Root Cause Solutions For You

Toxicity, Nutrition and Dentistry: Unveiling Hidden Connections

Root Cause Expert, Cert. AK, CellCore & Nutrition Response Testing® Practitioner Season 1 Episode 3

In this episode of Root Cause Solutions For You, we are joined by biological dentist Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. 

Dr. Carver is a Board-Certified, Biologic, Naturopathic Dentist & Certified Health Coach. 

Dr. Carver owns and practices at Carver Family Dentistry in North Adams, Mass. She is on a mission to provide her patients with the best holistic dentistry. 

Dr. Carver has her podcast, "The Root of The Matter," this unique podcast is where you learn from one of the best biologic holistic dentists in the country. Find out many easy, effective methods of improving your dental and oral health and how to use this to improve your overall health!

How often do we ponder the toxins lurking in our dental care products? Join us in a fascinating conversation with Dr. Rachel Carver, a pioneer in biologic dentistry who challenges the conventional approach to oral care. Dr. Carver's journey is as captivating as her enlightening insights, from her health struggles to acquiring her naturopathic medical degree.

We explore how transitioning to natural toothpaste and making simple changes can drastically reduce toxicity in our bodies. But it's not all about theory. Dr. Carver shares practical tips for a more holistic dental care routine and debunks the myths surrounding the controversial root canal treatment. Digging deeper into the connection between oral and systemic health, we discuss how nutrition plays a pivotal role in preventing and reversing gum disorders.

Beyond the dental terrain, this conversation takes you on a journey of discovery and self-awareness. You will gain a fresh perspective on the link between environmental changes, nutrition, and overall well-being. We delve into the impact of our mindset on our health and discuss practical ways to balance a healthy diet on a budget. This episode is a treasure trove of information that can help you navigate your path toward holistic health and wellness. Tune in, and let's redefine the way we perceive dentistry.

To contact Dr. Carver directly, contact her via email at 

To learn more about holistic dentistry and find a biologic Dentist located near you, check out her patient education page:

Want to talk with someone? Call her practice: 413-663-7372

Disclaimer: The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. This podcast is not a medical service; the information provided is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. The Root Cause Solutions For You, its practitioners, and employees make no warranties, express or implied, concerning the contents. The information shared in this episode is the opinion of the speaker and should not be considered medical advice. You should never disregard medical advice or delay seeking it because of the contents of this episode.

Fabiola Reyes :

Hi everyone, welcome to the Rukau Solutions for you podcast and YouTube channel. I am super excited today to have a very special guest, Dr Rachel Carver, who is a biologic dentist. I'm going to actually let her introduce herself and then we'll get right to it. Dr Carver, thank you so much for being here with us today.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

Thank you so much for inviting me, fabiola, it's an honor. I started my dental career in 2003 when I graduated from UConn and spent the next six, seven years doing traditional dentistry until I developed eczema all over my hands. I went the conventional route and the doctors just wanted me to be on steroids. At the time I was 31 years old. Then, finally, at the third prescription, which was like a cancer immune system altering a drug, I said time out. I said nope, this is not right, I said. I knew instinctively that my body was trying to tell me something. I just needed to figure it out.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

So I fired all my doctors and just started reading and trying to understand really what was happening. And through my journey for my own health, I started to make me think about dentistry a little bit differently. I started thinking, wow, there's so much toxicity in dentistry, there's so many heavy metals and so many chemicals. Could I be doing things differently? Most dentists were trained to be like tooth engineers, the old adages drill and fill them and bill them, and that again, healing myself naturally made me think gosh, there must be a better, more natural solution. So that led me. I got really interested in nutrition, because I think a lot of my problem was digestion.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

The sticky gut at the time was just starting to come out in the news, so I went and got a health coaching certificate through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, and more so because I really just wanted the knowledge, not necessarily that I wanted to be a health coach, but that has really served me well in my practice really helping to navigate my patients through better oral health. I mean, nutrition plays a huge, huge role obviously in all of our health, but the oral cavity obviously. Then I went on to learn about ozone therapy and through I actually was going to a colon hydrotherapist and she mentioned ozone to me. I'd never heard of it other than you know it's up there and smog is ruining everything. So I took that course. That led me to an 18 month course in New Jersey where I got my naturopathic medical degree. So that was really fascinating.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

And since I've gotten certifications through two of the more biologic organizations, the IABDM and IAOMT, so I became certified to remove the amalgam safely and through that certification process obviously a lot more education. And then you know, slowly over the years I've been adapting, you know my practice to incorporate all these biological methods. And again, my main goal is always prevention. How can we prevent the cavities? How can we reverse this gum disease? What is the actual cause of it? Because hopefully someday I will never have to pick up a drill again. You know that's kind of the dream there, so I appreciate you giving me the opportunity to help create that awareness.

Fabiola Reyes :

Yeah, no, thank you so much. I mean, you bring a very important concept right which is like how do you view everything right? And I feel like something that holistic, biologic dentistry does is that it views the person as a whole, versus just what might be going on with one tooth and what may be going on with that tooth. How is that a symptom, right, or ramification, of our nutrition? And I think Dr Weston, a Price right, who was, I believe, a dentist, was very, very on the path of nutrition and dentistry, how everything ties up together.

Fabiola Reyes :

So I know that as a practitioner and as a person who goes to the dentist appreciates someone like you who has that broad knowledge, versus just that one tooth or, like you said, that one filling drill it, fill it and then that's it right. You know it was interesting.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

I found a quote back in 2000 that the surgeon general had made this determination that oral health was so important and it could be a sign of something else going on in the respite. That's been 23 years now and few people, let alone dentists, have even heard what is biologic or that there is connection. I think it's been accepted that oral bacteria can cause heart disease. That's been in the literature and that having good oral hygiene will help diabetes management. But that's kind of where it has stopped in the past.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

So it's really important and important for people to know too that if you call yourself a, anybody can call themselves a biologic dentist. So it's more of a philosophy. It's not a specialty, say, like a root canal specialist or a gum specialist, and so there are varying degrees of experience within that biologic community. But again, that the philosophy is important and what I really love with my patients a lot of patients who know that they're already well educated when they come to me, and so it's more of a partnership. I learned just as much from my patients as they learned from me, which is great because they may have been doing something that they know works. So then I can bring that to the audiences that I speak to, to my patients. So that's really exciting and I really think, as healers, as practitioners, it should be a partnership. We're not here to fix you. We have some knowledge and expertise, but it really should be a partnership amongst the patient and a collection of different kinds of healers. That's saying it takes a village. I think it's really true.

Fabiola Reyes :

Yeah, no, that's awesome. And what are some of the tips perhaps that you would recommend to someone who is looking to potentially make that transition from a conventional method or philosophy to more aphoholistic and biologic philosophy and a way of life? Right, because it's definitely establishing those routines and thinking differently about the different toothpaste that we have been using for years and are on commercials and perhaps at a lesser price point than some of the more natural and more biocompatible materials for our body. So how would you advise someone to make some of that transition?

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

So one is educating yourself. There's tons of stuff online, lots of websites. The two organizations I mentioned, iaomtorg and IABDMorg tons of resources on those. So those sites are really good and also have dentist locators so you can find somebody that may be near you. And then again we live in such a toxic world. I mean this is why we're seeing such an explosion of chronic disease today. I'm starting even in our children, which is kind of scary.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

And as a fellow of cell core practitioners, we really believe that toxins really are the main source of most disease and one of the things we talk about a lot is that toxicity creates deficiency. So there are a lot of toxins we can't avoid in the world today. We have to breathe the air, we drink in the water, it's in our food, so it's very hard. So knowing that there are some ways that we can mitigate these toxicities is really important, and some of the highest amounts of chemicals are found in our beauty care products, oral health care products, such as our toothpaste. Our mouth washes even some floss. It has stuff you know, and that's made with BPA plastic you get c into. It's hard to do everything all at once, but making simple changes like switching to a toothpaste. It has to be a priority. Yes, you may spend a little bit more, but we got to think long term. If we are constantly pouring chemicals in our body, maybe it's cheaper, but then maybe 20, 30 years down the line our healthcare costs are going so sky high because our bucket keeps getting fuller and fuller and fuller. The longer we live, the more toxins we accumulate.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

It's those little steps Mouthwash that is huge for me. We shouldn't be swishing something that's fluorescent, blue or green. That is not natural. Simply hydrogen peroxide. You know this cheap $3 bottle you get in the drugstore. A little bit of that, switched with water, with a little bit of baking soda. We don't need all these super fancy products. We just need really good nutrition. If you think back to the cavemen and a lot of Dr Price's work, these people, the aborigines, people in Africa, all these different populations they didn't have toothbrushes, they didn't have toothpaste. Yet they had beautiful, healthy mouths, no cavities, didn't need braces, everything was straight because they were eating a really nutritious diet. So it really has to start there.

Fabiola Reyes :

Yeah, and also the evolution as far as how much space we now have in our mouth. That it's led us to have to have some of our wisdom teeth removed at a certain age for some people. Thankfully, I still have mine, so I haven't gone through that process. I hope not to have to go through that process, just because I really keep that in mind the nutrition and, like you said, the toxicity, how that leads to that deficiency. And, yeah, looking for a toothpaste that doesn't have all those chemicals, right, and doesn't have the fluoride, and but it is also, like you said, that education piece of it and stuff like that. So, no, that's really awesome. Are there any books you would recommend for readers to listeners to start digging into? That might be a good introduction.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

No, that is a great question and that's been on my bucket to do list, the little kind of ebook there.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

Yeah, there are books about different topics. A lot of them are really dense and meant for, like, the practitioner. That's a really good question and I've never been asked that on a podcast, but I should really do some research on there. There's just so much. There's some good information.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

One of the sites I really like is Wellness Mama. She has a lot of good like recipes for, you know, natural toothpaste and really good food. I love her. You know her cookbooks and stuff, so she's got you know when. I think you know a lot of people who seek out that biology mostly their mothers, right, and they want the best for their kids. So I think her site is a really good, good resource.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

Going to, you know, the Westinay price. That website, you know, is fantastic. That has a great, great nutrition, because the one thing that all of those native tribes have in common is they had 10 times the amount of minerals in their diet and four times the amount of the fat soluble vitamins, which is vitamin D, vitamin A, vitamin E and vitamin K. And our foods today, just especially the minerals. Our soils have become so depleted that the foods you know. I think some of the sites that I've looked at, nutrition has declined to by about 50% in most fruits and vegetables only over the last, you know, 50 years. So it's a very quickly now they're.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

You know we're talking about creating all this GMO, weird engineered food. I mean that is so scary to me. I mean there is just your body cannot recognize that food. And I mean it's challenging as a mom raising two teenage daughters, you know, seeing the stuff they want to eat and the food that gets snuck in their bag, and I'm just dismayed. But again, I can't, you know, I can't avoid everything. So what can I do to mitigate those effects, you know? So I give my children those fat soluble vitamins. They take minerals every single day and make sure they take binders. Again, they're girls, they want to wear their perfume and wear their mascara and you know, of course we try to get all the organic brands. But every week I'm in the rooms and like where did this come from? Where, you know, where did this come from? So, giving them some kind of binder that's going to trap all of those chemicals, at least to have a little piece of mind that I'm trying to keep their bucket, you know, as empty as possible, but but again, you know it's challenging.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

And just trying to give them the education so that one day they'll they'll come back to it.

Fabiola Reyes :

Yeah, I know that's awesome. And, like you said, education is power, right, I believe in, in that concept where if you know, then you can do something about it, versus the being in the dark and the unknown of things. Yeah, so you talk about something very important vitamins and minerals right, and totally yes on right on point as far as how our soil has been so depleted over the years, and just yeah, it's just not not something that we tend to think about every day, right? Or, or just when you go to the grocery store, you may not be thinking about, oh where did this come from? Right? So, shopping at farmers markets right, really knowing you're going organic, because all that stuff is going to go, right, right into into the mouth. So, and you talked about toxicity, discreting deficiencies and and the binders what are some of your favorite binders to use?

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

Yes, I'll come back to that one second. But one thing that you made me think about when I'm talking about toxicity is causing deficiency. So typically we think of dental cavities and gum disease. You know, is is a bacterial problem and that's how we're trained, you know. So let's just kill the bacteria and then everything will be fine. But that's only part of the story, right? Because we all have so-called bad bacteria in our mouth. We have so-called bad. You know, we all have Candida, right, and it's normal in a healthy body. It's okay to be there.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

It's when these things get out of balance, right, that we really have that problem. So how does that happen? When we have, we're taking in all these toxins all the time, then the this creates deficiencies, right, because your body is your liver, your kidneys, everything is working overtime to try to process and get these out of there. So you use up your nutrients faster had you not been being bombarded by these toxins, right? So then the whole environment in the body becomes nutrient deficient. That leads to some you know acidity in the body and so the entire environment. When this happens in the mouth, the environment in the mouth changes, right. Your saliva may become more acidic. You don't as much phosphate, you don't have as many minerals, and so those good, healthy bacteria start to die because they don't have any nutrition and those more acidic, nutrient poor environments allow the so-called pathogenic or bad bacteria to thrive.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

So that's really what's happening. It's not that we suddenly one day swallow bad bacteria, but that that the environment in our entire body has shifted and it allows these other things to thrive. Same thing with Candida. You know conditions create and more acidic, less oxygenated environment. So now Candida overgrows because we don't have enough, you know, oxygen and healthy nutrients for that thing. So that's when we need to think about.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

So if we just go about killing bad bacteria but we never then create that healthy environment, we're always going to be fighting the battle, right? We're never going to come to peacetime, right? We're going to be at war all the time, and that is. And then more, the more killing we do, the more imbalance we're creating in our environment. So, yeah, we need the vitamins and minerals, but we also we do, you know those bad things are creating toxins, which then you know that vicious cycle of creating more and more deficiency. So we do want to bind up those toxins you know that we are having. So my favorite by far are the cell core products. This is a company that you know after 10 years of struggling with my eczema and trying this and that it would Get a little bit better, but then it would always come back until I found cell core two months on their parasite products and Gone.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

I mean, I was like whoa, I spent so much time and energy and money and I was like you cannot believe that just these little capsules Were able to. But who would have thought I never, would have thought it was parasites, right? But again, I was always trying to treat my symptoms instead of understanding what was causing all those deficiencies. So once I remove the parasites that were causing all those problems, my body was able to turn back on. So that was exactly so. Then I started really diving into this company. You know, I called up the owners. I'm like what is this? Who are you people like? I gotta know you people.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

Yeah, and I think you know one of the great things about cell core not only do their products really work, but I think part of the reason is like the intention behind that products. You know they really. They are using energy medicine all the time to make sure their products really work. So they have binders and they have four different ones right now, based on what you're trying to bind up.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

But the special thing about these binders versus, say, a charcoal or zealite or chlorella, they have different size chains of carbon. That allows them to go beyond the gut to get those toxins that are hiding in our organs and our bones and what have you? They also bind much more tightly than, say, a charcoal, more like a covalent bond, which is, you know, we kind of discuss that as like a strong link of the arm versus just you know, kind of like this, where charcoal can easily, you know, let go, things go. And the other special thing about these binders is that because they're made with a full-vicin-humic acids which I explained to patients, kind of like compost, just loaded with natural amino acids, minerals, all the good stuff, they are supplying you with nutrition at the same time as binding the bath which you gotta be, careful with a lot of binders.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

They will take good minerals with them so you can get depleted easily. So the fact that they're binding but also Presenting you with the good nutrients same time is super beneficial. So you know and and Special also you know a lot of binding you have to take away from food, take away from supplements, take away from your medications. It gets so confusing and hard and although they do recommend you take them away from prescription medications, it may not be a hundred percent necessary and I can still take it with food. So you know.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

I'm giving my kids. So for gum disease I really like everyone who comes in and has a deep cleaning. We're giving everybody the biotoxin binder and although it does not taste delicious, I have them open and swallow the capsule because I want to make sure that the the binding starts here. If we let them swallow the capsule it may not open till small intestines. We're missing a big portion, you know, right in the stomach, esophagus and mouth, getting those toxins out of there. So very important. So once we can again what's special? The beat binders, I'm binding up the toxins but I'm also supplying those missing nutrients, you know, and that's gonna help. And then in combination I use oral probiotics, I use oxygen drops, proteolytic enzymes I think enzyme therapy is is often, you know, goes unnoticed.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

And a lot of these bacterial species, fungus, you know, you name it, they they get in these thick Biofilms so you can take antibiotics and fungals and they may not be able to penetrate those really thick biofilms. So with enzymes you're able to break through those biofilms. So now all those micro organisms can be recognized and and destroyed naturally by the immune system, right? So enzymes are really good therapy. Abuse a lot my patients with arthritis, you know they just that you can see the stuff in the mouth and Kind of it's like a natural anti-inflammatory, instead of taking always taking the ibuprofen and the aspirin and the leave, which have so many side effects and you know Our liver is already overloaded. We don't want to have to add more to the burden. So some night, and as we get older, you know, our enzymes, our stomach acid all starts to decline. So giving that body a little little extra Hand really is is helpful to get things going.

Fabiola Reyes :

Yeah, no, that totally makes sense because, from a like looking at the whole person right versus just what might be going on in the mouth, you mentioned how it may impact other organs right, like our liver already being so taxed Because we want to get out of pain, or taking all this pain medication, and just how something Simple as a good quality Enzyme can definitely help with that reduction of inflammation.

Fabiola Reyes :

And it just makes me think about the different meridians that are, you know, connected to the different teeth, and can you speak a little bit of that?

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

Absolutely. That was one of the most fascinating things I ever learned. So Some of you may be familiar with the meridian system in Chinese medicine. We have 13 main meridians that connect the top of our head to our toes and so if you imagine if it starts in the top of the head we're gonna pass through, you know, the whole oral cavity. So every tooth is related to a different meridian. So, for example, wisdom teeth are related to the small intestine in the heart. So you know, if you have a cavitation, which is when a tooth is extracted and it doesn't heal properly, that little kind of blank bone space can actually harbor all sorts of microorganisms and Can. So it's a little tricky.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

So if you have, let's say you have a root canal in one tooth, dr Jerry tenant he's a doctor from Texas and he did a lot of research on energy and he says you know, for every root canal tooth that will shut down that energy circuit by 60%. Well, what does that mean? Does that mean that if you have a root canal You're gonna cause cancer on that meridian? Not necessarily. How I explain it is, let's say, you have a hundred soldiers in your immune system army. If 60 of them are up here trying to deal with this chronic inflammation, then you only have 40 soldiers left to deal with anything that comes up along that whole meridian. So, no, it doesn't cause it, but you have fewer immune cells to be able to conquer because, you know, we make cancer cells every day of our lives, right, most of time, hopefully, we're healthy enough that the immune system recognizes it and gets rid of them. But if we have fewer immune soldiers, you know those, those bad cells may be able to get through and and start multiplying. So that's where you have to think, and you know root canals are a huge controversy right in the biologic world. Some by election and say absolutely every single root canal. You've got to get that out. It's terrible. Yeah, now I do believe that every single root canal does. If you were to take it out and analyze it, you would find Bacteria, virus, parasite, lime. You know, you name it, yeah, but everybody's immune system is different, right?

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

So if you have a patient who has zero health issues they have no pain, there's no radio graphic evidence of problems on that root canal Do you need to take it out of that person's mouth? Right? I have that conversation like here's what I have learned. But looking at you as a person, you know it's, it's up to you, do I think it could happen? Yes, you have no health issues. So to me your immune system may be, you know, healthy enough and it's fine.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

You know, now, if you are a person who had multiple autoimmune conditions, fiber magic, chronic fatigue, I'm more encouraging to get that out of the mouth because, yeah, especially if it's on a certain ready and say, you know, the, the lower molars are on the large intestine. So let's say you have IBS, crohn's, one of those kind of digestive disorders, and you've got a root canal. You know that I might do some more energy testing really in that person and see, you know, is this person, you know, is this tooth contributing to inflammation, stuff like that? So so really, again, when we talk about biologic and holistic dentistry, in my opinion that means we have to consider the person as well, not treating a tooth Right. When I had it associate years ago, I was always trying to teach her we're not treating a tooth right, we're treating a person. So where one person might have that treatment, another person with the same situation may have a different treatment, because you have to consider the person, not only their, their physical health, but what is their mental, their spiritual? You know all that plays a factor in how somebody wants to deal with their, with their health care. So, yeah, I have so many stories where I've seen I mean had one for instance a new patient came in, really didn't have much of a health history other than he'd had follicular lymphoma of his uriner I've never heard of that. Okay, um and I. He'd had treatment and he was better and I looked at his series of x-rays. He had one root canal and it was right. Here and right the front teeth are on the urogenital genital muridine. Right, he'd had the root canal nine years before he developed the cancer.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

So again, not to say that that root canal caused it, but perhaps with less energy, right, those cells were able to evade the, the immune system. So it's really interesting a lot of times. And the tricky thing Is, most people, if you have root canal, the tooth is dead and this is why they will harbor micro. Anything that's dead in the body Will harbor viruses. That you know. There's certain frequencies. You know all of our cells, all our body parts, we have all these, these frequencies. So many of us think of our body as just this physical piece of matter we're actually. You know, our cells communicate via light, via energy. You know there may not be much to the fact that there are there even physical receptors on the cells, right? We kind of learned that at the conference we were at last week. So so you really have to consider this energy and I think this is, you know, part of the reason why root canals can go bad that the, the frequency will attract these pathogens, right?

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

Um and so you know we we listen to a lecture last weekend where talked about a woman who had an extraction of wisdom teeth, developed cystic acne six months later and went on for seven, eight years until she had cavitation surgery. Yeah, and what it made me think. Even though maybe the extraction wasn't perfect, they left a little piece of root in there. But I've seen cases where even an extraction like that where you leave people the person is fine. They don't develop any, any health issues and if the body's healthy enough, the body will expel those pieces. I've seen it time and time again. A person is detoxing, they get really healthy and all of a sudden, years later, they'll start expelling little bits of bone. And when I first thought it was like this is so odd, you know, somebody had had deep scaling root planning and two weeks later a piece of bone came out of an old wisdom tooth and they said what this is makes no sense. It wasn't even where we were working. But now that I'm understanding detoxification and how the body really works, yeah, it makes sense, right? We cleaned up all the bacteria and the inflammation that was in the mouth, so now the body was healthy enough to expel what it didn't need. So that's what made me think with this cavitation surgery, that this person probably had some lime or some other chronic infection low grade enough that it wasn't obvious, and that when you have this extraction and it creates a little kind of hole in the bone, all those organisms can flood right to that site and now, in something like a cavitation or a root canal, there's no longer blood supply to that area. So now the immune system can't get there to deal with the infection that's happening. But all of the toxicity that's given off by these organisms is leaching out through the lymph system, getting into the rest of the body. But now the immune system can't get that and that's why you usually have to intervene with some kind of surgery or ozone or something to get in there.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

But again, my point is it all comes down to how the body, how is the body's overall health right, and so along those meridians you need to consider the person's overall health. But again, time and time again I have so many in the upper first molar, that's, on the breast meridian. In my practice alone I've seen five cases of breast cancer and they have an associated infection on an upper first molar. So I see a root canal that looks suspicious on an X-ray and they have a breast cancer history in the family. I'm having that conversation and highly recommending that they consider taking it. But ultimately it's the patient's choice. But as a healthcare provider, I need to provide them with all the information that I have, educate them and ultimately support them in their decision.

Fabiola Reyes :

Yeah, and then you also have like, from a terrain perspective, right, like bringing back toxicities if we've been exposed, let's say, we have a root canal and we're not really chronically ill but everything is fine and then we get doused with some sort of chemical exposure or something and have that tips that terrain right, and then it just may just be the right combination to then aid that environment for then that problem, for it to become a problem right, because immune, it's just busy dealing with the toxicities that we've been exposed to. And then so yeah, I think it makes people think, right, like, oh gosh, I may not be chronically ill, but it doesn't mean you're not experiencing, correct.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

It's like kind of that bucket, right it's. You know when is that bucket going to tip over and have the problem Me, because we're getting insulted every day by the toxicity by the dental work, right? I mean, you've got lots of metal fillings, right? If you have any of those, the silver, you know, all silver fillings are 50% mercury, right, and we were taught in school yeah, but once it's all amalgamized and into the, it's fine, you don't release any mercury. But we know that that's not true. There's been lots of studies that every time we're chewing hot liquids we will release a little bit of mercury vapor.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

And it is you know concerning when I mean you think about how close the brain is to the mouth, but again, everybody's different. But you could have. The other big thing we see in the mouth is, say, you have a silver filling next to a gold crown or even a porcelain fused metal crown. When you have dissimilar metals in the mouth, you create galvanism which is basically like a battery in your mouth.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

So you know, I've seen many cases before I really understood what was going on Sometimes with mouthful of these amalgams and heart issues. You know, not just the gum disease portion but so many, so many different mixes of metals causing all this like atrial fibrillation and weird. You know things because, again, you have batteries happening in your mouth. So that that's a consideration too. And a lot of people don't realize because the crown will look tooth colored. They don't realize what the metal is underneath that. And some of those metals are, you know, because the cheapest metals have the nickel and the cobalt and some of those metals that are really unhealthy for us.

Fabiola Reyes :

Yeah, yeah, and I just think, like you know, like as a consumer, right, as a patient, like you you mentioned, it's ultimately the patient's decision on how to go about treatment, and the more education one has as a patient, then we can make a better educated decision. But also demanding better care from, like our insurance companies, right, yeah, who are, you know, have such a pulse on determinant treatment, whether and most people don't want to do something, even though they really need to, because the insurance company may not cover it. But I remember one time someone mentioning or describing insurance as it's a coupon. You think of it as you have a coupon and you have so much of it, and then you just have to apply the coupon towards whatever your next purchase is going to be, and not letting ourselves be our care be dictated by someone else, but leaving it to professionals who are, you know, really with the intention of helping others to really get better. So also that that mentality, right, that shift, yeah.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

And that's insane, because I mean, you know the amount of insurance that people are allowed today is what it was in 1960. I mean that's insane, right? You know we're 50, 60, 70 years later and you said, and meanwhile, every year, you know you're deductible, your payments are going up and up and up but you're not getting any more and just like everything, you know the cost of health care is outrageous. You know it is very, very challenging. So, and insurances? You know they're not doctors, they're only were, you know, interested in their. You know their bottom line and they made a fortune during COVID because they were still getting their you know their money but they didn't pay out for you know two and a half three months or, depending on.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

I had patients who didn't come back, you know, for a year or so. So you know it's unfortunate the way that it is, but you know that people have to, you know, have what are their priorities. You know, sometimes we think like, if you don't. One of my office managers, she gave me a nice little quote and said if we don't take time for our wellness, we're going to have to make time for our sickness. Yeah, right, and so same thing. You know, sometimes we have to.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

It hurts, you know, to pay this kind of money for this kind of stuff, but we're, you know, in the long run, that's what we're trying to do is to, you know, prevent. You know, so many times you see people they've spent their whole life working, then they retire and then they're so sick. I mean, I see it time and time and time again. You know their nervous system has been, you know, jacked up all of them, and then finally they're able to relax and now, you know, everything that they've been building and storing up is coming out everywhere. So so I think it's important and, and especially for our youngest generation, like kids, now they're born. There's some studies showing that kids are born with over 200 chemicals in their body before they take their first breath.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

So they're already born with that bucket half full, right. So that's why we're seeing, you know, there was a huge decline in in cavity rape until about the mid, from like the 70s right down to the early 90s. And then, like every other chronic disease, right, cavities, diabetes, you know, autoimmunity, you know, sky high. And this a lot has to do with the food right we are. We are eating just nutrient and even if we're trying to eat healthy, it's just again, even organic. So here's the conundrum like organic, a lot of times organic food has fewer nutrient levels because it's being shipped from so far, yeah, but it doesn't have the chemicals you know. So that's why the best, like you said, the best food you can get is local right, local fresh right, I mean, because then it's going to. You know, if you can get local organic, that is ideal. You know, if you can grow your own food, awesome, let me know how you do it.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

My husband bought me a really cool thing for Christmas. It's called the garden. It's like hydroponic gardening and we're we're making all sorts of great. You know, lettuce, so we are even growing cucumbers and strawberries. It's very, it's great, but anyway, that's that's so. That's the choice. Do I need more, at least for me. I feel like I'd rather not have the chemicals, because they can get embedded in your body and very challenging to get out, whereas I can supplement myself with nutrients.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

Yes that's another cost. No-transcript, that's challenging because people know I can't do organic. It's too expensive.

Fabiola Reyes :

Yeah, yeah, no, yeah, no, a totally, and, and it's and I love that quote. I think I saw it floating on social media as well was like, oh, this is such a good one.

Fabiola Reyes :

And taking the time now and educating ourselves and others, right because. And then and then speaking that not just Holding into yourself, but like, hey, share with someone else. You read a good book that talks about whatever that is health oriented. Just give it to someone else, right, just pass and pass it along, because there are more of us who know about this. Then we can make those kind of decisions and demand better care, whereas hopefully at some point there's a chef to write with insurances and healthcare and all that stuff.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

That's. That's the only way we've ever made real progress. I mean, just, I always think about the gluten-free industry didn't even really exist 10, 15 years ago, but people started demanding it and wanting it and now it's, you know, a billion dollar industry. So that's the same thing. You know, we can try to change the insurance company mind, change policy, but I'm like it's kind of, you know, wasted time those people are. They're stuck in their ways. They have that's the way it is.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

But if people start demanding more of this, the interest in this, this natural healthcare, these more root cause solutions, yeah, I mean just, you know that people seeking alternative I hate that word alternative, but, yeah, holistic treatments, more natural healing, I mean that that has Grown by leaps and bounds because people are demanding, and so that's what we need to do, by getting that education out and helping them come up with solutions. So, okay, I have a family we can't always afford organic, okay, well then, there's a great thing on the internet. You can look up, right, the dirty dozen there's 12 every every year. Right, they come out with the 12 foods that have the most amount of pesticide. Yeah, so, at the very least, just try to avoid, you know those, those products, right, and, if you can, more and more, you know around where we are.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

There's lots of farmers, markets, local people, more and more people, I think, are growing their own meat. I mean, we have, you know, a small little kind of family farm. We're growing our own cows, our own pigs, chickens for our own eggs, and most communities are open. I mean the town next to us which is, you know, much more condensed with people. They've got little tiny one acre, lots with chickens in the backyard. You know so, you know. So that's exciting to see that and you know. But there's some of us who you know, I, I don't want, I don't want to raise, you know, livestock but looking for, you know the places. There are companies like butcher box, right, that you can get grass fed Meat from which I was doing before we started doing doing our own stuff, which is again expensive.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

But you got to think of, like where do we want our priorities to be? Should I forgo my Dunkin Donuts coffee so that I can afford the grass fed ground beef right Again? Everybody has their own design. There's zero judgment here at zero jet. I had done it, don't? It's yesterday, okay, so you know. It's just, it's how we we shipped our priorities and what is the most important to us, and it changes.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

I think as we go through different stages of life our priorities will shift a little, but, but when we're armed With all the education, we can make those right choices. I mean, we live in a modern world. It's really hard in one of the. The biggest things I try to teach my patients is yes, we want to eat nutrient-dense foods, but we could be eating the healthiest Salads. But if we're doing it in front of the TV or while we're trying to answer emails or, you know, while we're stressed out, we're not going to absorb any of that nutrition. So not only what we eat, but how are we eating? Can we get into that? Because if we are in that anxious, revved up, sympathetic nervous system, our body is focused on, you know, keeping our heart rate and trying to keep us alive. It's not focused on digestion. So we really want to consider that and really, you know the the mind about it, the more I got it to my own healing and got into that energy medicine and the emotional Spiritual space and like, if you can't, you know you have to be in the right right mindset.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

Yeah, I think one of the reasons I had a hard time with my kids at first and why they really bucked against me trying to feed them healthy stuff is because I was coming at it with fear. If you don't do this, you're gonna have a cavity or you're going to get sick or whatever, instead of from a loving place. Guess what I learned? You know what. We're gonna try. Let's all try to do that. So, so I try to teach my mom. So I see a lot of moms come to me and they're very holistic and their kids they're like, they're so confused. Why is my kid have so many cavities? Yeah, and I look at them and myself very similar, like, oh, because, as moms were so fearful, we're so worried, we are so educated.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

But instead of using that and it's it's, it's challenging, I know I try it all the time to don't come from that place of fear, because fear is one of the lowest Frequencies there is right, fear and hate their way down. Bomb. Love is the complete opposite. You know, love and hate are not opposites. Love and fear are opposites. So so, as as moms and I working on this every day, you know when I learned something new? Not, you know, I don't. It can't come across as a fear.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

And of course, as moms, we have our best intentions. We want what's best for our kids. But sometimes and remember kids they're a lot closer to the consciousness than we are right, they haven't had all that stuff beat out of them yet, so they feel our energy much more strongly than adults do. So when we're coming at them with that fear, even though we're not, we don't think we're fearful or think we're doing it out of love. That energy can easily shift and Can create stress in the kids. And, as I said, when the kids are feeling stressful because you know their parents are feeling stressful, then that's when they can get those health issues too.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

So I don't have all the answers to that, because it's something I'm working on all the time, but it's I think it's a really, when we're talking about nutrition, that we need that, that love nutrition is really important too, because when we feel calm and in a good environment, that's when Everything works right. You know, when we're in that frequency of love, the body works right, the mind works right. You know, everything works better. So, yes, we want the physical nutrition, yes, we want to brush our teeth, but we also have to have that good, healthy mindset too.

Fabiola Reyes :

Yeah, no, that's awesome, I love it and that's why you know that, again, that holistic point of view, that Biologic point of view, like how, how does one thing affect the other, and not just looking at one thing like nutrition or dentistry or this. You know, it's like literally every organ of the body it's impacted by how we eat, the times of the day we eat, our routines, our choice of food, our choice of practitioners, and I encourage anyone who you know who's who's not had solutions, right, because some people might be like look from bounds, from one practitioner To the other, from one doctor to the other, and it's just about like, what is that? What is that root cause? Right, and I do feel like, with a lot of clients that I've worked with it, it always almost boils down to what's going on in your mouth, because we've done everything right.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

That reminds me I had a new patient yesterday and he's been working with a practitioner, you know, doing all this health stuff, because she kept telling him you have leaky gut, we need to work on this way. And so did months and months, and months and nothing was changing. So he's like I just stopped going to her and not that I didn't like her and value her opinion, but it wasn't working. He came and I looked in his mouth. I was like, well, no wonder, just severe periodontal disease.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

And I said you have such disease, such inflammation and an infection in your mouth you're constantly swallowing that You're never going to heal your leaky gut if you're constantly putting the infections and the toxicity back into the gut. So again, for practitioners who are listening, so so important that you've got to make sure you're asking about the mouth because you're going to spend so much time and energy. And I know as a practitioner, when something's not working you kind of feel like a failure. You know, and you don't, you want to help people, so when it's not working, it's very frustrating and makes you feel bad. So please look in the mouth because, again, that's something we swallow I don't know a couple hundred times a day, and so we're constantly reseeding the you know toxins back into the body.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

So we've got to, and the exciting thing to me about being a dentist is the mouth is so accessible, right. I can easily take out infected teeth. I can help clean up the gums, because it's a lot easier than treating you know leaky gut right, where we can't see exactly what's going on. I can see exactly what's going on. We have great kind of saliva tests that it can screen and look for a certain thing. So so that is one of the easiest ways to get better. Somebody get better is if you make sure number one, that the mouth is healthy.

Fabiola Reyes :

Yeah, no, totally yeah. I mean this reminds me of a case that this lady who's always had like a lot of tension on and cramps on her neck and I mean she's been a client for a while now and we've been working on things. It's been a huge part for her in bartonella. One of the Lyme Co-Infections has been a huge part for her. But then I was just like, hey, I mean you got, you got mercury fillings in your mouth, and it's not just mercury, right, it's silver, copper, zinc and that stuff is not really meant to be in your body.

Fabiola Reyes :

So finally went to a biologic, biologic dentist and holistic dentist and he reordered what I had already mentioned to her and how the meridians, right, and all this was so close to her neck. So she's been working slowly to get those amalgams safely removed right With the procedure and she feels so much better, like she feels like her neck is there's not as many as passams, she's not spending all this time in physical therapy. Her supplement protocol it's shorter too, because her body doesn't need all this extra supplementation, because she's tackled the right thing. So I definitely encourage anyone who it's just yeah, it's been working for a while on getting better or just doesn't feel good to really go and look for a holistic dentist to really look at that what's going on in the mouth and really take that on seriously.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

So yeah, I've seen her Absolutely, and I mean most physicians, most interns, they won't, wouldn't even think about the mouth, you know, because in modern medicine we've cut off the head from the rest of the body, right so, and most of the time you don't feel anything in the mouth, so you don't think about it. Your doctor certainly isn't thinking, most dentists don't aren't aware of all these connections, so. So that's why you know it's important we're doing this to create that awareness. And, like you said, if there's something you know, and just like that case we heard this weekend, you know this girl with the captain, I mean eight years she had this horrible cystic acne, spent so much time and money trying to fix her face when it was, you know, an infection in the mouth, you know so, yeah, really handling the correct target right, Nice, not not something else, not, that's so awesome.

Fabiola Reyes :

We've learned so much and I think you really broaden our scope as far as, like, the things that we need to look at as far as nutrition, how to eat the different foods and that you know are going to be important, as far as minerals and vitamins that are important for dental health. Also, toxicities, how toxicities create that deficiency, and to just look at, you know, the whole person as a whole and looking yourself as a whole as well. Right, like taking on that as well. Is there anything that you want to leave us with any, any other advice besides everything you've already shared with us?

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

I think one of the things we were we were mentioning. You know you talked about people going from doctor to doctor to doctor to doctor or dentist to dentist to dentist, that, that and just what you said. You need to look within, because if you expect and I did this for 10 years I was expecting something or someone to fix me, but it really had to. Yes, I needed support, but you have to go within yourself. You know what is happening internally that may be also inhibiting. You know we can try to treat the physical stuff, but is there something mentally or emotionally?

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

are you not getting enough support? Do you not have supportive relationships? You know, that is a really important thing that I found, because now, as a by-law, I'm dealing with people who are very sick, very complex issues, and the theme I see again and again and again is these people who are isolated, right, they don't have good support systems. They think somebody else, you know, can heal them. So, again, it's important to understand that you can heal yourself you know, I totally do even without supplementations and a crappy diet, like if you can get into those good meditative states and start here you're going to be. That's what I'm working on, you know learning how to get into those states where it can let the fuzziness of modern world go and really focus on the inner world and being the peace, being grateful, showing that the more gratitude we show to each other, to our healthcare providers, to ourselves, I think the better the whole world would be and we would all be a lot healthier.

Fabiola Reyes :

Yeah, I know that's awesome, I love it. And, dr Carver, I think you also have a podcast right when people are educating people about dentistry. You want to share a little bit about that?

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

Yes, thank you so much, fabio, for mentioning it. So we just started this wonderful podcast. It's called the Root of the Matter. You can find it on Spotify, apple, google I think, wherever you find most of your podcasts and we are. I've been interviewing a lot of people to really highlight again more of what Fabio and I have been talking about this connection of oral disease to systemic disease. So it's you know, there aren't really many podcasts out there, you know talking about this, so I'm excited to bring in a lot of practitioners and a lot of practitioners and create that awareness. So thank you for that.

Fabiola Reyes :

Yeah, of course. No, I've been listening to your, to your chapters as they've been coming out and it's and sharing them with my clients. Thank you, oh gosh, this is so awesome because you really put things in a way that we can all understand, Although, you know, sometimes you can get away from certain awards, but everything is still very un-standable, and if anyone wanted to find you to potentially refer a friend or family member or themselves become a patient of your practice, where would they find you?

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

So just go to my websites wwwcarverfamilydentistrycom, or you can reach out to me directly at drdrcarver at carverfamilydentistrycom.

Fabiola Reyes :

Awesome, awesome, perfect. Well, thank you so much, Dr Carver, for not only being here with us today, but everything that you've done throughout the years to bring great education to your patients and others, and I really appreciate your time on today's episode for root cause solutions for you.

Dr. Rachaele Carver Morin, DMD. :

Well, thank you, and thank you to everybody who's listening and taking the time to create health for yourself and spread the awareness. Awesome, all right.

Fabiola Reyes :

Thank you so much.