Root Cause Solutions For You

Transforming Maternal and Infant Health with Chiropractic Care by Dr. Jenny Lane D.C

July 22, 2023 Fabiola Reyes Season 1 Episode 1

Ever thought about how chiropractic care could revolutionize your journey through pregnancy and beyond? 

In this Root Cause Solutions For You episode,  we are joined by Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.

She has a passion for powering women and their families through holistic means.  

Dr. Jenny graduated from the prestigious Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa. She is certified in the Webster-Technique and is mid her Diplomate in Pediatrics with the International Chiropractic Pediatrics Association. She practices Sacro-Occipital Technique (SOT), Diversified, Logan, Activator, and Thompson Techniques.

Join us as we delve into the fascinating world of specialized chiropractic care with the renowned Dr. Jenny Lane D.C. Marvel at the wonders of this alternative treatment, from empowering moms with a deepened body understanding to addressing infertility and supporting babies' developmental milestones.

As we traverse the path of prenatal chiropractic care, Dr. Lane unveils the importance of proper maternal alignment and how this can significantly reduce labor time and the possibility of C-sections. We also highlight the often-ignored postpartum period, highlighting the critical need for support systems, ample sleep, and nutritious food for recuperating mothers. And it gets even more exciting - find out how baby adjustments and topical oils can bolster your baby's developmental journey.

We don't leave out the dads, either. Men's health plays a pivotal role in fertility, and Dr. Lane shares insights on the impact of lifestyle choices on conception. We also explore natural remedies for fertility struggles and provide valuable resources for locating the proper chiropractic care and nutritional support. Embark on this enlightening journey towards a healthier, more natural life. Your body, your baby, and your family will thank you!

She can be reached at:

(727) 667-BEAR
611 East Druid Rd. #702, Clearwater, FL 33756

We hope you enjoy this episode!

Disclaimer: The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. This podcast is not a medical service; the information provided is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. The Root Cause Solutions For You, its practitioners, and employees make no warranties, express or implied, concerning the contents. The information shared in this episode is the opinion of the speaker and should not be considered medical advice. You should never disregard medical advice or delay seeking it because of the contents of this episode.

Fabiola Reyes:

Thank you so much for joining us today, very happy to be here on Root Cause Solutions for you channel, and today I have a very special guest and a very dear friend of mine, dr Jenny Lane, and I'm going to let her introduce herself to all of you. So thank you so much for being today, dr Lane.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

Thank you so much for the invitation and for all you do. We've gotten to co-manage a case together and I know we'll have many more in the future, so I'm excited. So yeah, I am a chiropractor who focuses on pregnancy and pediatrics. I feel that chiropractic found me. I was actually focusing on end of life care in my college career and it was a mission trip to Brazil where there was 18 of us doctors and I literally was having a line of 15 or 20 people wait for me when two or three of their doctors had nobody in their line. And I kept saying to these families you know go, you know see these other doctors. No, we wait for you. I was like no, no to the point was going on for hours and I was getting frustrated because of the stress, right, of having these lines and these other doctors who are literally looking at me like share the wealth. And I'm like look it, I'm trying. And finally, about two hours of back and forth, one of the translators came up and they said, um, dr Lane, they're, they're waiting for you. And I was like but, but why? And she said you're the baby whisper, baby whisper.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

I was focusing on end of life, I was focusing on senior citizens, right. I was like baby whisper, we wait for you. And I just stood there like in awe and I went on to see hundreds of kids, um, and families that that weekend and the last day we were there and we're we're talking like the impoverished. You know part of these towns. We ran in Brazil and there is a woman I swear to God she was a hundred weeks pregnant. I mean I sort of got there's like 20 kids in there. I mean, she wasn't really, but she was. I'd never seen a woman so huge and I was the only one that knew how to adjust to pregnant women. Funny, funny enough, even though I was focusing on end of life, and it's especially that one. So all 18 doctors, all of her family, everybody was standing around this table and after the adjustment she gets off the table and she was like, wow, for the first time in three months I could breathe. And she went on to have like a seven hour labor, yeah, and. And so I was like, okay, if, if I was looking for an answer, maybe from a higher power, of what my role in life is, maybe I should think again.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

And when I came back to the States, I just dove right into chiropractic specifically for pediatrics, and now it's become my specialty and I have two offices in Florida, one in Clearwater and one in Venice. And then I'm piloting a third office in Florida right now and the whole idea is to be able to help as many pregnant women have as natural labors as possible or reduce the interventions and have these babies, when they're born, be able to latch and nurse and feed. And then in the pediatric world you know I'm trying to get the kids away from the labels. All these labels out there when these kids had traumatic births could have been over vaccinated, under nurtured. And then you know we'll get into the whole.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

You know the, the root cause of things. You know parasites underneath the root cause. We've got a lot of Lyme, we've got a lot of mold, especially here in Florida. You know up there back home, you know where you are, you know we've got a lot of mold, allergies and stuff. And then what's underneath? And then the toxins from the environment and parasites like to hang onto those.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

And so it was in my journey of chiropractic that I was like I need to do more than the adjustment.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

The adjustment is the most important thing, but to allow these, these bodies to continue to hold.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

And that's what's opened the door to all the nutrition work that I've been doing over the years and getting to the root cause truly, of both neurologically, with chiropractic adjustments, and then within the body, holistically, to help the bodies unwind. And literally I'm getting results. Just this past week a little boy could not hear the, the, the, the, the. They want to literally do a surgery in the little kid's ear came in for a first adjustment already in three days already 30% improved. Mom came in. She's like it's still not right, I'm going to do the adjustment again. And then I tested them parasites he was on um HBS, you know parasites. Five days, hearing, totally resolved. So, wow, the kid from surgery in the period of one week to, you know, 10 days. So that's what we do and that's why, and so I'm honored to be on the show with you and and to be able to spread the word about, about truly, the natural ways that the body could help heal when presented with the right solutions.

Fabiola Reyes:

Yeah, that's so awesome Because, you know, like I, I definitely work with, um, with women who, uh one, you know, fortunately um experience fertility. Um, and then we definitely tie that to exactly what you were saying, right, the toxic toxicity load that unfortunately we, um we're exposed to just living in a world that unfortunately it's a very toxic right and there's no way of um escaping it. Sometimes, um, so, interestingly, you can't live in a bubble. So, having some of this practitioners and some using this, uh, really root cause solutions to really help people live the lives that they, that they want, right, that they they deserve. And then, once they do become pregnant, like, how do we sustain that pregnancy? Right, it's, it's, um, especially, there's a history of hormonal imbalance or already miscarriages, um, you know, I mean, which, unfortunately, a lot of women do experience some of that Um, and then, uh, and then, yes, once maybe it's born, how do we support mom and baby still after that uh, amazing journey, right, and it's so different from for for all people, and I, um, every time I watch a TV show and I see like someone going into labor, I'm like there's no way that that's just that easy, right?

Fabiola Reyes:

I will love to hear more about the things that you do to support women through, through that journey. Right? Because, yes, I've heard like the horror stories are like, oh my gosh, I wasn't labeled for 72 hours and, um, I could, I couldn't wait. And so many women now, I feel like, are more aware of the different alternatives that they have versus, um, just rushing into the hospital, getting caught up in and then just not not having that natural birth right.

Fabiola Reyes:

And, um, yeah, so tell, tell us a little bit more about that. How do you, how do you go about supporting women um through that process?

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

So I uh urge moms to start seeing me in practice around their 20 week of pregnancy, around 20 weeks. You know they're through first trimester, they've already gone through the puking stage, you know they're already like. You know they're halfway to third trimester and third trimester is where the most growth occurs. Okay, and I like to say around 20 weeks because it gives me eight weeks before third trimester to clean up anything that may have been going on with their body prior to pregnancy and in the first trimester. Okay, cause there's a lot of hormonal changes. You know, if they're petite and they're crossfitters, they have a really tight core. If this is their fifth baby, you know their pelvic floor most of the time has been used in abuse, right, um, if they're, um, you know, later in life having a child for the first time. I'm working with a woman she's 47, having her first baby. You know what I mean. Like, like I work with it doesn't really matter, but I love around 20 weeks. No day is a bad day to start parapagic, but in my ideal world, 20 weeks. So it gives me eight weeks to clean up whatever's happening with the body and getting public floor stability and what what that's about is is making sure the sacrum, which is our, the bone in the middle of our butt, is where it needs to be, as well as the hips, because those hips have to be flexible and mobile enough so when she goes to labor, the, the hips actually open and cl like open so the head could come down right. So if there's any misalignment, even a millimeter or two, that literally could hinder the, the, the baby descending and coming out vaginally, right, um so, and then between 28 weeks and and and delivery and it's anywhere between you know, 37 and 41 and three is the first, like most moms per research from Harvard, first time moms 41 weeks and three days. So when I'm having moms come in and they're being talked about induction at 39 weeks, 38 weeks, I'm like, show them the research paper from Harvard. 41 and three weeks.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

Right, I'm all about empowering women, not that I'm trying to be a medical doctor, but some women don't know that they have choices, right, and as long as baby and mom's healthy, let's let the body's natural process work. So I I'm there to support, educate and then I do a lot of what's called spinning babies activities and now spinning babies. When you think about spinning babies we think, oh, the baby's breech or the you know baby's upside down. You know the head is up. Spinning babies is all about body position of baby and mom. So I give her and her husband or her snickering other you know exercises to do again to empower her to reduce that labor time. I check her um whatever her body needs. Some women are once a month, some are once a week, some are, you know, twice a week. It really depends.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

And then I really educate about the relaxing hormone. Everything does exactly what it sounds it relaxes. It relaxes so a big thing can come out of a little hole but it doesn't relax, just the vagina joint right, the vagina hole, all joints. So we take all our adjustments last plus around 36, 37 weeks, 50% of my moms are moving houses right, or they're doing going through some big life change, getting married, going at it like doing something huge. And then the other half are like holy crap, we're having a baby in a few weeks and it's that fight flight. And my job is to help keep the body out of fight flight and more in that parasympathetic or that rest and digest um zone, because that's when a baby will come. If the if, a if mom, mom's body's acting like she's being chased by a bear.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

Labor goes 50, 60, 70 hours right, If I have her ready like I had a mom this week. She's a professional in the medical field and she wants to see her patients, wants to see her patients. And already four weeks ago I was like you're gonna need to slow your role about 36 weeks. And she's like nope, nope. I was like I'm telling ya. I was like I'm not forcing it yet, but sure enough, it's 36 and a half weeks.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

She's like I have to slow my role. And I was like yes, and I was like you're the only one to carry this baby to term. Everybody else, somebody else can do the laundry, somebody else can do the grocery shopping, somebody else can handle the kids Hi, your nanny, bring in your friends, cook the meals. You're the only one to get this baby out, so you gotta take care of you. And that's a really big missing piece I find in society today, especially here in Florida. A lot of us are transplants so we don't have our family, our friend network, others busy with their own life and they're not really getting the support or being directed to take care of themselves. So at least I'm loud and like in their face as many times. You know.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

Take care of you, take care of you.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

What did you do for you? And I literally hold them accountable. I need you to go to the beach, I need you to go for a walk, I need you to take a bath or whatever and I might be the only one doing that to get them ready so we could have a faster labor. And then the thing is is I actually do house calls to home bursts and birthing centers. If a labor stalls, I get to go in with my moms and help uninstall the labor, get the baby back in position and get that baby out. Unfortunately, it's illegal yet for me in Florida. We're working on it. I have a couple of lines in and that's how we get moms to have the least amount of interventions and try to prevent that C-section if at all possible and empower her the whole way through. And regardless, even if it has to go C-section because the baby's in danger or mom's in danger because she got so much care, her resiliency postpartum is like through the roof because her body is so well connected and she's been so empowered.

Fabiola Reyes:

Yeah, that's so awesome and I feel like that whole process speaks to mental health and how much the preparation throughout the whole pregnancy.

Fabiola Reyes:

And you bring an amazing point which is about that support system and really utilizing like.

Fabiola Reyes:

It's like a chase game, right, like utilizing all of your pieces around to be able to yeah, cause, going through.

Fabiola Reyes:

Yeah, I don't have kids, I've never been through that journey, but I have many friends who I have and I know it's not small potatoes. I know it definitely changes your life forever and your dynamic and everything that you do. But you know like I'm listening to what you're saying and I feel like so many women after they give birth, right, like they've gone through that process and now it's the real hard work right, which is like now your hormones are 100% depleted, you are on a totally different sleep pattern of you know schedule baby too. It's a whole different being in the house and in the dynamic and how that potentially affects right, cause I feel like, as you could, as prepared as you can be, there are variables, right, and there are some things that potentially mom can't necessarily control or her support system around her, and so, with postpartum depression, with the work that you do, how do you see that sort of unfold or being able to support moms through that process?

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

Great question. First of all, so as soon as she comes back in after the baby and each mom is different, sometimes it's on the way back from the hospital or the birthing center and sometimes it's two or three weeks, and after a C-section it's gotta be at least six weeks. But I always check in, like sometimes I'm checking the baby for latch right, and even though it might be baby's appointment, mom, how are you what's happening? Again, because nobody's really checking on her. Now it's all about the baby. Oh, let me see the baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby right and mom's frazzled, she hasn't showered, her boobs are leaking, her vagina still hurts, and so sometimes just that check in like oh, you see me brings them. The second thing is I always check their upper neck, always, always, always, always, always. The upper neck ties into the vagus nerve and the vagus nerve it means the wanderer and it literally ties into your heart, your gut, your gut, your stuff, like all the things that help make us go, and sometimes just adjusting that bone, mom goes literally right, it starts to unwind the body. The third thing I always make sure and I start harassing her at about 35 weeks meal plan Before she had the baby, get food in the freezer, cook the extra meals, because for the first 21 days, in the way I've been taught, you are a princess.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

You are in bed, the baby's brought to you, food is brought to you, you get out to shower and pee and go to your doctor's appointments and then back in bed. And that's really not understood, and especially type A personalities like me, or if you already had a toddler or husband, had to go back to work. You feel propelled, but I really push her because that bleeding that she has postpartum is the placenta healing from inside because you labor. The placenta, which is the nutrient wall between you and the baby. It's literally that big that's ripped off your lining of your inside and that has to heal and nobody. And so I literally have a real not real life. It's knitted but the size of a uterus and the spinal cord or the umbilical cord and a baby. And I explained to my moms and my dads look at, this is mom's healing. This was ripped off after labor. You know pull, you know she labored out. This has to heal. If this was on her leg, would she get out of bed? And the dads would be like no right, so back to bed, she goes right.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

So I start with that, because a lot of it I didn't even know until I got into pregnancy. I didn't know two, you know, in 2023, we're very go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go right, we gotta get this done. We're an instant society, but we have to support and educate. I'm really big into birthing classes as well. Down here I'm fortunate to have an amazing birthing class and she really educates and empowers both couples or both spouses as to the future.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

The other thing, postpartum I make so so I make sure she's eating her foods. Are you having real foods? Fresh fruits, fresh vegetables? Are you getting your protein? Are you drinking your water Right?

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

The other thing is vitamin D. I find to be very, very key. You know, as practitioners, we know vitamin D is the underlying to all hormones working. Vitamin D has to be at least 70. I used to do a lot of fertility work. Vitamin D has to be at 70 in the body and most of us research Florida, the sunshine state Research shows most people are only at 35 right by blood, and it needs to be at 70 Just for hormones to work. So if we're chasing after thyroid, the two, a terry, you know all these other things, but our vitamin D is 28, 35, 42, heck, no. So I make sure she that vitamin D is up and that she's able to absorb it and then, after we got vitamin D going for a while, you know, then we could chase after you know where the hormones really at. The other thing I'm in B1 is huge for my mama's making sure to get vitamin B1, vitamin C and vitamin E To help with that mental component of things and then making sure they do have a counselor, whether it's at church, whether it's their girlfriend, whether it's their mama. Who do you have to talk to? And if they don't, I often close the door.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

Moms and tears. I'm full waiting room and I don't give a crap. Because right now that mom's mental health, you know, I know I've saved two at least from suicide because of being able to sit down and listen that mom, because you know they're exhausted. It was physical, demanding. The husband was already asking for sex, the you know the demands of, you know, baby time. Everybody wants to see baby, the baby on their own schedule, latching milk supply like and now, and nobody really writes a book about what life is like postpartum.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

So really being there and explaining and helping her with just basics, and sometimes, like I just gave you 10 different ideas, a mom who's truly overwhelmed. It's like let's just start with some vitamin D. And how are you when the baby naps? You take a nap. No, and it's really out of control. I pull in the husband and I was like look at, and I really I really get like, hey, this is happening.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

A hundred years ago we had, you know, a tribe of women around us. Your wife has nobody cut her some slack. You're not gonna see her vagina for six, seven, eight weeks. Like Like, knock it off. Yeah, like she's just bird. And I get dramatic sometimes and I'm not blaming husband, it sounds like I'm blaming husbands but like sometimes, you know, they're like, okay, the baby's here, let's go. And the wife has no sex. She, you know, her vagina is still on fire, you know.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

And so again, going back to that educating, you know.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

And when I tell dads what's happening, then they're like, holy crap, I didn't know. And then the viewpoint switches, you know, and we get more of that caring in that love. And you know, I had somebody that was borderline suicidal last month and I was. I sat down with her and I, what are we gonna do? And it was daily check-ins how are you doing now? How are you doing now? And even though you know I'm not a trained counselor yet, although I'm working on it, so I can't help women, you know, the training that I have had so far has really helped me to listen and just have them heard and explain that, yes, these are all normal and this is common and unfortunately, socially we don't talk about these things. Sometimes they just hearing it, they go oh, I'm not a failure, my hormones are growing crazy, my mind is on fire. Okay, so we will take the body out of it by feeding it and by resting it and we're going for walks and taking my vitamins and then having that mental component come off the body, oh, and even breath.

Fabiola Reyes:

Yeah, no, that's so awesome because I think it's a comprehensive, right approach and, as a practitioner, I I don't believe in a single modality being the answer to all. You know we have acupuncture, we have massages, we have, you know, all the different things that can definitely All of them complement and really give moms that that support that they need because, yeah, it's like I said, it's not small potatoes to just one good pregnancy. You know, keep your pregnancy healthy and happy, along with everything you have going on and then go through the process and then you know what comes after worse. Yeah, so you mentioned vitamin D being a key component to, to, to, to hormone balance and everything. Right, are there any other specific vitamins or nutrients you typically focus during pregnancy or Great question?

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

So each person is different. So I will say that each mom is different and her own history of what she's gone through is different. But as a blanket, as a blanket statement, I'm a huge fan of nettles tea. Getting that'll see from rose mountain herbs.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

You know it's like 10 pound a bag for 10 pounds, Steeping it overnight in a big mason jar and drinking it throughout the day. There are more vitamins and minerals in nettles tea. I'm telling you, the list is this long of vitamins and minerals in nettles tea. To me that's the best prenatal, that is the best multi vitamin and it tastes to me like hey. So I, Funny enough, I have it right here. I just got some more.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

I don't know if you guys have anything like that, but like I didn't know, I was gonna talk about this, but this is um, this is um I. This is blood orange. But I use blood orange like loose leaf tea or a lemon drop tea. Just put a little bit in it and I literally will drink it all day long. You just sit on it and amongst your water and mom is getting so many great minerals, right, he's got iron issues. I'm all about, you know, juicing some beats and and and the beetroot I'm all about. Um, fluoridex is the only natural iron supplement I like. It doesn't constipate my mama's, it's rather to have, inexpensive. You know, these are these the other routes of people put them on these iron supplements, which is true, but it's hard to process, it's hard to absorb and then it constipates them. So now we have a mom going to pregnancy constipated, can't detox, and now, you know, and we've got the double blood supply between her and baby. It just leads to a mess. I so Lardex is my number one go-to, and then it depends, you know, if she's throwing up. There's a couple things from standard process. I use Acupuncture, like you said, different modalities. I'm all about pulling in all my friends and family right Meaning. You know I have an amazing acupuncturist at both locations of my office. I'm actually adding one to my own team, so we have one prenatal massage, postnatal massage, cupping, postpartum, you know, after they've healed sometimes for that low back, helping to pull the epidural out, like you know, weeks after. But you know I find that that's very helpful. Lymph massage, salt baths, salt room therapies, lymph drainage, lymph massage, and so it really depends. You know what happened, what her labor was like.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

I'm a huge fan of Energetics. It's one of the lines I carry fields of flowers or Com5. Are my two go-tos right now as far as emotional support. I think I have some right here. Energetics is what I use. Fields of flowers, you know it depends what moms need. I test them because I do muscle testing. You know three droppers, four droppers, you know is not uncommon. A little hack I've learned is I actually put a whole dropper on the crown of my head of that field of flowers and it seeps right into the brain and right to the like, the emotional components of the brain, and I notice a difference in about 10 seconds. For my mamas that are going through, I'm like squirt it into the mouth and then put it on the crown of your head and never leave home without it. So those are my go-tos for the emotional aspect and then I tailor it from there.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

I'm not gonna do any parasite handlings with a pregnant mom or a postpartum mama. I'm not gonna get into more. I'm not gonna get into huge detoxing because we gotta keep the baby happy, but I do support her, her systems. You know gallbladder is the number one organ that they like to pull. So gallbladder support, using mostly standard processes, is my key line for that. I'm also trained in CMRT, which is chiropractic manipulative reflex technique. I actually know how to adjust the organs of the body to get them in communication again and to get the juices and things of the various ducts flowing. So the body's like, oh there you are, Okay, liver okay, good, good, you're back at it right. And then the body could start detoxing again. So it's patient by patient what's needed.

Fabiola Reyes:

That's awesome. Yeah, energetics, it's such a great line and it's so safe for both moms and, you know, I'm sure even dads could use a lot of phyllocephalors or Com5 and even babies right, cause they are themselves going through a journey. They found themselves and oh, I'm in the world and it's just a whole transition for them too. So I love all the tools that you have and I use some of them too, and I do love energetic standard process and anything that will definitely support women. So, once baby comes, and we've supported mom, how do you go about supporting babies? Great question.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

So I always adjust them, I always check them. They might not need to be adjusted, but for a study that came out a handful of years ago, 99% of babies are born with misalignments of the upper neck. That's important because that's again where that vagus nerves comes out of, and it's like for the guys that might be watching this, it's like the starter of your car, right, you could have a beautiful Mercedes, but if it doesn't turn over with a button, you know nowadays that the button doesn't start. You could have a beautiful Mercedes, but you're not going anywhere, right, same thing. So I always check. Now I'm going to say this right up front the way I adjust a baby is not how I adjust an adult. Okay, there's no crackle-acken, there's no tools, there's no, you know, no pops. It literally looks like I'm giving them a massage.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

I call a lot of my babies Squish. Hey, squishy, not because I don't know their name. Hey, fabiola, right, but Squishy. One, because they are Squishy and they're filled with fat rolls. But two, their bones literally haven't fully developed as hard as ours yet. So literally, a little bit can go a long way. And then I actually, in the state of Florida, I'm allowed to go inside the mouth and I put a glove on and I act as if this is the nipple and as I go inside the mouth I'm able to check out the two bones of the roof of the mouth in place. Quite often they're not because they get squished when they the whole skull gets squished coming through the birth canal. There's three major muscles here to the side of the jaw that help the jaw open. I would say over 60% of babies have a jaw that's out of place so they can't fully open up their mouth to get on mom's maybe the nipple, but not the areola, and they need to get on the whole thing to actually be able to get all that good nutrients. And then sometimes in mom day one, day two, day three, cracked nipples, hurt nipples. It's painful.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

Latch you're only on one breast, you're not the other. So I get ahead of all of that. I always love to check babies within the first two weeks If there's ever an issue with latch. The youngest I've ever adjusted was five minutes old. I was at a home birth, so it's not. Unfortunately he still can't go to hospitals so I have to wait if they have to come out of hospitals, but many a times on the way home. The baby's coming in to see me right, I do not mess with latch and then, like you said, fields of flowers. I topically have mom and dad to put that on the baby's head or over their heart If it was a really stressful birth. I always welcome baby to this world.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

I always talk to my babies like they're grown adults. In my viewpoint, right or wrong. I feel they're really big people and really little bodies, right. And sometimes you look at them and you're like, wow, this is an old soul staring into my soul, right. And so I talk to them and it's funny, I never got to have kids out of this life, but I have a puppy now and I found just like with a puppy and just like me as a human. The more you talk to me about what's happening, the cooler I am right. And so I talk to them and I explain who I am Really glad that they're here, congratulations, who I am, what I'm gonna do, that there's no shots here, that it's totally safe and mom and dad are right next to us, and I just explain everything that's happening. I said I'm gonna go really fast because I know you're tired and hungry, and then I begin my work right and I have them actually.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

The babies help me with the adjustment and mom and dad are always floored because they'll do what I ask them to kick your leg, move your leg and help me make that adjustment. And then, as they move forward, sometimes they just want to do visits, or it was a 72 hour labor. They came out sunny side up. They were on an intubator, like depending what their birth was, they might need six, eight, 10 visits right, each baby is different and the exam will tell me that. And then I'm with them. They're with me for, technically, life, but for years to come, and especially when they get into the crawling stage, I gotta make sure their hips are correct when they're teething, when they're pulling on their ear teething. We have to rule out is it teething or it's an ear infection, because in the medical field it's the same and then they get these antibiotics that wipe out their gut flora when in fact it was just teething. So I'm there to help support the parents through that.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

And then, definitely when they get into the 16 months, 18 months, 20 months, making sure they're walking, making sure they're eating and talking and making sure all the body's connecting, making sure they're meeting their milestones and then after that, whatever supplements that they need to be on. Maybe they're picky eaters handling that and that's where we pick up. That's where I really get into the nutritional aspect, especially if they've been well adjusted, they're being well cared for, the family, okay then what deficiencies? Or what is in the body that shouldn't be, or what should be in the body and isn't? And ruling in and out a lot of time, we have to make some dietary changes and stop feeding, if you will, the bad guys in the body. And then. But the thing I love about kids and one of the reasons I specialize is because they adapt so easy. What would take you and I three months, five days, two weeks, and it's resolved, which is one of the reasons I just love, love, love working with kids.

Fabiola Reyes:

Yeah, that's awesome and they are our future, right. I mean, yes, here we are as adults, working on our health and helping other adults work on their health and and and really remove those barriers that are making them. Other cloning, create ill or whatever might be going on, like you said parasites, chemicals, mold and all that stuff that really squashes someone's ability to heal and repair. But for kids, yeah, they're. So I feel like they're so much more exposed right to probably a little more vulnerable. Right, their bodies are still growing like that blood burn barrier hasn't fully closed and we just need to be more aware as to what we're putting, what type of environment they're growing up in and what type of foods they're eating, what type of supplementation. And I love to see your transition right, like even before they come into this world, have you have cared for them because it's really really taking full on responsibility for their well being until, like you said, for life, because they're you have made an imprint in their life and their moms and dads and everything. So, everything you've said so far, so inspiring, it's so awesome. I love it so much.

Fabiola Reyes:

I wanted to talk to you about infertility, right, because I feel like it's it's unfortunately, I feel like it's become very common, well, where people are just in and I also feel like women and having kids a lot later in life, yeah, like, yeah, I have a friend who just had her second baby and she's in her mid 40s and and she's, you know, total natural home birth, you know, really takes care of herself.

Fabiola Reyes:

But I felt like women are waiting longer to get pregnant and one of the things that we run into is this biological, biological clock, right, and when working with women who've decided or chosen to wait a little longer and you know it might be a little more, you know it's not impossible, but it might be take a little more effort, right, and a little more time. We do have to support hormones a little differently, right, or our lifestyle, and you said stress we're going to go, go, go type of drive through life, and what are some of the things that you've encountered that to be to be root cause for infertility, given if mom has a good, stress free or at least manageable life, good diet, good relationships, but what might be going on with her body that could be hindering that pregnancy?

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

Great question. So I'm going to start the conversation off with explaining a little bit of my credentials. So I did fertility work nearly exclusively for several years. I was using the Schaefer protocol, which I have helped now dozens of people not dozens, but oh God, I think there's 16 babies in this plant in less in the couple years that I was doing it. That exists now, including a set of twins that are now walking this planet when all other options, including IVF, failed. Okay, it was using this very specific protocol. So I say that to say in the years of all my training in the world of fertility, we were always told in the medical world that it was the women's fault or their women's responsibility. I have learned it's otherwise. It's actually, if not 50%, a little over, the men's responsibility. Their health, believe it or not, even their health, ties in indirectly to how the placenta in mom grows.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

The health of placenta indirectly ties back to the dad Dad's. I always do a sperm count on dad. I have it professionally tested and not just the amount of sperm he could have, like literally 15 million sperm, right Cool, are they the right shape? Are they right size and are they going in the right direction? So many of the cells in the sperm that I tested were not, didn't have all three, it wasn't it was either a very low count. I had one man. His sperm count was 2 million. That's nothing right. They were incorrectly shaped and most of them weren't heading in the right direction and they couldn't get pregnant for years and years and years.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

In three months he regained the sperm count. It went to 22 million and they had been working with a fertility specialist for two years and the fertility lab is who ran the lab? They rechecked it three times because they'd never seen it in three months jump and they're like what are you doing? I don't know. I worked with some kind of practice. My life was waking me, go to right, and the protocol I was doing. In three months it jumped from 2 million to 22 million, like come on. So it doesn't have to take forever. So it's always blamed on us If a woman's checked and the flow of the tubes are open and we don't have cysts and we don't, and even if we have cysts, there's some natural handlings that we have that literally in three months we could reduce those cysts or those fibroids. We checked to dad too. And then what is he eating? Where's his mental health? Where's his mental status? You know, if they're having sex, because she's like I'm ovulating, we have to have sex. He's not a porn star. He can't just drop his pants and go to town you know what I mean. Like there's a lot of love and then, especially if the baby's created in fight flight, literally his first moment that the cell in the egg come together, it's fight flight and people laugh at me, but oh, wow, oh, there's some tears to that, right. So I look at dad. I look at both of their lifestyles. You know one, dad.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

So she came in and she was wearing it was the first visit fertility console she had, and I'm allergic to most mouths, right, I have a very high sensitivity. She came in with so much perfume I actually had to set them across. I couldn't, it was so hard. That's a neurotoxin, meaning it interrupts with the neurology or the communication of the body just from that, and he was having seven expressoes a day. That's a lot. So, just, I didn't have to dig any more deeper. I mean I did right and there was more things to factor. But I was like, if you just cut out the perfume and you cut out seven, have one Sure, I'm not trying to kill you, but seven, heck no.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

And and they started getting adjusted and there's some other lifestyle changes, but it was more. You know, they were active, they were they. They relatively ate, clean, they were physically fit, they were spiritually connected. You know there's like eight different points I look for, but they had these, these things. And so when I was doing the fertility program, I was like you have to do all these things for three months and then and have safe sex, and then, because I don't want anybody to get pregnant now, because we have to rebuild the cells of your body, and and then we'll talk again.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

Well, six weeks later it was my birthday and they came in for their, for their adjustment, and they have like this look of like I've done something bad on my face, but they're carrying this envelope right, and I'm like guys, what's going on? And they're like Doc, we've been bad and I was like God, you know what did they do? Did they go get some hormone? They cheated under yeah right, like did you get hormone shots? Did you eat you know Taco Bell for six days? Like what did you do? And he pulls out six pictures of all the positive pregnancy tests.

Fabiola Reyes:

Oh, my God.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

He's like we broke the rules. But happy birthday, that's so awesome. And only the biggest thing they changed in those six weeks was all the neurotoxins of all the heavy perfumes and the extra caffeine for them. That's all it was. But no fertility specialist ever talked about that. And I'm not saying every fertility specialist is bad, that's not what I'm saying, right, and I'm not saying I'm all and they're not, that's not what I'm saying. But but nobody picked a part, like nobody dove into their life and pick those apart.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

And for them, you know, and they carried full term, beautiful baby, vaginal, relatively fast labor. She got adjusted through the whole pregnancy and it was chiropractic and removing those neurotoxins, right. And there are others I've had to totally revamp their dietary lifestyle. We've had to do marriage counseling not me, but have marriage counseling done because you know they're at each other's throat. So much of you didn't get me pregnant. Well, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, you know, versus, hey, let's remember why we're together. You know a baby won't come into their lives if they don't think it's safe. Right, for another one. We had to.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

Actually, they had a stillborn and they the she was keeping, you know, basically had cryofroased the baby, didn't want to bury it because she was trying to hang on to it. You know, so a leap year and I never knew. It was like six months in the protocol. I'm like something's not working. And then I found out that you know, this baby, they were had cryo and and so I was like, okay, you know, let's put the baby to rest and give it, you know, proper bearing stuff and so for them, and who? I would never have thought that, you know, but you really dig in and obviously that's a more severe story. But there are so many women out there that have stories like that because they're so defeated, they're so lost.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

They've been told their body's broken and as long as all the things are in place, as long as she's not missing a uterus to her, you know, even even one ovary. I've helped a woman get pregnant. She only had one ovary. We just had time which month that ovary ovulated and we got her pregnant. So it's like even that, as long as the pieces are there. You know I've helped a guy with reverse bisectomy. You know we got him pregnant. Like I've been through it all.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

I'm not currently doing that work, but it is possible if you rule out again all the interferences and realizing that the what they're spraying in the sky and what they're putting on our foods and and you know the stress of COVID, you know what it did to us mentally uh, what you know, which is a whole you know show for another day. But for three years, working from home, the stress a lot of people were forced to do things with their body that they did not want to do, go places they did not want to go, and we have to tie all those factors in acknowledge them, get mom out of fight, flight, solve the marriage, clean up the diet, get them moving and then put back into the body what it needs so it could do what God meant us to do. These bodies were meant to procreate, so why aren't they?

Fabiola Reyes:

Yeah, well, that's awesome. Well, well done. I am getting the goosebumps just cause those are miracles, right, I mean um having, yeah, there's so many. We're so far advanced in technology. I feel like everything right, um, and medically as well, and um, and I do believe there's a place for medicine, but I do believe that I think, if all of us like really uh, that oath of helping others right, like there's a reason why a person became a doctor is a person, there's a reason why a person became a practitioner, like all of us coming together, it will really just um, offer so many solutions for some people who really are out there with unhealthy pregnancies or, um, yeah, fertility issues or miscarriages or your name in.

Fabiola Reyes:

So I think the work that you are doing down there in Florida needs to spread everywhere, because, um, yeah, unfortunately, like I said, it's it's, it's a, it's a real problem, and I was just uh, uh, reading a study where, um, umbilical cords were, you know, tested to see um after birth and unfortunately, they found hundreds of thousands of different chemicals that we are being exposed to, and some of them were not even uh, yet in the database, and that's kind of scary. I'm like, oh, my gosh, what's out there, and then no wonder why women are having such um hormone. You know disruption, uh, bath, bath birds, lung labors, you know stuff like and um, and I think you bring up something very important too, like that um that is up to the women right To get pregnant. It reminds me of very old times, right, where if the women didn't get pregnant or didn't have a boy you know, especially from many, many, many years ago then it was all about what she did or didn't do and um, and I felt like we're in such a different place right now.

Fabiola Reyes:

So society, um cause, women choosing to go back to work, uh, or women choosing not to go back to work, and there's so much shame with that. So I think the work that you're doing is really empowering women on whatever decision you've made, it's a survival decision for you, right, and that's what's going to give you that life and prosperity and give that baby the happy life that you want for them and that dynamic um, that's awesome, it's um. I read somewhere that uh, zinc is really good for um sperm motility. Is that something you've come across or um in your experience working with with guys?

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

Here's a little life hack that will save some of you. It's actually it can be. But here's what's even better and it tastes like horrible, but it's $25. It's called black seed oil. Black seed oil literally a little story. The guy who found it. His tagline was it cures everything but death. The FDA sued this guy, the federal drug administration sued him and he won because he proved that it did cure everything but death, right? So in the case of the man, that's one of the things that they go on. Women can take it to, but it's mostly you know, that's that's. I've done a ton of research on that, um, and because it literally helps get the, it helps all cells, um. But I find that that is a huge, huge, huge missing link and the way to get it down is with with some honey spoonful honey makes the medicine go down, um, but it tastes horrible, and so some of my guys won't do it.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

But when you come to like, okay, what can you do? Again, that's a blanket statement. Each person is different. I'm not diagnosing, I'm not saying that this is the cure all, but of any supplement, that is, that is one for sure. Uh, that will be, uh, tested for, for for my, for my guys.

Fabiola Reyes:

That's awesome, and the fact that you uh muscle tests it just makes it even more precise, right, cause I think, um, I'm a muscle tester too and I feel like it does give me that insight, um, as to what the body is really trying to say and also what, what support you need, cause you could be taking everything Um, and sometimes I feel like just by taking everything um just to see what works you're making, you're doing a little more damage um than just in the. The body is like whoa, you're giving me all of this and I still have to process it, and just takes that much more energy for the body, too, to be able to to do that. So that's so awesome, um, we have learned so much from you, dr Lane. You're like a wealth of information.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

It's why I'm looking to expand, um, bring in more associates Exactly what it needs to spread. I want to bring more and more doctors. Um, I'm hoping to come back to New York, uh, when things get a little bit less crazy up there, um, medically. But um, you know, I do want to spread this. I want to help more and more people, because there are women that literally are not sleeping at night because they can't have babies. There's marriages that are being destroyed, um, there are people that are sick when they shouldn't be. There's women that are suffering in pregnancy and delivery and postpartum that shouldn't be.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

And so I wake up every day and I work a million hours because if every day, I help one more person, then they're going to tell their friends and they tell their friends, and even if they never come to me or any other person, that they at least know they have hope. That is my tagline to offer help and hope, um, and that's what I do. And so, and I'm thankful for people like you and other, those of us in the tribe of of people that are out there um, you know, we've proven that we don't have to have kids. You know I wasn't fortunate enough to do that this time, but that I now take care of hundreds of others. You know, we're making better homes, we're making better lives for others, and that's my true gift and that's my way of having kids but still going home to a quiet house at the end of the night. At this point in my life I'm getting older but, um, I'm I'm grateful for what I do and and to have platforms like yours to be able to spread the message and offering that help and those answers that they might not be getting somewhere else. And, um, like, and I wanted to be a medical doctor. They weren't going to accept any of my education, so they were going to put me through another 13 years of school and internships and I just couldn't do it. So, um, I believe that you know medical lives. You know it saves life.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

I'm not anti-medicine, but I also believe that hypocrite said way back, you know, uh, 1500 years ago, let food be thy medicine. And so all the supplement companies I use it is food, it is whole food that we're using. It's, it's homeopathics, it's, you know, instead of eating the processed food and the the energy drinks, why don't we find why the body has no energy? Let's get water into the body. Let's get the body detoxing, let's get rid of the parasites. Let's let's clean up the emotional or mental stresses.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

Um, you know there's so much stigma about mental health, but so many of us have it especially COVID really brought it to light how severe it is but you don't need to be drugged or you don't need to be hypnotized or you don't need to go through you know World War three to make it better. You don't need to talk about. You know, you know Freudian stuff. You know what I mean. Like there's, there's simpler, easier ways, and so you know it's using a posture at church, whether it's, you know, using self-help books, whether it's listening to podcasts, whether it's, you know, taking 10 minutes a day and doing something mentally for you, whether it's journaling things that you're grateful for, whether it's letting go of toxic people in your life. All the make our life better and people like you and I are are helping people on the journey, and so, whoever's watching this, we thank you for watching this. Um, we know it's been a bit of a longer video, but there's so many gems and there's so many pearls and there's so many of us here in America and abroad, uh, that would love to help you.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

So, um, mama Bear Chiropractic is the name of my office name. Um, you could always reach out to the office. Um, I'm happy to get emails. My website has my email address on it and the phone number for the office. There's the ICPA, the International Chiropractic of Pediatrics Association. Icpa four the number four kids is a website, so if somebody's in this country or another country, they literally put in their country or their zip code and they'll pull up like minded people that are trained in in chiropractic, like me.

Dr. Jenny Lane, D.C.:

Um, you know, if it's the nutritional aspect, um, you know, uh, cell core is, then is a big company that I use Standard process is a big company that I use Energetics. They all have our names and they could give you, uh can direct you to people that um have training, like Fabiola and I. So, so you can get the help too. And then, uh, both of us we've had, I'm sure, people have traveled from other states and even other countries to come see for care. That's not unheard of and it's not impossible. So, um, my doors are always open for those who truly want help.

Fabiola Reyes:

That's awesome. Yeah, thank you so much. I was about to ask you how do we reach you? How do how do we people find you? But we'll make sure to include all of that in the um, in the description of the video as well, so people can find you and uh well, thank you so much for spending um some of your morning with us. Um, it was lovely learning from you and um, hopefully we can bye.