Root Cause Solutions For You

The Journey to Better Health Through Nutrition with Joseph Strickland

July 22, 2023 Fabiola Reyes Season 1 Episode 4
The Journey to Better Health Through Nutrition with Joseph Strickland
Root Cause Solutions For You
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Root Cause Solutions For You
The Journey to Better Health Through Nutrition with Joseph Strickland
Jul 22, 2023 Season 1 Episode 4
Fabiola Reyes

Ever battled a health issue that left you desperate for answers beyond the conventional route?

That's precisely what happened to Joseph Strickland, the owner of Better Body Clinical Nutrition in Austin, Texas, whose relentless staph infections sparked his journey into the world of nutrition. You'll want to hear his fascinating story influenced by eye-opening food documentaries like Super Size Me, Fast Food Nation, and Food Babe. Not only does Joseph share his personal experiences, but he also delves into the intriguing concept of Nutrition Response Testing®.

Find out the truth about your health with Nutrition Response Testing®! 

In this episode of Root Cause Solutuosn For You, we are joined by Joseph Strickland, A.C.N, B.S, in this important conversation about nutrition and how Nutrition Response Testing® can help you achieve your health goals. 

Imagine if your body could tell you precisely what it's lacking nutritionally. Joseph Strickland introduces us to this possibility through the concept of nutrition response testing, a tool that uses the muscular system to identify stress responses in our bodies. This episode takes a deep dive into how our food's nutrient values have been altered since the 1950s due to fertilization and how these changes can impact our overall health. But that's not all - we also discuss how personal spending habits can influence the food industry and why advocating for our health is crucial.

From food regulations to environmental stressors like chemicals, heavy metals, and scars, it's clear that our health is being affected in numerous ways. In this episode, Joseph sheds light on how these factors can disrupt our body's ability to process and utilize nutrition. But fear not, as Joseph also brings solutions to the table, highlighting the benefits of a tailor-made nutrition plan and explaining how to listen to our body's signals.

Discover the evidence-based benefits and learn how to ask the right questions to make sure you get the best nutrition advice for yourself. Tune in now and give your body the nutrition it needs! 

Don't miss this enlightening discussion that will make you see food and nutrition in a new light. Grab your headphones, buckle up, and let's navigate this journey to better health together.

Do you live in Austin, Texas? Reach out to Give Better Body Clinical Nutrition and schedule an Initial Asssmentn appointment! 

They can be reached by email at or by phone at 512-961-1866

Nutrition Response Testing® is a non-invasive system to assist a practitioner's assessment of the underlying causes of ill health. This view of neurological reflexes and health status is not a conventional medical view but a form of complementary or alternative medicine. Testing is for screening purposes and should not be relied upon by itself as a final test of the presence or absence of any disease or conclusive evidence about nutritional deficiency or sensitivity. The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated the Nutrition Response Testing® system, wellness products, and statements about dietary supplements. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Disclaimer: THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION HAS NOT EVALUATED THESE STATEMENTS. This is not a medical service; our information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. The Root Cause Solutions For You, its practitioners, and employees make no warranties, express or implied, concerning this email's contents. You should never disregard medical advice or delay seeking it because of the contents of this episode.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Ever battled a health issue that left you desperate for answers beyond the conventional route?

That's precisely what happened to Joseph Strickland, the owner of Better Body Clinical Nutrition in Austin, Texas, whose relentless staph infections sparked his journey into the world of nutrition. You'll want to hear his fascinating story influenced by eye-opening food documentaries like Super Size Me, Fast Food Nation, and Food Babe. Not only does Joseph share his personal experiences, but he also delves into the intriguing concept of Nutrition Response Testing®.

Find out the truth about your health with Nutrition Response Testing®! 

In this episode of Root Cause Solutuosn For You, we are joined by Joseph Strickland, A.C.N, B.S, in this important conversation about nutrition and how Nutrition Response Testing® can help you achieve your health goals. 

Imagine if your body could tell you precisely what it's lacking nutritionally. Joseph Strickland introduces us to this possibility through the concept of nutrition response testing, a tool that uses the muscular system to identify stress responses in our bodies. This episode takes a deep dive into how our food's nutrient values have been altered since the 1950s due to fertilization and how these changes can impact our overall health. But that's not all - we also discuss how personal spending habits can influence the food industry and why advocating for our health is crucial.

From food regulations to environmental stressors like chemicals, heavy metals, and scars, it's clear that our health is being affected in numerous ways. In this episode, Joseph sheds light on how these factors can disrupt our body's ability to process and utilize nutrition. But fear not, as Joseph also brings solutions to the table, highlighting the benefits of a tailor-made nutrition plan and explaining how to listen to our body's signals.

Discover the evidence-based benefits and learn how to ask the right questions to make sure you get the best nutrition advice for yourself. Tune in now and give your body the nutrition it needs! 

Don't miss this enlightening discussion that will make you see food and nutrition in a new light. Grab your headphones, buckle up, and let's navigate this journey to better health together.

Do you live in Austin, Texas? Reach out to Give Better Body Clinical Nutrition and schedule an Initial Asssmentn appointment! 

They can be reached by email at or by phone at 512-961-1866

Nutrition Response Testing® is a non-invasive system to assist a practitioner's assessment of the underlying causes of ill health. This view of neurological reflexes and health status is not a conventional medical view but a form of complementary or alternative medicine. Testing is for screening purposes and should not be relied upon by itself as a final test of the presence or absence of any disease or conclusive evidence about nutritional deficiency or sensitivity. The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated the Nutrition Response Testing® system, wellness products, and statements about dietary supplements. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Disclaimer: THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION HAS NOT EVALUATED THESE STATEMENTS. This is not a medical service; our information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. The Root Cause Solutions For You, its practitioners, and employees make no warranties, express or implied, concerning this email's contents. You should never disregard medical advice or delay seeking it because of the contents of this episode.

Fabiola Reyes :

All right everyone. Thank you so much for joining us on another episode for Rood Call Solutions for you. I am very delighted to have today and I have my notes so I know exactly how to introduce our guest for today we have Joseph Strickland, who is the owner of Better Body Clinical Nutrition in Texas, right?

Joseph Strickland:

That's right, austin, texas, actually Austin in Texas, austin is kind of its own state within Texas. You know, there you go, there you go.

Fabiola Reyes :

He is an advanced clinical nutritionist and he has also got a bachelor's in nutrition science. That's right. Well, thank you so much for joining us today. So tell us a little bit about yourself.

Joseph Strickland:

So I'm a nutritionist. I've been in practice since 2008 at Better Body Clinical Nutrition and I actually didn't plan on getting into nutrition. It wasn't necessarily that. I woke up when I was three years old. A lot of times your kids they'll say oh, I want to be a fireman, I want to be a policeman. If I didn't say it, I want to be a nutritionist.

Joseph Strickland:

However, I kind of was, because my parents had told me that aspartame and nutrace wasn't that great, and so when we'd go to the grocery store I always loved going to the grocery store I would see that in people's carts and I would walk up to them and I would say, hey, don't get that, that's bad for you. And so I was already telling people what they shouldn't eat from a very early age. And then later I found it again. When I was in my 20s, I started to get staph infections, and that's something that you normally get in your 80s. But what happened was, after about three rounds of antibiotics, I asked the medical doctor why is it that I'm getting staph infections? And he said no, no one knows. You just take the antibiotics and hope you get better. And so that, to me, didn't quite work as an answer. And right around that time there was the documentary Super Size Me with Morgan Spurlock, which shows you a person that's eating McDonald's three times a day, seven days a week.

Joseph Strickland:

I would argue that McDonald's has gotten a little bit better since then. They at least have some salads and stuff like that. There's still some food quality issues that I could argue about, but at that time there wasn't really any awareness about what was in there. And since then you've had food. Babe. Talk about the same chemical that's in a yoga mat being in the bread at Subway. That's not in there anymore. They don't have a lot of the preservatives that they used to have in the chicken nuggets, and that's all because of people bringing to light what that's about. And I read the book Fast Food Nation, which is a fascinating book, but one of the parts tells you how they make French fries and burgers. They go over how if you go to Wendy's it smells a certain way and if you go to McDonald's it smells different. And it's because they actually the same companies that make perfume. They make the flavorings and the smells for that.

Joseph Strickland:

So when I learned all of that I was like I wonder if that. So I went and saw somebody that does some version of muscle testing not nutrition response testing. But when I started to not get as many staff infections, I was like, oh man, I've got to learn how this stuff works. And so then at that point one of the best ways to learn it was nutrition response testing with Dr Freddie Ewing. And so I did that.

Joseph Strickland:

And then people saw that I got better from that. They saw my struggle with the staff infections. They saw that I got better. And then it was my mom, my sister, their friend, and then I also managed a chiropractic clinic at the time. So between what I learned there and I got to practice for free for a number of years, just kind of doing it, and I'm like I guess this is what I'm going to do. That's kind of. And then I started Better Body Clinical Nutrition in 2008 after about two years of that and I've never stopped.

Joseph Strickland:

And it's always been amazing to me that it drives itself with word of mouth, because people really do like understanding why something is happening. If a person is having digestive upset, an irritable bowel syndrome, you want to find out what's irritating the bowel, not just go along with. Well, you know my bowel's irritated. There's got to be something that's irritating the bowel. It's in the definition of the word but it's missing, and it's not the lack of whatever drug handles irritable bowel syndrome, just like you don't have an aspirin deficiency when you have a headache. So that's what got me into nutrition response testing and, you know, really seeing people get better is what keeps me doing what I do.

Fabiola Reyes :

That's so awesome. Thank you so much for sharing that. Yeah, I mean, you bring so many interesting points. It's so hard to pick which one do I want to talk about a little bit, but something similar happened to me where, as far as like watching that SuperCybe documentary- and. I don't think I've had McDonald's or fast food of any kind ever since. It was just like oh my gosh, and it just became also an awareness shift you know like if.

Fabiola Reyes :

McDonald's can make money out of selling 5, 10 nuggets for a dollar. What's in it? Right? And that's what the clients now. Just think about it. What's in it if they can make money out of that. So that is so awesome. So, and yet you write, people get hooked on how does it work, right? How are you better after having gone to the doctor, having gone to so many specialists and so many different things, that now you're, you know, kind of like magically, you know, your health has been restored. And yeah, similar happened to me where no one could figure it out my headaches and cardiologist. I had MRIs, I had all kinds of different studies and it wasn't you know two until I found nutrition response testing practitioner that was like, hey, it's actually heavy metals and guess what your diet. So I was like, wow, there's something to this. So I'm so happy to hear that so many of us practitioners fight, find similar, the same path.

Joseph Strickland:

It's just different, so it starts with, you know, kind of understanding that wait, what's supposed to work isn't. And then you know you're open to Well, let's find another way. You know, and and I do tell people you know when I first see them it's not like nutrition response testing isn't odd, you are different than what you're used to seeing, but I always the way I explain it is I say, look, you know, a medical doctor takes blood out of your arm and then they look at it and then they tell you some things based on that. Yeah, kind of weird too, if you think about it. I'm pressing on your arm and I'm looking for things and I'm finding information. So it's my tool that I use as a practitioner to know what to recommend, just like somebody that looks at blood uses their tool for what to recommend.

Joseph Strickland:

Now, typically they're in the field of drugs and surgery, so that's a different approach. And what I'm in is I'm I'm into the concept that the body heals itself and and that if you feed the body the Components that it needs to rebuild and repair, then it's probably gonna try to do that. And then there's some neat things with nutrition response testing that lets you find Things that can get in the way of the body being able to heal itself. So you've got another layer there, because sometimes the body wants to heal itself, but there's something that's kind of in the way of that happening. A good example of that would be, let's say, that somebody is Sensitive to well. Make it really simple if you drink a glass of water, it's good for you, but if you try to drink a pool, it'll kill you, right? Yeah, so you can have anything and you can go overboard on it, and it is very common in our current situation To just eat the same thing over and over and over, in large amounts.

Joseph Strickland:

Yeah, wheat is a great example. You might have a breakfast sandwich that's in a bun for breakfast, a burger for lunch and then maybe pasta for dinner. You know, and that's a great example of a lot of people that do that because it's a very easy food to eat very quickly and it contains or holds flour tortillas or another example. So a person can overdose on wheat, even separate from the gluten issue. You know, you hear a lot of you oh, I'm gluten-free and and there's a whole stigma behind it. Now you know, yeah, you know, if you all they're gluten-free, you don't even need to be, it's all in their head.

Joseph Strickland:

Well, it it may be not necessarily the gluten-free, it just maybe that they're having less wheat because they've been overdosed on it.

Fabiola Reyes :

You know yeah, not totally so. So now we've tossed this word or this Concept nutrition response testing right, so some of our followers may already be familiar with that concept, but for the ones that are not, tell us a little bit about, like, so what is nutrition response testing?

Joseph Strickland:

So nutrition response testing is a tool that a practitioner uses.

Joseph Strickland:

It could be a medical doctor, could be a chiropractor, acupuncturist, nutritionist Really, where somebody is, that Isn't as important but it's a tool that that it's based in something called applied kinesiology, physiology and what. What it what its root is, just like we're talking root cause nutrition. The root of nutrition response testing is actually started from a chiropractor named Dr Goodheart, and it was the 1950s, and and what he found was that in Chiropractic it used to be Kind of this miracle thing. Right, somebody fell off a tree, their spine went out of alignment and then afterwards they, they couldn't walk right, they couldn't hear. The chiropractor came to their house and Did one quick adjustment, you know, got it back in and then the kid could walk again or could hear again or could see again. And well, what happened in about 1950 is Chiropractors started to notice that the miracles were a little bit less. A little bit less, you know. And Dr Goodheart Wondered why, if he gave a really good adjustment and somebody had neck pain, why didn't the neck pain go away? And what he found out is that, basically, when you look at the organs, every organ has a muscle that's connected to it. Okay. Good example is gallbladder. If somebody has a gallbladder attack or a problem with their gallbladder, what the medical doctors will look for is pain right here. Right, and that's because the the reflux From muscle that's connected to the gallbladders there. And so what he? What he saw, was that because the way food was being Changed in our society, how it was grown it used to be, you did crop rotation, so One season you grow oranges, one season you grow bananas, because the soil has 77 minerals and Different fruits and vegetables use different combinations of those minerals. So you didn't want to do the same thing over and over again, so that the minerals got depleted. Yeah, well, I.

Joseph Strickland:

After World War II, so after 1945, essentially, they started using fertilization. They had these big chemical companies after World War II that were created for the war and they needed to figure out where to put these chemicals, because they were in operation right or in the stock market, and what they found is that you could grow pretty much anything with three minerals phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium and so instead of dewyzing all 77, they started just fertilizing. Now the problem with that is that when you only use three minerals out of 77, you become deficient in those 74. Well, that carries forward in the feed for the animals that we eat. So the animals become deficient, we become deficient.

Joseph Strickland:

Ut did a study in 2008 where they looked at the nutrient values of an orange in 2008 versus 1950. And they found that you needed 50 oranges in 2008 to equal one from 1950, right, which is amazing. And so, with nutrition response testing, you're basically using the concept that the body heals itself as your main idea, and then you're figuring out what minerals and support is missing, just like if you were building a wall with bricks, if you didn't have the cement to put between the bricks, the bricks wouldn't stand very long, right, wind could just blow them over, right? So, similar concept your finding. It's a tool that helps you find what those missing pieces are, so that you're not having to take a ton of supplements because you can go to the grocery store and see, you know, there's like a thousand different things. And where do you go? I mean, there's all these things online that say, oh, take this one, it's this little piece and it's a miracle.

Joseph Strickland:

And so you know, the neat thing about a lot of the products that we use in nutrition response testing is that they have all those little pieces of those little things, but they're in a whole combination of things from real food, but they grow things the way things were grown before 1950.

Joseph Strickland:

So you know, with those beets you're getting a super concentrated beet that automatically is equal to about 50 you get from the supermarket and then they're concentrating that further by getting rid of the fiber and the sugar and, just you know, getting the what are called the phytonutrients, which is basically everything outside of what you're used to.

Joseph Strickland:

Like vitamin C is a sorbic acid. Well, there's the things around a sorbic acid and I think a carrot has like 213 different things in there, right? So if you get concentrated carrots, you're getting 213 things plus the vitamin A, you know, and the various things like that, right? So that aspect of it is amazing. But the way that the tool works is we use an arm that's connected to that muscular system, that's connected to those organs, and we can tell by resistance whether or not, when we, when we press a reflex, whether or not it's causing stress to the body and you know, only organs that are stressed will respond, and so you get that muscle response and then we're able to use that as a tool in order to figure out how to pinpoint exactly what to do.

Fabiola Reyes :

Yeah, no, that's awesome and it's very, you know, it's very precise. I find it to right where you get you, take the guests out of bed and yeah, you're right, you know. It is also very comforting for clients who experience such tool as part of their care, because they know what they're taking is exactly what their body needs. It's exactly what is going to help them remove those barriers that are preventing them from fully from their body. You know, being able to heal and repair and I get it.

Fabiola Reyes :

My husband was a he's a health junkie and every week we would go to GNC or vitamin world and you know, health food store and every time we'll come back with something. And then at some point I'm like this is getting ridiculous. Look at all the supplements we have here and you don't even know if they're really helping you. Right, you just kind of guessing. And ever since becoming involved with muscle testing, nutrition response testing, now we know that exactly what's on our you know our medicine cabinet is exactly what we need to be taken. So I really appreciate and I love the history lesson. I think that is so important because we know how things progress right and we understand that then we have a better appreciation of what, how the soil right it became so deficient in nutrition and stuff like that.

Joseph Strickland:

Yeah, and on history, I mean, I always thought, you know, when I started in nutrition that you know it was just happening right now. You know, right now people are understanding about nutrition and it's never been understood before. But when you look at history, it's a. There's a lot of history there, and one of my favorite things that I that I uncovered when I was looking and kind of looking back at where people got interested in it is from a time period of 19, about 1913.

Joseph Strickland:

Uh huh, in here in the United States, a lot of people have heard that cocaine used to be in Coca Cola, right? Well, the way that it got out of Coca Cola was a guy named Dr Harvey Wiley and he was a chemist, and there was a in 1908 there was a bill that was passed called a pure food and drugs act, and Dr Harvey Wiley was the head of this chemistry bureau, and basically what he did is he said, okay, look, these different food companies are putting things in food that's not good, and so he actually started suing and he had a list of different companies to go after that were doing things that he didn't feel were in the best interests of our health. The first one was cocaine and Coca Cola. That happened. He won that. The second one that went to the courts was he sued the Pillsbury company and the Pillsbury company he sued because they were bleaching flour. Now, why is that an issue? Well, bleached flour. When you bleach flour, it creates a chemical called a loxin. A loxin is what they use to create diabetic mice for drug studies. Oh my God. So he said look, if we're consuming, as a society, a chemical, even though it doesn't directly cause that right away, what's it gonna do long term? And from 1913 to now, just look at how many people have type two diabetes, right? I mean, it's crazy.

Joseph Strickland:

I'm not saying it's a one for one, but when you see how prevalent wheat is in there, there's a great book called Wheat Belly, which, interestingly enough, I did a YouTube video back in 2008, before Wheat Belly came out, talked about all this, and then I was so excited that a doctor picked it up somewhere. Research is all out there. I'm not saying he got it from me, I doubt it but he picked up on it and he wrote Wheat Belly, right, and then it's all in there, everything that I had found on that topic and, long story short, what ended up happening is that case went all the way to the Supreme Court and he actually won. But basically they came up with some kind of like he wasn't popular let's put it that way because there was a lot of money behind it and they ended up kind of saying, well, as long as there's not too much of it, it's not that big of a deal right.

Joseph Strickland:

And that's kind of what happened there. And then he actually it was so expensive for the US government to go after these food companies that what they did is he resigned, he was gonna get fired, and then they went ahead and put guess who they hired as his replacement the person that they just sued and took to the Supreme Court, the former head of the Pillsbury's company. He became the new head of that which then turned into the FDA. So and that's kind of the history of our food regulation, or one of the components in there, which is just wild. I mean you can't write a better story than that. I mean it's just wild.

Fabiola Reyes :

Yeah, it is, and I think it's interviews like this and it's conversations like this that make people think. Right, it's thinking outside and the questioning of it.

Fabiola Reyes :

Right, being your own health advocate and not necessarily just like oh, you know, a company put it out there and must be safe, and then you bring such an amazing concept to where, as long as it doesn't have a lot of it, right?

Fabiola Reyes :

So, yeah, so we're not killing you right away, we're not, but we're killing you a little by little. And like that effect of the boiling frog, right, like if you put it in the pot and the stove and it's lukewarm and you just let it sit there and increase the temperature, just little by little, and this thing, you know, the water is boiling and the frog is just like comfortable, you know, so like unaware of the change of that environment. So I love that and thank you for that. We, like I said, it's fascinating to understand how things develop, so that you have a better understanding on, hey, we need to change things, right, and it's about changing policy. But I believe very much that we vote with our dollars, right? What we buy is what farmers are gonna put out there, what companies are gonna put out there. So I often daydream imagine if everybody at the same time just stopped buying soda.

Joseph Strickland:

Well, and to give you a great like, some positive, right, there's a documentary, I think, food Inc, and towards the end of it I mean there's some negative in there. Okay, don't get me wrong, it's not all a rosy picture. But when you look at Costco, for instance, they actually have more organic than Whole Foods Market, interestingly enough. But even Walmart they have like boosted organic farming. And there are some naysayers oh, you know, they've lowered the regulations. I'm like, look, it's better than conventional and they're keeping the majority of it there. And then, as we continue to buy those things, then it becomes more available. And then you have other companies that, because there's a market for that, then they can. Almond milk's a great example. Almond milk's a great food, and you have really bad versions of it that have a ton of different little additives in there. And then you've got the ones that it's almonds, right, but that almonds one that costs eight dollars, let's say may not exist without that one that's $2. So you're opening a market at having it available and then you can have a more expensive version that is higher quality. It's kind of like the Apple versus Android, to take it from a technological standpoint, and you know so you know, I really applaud Walmart and Costco and some of these big companies that are bringing it and making it available to a larger number, because ultimately that does bring down the cost and it also makes it so that farmers can afford to do it the way it needs to be done on a bigger scale, you know, and it just makes it more available, you know, and so I think that you know you're exactly right on that.

Joseph Strickland:

And then on the boiling frog that's where nutrition response testing comes in really handy, because instead of having to handle like you know, I use the 10 hat, the aluminum hat analogy, you know Like sometimes you can have somebody that's so focused on everything that's wrong and becomes well, then what do you do? You know? And that's where nutrition response testing comes in, because you don't have to handle the EMS from phones and the aluminum pans and the you know food additives and the fast food. You don't have to handle that all at the same time. You can figure out what's affecting the body. You know, let's say somebody's coming in and they're having some hormonal problems and it shows up with BPA. Great, we're gonna handle BPA. You know. Don't drink from water bottles that are made out of BPA Don't use microwaved dinners that are in plastic. Put it in a Pyrex dish that's glass, you know and cook it. That way you can still use your microwave. You know, you can find things. You don't have to go all.

Joseph Strickland:

Yeah, yeah like a nut. You know what I mean. It puts it into perspective.

Fabiola Reyes :

Yes, yeah, no, totally yeah. Gradient steps right, that's exactly right. We work with with clients and we meet them where they are and then eventually, yes, you take that time to build as a lifestyle right.

Joseph Strickland:

And with each of those components. You understand, it's not just somebody telling you hey, don't have this. It's like wow, I can actually see my health improve when I don't do that. So then that motivates you to actually do that. You know, because if you're eating sugar and you feel miserable and whether you have sugar or you don't, you still feel miserable why bother not having sugar right?

Joseph Strickland:

But, if you figure out what it is that's affecting the metabolism, get it and then you have more energy. And that's why you are needing sugar is to try to get more energy and you have more energy without sugar. Then you can eat less sugar and then your body starts to get better. Your health gets better anyway. It's just kind of snowballs. It's amazing.

Fabiola Reyes :

Yeah, no, that's awesome. So earlier you mentioned, like you know, like barriers, right Things that are good could be specifically stopping someone's healing process from taking place. Can you speak a little bit about what are some of the most common things? I mean, you've mentioned food sensitivities. You've mentioned, you know, chemicals. What are some of the other things that can be potentially affecting someone's health?

Joseph Strickland:

You know there are quite a few, and in nutrition response testing it's really abrasive. You know, really look at a lot of different things, but there's five core things that we start with because we find that they're the most common barriers, and one of them is immune challenges. You know we're all aware of these, like flu, you know mold, allergies, bacteria, parasites, things like that. Then you also have chemicals. You know that can be anything from recreational drug use to plastic bottles, bpa, building materials, things like that, things that are in our environment.

Joseph Strickland:

And one of the things about chemicals that's wild is that they don't take any of that out of our water. You know, it's just it's in our water supply and unless you're filtering your water, you're getting small amounts of that all time right, and so that's a really easy one to change. I mean, even a filter is simple, as pure, I think, which costs like five or ten dollars at Walmart, gets 99% of the chemicals out. So that's an easy no-brainer on how to, you know, reduce your chemical intake on that. And then you've also got heavy metals. These are what's interesting about having metals. A lot of times, people where did I get that?

Joseph Strickland:

Where did I get that? Where did I get that? And the truth is that the reason that the body holds on to metals is because of the lack of minerals, which we talked about earlier. When you don't have the proper mineral balance, then your body starts to substitute things that it can get from the environment and we're so inundated with different metals, both. I mean, look at the toys from China that have lead, or you know, the cookware that has aluminum, or the water that's not filtered that has all of that from what people have been consuming. So that's a real common thing. But it boils down to minerals and getting the body to stop substituting and getting those minerals in there and then letting go and then getting that out. You've got to get that, you know, get it through the colon and that sort of thing. And then the other one that's pretty wild, as a barrier is something called a scar you know a scar where you know, let's say that you know I always use the analogy.

Joseph Strickland:

You know you can feel my finger here, and the reason you can feel my finger is because there's nerves that come up to your skin and so in acupuncture they actually use that network of nerves with needles to change how energy is flowing in the body.

Joseph Strickland:

So those nerves interface with the rest of your body and so when you have a scar that cuts across that nerve pathway, then what ends up happening? It can act like a needle that's there all the time. So you're getting an acupuncture needle that's there all the time and so that can then change how energy flows in your body and it can cause some different issues. So that's another one that's often overlooked as something and that's, you know, kind of something that will make can sometimes make nutrition not work the way it's supposed to. Sometimes any of those things that we just talked about can be something that influences your body to react differently to a nutritional supplement. So let's say, you know, I've a great example of somebody that drinks coffee and instead of helping them stay awake, it helps them fall asleep. You know you can have situations where the body kind of does the opposite of what it does for normally for other people. You know, I know those are examples of things that can do that.

Fabiola Reyes :

Yeah, and it's so amazing how everything is connected right, how one specific stressor may affect the adrenals or the kidneys, hormonal balance, and something that I'm always trying to educate, especially women. You know it's like your cosmetics are chemicals and they're endocrine disruptors and it's you know it's. Let's read our labels and stuff like this just brings that awareness. I think, if you know, oh I'm, you know my body's been affected by. You know lead, you know makes me think, oh my baking powder. You know like some baking powder has lead and aluminum. And then you're like, oh my gosh, you know.

Fabiola Reyes :

So, yeah, I know that's very interesting. So how, as a practitioner, does this, having this specific method, help you not just be like chasing symptoms? Right, because we do want clients to feel better. Right, we want people to feel better. But how does that help you get to the root cause of what something, how, why someone may be experiencing something?

Joseph Strickland:

Well, symptoms are kind of like your. You know, you know that something's wrong it's the check engine light on the car, you know, but it doesn't always tell you exactly why. You know you have to, you know, plug in the diagnostic thing. So it tells you the code.

Joseph Strickland:

So you know kind of what is going on and our bodies tend to not. Because there's so many different things and everything's so interconnected, you might not be able to just go oh it's this, and so nutrition response testing helps us kind of like pinpoint that, and so we're not necessarily going on the symptom. But sometimes symptoms are helpful because you can know where to look. You know, if somebody's having pain here I'm not gonna ignore the fact that they may have a gallbladder problem, right. Or another common thing is, let's say, somebody's going from sitting down to standing up and they feel dizzy before they're gonna fall. We know as a clinician that their adrenals are having some trouble, because your adrenals are what help your blood pressure go up, so you get blood flow to the brain and then it prevents that dizziness, right. So there are some things that symptoms do help you understand. But unless you know what they're trying to tell you, then it's kind of hard. And that's where allopathic medicine is great. They chase a lot of those things and you know they're really good at. You've got this symptom, hey try this, hey try this, and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.

Joseph Strickland:

And so our approach is a little bit different than that, in the sense that we embrace the symptoms. We know that they're there and we use them, so we know if we're making progress. You know, if we start handling hormones and the hot flashes go down, the way that we're actually handling the hormones is not by rubbing hormone creams on the body. Typically it's going to be helping the glands that actually utilize those hormones, or create those hormones, become more efficient at their job. 80% of your thyroid function, for instance, depends on your liver. So if the liver's having trouble, then you might have trouble losing weight, you might have trouble with your hair or skin or nails, things like that, and so versus giving you the latest hair, skin, nail supplement that's just kind of a generic thing like that what we would do is, if the liver showed up, support the liver, the thyroid starts to work better, hair stops falling out, and we didn't address the hair falling out other than by handling the underlying organ that was creating that situation in the first place.

Fabiola Reyes :

That's awesome. I love it. I truly do. It's so preventive to right Versus. Just yeah, you know most of us have reached a practitioner or people come to us and already going through something. But I love it where it becomes a family affair, where mom or dad may come to the office and then they'll bring the whole family and the next thing you know your whole waiting room is everybody getting their health checks and getting tested. So thank you so much for sharing that. Are there any specific successes or cases you wanted to share with the audience to see?

Joseph Strickland:

yeah, that's always an interesting one, because what we do is so out of the ordinary and some of the things that I've seen happen I still can't believe, right. So if I were to tell you some of my more amazing ones, just the impridulity of them, the lack of like belief, you know, oh, this guy's just talking it up, so I've got to kind of like, let's turn it down, we'll give you some of the more ones that of course it helps with that right. So, of course, weight loss I love helping people with acne, helping their skin be able to eliminate better. A lot of times what happens is when your body can't eliminate properly, it'll start to come out through the skin, right. So I've seen amazing changes with that Irritable bowel. I've seen people that suffer with inflammation just constantly. I've had that improve.

Joseph Strickland:

Cholesterol is another one that their doctor starts yelling at them and well, okay, let's change your diet a little bit and let's do a couple of things here or there. And then what? I went to the doctor. I don't have to take the statin and I always love it when that's the case or somebody who's been feeling down, they've had a lot of fatigue and they're not feeling great, and their doctor just said well, you're just depressed, and they put them on some sort of drug related to that, and you find out that, oh, maybe they weren't, maybe they were just really, really tired and they had some problems with their adrenals, and so you get their adrenals working better, I'm sleeping better, I'm not as tired, and I always love it when because one of the main things that we're doing is we're working to fix the relationship between the part of the nervous system that deals with stress and the part that deals with healing.

Joseph Strickland:

And if a tiger's charging to attack you, you want to get energy so you can run away. Well, if you had the opposite response to that let's say you started digesting food and you fell asleep the tiger's gonna get you right. So, in the same example, there's so many times where somebody will come in and they say man, I started, I can sleep, I couldn't sleep. Or I'm feeling so rested. Or I had somebody last week that said man, is it okay for me to sleep like 14 hours and I go well, you hadn't slept, but like for three or four, for like two or three years. So, yeah, you're catching up, and so those are some great things that I've seen.

Fabiola Reyes :

Well, that's so awesome. I love it. I love hearing other practitioners how they the amazing wins and successes that they are helping us create with as a patient, as a client myself first, and then having become a practitioner. So nice to have that both sides of the coin.

Fabiola Reyes :

So not anything too much for that. So I feel like we've learned so much. I mean, which touched about nutrition response testing, what that is, muscle testing. We also talked about the different stressors and different things that could be inhibiting someone's health and someone's body from healing and repairing, and I love the approach on understanding how things have progressed in, how the different lifestyle changes and the gradient approach that you take on with your clients. And if someone were to be like I need to start working with Joseph, where can we find him? How can we find you? How can people who are listening, who are might be hopefully close to your area, not find you?

Joseph Strickland:

Yeah, so my website is nutrition Austin calm. That's a good place to start. I also have a podcast which is neglected greatly but there are some great episodes on there, which is health matters calm Okay, health matters podcast excuse me, health matters podcast calm. And then on my website I've also got a you can sign up for my newsletter. I do a monthly newsletter so you can get information that way. And then, if you're in Austin or Around Austin, I have every two weeks I have health seminars in my practice that we that we put on, and You're welcome to come to one of those. On my website. Just click on health seminars and you'll see the different topics that we go over, and if you see a topic You're interested in, there's a place on the page where you can sign up for that one, and they're free, you know, um, so yeah, those are probably the the best Ways to to find me.

Fabiola Reyes :

That's awesome. So we'll make sure to put all those different links and the comments, or we'll we'll make them accessible for people to be able to to find them, because I know for a fact that if I had not found a practitioner Like like Joseph, a practitioner like me, a few years ago, I don't I think I would still live with with horrendous headaches, totally over-medicated and with no hope of Feeling better. So I know firsthand that it works out, as long as you, you know, do what your practitioner is asking you to do and then you don't give up. Right, because it's about Persistence and and just following on that path of that healing and repairing.

Joseph Strickland:

Well, yeah, you know and I like to, I always like to give the example. You know, if you've got a car and even a person, a body's a little bit different than a car and that it can repair itself, you know. But if you've got a car, it tends to go like this. And even as we age, you know, normal is like this. And so the first step, you know, when you're wanting to, when you see something that's not going the way you want it to, the first step is to stop it from getting worse. Yeah, that's the first step. And then, once you stop it from getting worse, then getting better. And so you know it's kind of you have to see how quickly you can get something to stop getting worse. And then you work to start getting to go better. And you know it's, it's always fun Seeing both of those things happen and it's different for every person.

Joseph Strickland:

Some people, man, what did you do? It's like you flip the switch and you know it's very, very fast, and then sometimes it's a little grilling. But I think the ones that take a lot, a little bit more time, oftentimes, our situations where that the length of time to get to that point was longer, and they may just not have known what was going on. Yeah, they've been dealing with it for a long time.

Fabiola Reyes :

Yeah, totally turn on. Thank you so much. Very unique, very tailor-made to that person and I think every, every client, you, every patient, you see they're very lucky because you're very knowledgeable, I'm almost oh, thank you. Awesome. Well, thank you so much for for being here with us today.

Joseph Strickland:

You got it.

Fabiola Reyes :

Yeah, I really appreciate your time on your knowledge and and thank you everybody for for you know, spending your time watching this interview, listening to the interview, and if there are any other health topics that you are Eager to hear about, just send us a message and we'll make sure to To to have some of those topics available for you. All right signing off.

Joseph Strickland:

Thank you so much.

Fabiola Reyes :

Thank you.

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