of all, we find out a bit more information about the person and his body and what's happened in you know so fine his life. Then we have a whole lot of questions, which is really just yes and no answers, but it gets what manifestations your body is exhibiting at the moment and with that we are able to see which areas of the endocrine system is not functioning properly and what the second part is.


We also look at photographs of the person, because whichever part of the endocrine system is not functioning properly, what happens is the body starts to deposit fat in that area and makes your body have a certain shape. So by looking at the photographs, we are able to see what shape your body is and, together with the health assessment, we can then see okay, this person needs to handle his liver, or we need to handle the adrenals or you know whichever area. And then, based on that, we create a personalized program for them which has the correct organic supplements to handle those areas, it has the correct food for that specific issue and it specifically tells him you know, we give him a meal plan and whatever, to say this is what you do. Then, after this, you do this, and it's a simple process which is two months long and it, you know, handles all those specific issues that come up on the health assessment.

Fabiola :

Wow, that's so cool. I love that about pictures. You know, and I'm scrolling down Instagram or Facebook and then you know what's your body shape and you answer all these questions and I love that because then that you're right. You know that is there's a physical assessment to it, like when you look as a practitioner how eyebrows can tell you so much about the thyroid or you know belly fat, right, about insulin resistance and stuff like that. So that is that's so awesome. I love that, that process and and I think it speaks to your integrity and really analyzing what's going on with with that person's body versus just, oh, okay, well, we know how you feel and you know this is a recommendation, but you really get to like what, what organ or what system is now functioning that is making you feel that way.


Yes, but even doing those questions the person that you are doing the assessment on they thought that you know, it's just part of life and that's the way they are. And then you ask them that specific question and they're like really Does this mean that there's something wrong in my body? You know, and it makes them think you know and they realize what is actually going on and that they really do need to address it.

Fabiola :

Wow, yeah, that's true, because sometimes about going symptoms is increasing that awareness level right and getting people to the first realize, yes, there is a problem, and then what must be done about it in order to get better. Get them to one that change. Wow, that's really cool. Yeah, I've recently. I don't know if you're familiar with this book it's called the blood code and I can't quite remember the name of the author is a doctor who has even, like, figured out the ratio, like to determine insulin resistance, and like you get your glucose, your fasting glucose, and you get your fasting insulin number from your labs. You plug those into the system and then it gives you a ratio. And I've been playing with that tool lately and I'm like, wow, just because someone's glucose level is in a healthy range and someone's fasting insulin is my in a healthy range, when you look at the ratio, then you can see, you can, you can really see whether that person is being insulin resistant or not and you're right you know have.

Fabiola :

Well, I will. I want to say probably over 90% of the population definitely are to some degree pre diabetic or diabetic and, like you said, they don't even know it right, because they're just so we're so stressed.


It takes about 15 years for diabetes type 2 to really set in where it's like okay, I'm sick, now I need something's wrong here. But if the correct, if the if the correct blood tests were done earlier on, you would have been able to pick it up very early. You know, but they just, they just test fasting glucose and and you know yeah.

Fabiola :

I know, yeah, yeah, and it's like. So, as practitioners, I guess we're on a mission about educating our clients, right, and they're like, no, we gotta tell your doctor, this is what you need. And I often tell people, well, who's paying for the insurance your doctor or you? You know I'm like them to get you the care that you need. But, oh, that's so interesting, yeah, so that kind of makes sense as to why some people's, you know, like systems may take that long to just to the system finally break down and be like, okay, I'll do something about it, because you know we're not going to make it, and so that's really interesting. Would you speak to like why quality of supplements has you know what is the importance of truly adding? So you're removing barriers, right, you're working with organs and systems, but why is it important to to do, like to do it organically, right, to have a good quality supplement? What can I just go to the store and buy, like, but did the generic vitamin B that you know? Yeah, so speak. Can you speak to us about that?


So basically, you've got to get your. I mean, as far as vitamins go, the 90% of the vitamins on the shelf are not organic vitamins, they're synthetic vitamins. So you'll get like, for instance, even like vitamin B one, for instance, thiamine. Thiamine is not vitamin B one, it's thiamine, you know. So it's, it's. It's not, it's a synthetic vitamin B. One handlings like a person you know has cognitive issues or energy issues or something like that, and you quickly give him a whole dose of that for a week and it kind of handle it. But it's not meant for prolonged use. You know you could get your vitamin B from nutritional yeast. That's where you should be getting all your B vitamins from. So you can actually. But the reason why people generally people out there cannot get their vitamin B from nutritional yeast is because their bodies are not absorbing the vitamins the way they should do. So they're not absorbing the synthetic vitamins either. But if they want to, because obviously in nutritional yeast, for instance, it's a very low level of vitamin B. But it's real stuff, it's the real McCoy stuff that really does the job that vitamin B is supposed to do. So vitamin B5, vitamin B1, vitamin B12, I think it's got vitamin B6 in it. So then it takes it and it uses it all.


Now it's nutritionally dense food, you know, and the body takes it and it uses all of that and it does the correct function in the body, you know so. And for instance, with vitamin C, for instance. So you go, you pick up a bottle of vitamin C and you look on the back and it's a scorbic acid, you know. And a scorbic acid is like one of 76 elements in vitamin C. You know it's the worst one. It's not even a good one, you know. And people take it and then they, you know they take 10,000 milligrams because he's got the flu and he needs tummy runs and he doesn't know why. And you know all of this kind of thing is happening.


So, and then backing up to like what we use mostly is herbal remedies, like we do use the vitamins. So we, you know we'll get our vitamin C from sauerkraut, for instance, and those kinds of things, but you'll get your vitamin B from, you know, other things and but when it comes to like the herbal stuff, you need to get the organic stuff, because it's no point in trying to handle the endocrine system, which is literally a communication system of the body which is made up of little fatty globules called glands that communicate with one another through the production, dispersion and reception of hormones. And these things, remember, they are fatty, they are fatty glands. So when you're putting toxins into the body they are going to gather in these fatty glands. So then this fatty gland starts to shut down and it's a communication terminal in the body. It's trying to communicate, it's trying to receive and send communications. But if it's compromised, communication breaks down. And you have a look at any organization which comes from the word organism, funnily enough, because it has life, you break communication down. In any organization. That organization starts to break down, you see. So it's got everything to do with these endocrine disruptors and that's why we make sure that we take them off, the stuff that's making them sick and causing the endocrine system problems. And then when we're healing the endocrine system with our herbs, we're making sure that they're not putting more of the same stuff in that's damaged them in the first place.


So organic is extremely important. It's not just a fad. You know like, oh, I eat organic and I go down to the store and I buy the organic stuff. You know it actually has purpose. You know, because if you put, like, for instance, glyphosate, this Monsanto-Glyphosate thing, so that mimics estrogen in the body, you know, and we have enough estrogen, we don't need any more of it. You know, there's enough of that in our diets and in our environment, you know. So that's why it's really important to look at the organic side of things and not just you know, go buy anything off the shelf, You've got to get the quality stuff, because in the end, if you don't, it's going to cost you more money at the end of the day.


But even just the labels on the supplements. You know, sometimes they add things to the supplements, like maltodextrin or you know sugar starches and you know so, then it basically nullifies what you're trying to do with taking that supplement in the first place. So you have to read the label and make sure that it has the correct stuff in it as well.

Fabiola :

Yeah, you're right. It's like you're emptying the trash can and then someone is putting more trash in it at the same time, right?



Fabiola :

It's like baby pandas trying to take care of baby pandas, you know, yeah.


In South Africa we have our own brand of supplements that we give to our South African clients and the only reason it's actually turned into a very successful business. But we didn't start it to make a business out of it. We started it because we just couldn't find the right supplements, you know, and we'd also. We'd send our client to a health shop and then, you know, the health shop owner God bless him would say no, no, no, you don't need that. You know you need. This is what you need, you know. You know I don't mean like, oh man, go back, give that stuff back.


So we started our own brand and you know we make sure it's all organic and they get exactly what we want them to have, in the right dosages and all of that you know.

Fabiola :

That's awesome. Yeah, I've been just learning so much more about herbs as well and how they truly are. Our medicine, right and with you know, no sad effects, right Like I. Sometimes I suffer of migraines or headaches, and I do. I take salagistic from a meteor, from standard process.



Fabiola :

And aspirin. Was you know salagistic that? Or was you know it's mimicking aspirin is mimicking salagistic. And I'm like, oh gosh, you know, like if I knew this before, you know, like many, many, many, many years ago, depending on aspirin for headaches, then I would have never really done the aspirin. I would have just well, hey, I'm going to take my salagistic. That's what's on my medicine cabinet now.

Fabiola :

So yeah, so cool, yeah, no, and it's so amazing because you know like I feel like you haven't love. You've seen a need for a change of paradigm, right, and when it comes to nutrition and people's health and how that ripples into their lives, right, you, they're healthier, they're happier, they have better relationships with their spouses, they have relationships with their core workers, with their kids. Well, how does just? It's a whole like, yeah, a ripple effect and the fact that you went even above and beyond.

Fabiola :

We're like okay, we need the tools to be able to repair this, this, our clients health and created a company so that there was no barriers there and you really are helping them so comprehensively. So that's, that's really awesome.




I just want to back up to what you were saying about. You know natural remedies and then you have the pharmaceutical remedies. You know, and a lot of people are going to really realize where pharmaceutical remedies come from. You know, these pharmaceutical companies send scouts out into places like the Amazon basin, central Africa, the Artback, and they find these herbs that really work and then they take them back to the lab and they make a synthetic version of it. Because you obviously can't patent a. You can't pay attention. I'm not. I'm not getting all conspiracy theories about this. I'm just making a point about why natural medicine doesn't get tested. You know it doesn't get tested because there's no money in it, because you can't, you can't patent it, so it doesn't have all these. So it says, oh, currently untested. You know, and there are only reason why the pharmaceuticals are tested is because there is money in it. You know there's a synthetic version of what's already out there, you know. So it's interesting that you said you found this, this natural remedy, you know which is which aspirin mimics. You know.

Fabiola :

Yeah, yeah, no, you're right, I will. I, yeah, I agree with you and I think I think over the last few years, since COVID, people have just at least for me. You know, with the people I'm working with, they're looking for different answers. You know they're like they're doing and they're like I don't know. Something doesn't make sense. I keep taking this and I don't feel better, whether that's a supplement or whether is that a medication or what is whatever right? It's not within our scope of practice to tell people to stop. Stop. Me is taking their medications or no, right? That's between them and their doctors only.

Fabiola :

But I do see that as we work on really getting to the root cause of what's creating that their systems not to function, and because their bodies are back online that there's almost the need for additional help becomes less and less and less. So I definitely I love to hear you know like those successors from my clients are like coming. They're like hey, my doctor said I don't need to take blah blah blah anymore because my heart is doing better. I'm like yay, you know we celebrate.

Fabiola :

So profusely because they're, they're just, they're, they're amazing. You know you don't have to depend on something else to feel better. Whether that's, yeah, like I said, a medication or a supplement, your body is doing its job because you work so hard to get it to that point. Yeah, yeah, yeah can you you share some of your like when you could consider your most sex series? You know You're like, oh, this client. You know you always think about them. Yes.


I suppose, um, I mean, there are so many, but um, I just recently finished a lady who has had problems with her menstrual cycle from the time that she started. Every time it happened she gets me grains and nauseous that she has to be in bed for the first two or three days. Now that she's working, she has to take off work. She's married.


Her husband is like Don't you know, I'm scared of you, you know type of thing. And um, you know she started our program and um, the first month it was still a little bit, you know, heavy, still a little bit of a headache.


The next one wasn't as bad not as bad as all at all. And then the next month Her husband didn't even know she was on her period. Um, she was working, she didn't have a migraine, she wasn't in bed, you know, and she just it changes her life, it changes her relationship with her husband, it changed work for her, you know, because she's always worried that she's gonna get maybe laid off because you know she has to stay off work or husband is gonna, you know, get sick of her type of thing, you know. And it just changed everything. And she was so happy that now you know that part of her life it's just handled and she knows what to do From now on and it's just easy, you know. So that was, it was a very nice Win for all of us.


She also lost 15 pounds, while all that happened on the side.

Fabiola :

Oh, wow that is so awesome.

Fabiola :

Yeah, gosh, you know, like women, and how awful that we are. You know the perception when we're going through our cycles because of what our bodies are, um, experiencing. But that is so awesome and I love it. You know, earlier you make you mention something about how, when you get the body healthy, then you start losing weight, and that is so true, right how you start addressing these toxins that are keeping you. I mean, a fat is a protective mechanism, right. I mean there's the reason why babies are chubby, right, and there's a.

Fabiola :

And there's a reason why, as women, as we age, we may have a little more Um fat here and there. You know it is a protective mechanism and when you remove, like those heavy metals, um, like I was saying, pyrocytes, a mold, um you know, like glass facade right which is like everywhere, um then you're about the fat is like oh, I guess I no longer have a job here, and then kind of, just like you know it's you, then you use it right for for fuel and then you start um Really utilizing those, uh yeah, what's in your body and then feeling better.


So that's, that's so great and it's an interesting fuel to use as well because, um, you know, when, when you, people often wonder why why people who who start burning fat as fuel and and move away from the carbohydrates, and why they always seem to be healthier and slimmer is is, um, you know, when you're eating carbohydrates, you can't really store that much energy. You can only store like about 6 000 calories at any given time, and that's in your liver and in your most frequent to use muscles. But when you're using fat, which is basically turns into ketones and triglycerides, you can use, you store 100 000 calories. Wow, as opposed to 6 000, you know so. Hence I, I'm a, I'm a sportsman, I do sport every day.


I ride a bicycle, basically that's what I do. So so I, I, I ride a bicycle, I'm an avid cyclist and I eat once a day. You know, I don't need to eat more than once a day. It's just because my, my body's burning factors fuel. I have massive stores of energy. You know, I never eat before I ride my bike because it makes me sluggish. It's like eating is actually, um, you know, it slows me down, man. Yeah, it's really. It turns into when you, when you really Get into our program and this is probably 90% of our clients come back to us. I can't believe how much attention I had stuck on food all the time, you know I was always thinking about. Now I'm like, oh, it's time to eat again. Everybody eat, you know, and it's like you know maybe all like, let's face it, we like good food you know, but but it's like you know you're not thinking about.


It's like you know you're not thinking about it all the time you know. So it is quite interesting that.

Fabiola :

Yeah, no, I agree with you, I relate. I I'm born and raised in Mexico and I can clearly remember just. You know, we like to spend hours at the table, just like either mean or munching, or, you know, talking or and.

Fabiola :

And then I remember one time as a kid, like we were finishing lunch or breakfast I can't remember what it was and then we were just at the table, had been at the table for so long that it was time for our next meal. So Get up, um, and I was like, oh my gosh, and my husband, he is a health coach himself and he is From, from the us, so every time he goes to Mexico, when we visit, he has such a hard time with the. Well, are we getting up? Like we're done, not like why does sister keeps breaking food? I'm like that's just the culture. But you're right, we're never At a fasted state, you know, we're always thinking just had breakfast, what's what's for lunch? I'm like it hasn't even been three hours and you already asked me well for lunch.


So, yeah, no I.

Fabiola :

Yeah, fasting is such a fascinating right a minute Definitely taken over, um, you know, intermittent fasting over the last few years has become, you know, a lot of um Uh, known practitioners out there have are talking about, you know, fasting, practicing fasting.


Um you know Dr.

Fabiola :

Mercola. Just you know right having written fat for fuel and stuff like that. So, um, yeah, I I fasting is amazing. I definitely think in a controlled environment and supervised of, of course as well, Then you can get so many benefits from fasting. Yeah that's, that's so cool.


Um, you can go. If you were obese, you could go over a year. You could go over a year fasting without eating a single thing, and it's been done. There was a guy here in South Africa recently who lost 75 kilograms, which is about 180 pounds, or 170 pounds in 100 days fasting. Wow, it really is just a matter of you know, making sure that you have your electrolytes and you know, and your B vitamins, basically.

Fabiola :

Right, yeah, yeah, doing it right, supporting your body through that process, yeah, I mean, you know, I think as much as I love a modern society to a very large degree, because you know we can do things like this right You're in a whole different part of the world and in a different part of the world and we're able to connect like this. So technology has its advantages, but at the same time, it's really taking us out of.

Fabiola :

You know, since the industrial revolution Going to bed when the sun is, you know, gone down, and we're just so immersed into our modern world We've forgotten some of those principles that we, humanity, has been practicing for thousands of years, and to the increase of, due to the increase of chemical toxicities, like you were mentioning, glass facade, that's just how it's slowing us down, getting our bodies getting poisoned. And then we wonder you know, why are we not losing weight? Why is there heart disease? Why is there an epidemic of diabetes? Why is there, you know, women's, you know going through hell of menopause? Or, you know, as soon as they get the cycle, they have to go and burst control because they're awful. You know things like that. Yeah Well, I'm kind of ready to start your program, by the way, you're welcome.


Yeah, it's good. We love it because, you know, I think the selling point on it is that we're 100% confident in the program. We have no shadow of a doubt that it will help every individual that does the program. That's so cool and it's not complicated. We've simplified it, we've made it simple, you know, and it's based on simple principles.

Fabiola :

Yeah, yeah, that's awesome. Bike to basics, right. Bike to like whatever you will. You just have to follow that physiology path. That's so cool. So, if so, you work with clients from all over the world? I presume that's right. Yes, that's so cool. And how, if someone you know, whoever, whomever might be listening to this from whichever part of the world, how would they go about reaching you and getting started on their journey?


Well, we have a website, wwwbestbodyhealthcoachcom. They can go on there, find out more about the program. They can, you know, send us a message or sign up right there. And then we have a Facebook page called BBH Coach that they can go look at some success stories, you know, and see how we've helped different people with different situations. They then just contact us on marina at bestbodyhealthcoachcom or nick at bestbodyhealthcoachcom, email us or, you know, Facebook, message us and we can schedule a health assessment for them and then, once we've done that, we will be able to tell them exactly how we can help them and get them started.


And yeah, I mean, sometimes it looks a little bit daunting for people. You know how are they going to do that, but the fact that we do one on one daily coaching, you know where they're holding your hand, answering questions, you know, and we make sure that you get educated, you know, throughout the two months so that by the end of the two months you are confident that you can continue this lifestyle on your own and, you know, maintain your health and your weight. So, yeah, they just need to reach out to us and then we will be happy to do a free health assessment and it's no obligation and take it from there.


We also have. We also have. We have six coaches, including Marina and myself. We have a Spanish speaking coach and we have a Portuguese speaking coach, one in Brazil who speaks Portuguese, and then we have a coach in the UK and then there's three of us here in South Africa. So we can handle South America. We can handle probably the rest of the world. We deal a lot with Europe as well. You know Sweden, finland, spain, germany, austria. You know Italy, china we've had people in China Australia, new Zealand, yeah, so yeah.


Doesn't matter where you are, we'll have someone that can help you.


We work all the time 100% international. Totally.

Fabiola :

That's awesome. That is so cool. Well, I can definitely feel the you know, like the energy. Right, you've made a decision we're going to help heal this world from the ailments that are preventing them from being happier and healthier and to have the life that people deserve and whatever might be stopping them. One last question so what are some of the most common things that people may you know, like if I have this or maybe this? So what are some of those health conditions that you help people with?


Lover. Lover is usually the one you know, and liver is kind of the centre of the universe in the body. So we make sure that we have. We normally, I'd say 90% of our clients. We handle the liver, you know, like the thyroid, for instance, is secondary to the liver. The liver first gets compromised, then it's not converting the thyroid hormone, you know. So the thyroid has nothing to do and it becomes hyper. You know the liver causes the kidneys to break down. You know the liver is the detoxifying element, you know, of the body and it has all sorts of different functions. It's a wonderful organ, you know, and it can also, if you've just got 25% left of your liver, it can actually repair to just about 100%. It's an interesting organ. So the liver is is what we, what we normally deal with, and I mean with a liver.


If you, if you get itchy skin you know a lot of the times, like Eximate type, you know rashes on the skin come from the liver, actually comes from bile, comes from a block gallbladder.


There's things like you know someone who loves eating meat. You know he's the guy who stands around the barbecue and eats the meat off the barbecue, you know, before, before they serve it up and then he still eats more meat. You know that. And the guy, he's got the, the beach ball belly, you know, and he's got the acytes in the in the belly, which is the fluid which leaks out of the liver and actually fills up the abdominal cavity. It's actually not fat that when you get some beach ball belly it's, it's hard, you know, like a beach ball it's actually, and, and you know, when they get on our program we put them on, we put them on herbs and on a certain types of food which which go for the liver and really start healing the liver and get the liver moving again. And the guy finds himself, you know, going to the bathroom like 20, 30 times a day as he's belly goes down. Guys get on the phone with me, like what's going on, you know, oh.


Guys the main thing you know, but I mean a lot of it, you know, with woman, you know, it'll probably live a thyroid, like the two of them, or liver ovaries, you know, and men is like adrenals, you know.


Won't necessarily know that it's their liver. They come to us saying you know, I have PCOS, or I can't sleep, or you know, I'm so stressed, you know. And then, once we do the health assessment, they find out oh, it's because of this that I'm like this, you know. And then we handle them you know, yeah, yeah that's awesome.

Fabiola :

No, I love it. I love that example of the beach Belly, because it's true. You know you're like.


And normally what happens is the you know the guy is out of proportion. You know he's he's rest of his body, he's not fat, he's just got this beach ball belly and that's. That's a failing liver. Like you know, you really need it if you've got a beach ball belly. You need to, you need to really take note and do something about your liver. You know which is what.

Fabiola :

Is that you know, client who's like eating right, doing all the right things and still inflamed, retaining water, all that fluid and like, okay, you know, yeah, yeah, liver is the king, right? I mean, it's, um, it's so important I think God it regenerates, because I think without that feature, I think we'll be in a lot of trouble.


Yeah, totally yeah, it's not something you can do without, you know. Yeah, you know so it's. It's interesting. You know the whole, the whole liver thing. It has so many functions that actually can even be classed as part of the interconsist, although it's an organ, you know it does a lot of hormonal stuff, you know.

Fabiola :

Yeah yeah, no, I can totally see that. That's so awesome. Well, I really appreciate your time that you've spent with us and teaching us about what you do and how you help others and Everything that you do for people and all over the world. So we'll make sure to add your Contact information as part of our show notes to make sure that people can reach out without any barriers of time zones or location and of space, and then we'll just make sure that All that, all that, is in there so that, yeah, you can be reached easily.

Fabiola :

Thank you so much I really yeah, well, if there's nothing else that we want to go, I know we could go on forever, right? Because? There's different topics, but I really appreciate your time. I really appreciate answering my questions and educating the audience. Welcome, thank you for having us All right See you Bye. Bye, oh, oh. Okay, I think we got a lost. You did, I gain you back.